Esempio n. 1
        public QAException FindException(DataQualityError error)
            if (error == null)
                return null;

            if (this._exceptions == null
                || error.ErrorType.Equals(this._currentErrorType) == false)
                // Need to load exceptions in this operationalDSName of this type

            // Find an exception at the same lat and long
            // This might need optimization
            // Possible to have nulls in the array

            // SJB added description to discrimination. If tests start writing unique
            // strings in the descriptions of the errors, that will make a difference.
            for (int i = 0; i < this._exceptions.Length; i++)
                if (this._exceptions[i] != null)
                    if (Math.Round(this._exceptions[i].Latitude, 5) == Math.Round(error.Location.Y, 5)
                        && Math.Round(this._exceptions[i].Longitude, 5) == Math.Round(error.Location.X, 5)
                        && this._exceptions[i].Description.Equals(error.Description))
                        return this._exceptions[i];

            return null;
Esempio n. 2
        private void WriteToFeature(DataQualityError error, IFeature feature, string operationalDSName)
            // Shape
            feature.Shape = error.Location;

            // Attributes
            int idx;
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("ATTACHMENT");
            feature.set_Value(idx, error.ExtendedData);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("DESCRIPTION");
            feature.set_Value(idx, error.Description);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("DATA_EXCEPTION_STATUS");
            feature.set_Value(idx, error.Status);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("LATITUDE");
            feature.set_Value(idx, error.Location.Y);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("LONGITUDE");
            feature.set_Value(idx, error.Location.X);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("OPERATIONAL_DATASET_NAME");
            feature.set_Value(idx, operationalDSName);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("QA_TEST_NAME");
            feature.set_Value(idx, error.ErrorType);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("SEVERITY");
            feature.set_Value(idx, error.Severity);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("CAN_DEFER");
            feature.set_Value(idx, error.CanDefer ? "YES" : "NO");
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("CAN_EXCEPT");
            feature.set_Value(idx, error.CanExcept ? "YES" : "NO");

Esempio n. 3
        private dao.QAError ReadFromFeature(IFeature feature)
            int idx;
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("QA_TEST_NAME");
            string theType = (string)feature.get_Value(idx);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("CAN_DEFER");
            bool canDefer = feature.get_Value(idx).ToString().Equals("YES");
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("CAN_EXCEPT");
            bool canExcept = feature.get_Value(idx).ToString().Equals("YES");

            DataQualityError theDQError = new DataQualityError(theType, canDefer, canExcept);

            // Shape
            theDQError.Location = (IPoint)feature.ShapeCopy;

            // Attributes
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("ATTACHMENT");
            theDQError.ExtendedData = (string)feature.get_Value(idx);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("DESCRIPTION");
            theDQError.Description = (string)feature.get_Value(idx);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("DATA_EXCEPTION_STATUS");
            theDQError.Status = (string)feature.get_Value(idx);
            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("SEVERITY");
            theDQError.Severity = (int)feature.get_Value(idx);

            idx = feature.Fields.FindField("OPERATIONAL_DATASET_NAME");
            string operDSName = (string)feature.get_Value(idx);

            dao.QAError theError = new QAError(feature.OID, theDQError, operDSName);
            return theError;
Esempio n. 4
        public void SetNewErrors(DataQualityError[] errors, string operationalDSName)

            if (errors == null)

            this._errors = new dao.QAError[errors.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
                if (errors[i] != null)
                    this._errors[i] = new dao.QAError(-1, errors[i], operationalDSName);


                IGeoDataset theGeoDS = (IGeoDataset)this._errorFC;

                for (int i = 0; i < this._errors.Length; i++)
                    IFeature theFeature = this._errorFC.CreateFeature();
                    dao.QAError theError = this._errors[i];

                        this.WriteToFeature(theError.Error, theFeature, operationalDSName);
                        theError.ObjectID = theFeature.OID;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex.Message.IndexOf("out of bounds") >= 0)
                            util.Logger.Write("Recorded an error out of bounds at (" + theError.Latitude + ", " + theError.Longitude + ")"
                                + Environment.NewLine + theError.Error.ExtendedData);
                            this._errors[i] = null;
                            throw ex;


                this._isValid = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ErrorStorageException("Error raised when storing all errors in personal geodatabase", ex);
Esempio n. 5
        public void SetNewErrors(ArrayList errors, string operationalDSName)
            DataQualityError[] theErrorArray = null;
            if (errors != null)
                theErrorArray = new DataQualityError[errors.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++)
                    if (errors[i] is DataQualityError)
                        theErrorArray[i] = (DataQualityError)errors[i];

            this.SetNewErrors(theErrorArray, operationalDSName);
Esempio n. 6
 public QAError(int objectId, DataQualityError error, string operationalDSname)
     this._oid = objectId;
     this._error = error;
     this._operationalDSName = operationalDSname;