public static string ReadCode(VisionImage image, Roi roi, CodeType type)
            string code = string.Empty;

                if (type == CodeType.Code_1D39)
                else if (type == CodeType.Code_1D129)
                else if (type == CodeType.Code_1D93)
                else if (type == CodeType.Code_2D_Mat)
                    DataMatrixReport datamatrixreport = Algorithms.ReadDataMatrixBarcode(image, roi);
                    if (datamatrixreport.StringData != null)
                        code = datamatrixreport.StringData;
                else if (type == CodeType.Code_QR)
                    QRReport qrreport = new QRReport();
                    qrreport = Algorithms.ReadQRCode(image, roi);
                    System.Text.ASCIIEncoding vaASCIIEncoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                    if (qrreport != null)
                        code = vaASCIIEncoding.GetString(qrreport.GetData());
            catch { code = string.Empty; }

Esempio n. 2
        public string ProcessDatamatrix(VisionImage image, TemplateConfig templateConfig, List <DataMatrixConfig> dataMatrixConfigs)
            string dataMatrixInfo = string.Empty;
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(3, 1);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();
            //// Creates a new RotatedRectangleContour using the given values.
            //RotatedRectangleContour vaRotatedRect = new RotatedRectangleContour(vaCenter, 1268, 1220, 0);
            // Creates a new RectangleContour using the given values.
            RectangleContour vaRotatedRect = new RectangleContour(templateConfig.Rectangle.Left,
                                                                  templateConfig.Rectangle.Top, templateConfig.Rectangle.Width, templateConfig.Rectangle.Height);

            // MatchPattern Grayscale
            MatchMode vaMode        = MatchMode.RotationInvariant;
            bool      vaSubpixelVal = false;

            int[]  minAngleVals          = { -30, 0 };
            int[]  maxAngleVals          = { 30, 0 };
            int    vaNumMatchesRequested = 1;
            double vaMinMatchScore       = 800;
            double vaOffsetX             = 0;
            double vaOffsetY             = 0;

            pmResults = IVA_MatchPattern(image, ivaData, templateConfig.TemplatePath, vaMode, vaSubpixelVal,
                                         minAngleVals, maxAngleVals, vaNumMatchesRequested, vaMinMatchScore, roi, vaOffsetX, vaOffsetY, 0);

            foreach (PatternMatch match in pmResults)
                image.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(match.Corners), Rgb32Value.RedColor);

            // Set Coordinate System
            int             vaCoordSystemIndex    = 0;
            int             stepIndexOrigin       = 0;
            int             resultIndexOrigin     = 1;
            int             stepIndexAngle        = 0;
            int             resultIndexAngle      = 3;
            double          refSysOriginX         = templateConfig.Position.X;
            double          refSysOriginY         = templateConfig.Position.Y;
            double          refSysAngle           = 0;
            AxisOrientation refSysAxisOrientation = AxisOrientation.Direct;
            int             vaCoordSystemType     = 3;

            IVA_CoordSys(vaCoordSystemIndex, stepIndexOrigin, resultIndexOrigin, stepIndexAngle,
                         resultIndexAngle, refSysOriginX, refSysOriginY, refSysAngle, refSysAxisOrientation, vaCoordSystemType, ivaData);

            for (int i = 0; i < dataMatrixConfigs.Count; i++)
                // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
                Roi roiDM = new Roi();
                // Creates a new RectangleContour using the given values.
                RectangleContour vaRect = new RectangleContour(dataMatrixConfigs[i].Rectangle.Left,
                                                               dataMatrixConfigs[i].Rectangle.Top, dataMatrixConfigs[i].Rectangle.Width, dataMatrixConfigs[i].Rectangle.Height);


                // Reposition the region of interest based on the coordinate system.
                int coordSystemIndex = 0;
                Algorithms.TransformRoi(roiDM, new CoordinateTransform(ivaData.baseCoordinateSystems[coordSystemIndex], ivaData.MeasurementSystems[coordSystemIndex]));

                // Read DataMatrix Barcode
                DataMatrixDescriptionOptions vaDescriptionOptions = new DataMatrixDescriptionOptions();
                vaDescriptionOptions.AspectRatio = 0;
                vaDescriptionOptions.CellFill    = DataMatrixCellFillMode.AutoDetect;
                uint matrixSizeColumns = 25;
                uint.TryParse(dataMatrixConfigs[i].MatrixSize.Split('X')[1], out matrixSizeColumns);
                vaDescriptionOptions.Columns = matrixSizeColumns;
                vaDescriptionOptions.MinimumBorderIntegrity = 90;
                vaDescriptionOptions.MirrorMode             = DataMatrixMirrorMode.AutoDetect;
                vaDescriptionOptions.Polarity  = dataMatrixConfigs[0].Polarity;
                vaDescriptionOptions.Rectangle = false;
                uint matrixSizeRows = 25;
                uint.TryParse(dataMatrixConfigs[i].MatrixSize.Split('X')[0], out matrixSizeRows);
                vaDescriptionOptions.Rows = matrixSizeRows;

                DataMatrixSizeOptions vaSizeOptions = new DataMatrixSizeOptions();
                vaSizeOptions.MaximumSize    = 250;
                vaSizeOptions.MinimumSize    = 50;
                vaSizeOptions.QuietZoneWidth = 0;

                DataMatrixSearchOptions vaSearchOptions = new DataMatrixSearchOptions();
                vaSearchOptions.CellFilterMode           = DataMatrixCellFilterMode.AutoDetect;
                vaSearchOptions.CellSampleSize           = dataMatrixConfigs[0].CellSize;
                vaSearchOptions.DemodulationMode         = DataMatrixDemodulationMode.AutoDetect;
                vaSearchOptions.EdgeThreshold            = 30;
                vaSearchOptions.InitialSearchVectorWidth = 5;
                vaSearchOptions.MaximumIterations        = 150;
                vaSearchOptions.RotationMode             = DataMatrixRotationMode.Unlimited;
                vaSearchOptions.SkewDegreesAllowed       = 5;
                vaSearchOptions.SkipLocation             = false;

                // Reads the data matrix from the image.
                vaDataMatrixReport = Algorithms.ReadDataMatrixBarcode(image, roiDM, DataMatrixGradingMode.None,
                                                                      vaDescriptionOptions, vaSizeOptions, vaSearchOptions);

                if (vaDataMatrixReport.Found)
                    image.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(vaDataMatrixReport.Corners),
                                                      Rgb32Value.RedColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue);
                dataMatrixInfo += string.Format("{0},", vaDataMatrixReport.StringData);
            dataMatrixInfo = dataMatrixInfo.Substring(0, dataMatrixInfo.Length - 1);
            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            // Return the palette type of the final image.
Esempio n. 3
        // timer1_Tick is called when the timer interval has passed.  The next image
        // is read in, barcode settings are initialized based on the type,
        // and the barcode is read and processed.
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Stop the timer so that we don't count the time spent reading the barcode
            timer1.Enabled = false;
            using (VisionImage tempImage = new VisionImage()) {
                // Load the barcode image.

                Collection <Pdf417Report> pdf417Report = new Collection <Pdf417Report>();
                DataMatrixReport          dmReport     = new DataMatrixReport();
                QRReport qrReport = new QRReport();
                // Read barcode and time how long it takes.
                int startTime = System.Environment.TickCount;
                if (barcodeType.Text == "PDF417")
                    // Decode a PDF417 code.
                    pdf417Report = Algorithms.ReadPdf417Barcode(tempImage);
                else if (barcodeType.Text == "Data Matrix")
                    // Decode a Data Matrix
                    DataMatrixDescriptionOptions descOptions   = new DataMatrixDescriptionOptions();
                    DataMatrixSizeOptions        sizeOptions   = new DataMatrixSizeOptions();
                    DataMatrixSearchOptions      searchOptions = new DataMatrixSearchOptions();
                    if (useOptionsBox.Checked)
                        // Read the options from the image.
                        GetDataMatrixCodeSettings(tempImage, ref descOptions, ref sizeOptions, ref searchOptions);
                    DataMatrixGradingMode gradingMode = DataMatrixGradingMode.None;
                    if (gradeDMBox.Checked)
                        gradingMode = DataMatrixGradingMode.PrepareForAim;
                    dmReport = Algorithms.ReadDataMatrixBarcode(tempImage, null, gradingMode, descOptions, sizeOptions, searchOptions);
                    // Decode a QR Code
                    QRDescriptionOptions descOptions   = new QRDescriptionOptions();
                    QRSizeOptions        sizeOptions   = new QRSizeOptions();
                    QRSearchOptions      searchOptions = new QRSearchOptions();
                    if (useOptionsBox.Checked)
                        // Read the options from the image.
                    qrReport = Algorithms.ReadQRCode(tempImage, null, descOptions, sizeOptions, searchOptions);
                int  elapsedTime = System.Environment.TickCount - startTime;
                bool found;
                if (barcodeType.Text == "PDF417")
                    found = pdf417Report.Count > 0;
                else if (barcodeType.Text == "Data Matrix")
                    found = dmReport.Found;
                    found = qrReport.Found;
                // Process info
                if (found)
                    PointContour centerPoint = new PointContour();
                    if (barcodeType.Text == "PDF417")
                        dataFound.Text = pdf417Report[0].StringData;
                        typeFound.Text = "Pdf417";
                        tempImage.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(pdf417Report[0].Corners), Rgb32Value.GreenColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue);
                        // Center the viewer on the barcode.
                        centerPoint.Initialize((pdf417Report[0].Corners[0].X + pdf417Report[0].Corners[2].X) / 2, (pdf417Report[0].Corners[0].Y + pdf417Report[0].Corners[2].Y) / 2);
                    else if (barcodeType.Text == "Data Matrix")
                        if (dmReport.Binary)
                            dataFound.Text = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(dmReport.GetBinaryData());
                            dataFound.Text = dmReport.StringData;
                        tempImage.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(dmReport.Corners), Rgb32Value.GreenColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue);
                        // Center the viewer on the barcode.
                        centerPoint.Initialize((dmReport.Corners[0].X + dmReport.Corners[2].X) / 2, (dmReport.Corners[0].Y + dmReport.Corners[2].Y) / 2);
                        // Grade the barcode if requested.
                        if (gradeDMBox.Checked)
                            AimGradeReport gradeReport = Algorithms.GradeDataMatrixBarcodeAim(tempImage);
                            gradeOverall.Text               = gradeReport.OverallGrade.ToString();
                            gradeDecoding.Text              = gradeReport.DecodingGrade.ToString();
                            gradeSymbolContrast.Text        = gradeReport.SymbolContrastGrade.ToString();
                            gradePrintGrowth.Text           = gradeReport.PrintGrowthGrade.ToString();
                            gradeAxialNonuniformity.Text    = gradeReport.AxialNonuniformityGrade.ToString();
                            gradeUnusedErrorCorrection.Text = gradeReport.UnusedErrorCorrectionGrade.ToString();
                            gradeOverall.Text               = "";
                            gradeDecoding.Text              = "";
                            gradeSymbolContrast.Text        = "";
                            gradePrintGrowth.Text           = "";
                            gradeAxialNonuniformity.Text    = "";
                            gradeUnusedErrorCorrection.Text = "";
                        dataFound.Text = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(qrReport.GetData());
                        tempImage.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(qrReport.Corners), Rgb32Value.GreenColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue);
                        // Center the viewer on the barcode.
                        centerPoint.Initialize((qrReport.Corners[0].X + qrReport.Corners[2].X) / 2, (qrReport.Corners[0].Y + qrReport.Corners[2].Y) / 2);
                    readTime.Text = elapsedTime.ToString();
                    Algorithms.Copy(tempImage, imageViewer1.Image);
                    imageViewer1.Center.Initialize(centerPoint.X, centerPoint.Y);
            // Set up for next image
            imageIndex     = (imageIndex + 1) % curImages.Count;
            timer1.Enabled = true;