Esempio n. 1
 // This copies resources from a list
 internal void CopyResources(DataLocationList fromlist)
     // Clear this list
Esempio n. 2
        // This takes the unconverted parameters (with placeholders) and converts it
        // to parameters with full paths, names and numbers where placeholders were put.
        // The tempfile must be the full path and filename to the PWAD file to test.
        public string ConvertParameters(string parameters, int skill, bool shortpaths)
            string       outp = parameters;
            DataLocation iwadloc;
            string       p_wp = "", p_wf = "";
            string       p_ap = "", p_apq = "";
            string       p_l1 = "", p_l2 = "";
            string       p_nm = "";
            string       f    = tempwad;

            // Make short path if needed
            if (shortpaths)
                f = General.GetShortFilePath(f);

            // Find the first IWAD file
            if (General.Map.Data.FindFirstIWAD(out iwadloc))
                // %WP and %WF result in IWAD file
                p_wp = iwadloc.location;
                p_wf = Path.GetFileName(p_wp);
                if (shortpaths)
                    p_wp = General.GetShortFilePath(p_wp);
                    p_wf = General.GetShortFilePath(p_wf);

            // Make a list of all data locations, including map location
            DataLocation     maplocation = new DataLocation(DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD, General.Map.FilePathName, false, false, false);
            DataLocationList locations   = new DataLocationList();


            // Go for all data locations
            foreach (DataLocation dl in locations)
                // Location not the IWAD file?
                if ((dl.type != DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD) || (dl.location != iwadloc.location))
                    // Location not included?
                    if (!dl.notfortesting)
                        // Add to string of files
                        if (shortpaths)
                            p_ap  += General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
                            p_apq += "\"" + General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
                            p_ap  += dl.location + " ";
                            p_apq += "\"" + dl.location + "\" ";

            // Trim last space from resource file locations
            p_ap  = p_ap.TrimEnd(' ');
            p_apq = p_apq.TrimEnd(' ');

            // Try finding the L1 and L2 numbers from the map name
            string numstr = "";
            bool   first  = true;

            foreach (char c in General.Map.Options.CurrentName)
                // Character is a number?
                if (NUMBERS.IndexOf(c) > -1)
                    // Include it
                    numstr += c;
                    // Store the number if we found one
                    if (numstr.Length > 0)
                        int num = 0;
                        int.TryParse(numstr, out num);
                        if (first)
                            p_l1 = num.ToString();
                            p_l2 = num.ToString();
                        numstr = "";
                        first  = false;

            // Store the number if we found one
            if (numstr.Length > 0)
                int num = 0;
                int.TryParse(numstr, out num);
                if (first)
                    p_l1 = num.ToString();
                    p_l2 = num.ToString();

            // No monsters?
            if (!General.Settings.TestMonsters)
                p_nm = "-nomonsters";

            // Make sure all our placeholders are in uppercase
            outp = outp.Replace("%f", "%F");
            outp = outp.Replace("%wp", "%WP");
            outp = outp.Replace("%wf", "%WF");
            outp = outp.Replace("%wP", "%WP");
            outp = outp.Replace("%wF", "%WF");
            outp = outp.Replace("%Wp", "%WP");
            outp = outp.Replace("%Wf", "%WF");
            outp = outp.Replace("%l1", "%L1");
            outp = outp.Replace("%l2", "%L2");
            outp = outp.Replace("%l", "%L");
            outp = outp.Replace("%ap", "%AP");
            outp = outp.Replace("%aP", "%AP");
            outp = outp.Replace("%Ap", "%AP");
            outp = outp.Replace("%s", "%S");
            outp = outp.Replace("%nM", "%NM");
            outp = outp.Replace("%Nm", "%NM");
            outp = outp.Replace("%nm", "%NM");

            // Replace placeholders with actual values
            outp = outp.Replace("%F", f);
            outp = outp.Replace("%WP", p_wp);
            outp = outp.Replace("%WF", p_wf);
            outp = outp.Replace("%L1", p_l1);
            outp = outp.Replace("%L2", p_l2);
            outp = outp.Replace("%L", General.Map.Options.CurrentName);
            outp = outp.Replace("\"%AP\"", p_apq);
            outp = outp.Replace("%AP", p_ap);
            outp = outp.Replace("%S", skill.ToString());
            outp = outp.Replace("%NM", p_nm);

            // Return result