Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a booking to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="booking">The booking to be added</param>
        public void AddBooking(Booking booking)
            var db = new ReScrumEntities();

            var slot = db.Slots.Where(s => s.SlotId == booking.Slot.SlotId).FirstOrDefault();
            var user = db.Users.Where(u => u.UserId == booking.User.UserId).FirstOrDefault();

            //check if a current booking exist for the user, date and time slot
            var newBooking = db.Booking.Where(b => b.User.UserId == user.UserId &&
                                              b.Slot.SlotId == slot.SlotId &&
                                              b.Date == booking.Date).FirstOrDefault();

            //if not create a new booking parameter
            if (newBooking == null)
                newBooking = new DataLayer.Models.Booking();

            //set/update the booking values
            newBooking.Date     = booking.Date;
            newBooking.Slot     = slot;
            newBooking.Resource = db.Resources.Where(r => r.ResourceId == booking.Resource.ResourceId).FirstOrDefault();
            newBooking.User     = user;
            newBooking.BookedBy = user;

            //if it is a new booking add it (creating new guid id), else the exisitng booking will be updated => no double booking
            if (newBooking.BookingId == null)

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a block of bookings to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate">The start date</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">The end date</param>
        /// <param name="startTime">The start time</param>
        /// <param name="endTime">The end time</param>
        /// <param name="resourceId">The resource</param>
        /// <param name="userId">The user</param>
        public void AddBlockBooking(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, Guid?startTime, Guid?endTime, Guid?resourceId, Guid?userId)
            var db = new ReScrumEntities();

            var startSlot = db.Slots.Where(s => s.SlotId == startTime).FirstOrDefault();
            var endSlot   = db.Slots.Where(s => s.SlotId == endTime).FirstOrDefault();
            var user      = db.Users.Where(u => u.UserId == userId).FirstOrDefault();
            var resource  = db.Resources.Where(r => r.ResourceId == resourceId).FirstOrDefault();

            var slotList = db.Slots.Where(s => s.StartTime >= startSlot.StartTime &&
                                          s.EndTime <= endSlot.EndTime).ToList();

            var date = startDate;

            //for every date in the date range given
            while (date <= endDate)
                foreach (DataLayer.Models.Slot slot in slotList)
                    //check if a booking exist for the user on the given date and time
                    var booking = db.Booking.Where(b => b.User.UserId == user.UserId &&
                                                   b.Slot.SlotId == slot.SlotId &&
                                                   b.Date == date).FirstOrDefault();
                    //if no booking exists create a new booking object
                    if (booking == null)
                        booking = new DataLayer.Models.Booking();

                    //Add or update booking values
                    booking.Date     = date;
                    booking.Slot     = slot;
                    booking.Resource = resource;
                    booking.User     = user;
                    booking.BookedBy = user;

                    //if a new booking was created add it to the database(giving a new guid id), else update the existing booking
                    if (booking.BookingId == null)
                date = date.AddDays(1);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Removed the unconformed booking and adds it to the booking table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unconfirmedBookingId">The unconfirmed booking</param>
        public void ConfirmBooking(Guid?unconfirmedBookingId)
            var db = new ReScrumEntities();

            //get the unconfirmed booking
            var unconfirmedBooking = db.UnconfirmedBooking.Where(b => b.UnconfirmedBookingId == unconfirmedBookingId).FirstOrDefault();

            //check to see if the user already has a booking for the date and time given
            var newBooking = db.Booking.Where(b => b.User.UserId == unconfirmedBooking.User.UserId &&
                                              b.Slot.SlotId == unconfirmedBooking.Slot.SlotId &&
                                              b.Date == unconfirmedBooking.Date).FirstOrDefault();

            //if no booking exists create a new bookng object, else the exisitng booking will be updated
            if (newBooking == null)
                newBooking = new DataLayer.Models.Booking();

            //add or update booking object
            newBooking.Date         = unconfirmedBooking.Date;
            newBooking.Slot         = unconfirmedBooking.Slot;
            newBooking.Resource     = unconfirmedBooking.Resource;
            newBooking.User         = unconfirmedBooking.User;
            newBooking.BookedBy     = unconfirmedBooking.BookedBy;
            newBooking.GroupBooking = true;

            //if it is a new booking add it to the database (give a new guid id), else update the existing booking
            if (newBooking.BookingId == null)

            //Remove the unconfirmed booking

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds bookings for the users for all of the time slots not already booked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">The start date</param>
        /// <param name="userId">The user</param>
        /// <returns>True if a resource is avaible and booking was successful, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool AutoBook(DateTime date, Guid?userId)
            var db = new ReScrumEntities();

            //get the user
            var user = db.Users.Where(u => u.UserId == userId).FirstOrDefault();

            //get all active slots
            var slotList = db.Slots.Where(s => s.CancellationDate == null).ToList();

            //find the end date
            var endDate = date.AddDays(4);

            //find the start time slot
            var startSlot = slotList.First();

            foreach (DataLayer.Models.Slot slot in slotList)
                if (startSlot.StartTime.CompareTo(slot.StartTime) == 1)
                    startSlot = slot;

            //find the end time slot
            var endSlot = slotList.Last();

            foreach (DataLayer.Models.Slot slot in slotList)
                if (endSlot.EndTime.CompareTo(slot.EndTime) == -1)
                    endSlot = slot;

            //find resource that is available all week
            var resourceList = GetAvailableResourcesForBlockBooking(date, endDate, startSlot.SlotId, endSlot.SlotId).ToList();

            //get the resource with the smallest capacity
            if (resourceList.Count < 1)
            var resource = resourceList.OrderBy(r => r.Capacity).First();

            //add a booking for every time slot that is not already booked in the week => does NOT override existing bookings
            while (date <= endDate)
                foreach (DataLayer.Models.Slot slot in slotList)
                    var booking = db.Booking.Where(b => b.User.UserId == user.UserId &&
                                                   b.Slot.SlotId == slot.SlotId &&
                                                   b.Date == date).FirstOrDefault();

                    //Do not want to override existing bookings in auto functionality
                    if (booking == null)
                        booking = new DataLayer.Models.Booking()
                            Date     = date,
                            Slot     = slot,
                            Resource = db.Resources.Where(r => r.ResourceId == resource.ResourceId).FirstOrDefault(),
                            User     = user,
                            BookedBy = user,
                date = date.AddDays(1);
