public void Errors()
            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-errors" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-errors"));

                // Try to create the filesystem again
            catch (RequestFailedException ex)
                when(ex.ErrorCode == Constants.DataLake.AlreadyExists)
                    // Ignore any errors if the filesystem already exists
            catch (RequestFailedException ex)
                Assert.Fail($"Unexpected error: {ex}");

            // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void CreateDirectoryClient()
            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;

            #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeDirectoryClient_Create
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-append" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-append"));

            // Create
            DataLakeDirectoryClient directory = filesystem.GetDirectoryClient(Randomize("sample-file"));
            #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeDirectoryClient_Create

            // Verify we created one directory
            Assert.AreEqual(1, filesystem.ListPaths().Count());

            // Cleanup
        public async Task CreateDirectoryClientAsync()
            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;

            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-append" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-append"));


            // Create
            DataLakeDirectoryClient directory = filesystem.GetDirectoryClient(Randomize("sample-file"));
            await directory.CreateAsync();

            // Verify we created one directory
            AsyncPageable <PathItem> response = filesystem.GetPathsAsync();
            IList <PathItem>         paths    = await response.ToListAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, paths.Count);

            // Cleanup
            await filesystem.DeleteAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="CreateFileSystem"/> operation creates a new
        /// file system under the specified account. If the file systen with the
        /// same name already exists, the operation fails.
        /// For more information, see
        /// <see href="">
        /// Create Container</see>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileSystemName">
        /// The name of the file system to create.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="publicAccessType">
        /// Optionally specifies whether data in the file system may be accessed
        /// publicly and the level of access. <see cref="PublicAccessType.FileSystem"/>
        /// specifies full public read access for file system and path data.
        /// Clients can enumerate paths within the file system via anonymous
        /// request, but cannot enumerate file systems within the storage
        /// account.  <see cref="PublicAccessType.Path"/> specifies public
        /// read access for paths.  Path data within this file system can be
        /// read via anonymous request, but file system data is not available.
        /// Clients cannot enumerate paths within the file system via anonymous
        /// request.  <see cref="PublicAccessType.None"/> specifies that the
        /// file system data is private to the account owner.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="metadata">
        /// Optional custom metadata to set for this file system.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">
        /// Optional <see cref="CancellationToken"/> to propagate
        /// notifications that the operation should be cancelled.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="Response{FileSystemClient}"/> referencing the
        /// newly created file system.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A <see cref="RequestFailedException"/> will be thrown if
        /// a failure occurs.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual Response <DataLakeFileSystemClient> CreateFileSystem(
            string fileSystemName,
            PublicAccessType publicAccessType = PublicAccessType.None,
            Metadata metadata = default,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            DiagnosticScope scope = ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(DataLakeServiceClient)}.{nameof(CreateFileSystem)}");


                DataLakeFileSystemClient  fileSystem = GetFileSystemClient(fileSystemName);
                Response <FileSystemInfo> response   = fileSystem.Create(publicAccessType, metadata, cancellationToken);
                return(Response.FromValue(fileSystem, response.GetRawResponse()));
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void CreateFileClient_Directory()
            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;

            #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileSystemClient_Create
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Create a DataLake Filesystem
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem"));
            #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileSystemClient_Create
            #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_Create_Directory
            // Create a DataLake Directory
            DataLakeDirectoryClient directory = filesystem.CreateDirectory(Randomize("sample-directory"));

            // Create a DataLake File using a DataLake Directory
            DataLakeFileClient file = directory.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));
            #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_Create_Directory

            // Verify we created one file
            Assert.AreEqual(1, filesystem.ListPaths().Count());

            // Cleanup
        public virtual Response <DataLakeFileSystemClient> CreateFileSystem(
            string fileSystemName,
            PublicAccessType publicAccessType = PublicAccessType.None,
            Metadata metadata = default,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            DataLakeFileSystemClient  fileSystem = GetFileSystemClient(fileSystemName);
            Response <FileSystemInfo> response   = fileSystem.Create(publicAccessType, metadata, cancellationToken);

            return(Response.FromValue(fileSystem, response.GetRawResponse()));
        public void Append()
            // Create three temporary Lorem Ipsum files on disk that we can upload
            int    contentLength          = 10;
            string sampleFileContentPart1 = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent.Substring(0, contentLength));
            string sampleFileContentPart2 = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent.Substring(contentLength, contentLength));
            string sampleFileContentPart3 = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent.Substring(contentLength * 2, contentLength));

            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;

            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-append" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-append"));

                // Get a reference to a file named "sample-file" in a filesystem
                DataLakeFileClient file = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // Create the file

                // Verify we created one file
                Assert.AreEqual(1, filesystem.GetPaths().Count());

                // Append data to an existing DataLake File.  Append is currently limited to 4000 MB per call.
                // To upload a large file all at once, consider using Upload() instead.
                file.Append(File.OpenRead(sampleFileContentPart1), 0);
                file.Append(File.OpenRead(sampleFileContentPart2), contentLength);
                file.Append(File.OpenRead(sampleFileContentPart3), contentLength * 2);
                file.Flush(contentLength * 3);

                // Verify the contents of the file
                PathProperties properties = file.GetProperties();
                Assert.AreEqual(contentLength * 3, properties.ContentLength);
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void Rename()
            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-rename" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-rename"));

                // Create a DataLake Directory to rename it later
                DataLakeDirectoryClient directoryClient = filesystem.GetDirectoryClient(Randomize("sample-directory"));

                // Rename directory with new path/name and verify by making a service call (e.g. GetProperties)
                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_RenameDirectory
                DataLakeDirectoryClient renamedDirectoryClient = directoryClient.Rename("sample-directory2");
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_RenameDirectory
                PathProperties directoryPathProperties = renamedDirectoryClient.GetProperties();

                // Delete the sample directory using the new path/name

                // Create a DataLake file.
                DataLakeFileClient fileClient = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // Rename file with new path/name and verify by making a service call (e.g. GetProperties)
                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_RenameFile
                DataLakeFileClient renamedFileClient = fileClient.Rename("sample-file2");
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_RenameFile
                PathProperties filePathProperties = renamedFileClient.GetProperties();

                // Delete the sample directory using the new path/name
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void Read()
            // Create a temporary Lorem Ipsum file on disk that we can upload
            string originalPath = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent);

            // Get a temporary path on disk where we can download the file
            string downloadPath = CreateTempPath();

            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-read" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-read"));

                // Get a reference to a file named "sample-file" in a filesystem
                DataLakeFileClient file = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // First upload something the DataLake file so we have something to download
                file.Append(File.OpenRead(originalPath), 0);

                // Download the DataLake file's contents and save it to a file
                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_Read
                Response <FileDownloadInfo> fileContents = file.Read();
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_Read
                using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(downloadPath))

                // Verify the contents
                Assert.AreEqual(SampleFileContent, File.ReadAllText(downloadPath));
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void Upload()
            // Create three temporary Lorem Ipsum files on disk that we can upload
            int    contentLength     = 10;
            string sampleFileContent = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent.Substring(0, contentLength));

            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;

            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-append" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-append"));

                // Get a reference to a file named "sample-file" in a filesystem
                DataLakeFileClient file = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // Create the file

                // Verify we created one file
                Assert.AreEqual(1, filesystem.GetPaths().Count());

                // Upload content to the file.  When using the Upload API, you don't need to create the file first.
                // If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
                // For larger files, Upload() will upload the file in multiple sequential requests.
                file.Upload(File.OpenRead(sampleFileContent), true);

                // Verify the contents of the file
                PathProperties properties = file.GetProperties();
                Assert.AreEqual(contentLength, properties.ContentLength);
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void ReadTo()
            // Create a temporary Lorem Ipsum file on disk that we can upload
            string originalPath = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent);

            // Get a temporary path on disk where we can download the file
            string downloadPath = CreateTempPath();

            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-read" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-read"));

                // Get a reference to a file named "sample-file" in a filesystem
                DataLakeFileClient file = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // First upload something the DataLake file so we have something to download

                // Download the DataLake file's directly to a file.
                // For larger files, ReadTo() will download the file in multiple sequential requests.
                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_ReadTo
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_ReadTo

                // Verify the contents
                Assert.AreEqual(SampleFileContent, File.ReadAllText(downloadPath));
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void SetGetAcls()
            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = NamespaceStorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = NamespaceStorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = NamespaceBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-acl" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-acl"));

                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_SetAcls
                // Create a DataLake file so we can set the Access Controls on the files
                DataLakeFileClient fileClient = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // Set Access Control List
                IList <PathAccessControlItem> accessControlList
                    = PathAccessControlExtensions.ParseAccessControlList("user::rwx,group::r--,mask::rwx,other::---");
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_SetAcls
                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_GetAcls
                // Get Access Control List
                PathAccessControl accessControlResponse = fileClient.GetAccessControl();
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_GetAcls

                // Check Access Control permissions
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void Append_Simple()
            // Create Sample File to read content from
            string sampleFilePath = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent);

            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;

            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-append" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-append"));

                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_Append
                // Create a file
                DataLakeFileClient file = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // Append data to the DataLake File
                file.Append(File.OpenRead(sampleFilePath), 0);
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_Append

                // Verify the contents of the file
                PathProperties properties = file.GetProperties();
                Assert.AreEqual(SampleFileContent.Length, properties.ContentLength);
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void GetProperties()
            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-rename" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem"));

                // Create a DataLake Directory to rename it later
                DataLakeDirectoryClient directoryClient = filesystem.GetDirectoryClient(Randomize("sample-directory"));

                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeDirectoryClient_GetProperties
                // Get Properties on a Directory
                PathProperties directoryPathProperties = directoryClient.GetProperties();
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeDirectoryClient_GetProperties

                // Create a DataLake file
                DataLakeFileClient fileClient = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_GetProperties
                // Get Properties on a File
                PathProperties filePathProperties = fileClient.GetProperties();
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_GetProperties
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void List()
            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-list" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-list"));

                // Upload a couple of directories so we have something to list

                // List all the directories
                List <string> names = new List <string>();
                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_List
                foreach (PathItem pathItem in filesystem.ListPaths())
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_List
                Assert.AreEqual(3, names.Count);
                Assert.Contains("sample-directory1", names);
                Assert.Contains("sample-directory2", names);
                Assert.Contains("sample-directory3", names);
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void SetPermissions()
            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = NamespaceStorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = NamespaceStorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = NamespaceBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-acl" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-per"));

                #region Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_SetPermissions
                // Create a DataLake file so we can set the Access Controls on the files
                DataLakeFileClient fileClient = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // Set the Permissions of the file
                PathPermissions pathPermissions = PathPermissions.ParseSymbolicPermissions("rwxrwxrwx");
                fileClient.SetPermissions(permissions: pathPermissions);
                #endregion Snippet:SampleSnippetDataLakeFileClient_SetPermissions

                // Get Access Control List
                PathAccessControl accessControlResponse = fileClient.GetAccessControl();

                // Check Access Control permissions
                Assert.AreEqual(pathPermissions.ToSymbolicPermissions(), accessControlResponse.Permissions.ToSymbolicPermissions());
                Assert.AreEqual(pathPermissions.ToOctalPermissions(), accessControlResponse.Permissions.ToOctalPermissions());
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
        public void Traverse()
            // Create a temporary Lorem Ipsum file on disk that we can upload
            string originalPath = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent);

            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-traverse" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-traverse"));

                // Create a bunch of directories and files within the directories
                DataLakeDirectoryClient first = filesystem.CreateDirectory("first");
                DataLakeDirectoryClient second = filesystem.CreateDirectory("second");
                DataLakeDirectoryClient fourth  = filesystem.CreateDirectory("fourth");
                DataLakeDirectoryClient deepest = fourth.CreateSubDirectory("e");

                // Upload a DataLake file named "file"
                DataLakeFileClient file = deepest.GetFileClient("file");
                using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(originalPath))
                    file.Append(stream, 0);

                // Keep track of all the names we encounter
                List <string> names = new List <string>();
                foreach (PathItem pathItem in filesystem.ListPaths(recursive: true))

                // Verify we've seen everything
                Assert.AreEqual(10, names.Count);
                Assert.Contains("first", names);
                Assert.Contains("second", names);
                Assert.Contains("third", names);
                Assert.Contains("fourth", names);
                Assert.Contains("first/a", names);
                Assert.Contains("first/b", names);
                Assert.Contains("second/c", names);
                Assert.Contains("second/d", names);
                Assert.Contains("fourth/e", names);
                Assert.Contains("fourth/e/file", names);
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished