public static bool ValidName(string name, DataGridViewColumnCollection columns, IContainer container, INameCreationService nameCreationService, DataGridViewColumnCollection liveColumns, bool allowDuplicateNameInLiveColumnCollection)
     if (columns.Contains(name))
     if (((container != null) && (container.Components[name] != null)) && ((!allowDuplicateNameInLiveColumnCollection || (liveColumns == null)) || !liveColumns.Contains(name)))
     return(((nameCreationService == null) || nameCreationService.IsValidName(name)) || ((allowDuplicateNameInLiveColumnCollection && (liveColumns != null)) && liveColumns.Contains(name)));
Esempio n. 2
        public void AddColumn(DataGridViewColumn column, Func <TModel, TValue> predicate = null)
            if (column == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(column));
            if (_columns.Contains(column))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Empty, nameof(column));


            if (predicate != null)
                _cacheColumnIndexes.Add(column.Index, predicate);
 public static bool ValidName(string name, DataGridViewColumnCollection columns, IContainer container, INameCreationService nameCreationService, DataGridViewColumnCollection liveColumns, bool allowDuplicateNameInLiveColumnCollection, out string errorString)
     if (columns.Contains(name))
         errorString = System.Design.SR.GetString("DataGridViewDuplicateColumnName", new object[] { name });
     if (((container != null) && (container.Components[name] != null)) && ((!allowDuplicateNameInLiveColumnCollection || (liveColumns == null)) || !liveColumns.Contains(name)))
         errorString = System.Design.SR.GetString("DesignerHostDuplicateName", new object[] { name });
     if (((nameCreationService != null) && !nameCreationService.IsValidName(name)) && ((!allowDuplicateNameInLiveColumnCollection || (liveColumns == null)) || !liveColumns.Contains(name)))
         errorString = System.Design.SR.GetString("CodeDomDesignerLoaderInvalidIdentifier", new object[] { name });
     errorString = string.Empty;
Esempio n. 4
        //Funkcje pomocnicze

        //Ładowanie używanych STK do Słownika plus Ładowanie IDCO do słownika
        private void LoadSTK(decimal Year)
            //Deklaracja zmiennych
            DataTable STK = new DataTable();
            DataRow   FoundRow;
            string    LinkSTK;

            string[] ANC     = new string[3];
            string[] ANCSpec = new string[2];
            string   STKYear;
            decimal  STKValue;
            bool     STKCheck;
            bool     Zero = false;

            LinkSTK = ImportData.Load_Link("STK");
            ImportData.Load_TxtToDataTable(ref STK, LinkSTK);

            //Sprawdzenie czy STK na dany rok jest już w bazie czy nie ma - jak nie ma daje wybrór użytkowanikowi aby użył z poprzedniego roku
                DataColumnCollection Columns = STK.Columns;
                if (!Columns.Contains(Year.ToString()))
                    STKCheck = true;
                    DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("STK for this Year not exist, Do you want to take for calculation STK from Year Before?", "STK Issue", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                        Zero = false;
                        Year = Year - 1;
                    else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
                        Zero     = true;
                        STKCheck = false;
                    STKCheck = false;
            } while (STKCheck);

            STKYear = "STK/" + Year.ToString();

            //Dodanie do słownika ANC z Old/New
            for (int counter = 1; counter <= ANCChangeNumber; counter++)
                ANC[0] = ((TextBox)mainProgram.TabControl.Controls.Find("TB_OldANC" + counter.ToString(), true).First()).Text;
                ANC[1] = ((TextBox)mainProgram.TabControl.Controls.Find("TB_NewANC" + counter.ToString(), true).First()).Text;
                ANC[2] = ((TextBox)mainProgram.TabControl.Controls.Find("TB_NextANC" + counter.ToString(), true).First()).Text;

                for (int counter2 = 0; counter2 < 3; counter2++)
                    if (ANC[counter2].ToString() != "")
                        if (!STKDictionary.ContainsKey(ANC[counter2]))
                            if (!Zero)
                                FoundRow = STK.Select(string.Format("ANC LIKE '%{0}%'", ANC[counter2])).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (FoundRow != null)
                                    if (FoundRow[STKYear].ToString() != "")
                                        STKValue = decimal.Parse(FoundRow[STKYear].ToString());
                                        STKDictionary.Add(ANC[counter2], STKValue);
                                        IDCODictionary.Add(ANC[counter2], FoundRow["IDCO"].ToString());
                                        STKDictionary.Add(ANC[counter2], 0);
                                        IDCODictionary.Add(ANC[counter2], "");
                                    STKDictionary.Add(ANC[counter2], 0);
                                    IDCODictionary.Add(ANC[counter2], "");
                                STKDictionary.Add(ANC[counter2], 0);
                                IDCODictionary.Add(ANC[counter2], "");

            //Jeśli jest PNCSpec to musi przelecieć kolejną tabele aby dodać brakujące ANC
            if (((CheckBox)mainProgram.TabControl.Controls.Find("cb_CalcPNCSpec", true).First()).Checked)
                DataGridView PNC = (DataGridView)mainProgram.TabControl.Controls.Find("dg_PNC", true).First();

                DataGridViewColumnCollection Columns = PNC.Columns;
                if (Columns.Contains("OLD ANC"))
                    foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in PNC.Rows)
                        if (Row.Cells["PNC"].Value == null || Row.Cells["PNC"].Value.ToString() == "")
                            ANCSpec[0] = Row.Cells["OLD ANC"].Value.ToString();
                            ANCSpec[1] = Row.Cells["NEW ANC"].Value.ToString();

                            for (int counter = 0; counter < 2; counter++)
                                if (ANCSpec[counter] != "")
                                    if (!STKDictionary.ContainsKey(ANCSpec[counter]))
                                        if (!Zero)
                                            FoundRow = STK.Select(string.Format("ANC LIKE '%{0}%'", ANCSpec[counter])).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if (FoundRow != null && FoundRow[STKYear].ToString() != "")
                                                STKValue = decimal.Parse(FoundRow[STKYear].ToString());
                                                STKDictionary.Add(ANCSpec[counter], STKValue);
                                                IDCODictionary.Add(ANCSpec[counter], FoundRow["IDCO"].ToString());
                                                STKDictionary.Add(ANCSpec[counter], 0);
                                                IDCODictionary.Add(ANCSpec[counter], "");
                                            STKDictionary.Add(ANCSpec[counter], 0);
                                            IDCODictionary.Add(ANCSpec[counter], "");
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>Determines whether the collection contains the column referred to by the given name. </summary>
 /// <returns>true if the column is contained in the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
 /// <param name="columnName">The name of the column to look for.</param>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="columnName"/> is null.</exception>
 public bool Contains(string columnName)