//public void Logout()
        //Function: initialize a customer, and insert a new record of custoemr into db
        //Return: custoemr newd if user name is valid
        //    null if pName exists in db
        public static Customer Register(string pName, string pPwd, string pMail)
            Customer custom = null;
            bool? isExist = false;

            DataContextDataContext dc = new DataContextDataContext();
            dc.is_registered(pName, ref isExist);

            if (isExist == true)
            { } //custom = null
            else // not exist, can insert
                    dc.insert_customer(pName, pPwd, pMail);
                    custom = new Customer(pName, pPwd, pMail);
                catch (Exception ex)
                { } //custom = null;


            return custom;
        //Function: register a new manager of the system
        //Return: a manager newd if the record is creaded successfully
        //        null if returned if the manager with a same name exists in db
        public Manager RegisterManager(string pName, string pPwd, string pMail)
            Manager manager = null;
            bool? isExist = false;

            DataContextDataContext dc = new DataContextDataContext();
            dc.is_registered(pName, ref isExist);

            if (isExist == true)
            { } //manager = null
            else // not exist, can insert
                    dc.insert_manager(pName, pPwd, pMail);
                    manager = new Manager(pName, pPwd, pMail);
                catch (Exception ex)
                { } //custom = null;


            return manager;