/// <summary>
        /// Opens the Add Data Connection Dialog with the data source being a MySQL database and the server field
        /// set to the ip of the intance.  If the proper dependencies are not installed (for the MySQL database)
        /// the user will be prompted to install them before they can continue.
        /// </summary>
        private void OpenDataConnectionDialog()
            // Create a data connection dialog and add all possible data sources to it.
            DataConnectionDialogFactory factory = (DataConnectionDialogFactory)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(DataConnectionDialogFactory));
            DataConnectionDialog        dialog  = factory.CreateConnectionDialog();


            // Check if the MySQL data source exists.
            // TODO(talarico): This is added when the user has MySQL for Visual Studio installed.  We should also
            // probably check for the needed pieces in the MySQL Connector/Net.
            if (dialog.AvailableSources.Contains(CloudSqlUtils.DataSource))

                // Pre select the MySQL data source.
                dialog.SelectedSource = CloudSqlUtils.DataSource;

                // Create the connection string to pre populate the server address in the dialog.
                InstanceItem instance      = GetItem();
                var          serverAddress = String.IsNullOrEmpty(instance.IpAddress) ? instance.Ipv6Address : instance.IpAddress;
                dialog.DisplayConnectionString = CloudSqlUtils.FormatServerConnectionString(serverAddress);

                bool addDataConnection = dialog.ShowDialog();
                if (addDataConnection)
                    // Create a name for the data connection
                    var    parsedConnection = CloudSqlUtils.ParseConnection(dialog.DisplayConnectionString);
                    string connectionName;
                    if (parsedConnection.Server == serverAddress)
                        connectionName = $"{Instance.Project}[{Instance.Name}][{parsedConnection.Database}]";
                        connectionName = $"{parsedConnection.Server}[{parsedConnection.Database}]";

                    // Add the MySQL data connection to the data explorer
                    DataExplorerConnectionManager manager = (DataExplorerConnectionManager)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(DataExplorerConnectionManager));
                    manager.AddConnection(connectionName, CloudSqlUtils.DataProvider, dialog.EncryptedConnectionString, true);
                // MySQL for Visual Studio isn't installed, prompt the user to install it.
Esempio n. 2
        private void OpenDataConnectionDialog()
            ExtensionAnalytics.ReportCommand(CommandName.OpenMySQLDataConnectionDialog, CommandInvocationSource.Button);

            // Create a data connection dialog and add all possible data sources to it.
            DataConnectionDialogFactory factory = (DataConnectionDialogFactory)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(DataConnectionDialogFactory));
            DataConnectionDialog        dialog  = factory.CreateConnectionDialog();


            // Check if the MySQL data source exists.
            // TODO(talarico): This is added when the user has MySQL for Visual Studio installed.  We should also
            // probably check for the needed pieces in the MySQL Connector/Net.
            if (dialog.AvailableSources.Contains(MySQLUtils.MySQLDataSource))
                // Pre select the MySQL data source.
                dialog.SelectedSource = MySQLUtils.MySQLDataSource;

                // Create the connection string to pre populate the server address in the dialog.
                MySqlConnectionStringBuilder builderPrePopulate = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder();
                InstanceItem instance = _item.Value;
                builderPrePopulate.Server      = String.IsNullOrEmpty(instance.IpAddress) ? instance.Ipv6Address : instance.IpAddress;
                dialog.DisplayConnectionString = builderPrePopulate.GetConnectionString(false);

                bool addDataConnection = dialog.ShowDialog();
                if (addDataConnection)
                    ExtensionAnalytics.ReportCommand(CommandName.AddMySQLDataConnection, CommandInvocationSource.Button);

                    // Create a name for the data connection
                    MySqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder(dialog.DisplayConnectionString);
                    string database = $"{_instance.Project}[{builder.Server}][{builder.Database}]";

                    // Add the MySQL data connection to the data explorer
                    DataExplorerConnectionManager manager = (DataExplorerConnectionManager)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(DataExplorerConnectionManager));
                    manager.AddConnection(database, MySQLUtils.MySQLDataProvider, dialog.EncryptedConnectionString, true);
                // MySQL for Visual Studio isn't installed, prompt the user to install it.
                ExtensionAnalytics.ReportEvent("MySQLForVisualStudio", "Missing");
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements <see cref="IWizard.RunStarted"/>
        /// </summary>
        protected void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary <string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
            IOleServiceProvider oleServiceProvider = automationObject as IOleServiceProvider;
            ServiceProvider     serviceProvider    = (oleServiceProvider != null) ? new ServiceProvider(oleServiceProvider) : null;

            DataConnectionDialogFactory dialogFactory = GetService <DataConnectionDialogFactory>(serviceProvider);

            Debug.Assert(dialogFactory != null, "Can't get DataConnectionDialogFactory!");

            System.Data.IDbConnection dbConn;
            DataConnectionDialog      dialog = dialogFactory.CreateConnectionDialog();

            DataConnection dataConn = dialog.ShowDialog(false);

            if (dataConn != null)
                if ((dbConn = dataConn.ConnectionSupport.ProviderObject as System.Data.IDbConnection) == null)
                    // show error

                DataProviderManager manager = GetService <DataProviderManager>(serviceProvider);
                if (manager != null)
                    DataProvider provider      = manager.GetDataProvider(dataConn.Provider);
                    string       invariantName = provider.GetProperty("InvariantName") as string;

                    IList <string> schemaList     = DcilSchema.GetAvailableSchemaNames(dbConn, invariantName);
                    string         selectedSchema = null;
                    switch (schemaList.Count)
                    case 1:
                        selectedSchema = schemaList[0];

                        // Allow this for an empty list
                        selectedSchema = SchemaSelector.SelectSchema(serviceProvider, schemaList);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedSchema))
                        DcilSchema schema = DcilSchema.FromSchemaName(selectedSchema, dbConn, invariantName);

                        StringBuilder stringBuilder     = new StringBuilder();
                        string        replacementString = null;
                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                            DcilSchema.Serialize(schema, ms);
                            ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
                            replacementString = sr.ReadToEnd();

                        replacementsDictionary.Add("$DcilFile$", replacementString);
                        myAddToProject = true;