protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataConn objcon = new DataConn(); string SQL = "select dw_id,QQ号码,QQ_id,等级,yh_id,类型 from 用户表 where QQ号码='" + this.username.Value + "'"; DataTable dt_yh = new DataTable(); dt_yh = objcon.GetDataTable(SQL); if (dt_yh != null && dt_yh.Rows.Count > 0) { string yh_id = ""; yh_id = dt_yh.Rows[0]["yh_id"].ToString(); dj = dt_yh.Rows[0]["等级"].ToString(); QQ = dt_yh.Rows[0]["QQ号码"].ToString(); gys_id = dt_yh.Rows[0]["dw_id"].ToString(); string lx = dt_yh.Rows[0]["类型"].ToString(); Session["GYS_QQ_ID"] = dt_yh.Rows[0]["QQ_id"].ToString(); Session["GYS_YH_ID"] = yh_id;//蒋,11月07号添加 Session["QQ号码"] = QQ; Session["类型"] = lx; Session["dwid"] = gys_id; if (dj == "普通用户") { Response.Write("<script> window.opener.location.href='gyszym.aspx';window.close();</" + "script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script> window.opener.location.href='hyyhgl.aspx?QQ=" + this.username.Value + "&dw_id=" + gys_id + "';window.close();</" + "script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('您的账号未注册!');</" + "script>"); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataConn objcon = new DataConn(); string SQL = "select yh_id,QQ_id,等级, QQ号码 from 用户表 where QQ号码='" + this.username.Value + "'"; DataTable dt_yh = objcon.GetDataTable(SQL); if (dt_yh != null && dt_yh.Rows.Count > 0) { yh_id = dt_yh.Rows[0]["yh_id"].ToString(); dj=dt_yh.Rows[0]["等级"].ToString(); Session["CGS_QQ_ID"] = dt_yh.Rows[0]["QQ_id"].ToString(); Session["CGS_YH_ID"] = yh_id; //GYS_YH_ID if (dj == "普通用户") { Response.Write("<script> window.opener.location.href='cgsgl_2.aspx';window.close();</" + "script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>window.opener.location.href='hyyhgl.aspx?QQ=" + this.username.Value + "';window.close();</" + "script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('您的账号未注册!');</" + "script>"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { DataConn conn = new DataConn(); conn.DatabaseName = "twilson1\\inst3"; // conn.Open(); // create a datatable that has default values on columns DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataColumn col1 = new DataColumn("col1", typeof(Int32)); col1.DefaultValue = -1; DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("col2", typeof(string)); col2.DefaultValue = "~^~"; dt.Columns.Add(col1); dt.Columns.Add(col2); DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); dt.Rows.Add(row); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBServerName"].ConnectionString; objConn = new DataConn(); dt = objConn.GetDataTable("select distinct top 10 品牌名称 ,pp_id from 品牌字典 where 是否启用=1 "); }
string strRunPage; //验证成功后要跳转的页面 #endregion Fields #region Methods protected void btnCheck_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { DataConn dc = new DataConn(); string QQ = Request.Form["user_qq"]; string gys_qq_id; string cgs_qq_id; string sql_Check_QQ; string sql_Update_QQ_id; string sql_GetData; string sql_Level; string sql_dwid; if (Request.Cookies["GYS_QQ_ID"]!=null) { gys_qq_id = Request.Cookies["GYS_QQ_ID"].Value.ToString(); sql_Check_QQ = "select * from 用户表 where QQ号码='" + QQ + "'"; sql_Update_QQ_id = "update 用户表 set QQ_id = '" + gys_qq_id + "',验证通过时间=getdate(),是否验证通过='通过' where QQ号码='" + QQ + "'"; sql_GetData = "select 供应商,地址,电话,主页,单位类型,联系人,联系人手机 from 材料供应商信息表 where gys_id=(select dw_id from 用户表 where QQ_id='" + gys_qq_id + "')"; sql_Level = "select 等级 from 用户表 where QQ_id='" + gys_qq_id + "'"; sql_dwid = "select dw_id from 用户表 where QQ_id='" + gys_qq_id + "'"; } else { cgs_qq_id = Request.Cookies["CGS_QQ_ID"].Value.ToString(); sql_Check_QQ = "select * from 用户表 where QQ号码='" + QQ + "'"; sql_Update_QQ_id = "update 用户表 set QQ_id = '" + cgs_qq_id + "',验证通过时间=getdate(),是否验证通过='通过' where QQ号码='" + QQ + "'"; sql_GetData = "select 单位名称,地址,电话,主页,单位类型,联系人,联系人手机 from 采购商基本信息 where cgs_id=(select dw_id from 用户表 where QQ_id='" + cgs_qq_id + "')"; sql_Level = "select 等级 from 用户表 where QQ_id='" + cgs_qq_id + "'"; sql_dwid = "select dw_id from 用户表 where QQ_id='" + cgs_qq_id + "'"; } if(dc.GetRowCount(sql_Check_QQ)>0) //判断QQ号是否存在,即是否已经注册 { //Response.Write("已经注册"); if (dc.RunSqlTransaction(sql_Update_QQ_id)) //已经注册,则写入QQ_id { //读取数据 dtGys = dc.GetDataTable(sql_GetData); if (Request.Cookies["GYS_QQ_ID"] != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dtGys.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dtGys.Rows[i]; this.gys_name.Value = dr["供应商"].ToString(); this.gys_address.Value = dr["地址"].ToString(); this.gys_phone.Value = dr["电话"].ToString(); this.gys_homepage.Value = dr["主页"].ToString(); this.gslx.Value = dr["单位类型"].ToString(); this.user_name.Value = dr["联系人"].ToString(); this.user_phone.Value = dr["联系人手机"].ToString(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < dtGys.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dtGys.Rows[i]; this.gys_name.Value = dr["单位名称"].ToString(); this.gys_address.Value = dr["地址"].ToString(); this.gys_phone.Value = dr["电话"].ToString(); this.gys_homepage.Value = dr["主页"].ToString(); this.gslx.Value = dr["单位类型"].ToString(); this.user_name.Value = dr["联系人"].ToString(); this.user_phone.Value = dr["联系人手机"].ToString(); } } if (dc.DBLook(sql_Level) == "企业用户") { strRunPage = "hyyhgl.aspx"; } else if (dc.DBLook(sql_Level) == "普通用户") { string dwid = dc.DBLook(sql_dwid); if (Request.Cookies["GYS_QQ_ID"] != null) { strRunPage = "gyszym.aspx?dw_id=" + dwid; } else { strRunPage = "cgsgl_2.aspx?dw_id=" + dwid; } } Response.Write(@"<script>if(confirm('验证成功,是否现在登录?')==true) {window.location.href='" + strRunPage + "';}else{}</script>"); } } else { Response.Write(@"<script>if(confirm('此账户尚未注册,是否现在注册?')==true) {window.location.href='hyzcsf.aspx';}else{window.opener=null;'','_self'); window.close();}</script>"); } }
// void T2(object state) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(932); ManualResetEvent evExit = new ManualResetEvent(false); try { using (TcpClient tcp = (TcpClient)state) { NetworkStream st = tcp.GetStream(); StreamWriter wr = new StreamWriter(st, Encoding.UTF8); StreamReader rr = new StreamReader(st, Encoding.UTF8, false); ConDyn cd = new ConDyn(cc); String syst = ""; using (MyDSI3 comm = new MyDSI3(afp)) { TransmitRes res = comm.Transmit(new DSIGetStatus()); if (res.pack.IsResponse && res.pack.ErrorCode == 0) { GetSrvrInfoPack pack = new GetSrvrInfoPack(; if (pack.AFPVersionsList.Contains("AFP2.2")) { } if (pack.AFPVersionsList.Contains("AFPX03")) { cd.AFP30 = true; } if (pack.AFPVersionsList.Contains("AFP3.1")) { cd.AFP31 = true; } syst += " Server: " + pack.ServerName + "\n"; syst += " AFPVer:"; foreach (String ver in pack.AFPVersionsList) syst += " <" + ver + ">"; syst += "\n"; syst += " UAM:"; foreach (String ver in pack.UAMsList) syst += " <" + ver + ">"; } else { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 500, "AFP server failed: " + new DSIException(res.pack.ErrorCode, res.pack)); return; } } String U = String.Empty; String P = String.Empty; IDir root = new DisconnetedRoot(); IDir pwd = root; DataConn dc = new DataConn(); Int64 ftpRest = 0; IEnt rnfr = null; using (MyDSI3 comm = new MyDSI3(afp)) { Ticker ti = new Ticker(comm, evExit); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 220, "FTP4AFP in UTF-8"); while (true) { try { String row = rr.ReadLine(); if (row == null) break; Match M; M = Regex.Match(row, "^QUIT", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 221, "Goodbye!"); break; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^USER\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { U = M.Groups["a"].Value; Ut.WriteRes(wr, 331, "Proceed to password."); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^PASS\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { P = M.Groups["a"].Value; Uta a = new Uta(); root = pwd = a.Login(comm, cd, U, P); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 230, "User logged in, proceed."); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^SYST", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 215, typeof(AFPServ).AssemblyQualifiedName + "\n" + Environment.OSVersion + "\n" + "\n" + syst); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^(XPWD|PWD)", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { MLoc m = MLoc.Ut.Get(pwd); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 257, "\"" + m.UnixPath + "\" is current directory."); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^TYPE\\s+(?<a>A|I)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String mode = M.Groups["a"].Value.ToUpperInvariant(); if (mode == "I") dc.TypeI(); if (mode == "A") dc.TypeA(); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 200, "Ok."); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^PASV", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { dc.Pasv(tcp.Client.LocalEndPoint); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 227, "Entering Passive Mode (" + dc.GetPasv() + ")"); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^PORT\\s+(?<a>\\d+,\\d+,\\d+,\\d+,\\d+,\\d+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { dc.Port(M.Groups["a"].Value); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 200, "PORT command successful."); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^LIST(\\s+(?<a>.+))?\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { IDir newwd = (cwd.Length == 0) ? pwd : TravUt.Cwd(pwd, cwd); StringWriter ww = new StringWriter(); foreach (IEnt o in newwd.GetEnts()) { bool isDir = o is IDir; ww.WriteLine("{0}rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 {1,10} {2,-12} {3}" , isDir ? "d" : "-" , isDir ? "0" : o.Size.ToString() , DUt.Format(o.Mt) , o.Name ); } // // // // // // Ut.WriteRes(wr, 150, "Opening " + dc.Mode + " mode data connection for LIST"); dc.SendData(wr.Encoding.GetBytes(ww.ToString())); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 226, "Transfer complete"); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 501, err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^MLSD(\\s+(?<a>.+))?\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { IDir newwd = (cwd.Length == 0) ? pwd : TravUt.Cwd(pwd, cwd); StringWriter ww = new StringWriter(); foreach (IEnt o in newwd.GetEnts()) { bool isDir = o is IDir; ww.WriteLine("modify={0};perm={1};size={2};type={3}; {4}" , o.Mt.HasValue ? String.Format("{0:yyyy}{0:MM}{0:dd}{0:HH}{0:mm}{0:ss}", o.Mt.Value) : "" , isDir ? "cdelmp" : "dlrw" , Math.Max(o.Size, 0) , isDir ? "dir" : "file" , o.Name ); } Ut.WriteRes(wr, 150, "Opening " + dc.Mode + " mode data connection for MLSD"); dc.SendData(wr.Encoding.GetBytes(ww.ToString())); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 226, "Transfer complete"); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 501, err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^CWD\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { IDir newwd = TravUt.Cwd(pwd, cwd); pwd = newwd; Ut.WriteRes(wr, 250, "Directory successfully changed."); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^CDUP", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { IDir newwd = pwd.ParentDir; if (newwd == null) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 250, "We are already at root directory."); continue; } else { pwd = newwd; Ut.WriteRes(wr, 250, "Directory successfully changed."); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^OPTS\\s+UTF8\\s+ON\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 200, "It is in UTF8 mode."); wr = new StreamWriter(st, Encoding.UTF8); rr = new StreamReader(st, Encoding.UTF8, false); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^OPTS\\s+UTF8\\s+OFF\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 200, "It is in " + enc.BodyName + " mode."); wr = new StreamWriter(st, enc); rr = new StreamReader(st, enc, false); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^OPTS\\s+FORKMODE\\s+(?<a>\\d+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { int i = int.Parse(M.Groups["a"].Value); cd.ForkMode = i; Ut.WriteRes(wr, 200, "It is in fork mode " + i + "."); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^FEAT", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 211, "Features:| UTF8| MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;| FORKMODE| END".Replace("|", "\n")); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^RETR\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { IEnt source = TravUt.Find(pwd, cwd, false); if (source is ICanDL) { using (Stream si = ((ICanDL)source).OpenRead()) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 150, "Opening " + dc.Mode + " mode data connection for " + cwd); si.Position = ftpRest; dc.SendSt(si); } } else { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, "We can't get \"" + cwd + "\"."); continue; } ftpRest = 0; Ut.WriteRes(wr, 226, "Transfer complete"); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^STOR\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { using (Stream os = TravUt.Createf(pwd, cwd, cd)) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 150, "Opening " + dc.Mode + " mode data connection for " + cwd); os.SetLength(ftpRest); os.Position = ftpRest; dc.RecvSt(os); } ftpRest = 0; Ut.WriteRes(wr, 226, "Transfer complete"); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^APPE\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { using (Stream os = TravUt.Createf(pwd, cwd, cd)) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 150, "Opening " + dc.Mode + " mode data connection for " + cwd); os.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); dc.RecvSt(os); } Ut.WriteRes(wr, 226, "Transfer complete"); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^MKD\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { TravUt.CreateDir(pwd, cwd); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 250, "\"" + cwd + "\" created successfully."); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, "\"" + cwd + "\": Unable to create directory. \n" + err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^RMD\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { TravUt.RMDir(pwd, cwd); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 250, "\"" + cwd + "\" removed successfully."); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, "\"" + cwd + "\": Unable to remove directory. \n" + err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^DELE\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { TravUt.Dele(pwd, cwd, cd); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 250, "\"" + cwd + "\" removed successfully."); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, "\"" + cwd + "\": Unable to remove directory. \n" + err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^REST\\s+(?<a>\\d+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { ftpRest = Int64.Parse(M.Groups["a"].Value); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 200, "Ok."); continue; } M = Regex.Match(row, "^RNFR\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { rnfr = TravUt.Find(pwd, cwd, false); Ut.WriteRes(wr, 350, "The file exists, continue with RNTO."); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, err.Message); continue; } } M = Regex.Match(row, "^RNTO\\s+(?<a>.+)\\s*$", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (M.Success) { String cwd = M.Groups["a"].Value; try { MLoc mfrm = MLoc.Ut.Get(rnfr); String fpfrm = mfrm.UnixPath; MLoc m = MLoc.Ut.Get(pwd); String fp2 = UtPLoc.Getfp(m.UnixPath, cwd, cd); PLoc p1 = new PLoc(fpfrm); PLoc p2 = new PLoc(fp2); if (!p1.volume.Equals(p2.volume)) throw new ApplicationException("We have different volumes."); if (!p1.dir.Equals(p2.dir)) { MLoc m2 = new MLoc(); m2.VolID = mfrm.VolID; m2.DirID = mfrm.DirID; m2.MacVol = mfrm.MacVol; m2.MacPath = p2.dir.Replace("/", "\0"); Utcmd.Move(comm, mfrm, m2, p2.fname); } else { Utcmd.Rename(comm, mfrm, p2.fname); } Ut.WriteRes(wr, 200, "Ok."); continue; } catch (EntNotFoundException err) { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 550, err.Message); continue; } } Ut.WriteRes(wr, 500, "NotImpl Error."); } catch (Exception err) { if (tcp.Connected) { try { Ut.WriteRes(wr, 500, err.ToString()); } catch (IOException) { } } else break; } } } tcp.Close(); } } finally { evExit.Set(); } }
protected void Submit1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { DataConn dc = new DataConn(); string sqlIsExistQQ = "select * from 用户表 where QQ号码='" + this.txt_gsQQ.Value + "' "; string sqlIsExistGs = "select * from 采购商基本信息 where 单位名称='" + this.txt_gsmc.Value.Trim() + "' "; qymc = this.region.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_gsmc.Value)&&this.txt_gsmc.Value==""&&this.txt_gsmc.Value=="请填写工商局注册的全称(4-40位字符)") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入公司名称!');</script>"); this.txt_gsmc.Focus(); return; } else { if (dc.GetRowCount(sqlIsExistGs) > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('该公司已注册,请联系公司管理员');</script>"); Response.Write("<script>javascript:window.location.href='index.aspx'</script>"); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_gsQQ.Value) && this.txt_gsmc.Value == "请填写工商局注册的全称(4-40位字符)") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入公司QQ')</script>"); this.txt_gsQQ.Focus(); return; } else { if (dc.GetRowCount(sqlIsExistQQ) > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('QQ已存在');</script>"); this.txt_gsQQ.Focus(); return; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_yyzzzch.Value) && this.txt_yyzzzch.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入营业执照注册号');</script>"); this.txt_yyzzzch.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_zcrq.Value) && this.txt_zcrq.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入公司注册日期');</script>"); this.txt_zcrq.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_zczj.Value) && this.txt_zczj.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入注册资金');</script>"); this.txt_zczj.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.dwlx.Value) && this.dwlx.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请选择单位类型');</script>"); this.dwlx.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_gsdz.Value) && this.txt_gsdz.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入公司地址');</script>"); this.txt_gsdz.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_gsdh.Value) && this.txt_gsdh.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入公司电话');</script>"); this.txt_gsdh.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.jyfw.Value) && this.jyfw.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入经营范围');</script>"); this.jyfw.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_xm.Value) && this.txt_xm.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入联系人姓名');</script>"); this.txt_xm.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_sj.Value) && this.txt_sj.Value == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入联系人手机号');</script>"); this.txt_sj.Focus(); return; } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_lxdz.Value)) //{ // Response.Write("<script>alert('请输入联系人地址');</script>"); // this.txt_lxdz.Focus(); // return; //} string sqlAddGys = "insert into 采购商基本信息 (单位名称,主页,地址,电话,传真,联系人,联系人手机,是否启用,单位类型,单位简称,地区名称,法定代表人,注册资金,邮编,电子邮箱,开户银行,银行账户,账户名称,资质等级,经营范围,备注,注册日期,企业员工人数,资产总额,注册级别,企业类别,营业执照注册号,updatetime,单位QQ号)" + " values ('" + this.txt_gsmc.Value.Trim() + "','" + this.txt_gszy.Value + "','" + this.txt_gsdz.Value + "','" + this.txt_gsdh.Value + "','" + this.txt_gscz.Value + "','" + this.txt_xm.Value + "','" + this.txt_sj.Value + "',1,'" + this.dwlx.Value + "','" + this.txt_gsjc.Value + "','" + qymc + "','" + this.txt_fddbr.Value + "','" + this.txt_zczj.Value + "','" + this.txt_gsyb.Value + "','" + this.txt_yx.Value + "','" + this.txt_khyh.Value + "','" + this.txt_yhzh.Value + "','" + this.txt_zhmc.Value + "','" + this.zzdj.Value + "','" + this.jyfw.Value + "','" + this.txt_bz.Value + "','" + this.txt_bz.Value + "','" + this.txt_qyrs.Value + "','" + this.txt_zcze.Value + "','" + this.zcjb.Value + "','" + this.qylb.Value + "','" + this.txt_yyzzzch.Value + "', GETDATE(),'" + this.txt_gsQQ.Value + "')"; string sqlAddGys_id = "update 采购商基本信息 set cgs_id=myID where 单位QQ号='" + this.txt_gsQQ.Value + "';"; string sqlAll = sqlAddGys + sqlAddGys_id; bool a = dc.RunSqlTransaction(sqlAll); if (a) { Response.Write("<script>alert('注册信息已提交,请等待审核');</script>"); Response.Write("<script>javascript:window.location.href='index.aspx'</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('注册失败');</script>"); return; } }
private void DataHandle(string file, DataTable[] dts) { int Field = 0; if (dts[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow dr in dts[0].Rows) { if (file_key.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string sql = "select * from " + TO_table.Text.Trim() + " where " + file_key.Text.Trim() + "='" + dr[file_key.Text.Trim()].ToString() + "'"; DataTable dt = DataConn.MyExecuteDataSet(null, sql).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string[] FIELD = txt_field.Text.Trim().Split(','); string toFIELD = ""; for (int i = 0; i < FIELD.Length; i++) { toFIELD += "," + FIELD[i].Split('|')[1] + "='" + dr[FIELD[i].Split('|')[0]].ToString() + "'"; } sb.Append("update " + TO_table.Text.Trim() + " set " + toFIELD.Substring(1) + " where " + file_key.Text.Trim() + "='" + dr[file_key.Text.Trim()].ToString() + "';"); } else { string[] FIELD = txt_field.Text.Trim().Split(','); string fromFIELD = "", toFIELD = ""; for (int i = 0; i < FIELD.Length; i++) { toFIELD += "," + FIELD[i].Split('|')[1]; fromFIELD += ",'" + dr[FIELD[i].Split('|')[0]].ToString() + "'"; } sb.Append(" insert into " + TO_table.Text.Trim() + "(" + toFIELD.Substring(1) + ") values(" + fromFIELD.Substring(1) + ");"); } } else { string[] FIELD = txt_field.Text.Trim().Split(','); string fromFIELD = "", toFIELD = ""; for (int i = 0; i < FIELD.Length; i++) { toFIELD += "," + FIELD[i].Split('|')[1]; if (FIELD[i].Split('|')[0] == "订单时间") { fromFIELD += ",to_date('" + dr[FIELD[i].Split('|')[0]].ToString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')"; } else { fromFIELD += ",'" + dr[FIELD[i].Split('|')[0]].ToString() + "'"; } } sb.Append(" insert into " + TO_table.Text.Trim() + "(" + toFIELD.Substring(1) + ") values(" + fromFIELD.Substring(1) + ");"); } Field++; } sb = new StringBuilder("begin " + sb.ToString() + " end;"); DataConn.MyExecuteNonQuery(null, sb.ToString()); } MessageBox.Show("导入记录:" + Field + "条", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }