internal static AppShellInitializerResult Initialize(DataAvailable.DACProperties DACProperties) { DataAvail.Serialization.FileSerializationStream.DeafaultDirectory = DACProperties.LayoutsFolder; DataAvail.Data.DbContext.IDbContext dbContext = null; switch(DACProperties.AdapterType) { case DataAvailable.DACDataAdapterType.Oracle: //dbContext = new DataAvail.DevArt.Data.Oracle.DbContext(); break; case DataAvailable.DACDataAdapterType.MSSQL: dbContext = new DataAvail.DevArt.Data.MSSQL.DbContext(); break; case DataAvailable.DACDataAdapterType.SQLite: dbContext = new DataAvail.DevArt.Data.SQLite.DbContext(); break; } dbContext.ObjectCreator.Connection.ConnectionString = DACProperties.ConnectionString; DataAvail.Data.DbContext.DbContext.CurrentContext = dbContext; = DACProperties.TempFolder; PrepareDirectories(DACProperties.TempFolder); return Initialize(DACProperties.Model, DACProperties.ModelView, DACProperties.ModelSecurity, DACProperties.CalculatorManager); }
void Procedure(int Handle, int Channel, IntPtr Buffer, int Length, IntPtr User) { var buffer = GetBuffer(Length); Marshal.Copy(Buffer, buffer, 0, Length); Task.Run(() => DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs(buffer, Length))); }
public void Close() { if (port != null && port.IsOpen) { port.Close(); } notify = null; }
private void Procedure(int handle, int channel, IntPtr buffer, int length, IntPtr user) { var newBuffer = GetBuffer(length); Marshal.Copy(buffer, newBuffer, 0, length); Task.Run(() => DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs(newBuffer, length))); }
void AudioProviderOnDataAvailable(object Sender, DataAvailableEventArgs DataAvailableEventArgs) { _audioEncoder.EnsureBufferIsSufficient(ref _encodedBuffer, DataAvailableEventArgs.Length); var encodedLength = _audioEncoder.Encode(DataAvailableEventArgs.Buffer, 0, DataAvailableEventArgs.Length, _encodedBuffer, 0); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs(_encodedBuffer, encodedLength)); }
private void AudioThread() { while (!_abort.WaitOne(20) && !MainForm.ShuttingDown) { int dataLength = _audioStream.Read(_audioBuffer, 0, _audioBuffer.Length); if (DataAvailable != null) { _waveProvider.AddSamples(_audioBuffer, 0, dataLength); if (Listening) { WaveOutProvider.AddSamples(_audioBuffer, 0, dataLength); } //forces processing of volume level without piping it out var sampleBuffer = new float[dataLength]; int read = _sampleChannel.Read(sampleBuffer, 0, dataLength); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs((byte[])_audioBuffer.Clone(), read)); } } try { if (_sensor != null) { _sensor.AudioSource?.Stop(); _sensor.Stop(); _sensor.SkeletonFrameReady -= SensorSkeletonFrameReady; _sensor.ColorFrameReady -= SensorColorFrameReady; _sensor.DepthFrameReady -= SensorDepthFrameReady; _sensor.Dispose(); _sensor = null; } } catch { // ignored } if (_sampleChannel != null) { _sampleChannel.PreVolumeMeter -= SampleChannelPreVolumeMeter; } if (_waveProvider != null && _waveProvider.BufferedBytes > 0) { _waveProvider.ClearBuffer(); } Listening = false; PlayingFinished?.Invoke(this, new PlayingFinishedEventArgs(_res)); }
public void Close() { Log.WriteLine("NetDriver closing"); this.running = false; this.thread.Interrupt(); this.thread.Join(); this.notify = null; Log.WriteLine("NetDriver closed"); }
private void OnSoundDataAvailable(object sender, DataAvailableEventArgs dataAvailableEventArgs) { int readCount; while ((readCount = _stream.Read(_readBuffer, 0, _readBuffer.Length)) > 0) { DataAvailable?.Invoke(_readBuffer, 0, readCount); } }
static void OnDataAvailable(object sender, WaveInEventArgs e) { DataAvailable?.Invoke(sender, new StreamingAudioBufferAvailableEventArgs(e.Buffer, e.BytesRecorded)); //if (waveFile != null) //{ // waveFile.Write(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded); // waveFile.Flush(); //} }
public void Close() { logger.DebugFormat("NetDriver closing"); running = false; thread.Interrupt(); thread.Join(); notify = null; logger.DebugFormat("NetDriver closed"); }
public void Close() { Log.WriteLine("NetDriver closing"); running = false; thread.Interrupt(); thread.Join(); notify = null; Log.WriteLine("NetDriver closed"); }
bool RecordProcedure(int handle, IntPtr ptr, int length, IntPtr user) { var buffer = GetBuffer(length); Marshal.Copy(ptr, buffer, 0, length); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs(buffer, length)); return(true); }
bool RecordProcedure(int Handle, IntPtr Ptr, int Length, IntPtr User) { var buffer = GetBuffer(Length); Marshal.Copy(Ptr, buffer, 0, Length); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs(buffer, Length)); return(true); }
private void ProcessStereoData(object sender, WaveInEventArgs e) { WaveBuffer buffer = new(e.Buffer) { ByteBufferCount = e.BytesRecorded }; int count = buffer.FloatBufferCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; i += _capture.WaveFormat.Channels) { DataAvailable?.Invoke(buffer.FloatBuffer[i], buffer.FloatBuffer[i + 1]); } }
private void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (socket.Available()) { currentData = Read(); if (currentData != null) { DataAvailable.Invoke(currentData, null); } } }
public void AudioDeviceDataAvailable(object sender, DataAvailableEventArgs e) { try { DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new NewDataAvailableArgs((byte[])e.RawData.Clone())); } catch (Exception ee) { Logger.Error("AudioDeviceDataAvailable error occured:" + ee.Message); } }
void Processing(IntPtr Buffer, int Length) { if (_buffer == null || _buffer.Length < Length) { _buffer = new byte[Length]; } Marshal.Copy(Buffer, _buffer, 0, Length); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs(_buffer, Length)); }
private void ProcessMonoData(object sender, WaveInEventArgs e) { WaveBuffer buffer = new(e.Buffer) { ByteBufferCount = e.BytesRecorded }; int count = buffer.FloatBufferCount; // Handle mono by passing the same data for left and right for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { DataAvailable?.Invoke(buffer.FloatBuffer[i], buffer.FloatBuffer[i]); } }
void Procedure(int Handle, int Channel, IntPtr Buffer, int Length, IntPtr User) { if (_buffer == null || _buffer.Length < Length) { _buffer = new byte[Length]; } Marshal.Copy(Buffer, _buffer, 0, Length); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs(_buffer, Length)); }
public void SubscribeToPosition(int positionId, string column) { _context.Post(state => { _positionSubscriptions.Add(positionId, column); var da = new DataAvailableEventArgs(); da.PositionValues.Add((positionId, column), _positionSubscriptions.Get(positionId, column).GetValue()); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, da); }, null); }
public void SubscribeToSystemValue(SystemProperty property) { _context.Post(state => { _systemValueSubscriptions.Add(property, GetSystemValueProperty(property)); var da = new DataAvailableEventArgs(); da.SystemValues.Add(property, _systemValueSubscriptions[property].GetValue()); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, da); }, null); }
private void OnDataAvailable(byte[] buffer, int bytesRecorded) { if (bytesRecorded > 0) { byte[] data = new byte[bytesRecorded]; Array.Copy(buffer, data, data.Length); DataAvailable?.Invoke(data); //DataAvailable?.Invoke(recordBuffer, recordBufferOffset); } }
protected NAudioProvider(IWaveIn WaveIn) { _waveIn = WaveIn; _waveIn.DataAvailable += (S, E) => { DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs(E.Buffer, E.BytesRecorded)); }; NAudioWaveFormat = WaveIn.WaveFormat; WaveFormat = WaveIn.WaveFormat.ToCaptura(); }
private void DoRecord() { while (Recording) { sourceReader.ReadSample(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if (callback.NewSample) { int bytecount = callback.Read(out byte[] data); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new WaveInEventArgs(data, bytecount)); } } }
private void SoundInSourceOnDataAvailable(object sender, DataAvailableEventArgs dataAvailableEventArgs) { int read; var buffer = new byte[dataAvailableEventArgs.ByteCount]; while ((read = _captureSource.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { var notEncodedLength = _notEncodedBuffer?.Length ?? 0; var soundBuffer = new byte[read + notEncodedLength]; //Fill the soundbuffer with _notEncodedBuffer if (notEncodedLength > 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy(_notEncodedBuffer, 0, soundBuffer, 0, notEncodedLength); } //Fill the soundbuffer with the data Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, soundBuffer, notEncodedLength, read); var segmentCount = (int)Math.Floor((double)soundBuffer.Length / _bytesPerSegment); var segmentsEnd = segmentCount * _bytesPerSegment; var notEncodedCount = soundBuffer.Length - segmentsEnd; _notEncodedBuffer = new byte[notEncodedCount]; Buffer.BlockCopy(soundBuffer, segmentsEnd, _notEncodedBuffer, 0, notEncodedCount); if (segmentCount == 0) { return; } var dataBuffers = new byte[segmentCount][]; var dataBufferLengths = new int[segmentCount]; unsafe { fixed(byte *soundBufferPtr = soundBuffer) for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) { int len; dataBuffers[i] = _opusEncoder.Encode(soundBufferPtr + _bytesPerSegment * i, _bytesPerSegment, out len); dataBufferLengths[i] = len; } } DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataInfoAvailableEventArgs(new VoiceChatDataInfo(dataBuffers, dataBufferLengths))); } }
public Task Start() { Cancellation?.Dispose(); Cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); var token = Cancellation.Token; //start a background task Threading.Tasks.FireAndForget(async() => { try { byte[] buffer = new byte[19200]; while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { int read = await SourceStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, token); if (read == 0) { //end of stream reached Stopped?.Invoke(this, new StreamAudioSourceStoppedEvent() { Cause = StreamAudioSourceStoppedCause.End }); return; } DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new StreamAudioSourceDataEvent() { Buffer = new ArraySegment <byte>(buffer, 0, read), Format = Format }); } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { Stopped?.Invoke(this, new StreamAudioSourceStoppedEvent() { Cause = StreamAudioSourceStoppedCause.Stopped }); } catch (Exception ex) { Stopped?.Invoke(this, new StreamAudioSourceStoppedEvent() { Cause = StreamAudioSourceStoppedCause.Exception, Exception = ex }); throw; } }); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
bool Procedure(int Handle, IntPtr Buffer, int Length, IntPtr User) { if (_buffer == null || _buffer.Length < Length) { _buffer = new byte[Length]; } Marshal.Copy(Buffer, _buffer, 0, Length); DataAvailable?.Invoke(_buffer, Length); return(true); }
public void Close() { if (port != null && port.IsOpen) { port.Close(); } // rdw: lock (notifyLock) { notify = null; } }
private void RtpChannel_OnFrameReady(RTPFrame frame) { if (paused) { return; } var payload = frame.GetFramePayload(); received += payload.LongLength; DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataEventArgs(payload, payload.Length)); }
bool Procedure(int HRecord, IntPtr Buffer, int Length, IntPtr User) { if (_buffer == null || _buffer.Length < Length) { _buffer = new byte[Length]; } Marshal.Copy(Buffer, _buffer, 0, Length); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new DataAvailableEventArgs(_buffer, Length)); return(true); }
private void RefreshData() { if (_computeCount > 0) { return; } if (_dataRefreshRequests == 0) { return; } //Let Sophis complete its internal calculations Sophis.Event.SophisEventManager.Instance.Dispatch(); _dataRefreshRequests = 0; var args = new DataAvailableEventArgs(); void RefreshPortfolioCells() { foreach (var cell in _portfolioSubscriptions.GetCells()) { args.PortfolioValues.Add((cell.FolioId, cell.ColumnName), cell.GetValue()); } } void RefreshPositionCells() { foreach (var cell in _positionSubscriptions.GetCells()) { args.PositionValues.Add((cell.PositionId, cell.ColumnName), cell.GetValue()); } } void RefreshSystemValues() { foreach (var value in _systemValueSubscriptions) { args.SystemValues.Add(value.Key, value.Value.GetValue()); } } RefreshPortfolioCells(); RefreshPositionCells(); RefreshSystemValues(); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, args); }
private void OnAudioAvailable(object sender, AsioAudioAvailableEventArgs e) { var size = e.SamplesPerBuffer * e.InputBuffers.Length; if (_inBuffer == null || _inBuffer.Length < size) { _inBuffer = new float[size]; _outBuffer = new byte[size * 4]; } var samples = e.GetAsInterleavedSamples(_inBuffer); Buffer.BlockCopy(_inBuffer, 0, _outBuffer, 0, samples * 4); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, new WaveInEventArgs(_outBuffer, samples * 4)); }
protected void OnGazeDataReceived(double x, double y) { if (UseSmoothing) { ApplyKalmanFilters(ref x, ref y); } if (UseCalibration) { ApplyCalibration(ref x, ref y); } DataTimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow; DataPoint = new Point((int)x, (int)y); DataAvailable?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public void Initialize(DataAvailable.DACProperties DACProperties) { /*nimpl DataAvail.Data.DataSet.Log = new DebugLog(); DataAvail.XtraBinding.Controllers.Controller.synchronizeInvoke = this; DataAvail.XtraBinding.Controllers.Controller.uiCreator = new ControllerUICreator(this); DataAvail.XtraBinding.Controllers.Controller.AskExit += new DataAvail.XtraBinding.Controllers.ControllerAskExitHandler(Controller_AskExit); DataAvail.XtraBinding.Controllers.Controller.ShowInfo += new DataAvail.XtraBinding.Controllers.ControllerShowInfo(Controller_ShowInfo); DataAvail.XtraBinding.Controllers.Controller.AskConfirmation += new DataAvail.XtraBinding.Controllers.ControllerAskConfirmationHandler(Controller_AskConfirmation); AppShellInitializer.AppShellInitializerResult result = AppShellInitializer.Initialize(DACProperties); _appContext = result.appContext; _controllers = result.controllers; BuildMenu(); */ }
public void SetNotify(DataAvailable notify) { this.notify = notify; }