public static void Button(Data.Step step)
        Debug.Log("Stepping through a Button " + step.part.pos.x + ", " + step.part.pos.y);
        step.part.done = true;

        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q))
            //Find connected parts
            Vector2 outPowerPos = new Vector2(step.part.pos.x + step.part.outPower[0].x, step.part.pos.y + step.part.outPower[0].y);
            Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(15, 15, 2), new Vector3(outPowerPos.x, outPowerPos.y, 2),;

            Data.CircuitPart nextPart = CircuitFuncs.PartByPos(outPowerPos, step.circuit);
            if (nextPart != null)//Is there a part here?
                if (nextPart != step.part && !nextPart.done)//If this isn't me & if this part doesn't have it's done flag set.
                    //Add this next step to the todo list
                    Data.Step doNext = new Data.Step();
                    doNext.circuit = step.circuit;
                    doNext.part = nextPart;
                    doNext.power = step.power;
                    CircuitFuncs.todo.Insert(0, doNext);
    public static void PowerGenerator(Data.Step step)
        step.part.done = true;
        Debug.Log("Stepping through a PowerGenerator at " + step.part.pos.x + ", " + step.part.pos.y);

        //I'm a power generator, so add my powerGenerated stat to power
        if (step.power == null) { step.power = new Data.Power(); }//If there is no power, create a new one
        step.power.amount = (float)step.part.stats[Data.Stat.PowerGenerated];

        //Find connected parts
        Vector2 outPowerPos = new Vector2(step.part.pos.x + step.part.outPower[0].x, step.part.pos.y + step.part.outPower[0].y);
        Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(15, 15, 2), new Vector3(outPowerPos.x, outPowerPos.y, 2),;

        //Debug.Log("Looking for connecting parts at " + outPowerPos.x + ", " + outPowerPos.y);
        //pass along via the outPort
        Data.CircuitPart nextPart = CircuitFuncs.PartByPos(outPowerPos, step.circuit);
        if (nextPart != null)//Is there a part here?
            //Debug.Log("Found a " + + " at " + outPowerPos.x + ", " + outPowerPos.y + ", has a pos of " + nextPart.pos.x + ", " + nextPart.pos.y);

            //Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(step.part.pos.x, step.part.pos.y, 2), new Vector3(nextPart.pos.x, nextPart.pos.y, 2),,10);

            if (nextPart != step.part && !nextPart.done)//If this isn't me & if this part doesn't have it's done flag set.
                //Is this pos also on a inPower?
                if (CircuitFuncs.CheckPosIs_InPower_OfPart(outPowerPos, nextPart))
                    //Add this next step to the todo list
                    Data.Step doNext = new Data.Step();
                    doNext.circuit = step.circuit;
                    doNext.part = nextPart;
                    doNext.power = step.power;
                    CircuitFuncs.todo.Insert(0, doNext);
            //Debug.Log("Didn't find a connecting part at " + outPowerPos.x + ", " + outPowerPos.y);
    public static void UpdateCircuit(Data.Circuit circuit)
        //Updates this entire circuit.
        Debug.Log("Updating Circuit " +;

        string str = "PartsByPos:";
        foreach (Data.CircuitPart cp in
            str += "(" + cp.pos.x + "," + cp.pos.y + "), ";

        todo = new List<Data.Step>();//Reset & wipe the todo list

        //set all part's done flags to false
        foreach (Data.CircuitPart cp in
            cp.done = false;

        //Add all powerSources to the todo list

        //Adding powersources by priority is broken and I can't be arsed to write it correctly right now.
        //Add powerSources in order of priority number. //ALL POWERSOURCES MUST HAVE DIFFERENT PRIORITIES
        /*for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)//This means a max of 10000 power sources
            //Go from each power source in turn
            int highestPriority = -1;
            CircuitPart part = null;
            foreach (CircuitPart cp in
                if (cp.stats.ContainsKey(Stat.IsPowerSource))
                    if (cp.priority > highestPriority)
                        highestPriority = cp.priority;
                        part = cp;
            if (part != null)
                Step step = new Step();
                step.part = part;
                step.circuit = circuit;
            else { break; }

        foreach (Data.CircuitPart cp in all powersources ignoring priority, (temporary dev hack)
            if (cp.stats.ContainsKey(Data.Stat.IsPowerSource))
                Data.Step step = new Data.Step();
                step.part = cp;
                step.circuit = circuit;

        Vector3 pos1 =;
        Vector3 pos2 =;

        if (todo.Count > 0)
            int cap = 0;//To prevent inf loops
            while (cap < 100 && todo.Count > 0)

                //Take the top step from the stack (todo list)
                Data.Step doThis = todo[0];

                Debug.Log("Taking " + + " from the stack,");

                //Handle part on top of todo list (the one at the 0 index)
                PartFuncs.CallFuncForPart(doThis);//This function should add to the todo list if the part is connected to anyone

                //Debug lines
                pos2 = pos1;
                pos1 = new Vector3(doThis.part.pos.x, doThis.part.pos.y);
                if (pos2 != { Debug.DrawLine(pos1, pos2,; }

            if (cap >= 100) { Debug.Log("Hit max loops! In Circuit " +; }

        Debug.Log("Updated Circuit " + + ". Had " + + " parts.");
    public static void Wire(Data.Step step)
        Debug.Log("Stepping through a Wire " + step.part.pos.x + ", " + step.part.pos.y);
        step.part.done = true;

        //Find all nearby parts
        Data.CircuitPart part = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            Vector2 offsetPos =;
            offsetPos.x = step.part.pos.x;
            offsetPos.y = step.part.pos.y;
            if (i == 0) { offsetPos.x++; }
            if (i == 1) { offsetPos.x--; }
            if (i == 2) { offsetPos.y++; }
            if (i == 3) { offsetPos.y--; }

            Data.CircuitPart cp = CircuitFuncs.PartByPos(offsetPos, step.circuit);
            if (cp != null)//If a part exists in this pos
                if (!cp.done)//If this wire hasn't been used yet
                    //is this a wire, or a part?
                    if (cp.type == Data.CircuitPartTypes.Wire)
                        //Ok, check using the offsetPos.
                        //wires have inPorts on top of themselves. They *are* an inport.
                        if (CircuitFuncs.CheckPosIs_InPower_OfPart(offsetPos, cp))
                            part = cp;
                        //Ok, check using this part's pos
                        //Parts have inPorts that stick out of themselves, so wire can be built on that tile.
                        if (CircuitFuncs.CheckPosIs_InPower_OfPart(step.part.pos, cp))
                            part = cp;
                    //Is this pos also on a inPower?

        if (part != null)
            //Debug.Log("Found connecting part at " + part.pos);
            //pass along to this other part
            Data.Step doNext = new Data.Step();
            doNext.circuit = step.circuit;
            doNext.part = part;
            doNext.power = step.power;
            //Debug.Log("Found no connecting part");