Esempio n. 1
 public LMProjectVM()
     HomeTeam  = new LMTeamVM();
     AwayTeam  = new LMTeamVM();
     Timeline  = new LMTimelineVM(HomeTeam, AwayTeam);
     Dashboard = new DashboardVM();
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult Home()
            DashboardVM model        = new DashboardVM();
            int         user         = db.UserAccounts.Select(x => x.UserID).Count();
            int         activeUser   = db.UserAccounts.Where(x => x.Status == true).Select(x => x.UserID).Count();
            int         verifiedUser = db.UserAccounts.Where(x => x.IsVerified == true).Select(x => x.UserID).Count();

            model = new DashboardVM()
                CountUser = user,

                CountActive   = activeUser,
                CountInactive = user - activeUser,

                CountVerified    = verifiedUser,
                CountNonVerified = user - verifiedUser,

                CountItem      = db.ItemDetails.Select(x => x.ItemID).Count(),
                CountSearching = db.SearchingFors.Select(x => x.SearchingForID).Count(),

                CountContacted  = db.ContactUss.Select(x => x.ContactUsID).Count(),
                CountNewsletter = db.Newsletters.Select(x => x.NewsletterID).Count()

Esempio n. 3
 public void Setup()
     model     = Utils.DashboardDummy.Default();
     dashboard = new DashboardVM {
         Model = model
Esempio n. 4
        public ActionResult Index(int?SelectedBudgetId)
            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    var user = db.Users.Find(User.Identity.GetUserId());

                    if (user.HouseholdId == null)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Households"));

                    DashboardVM dashboardVm = new DashboardVM();
                    dashboardVm.Members = user;
                    var userHouseholdId = user.HouseholdId;

                    dashboardVm.HouseHold    = db.Households.Single(h => h.Id == userHouseholdId);
                    dashboardVm.BankAccounts = db.BankAccounts.Where(a => a.HouseholdId == userHouseholdId).ToList();

                    var listOfAccountIds = dashboardVm.BankAccounts.Select(t => t.Id).ToList();

                    dashboardVm.Transactions = db.Transactions.Where(t => listOfAccountIds.Contains(t.BankAccountsId)).OrderByDescending(t => t.Date).ToList();

                    dashboardVm.HouseholdExpenses = dashboardVm.Transactions.Where(t => t.TransactionType.Name == "Withdrawal").Sum(t => t.Amount);
                    dashboardVm.HouseholdIncome   = dashboardVm.Transactions.Where(t => t.TransactionType.Name == "Deposit").Sum(t => t.Amount);

                    var      todaysDate            = DateTime.Now;
                    DateTime firstDayOfTodaysMonth = new DateTime(todaysDate.Year, todaysDate.Month, 1);

                    dashboardVm.WithdrawalsForCurrentMonth = dashboardVm.Transactions.Where(
                        t => t.TransactionType.Name == "Withdrawal" &&
                        (t.Date >= firstDayOfTodaysMonth && t.Date <= todaysDate)).ToList();                                                   // gets transactions from beginning of this month up until today

                    if (SelectedBudgetId != null)
                        dashboardVm.Budgets = db.Budgets.FirstOrDefault(b => b.HouseholdId == user.HouseholdId && b.Id == SelectedBudgetId);

                        dashboardVm.Budgets = db.Budgets.FirstOrDefault(b => b.HouseholdId == user.HouseholdId);

                    ViewBag.SelectedBudgetId = new SelectList(db.Budgets.Where(b => b.HouseholdId == userHouseholdId), "Id", "Name");

                catch (Exception)
                    return(RedirectToAction("page404", "Home"));

                // user doesn't have household id, make them register and create one there (create new household or join one)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));
Esempio n. 5
        public ActionResult Dashboard()
            ViewBag.TimePeriod = "Year-to-date";
            var model = new DashboardVM();

        public ActionResult CreateDeposit(DashboardVM transaction)
            var userId  = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var deposit = new Transaction()
                BankAccountId   = transaction.BankAccountId,
                BudgetItemId    = null,
                OwnerId         = userId,
                TransactionType = TransactionType.Deposit,
                Created         = DateTime.Now,
                Amount          = transaction.Amount,
                Memo            = transaction.Memo,
                IsDeleted       = false

            return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", "Home"));

            //ViewBag.BankAccountId = new SelectList(db.BankAccounts, "Id", "Name", transaction.BankAccountId);
            //ViewBag.BudgetItemId = new SelectList(db.BudgetItems, "Id", "Name", transaction.BudgetItemId);
            //ViewBag.OwnerId = new SelectList(db.Users, "Id", "FullName", transaction.OwnerId);
            //return View(transaction);
Esempio n. 7
        public IActionResult Index()
            DashboardVM dashboardVM = new DashboardVM();

            List <NumerosAnalisesDTO> numerosAnalises = new NumerosAnalisesBO(_connectionStrings.DefaultConnection).GetAllRelacoes();

            dashboardVM.arrayDatasAnalise            = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(numerosAnalises.Select(x => x.AnoMesFormatado));
            dashboardVM.arrayTotalResultadosAnalises = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(numerosAnalises.Select(x => x.TotalResultados));

            dashboardVM.arrayTotalResAnalises2015 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(numerosAnalises.Where(x => x.Ano == 2015).Select(x => x.TotalResultados));
            dashboardVM.arrayTotalResAnalises2016 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(numerosAnalises.Where(x => x.Ano == 2016).Select(x => x.TotalResultados));
            dashboardVM.arrayTotalResAnalises2017 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(numerosAnalises.Where(x => x.Ano == 2017).Select(x => x.TotalResultados));
            dashboardVM.arrayTotalResAnalises2018 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(numerosAnalises.Where(x => x.Ano == 2018).Select(x => x.TotalResultados));

            List <FiliadosFuncionariosDTO> filiadosFuncionariosPartidos = new FiliadosFuncionariosBO(_connectionStrings.DefaultConnection).GetTopPartidos();

            dashboardVM.arrayPartidos       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(filiadosFuncionariosPartidos.Select(x => x.Partido));
            dashboardVM.arrayNumTopPartidos = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(filiadosFuncionariosPartidos.Select(x => x.Quantidade));

            List <GastosTotaisDTO> gastosPorAno = new GastosTotaisBO(_connectionStrings.DefaultConnection).GetGastosPorAno();

            dashboardVM.arrayGastosPorAno = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(gastosPorAno.Select(x => x.TotalRemuneracao));

Esempio n. 8
 private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
     WheelViewModel     = new WheelVM(SimulatorModel);
     DashboardViewModel = new DashboardVM(SimulatorModel);
     GameMapViewModel   = new GameMapVM(SimulatorModel);
     ExceptionViewModel = new ExceptionVM(SimulatorModel);
        public JsonResult Add(DashboardVM dashboard)
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dashboard.Name))
                Dashboard d = new Dashboard();
                d.ID          = Guid.NewGuid();
                d.Name        = dashboard.Name;
                d.CreatedDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());

                var result = db.SaveChanges();
                if (result > 0)
                    Log.Debug("[TODOAPP]: New dashboard created" + d.Name);
                    return(JsonSuccess(d, "Dashboard created!"));
                    Log.Error("[TODOAPP]: Dashboard error(check db)");
                    return(JsonError("Dashboard can't added!"));
                Log.Error("[TODOAPP]: Dashboard name empty error");

                return(JsonError("Dashboard can't added!"));
        public IActionResult Index()
            // List<Product> NewArrival = dbContext.Products
            //     .Include(p => p.Stocks)
            //     .OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedAt)
            //     .Take(5)
            //     .ToList();

            List <Stock> stocks = dbContext.Stocks
                                  .Include(s => s.Product)
                                  .ThenInclude(p => p.ProductType)
                                  .OrderBy(s => s.Product.ProductTypeId)

            List <Stock> NewStocks = dbContext.Stocks
                                     .Include(s => s.Product)
                                     .ThenInclude(p => p.ProductType)
                                     .OrderByDescending(s => s.Product.CreatedAt)

            DashboardVM model = new DashboardVM();

            // model.Products = Products;
            // model.NewArrival = NewArrival;
            model.Stocks           = stocks;
            model.NewArrivalStocks = NewStocks;

Esempio n. 11
        public ActionResult Dashboard()
            var myUserId   = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var allTickets = db.Tickets.ToList();
            // I have to load up a DashboardVM to feed to the view
            var dashboardVM = new DashboardVM()
                TicketCount             = allTickets.Count,
                HighPriorityTicketCount = allTickets.Where(t => t.TicketPriority.Name == "Immediate").Count(),
                NewTicketCount          = allTickets.Where(t => t.TicketStatus.Name == "New").Count(),
                TotalComments           = db.TicketComments.Count(),
                AllTickets = allTickets

            dashboardVM.ProjectVM.ProjectCount = db.Projects.Count();
            dashboardVM.ProjectVM.AllProjects  = db.Projects.ToList();
            dashboardVM.ProjectVM.AllPMs       = roleHelper.UsersInRole("Manager").ToList();
            dashboardVM.ProjectVM.AllDevs      = roleHelper.UsersInRole("Developer").ToList();
            dashboardVM.ProjectVM.AllSubs      = roleHelper.UsersInRole("Submitter").ToList();
            dashboardVM.MyProjects             = projHelper.ListUserProjects(myUserId).ToList();
            dashboardVM.MyTickets = ticketHelper.ListMyTickets(myUserId).ToList();
            dashboardVM.RoleNames = roleHelper.ListUserRoles(myUserId).FirstOrDefault() ?? "Unassigned";

Esempio n. 12
        public ActionResult Dashboard()
            var         repo        = RepositoryFactory.GetRepository();
            DashboardVM dashboardVM = new DashboardVM();

            dashboardVM.StaticPosts = repo.GetAllStaticPublished();
            dashboardVM.Categories  = repo.GetAllCategories();
            if (Request.IsAuthenticated && User.IsInRole("admin"))
                dashboardVM.PostsUnderReview = repo.GetPostForReview();
            if (Request.IsAuthenticated && User.IsInRole("moderator"))
                var posts = repo.GetAllPosts();
                dashboardVM.PostsUnderReview = (from p in posts
                                                where p.IsPublished == false && p.IsForReview == false
                                                select p).ToList();

            dashboardVM.PostsPendingComments = repo.GetPostsWithUnapprovedCommentsAndReplies();
            dashboardVM.CategoryPickList     = new SelectList(dashboardVM.Categories, "CategoryID", "CategoryTag");

Esempio n. 13
        public DashboardVM GetDashboardSiteVM(string ParentFilter, string ChildFilter, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, string Panel1Option, Int64 Panel1Value, string Panel2Option, Int64 Panel2Value, Int64 UserId, string FilterOption, int Offset, int PageSize, string CountryId, string Client = null, string Scopes = null, string Projects = null)
                DashboardDL db = new DashboardDL();
                DataSet     ds = db.GetDashboardSites(ParentFilter, ChildFilter, fromDate, toDate, Panel1Option, Panel1Value, Panel2Option, Panel2Value, UserId, FilterOption, Offset, PageSize, CountryId, Client, Scopes, Projects);
                // DataTable TotalSites =;
                DataTable   DashboardData = ds.Tables[0];
                DashboardVM vm            = new DashboardVM();

                ClientSitesVM ClientSites = new ClientSitesVM();
                ClientSites.Sites = GetSitesFromTable(ds.Tables[0]);

                vm.ClientSites = ClientSites;
                if (ds.Tables.Count == 2)
                    DataTable Count = ds.Tables[1];
                    vm.Count = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Count.Rows[0]["Count"].ToString())) ? Convert.ToInt32(Count.Rows[0]["Count"].ToString()) : 0;

            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 14
 public DashBoard()
     VM = new DashboardVM(new NavigationService());
     this.DataContext = VM;
Esempio n. 15
        public DashboardVM GetQuotationCount()
                DashboardVM        objDashboardVM = new DashboardVM();
                PERFECTIBSEntities db             = new PERFECTIBSEntities();

                objDashboardVM.PendingQuotationCount     = unitOfWork.TblQuotationHeaderRepository.Get(o => o.QuotationStatusCode.Equals("QP")).Count();
                objDashboardVM.ApprovedQuotationCount    = unitOfWork.TblQuotationHeaderRepository.Get(o => o.QuotationStatusCode.Equals("CA")).Count();
                objDashboardVM.NotCreatingQuotationCount = unitOfWork.TblQuotationHeaderRepository.Get(o => o.QuotationStatusCode.Equals("QNC")).Count();
                objDashboardVM.TCNIQuotationCount        = unitOfWork.TblQuotationHeaderRepository.Get(o => o.QuotationStatusCode.Equals("TCNI")).Count();
                objDashboardVM.QuotationTotalCount       = unitOfWork.TblQuotationHeaderRepository.Get().Count();
                objDashboardVM.ClientRequestCount        = unitOfWork.TblClientRequestHeaderRepository.Get().Count();

                List <sp_GetClientVSQuotation_Count_Result> ListItems = db.sp_GetClientVSQuotation_Count().ToList <sp_GetClientVSQuotation_Count_Result>();
                // objDashboardVM.ClientRequestWithQuotation = ListItems;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        // GET: Dashboard
        public ActionResult Index()
            //Create a instance of the dashboard view model
            var data = new DashboardVM();

            //Get the data for the table
            data.TableData.Projects            = db.Projects.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Take(5).ToList();
            data.TableData.Tickets             = db.Tickets.OrderByDescending(t => t.Created).Take(5).ToList();
            data.TableData.TicketNotifications = db.TicketNotifications.OrderByDescending(t => t.Id).Take(5).ToList();
            data.TableData.TicketAttachments   = db.TicketAttachments.OrderByDescending(t => t.Id).Take(5).ToList();
            data.TableData.TicketComments      = db.TicketComments.OrderByDescending(t => t.Created).Take(5).ToList();
            data.TableData.TicketHistories     = db.TicketHistories.OrderByDescending(t => t.DateChanged).Take(5).ToList();

            //get the tickets for the current user
            var myTickets = ticketHelper.GetMyTickets(User.Identity.GetUserId());

            data.TicketData.TicketCount           = myTickets.Count();
            data.TicketData.UnAssignedTicketCount = myTickets.Where(t => t.TicketStatus.Name == "UnAssigned").Count();
            data.TicketData.InProgressTicketCount = myTickets.Where(t => t.TicketStatus.Name == "In Progress").Count();
            data.TicketData.OnHoldTicketCount     = myTickets.Where(t => t.TicketStatus.Name == "On Hold").Count();
            data.TicketData.CompletedTicketCount  = myTickets.Where(t => t.TicketStatus.Name == "Resolved").Count();

            data.TicketData.TicketNotificationCount = db.TicketNotifications.Count();
            data.TicketData.TicketAttachmentCount   = db.TicketAttachments.Count();
            data.TicketData.TicketCommentCount      = db.TicketComments.Count();
            data.TicketData.TicketHistoryCount      = db.TicketHistories.Count();

            //Load up all the Project Dashboard Data
            data.ProjectData.ProjCount = db.Projects.Count();

Esempio n. 17
        public ActionResult SiteGrid(int Page, int SiteId, string filter)
            DashboardVM vm            = new DashboardVM();
            DashboardBL loDashboardBL = new DashboardBL();

                int offset = (Page - 1) * 5;
                vm           = loDashboardBL.GetDashboardSiteVM(null, null, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, null, SiteId, null, 0, ViewBag.UserId, filter, offset, 5, "0");
                ViewBag.Show = "no";
                ViewBag.view = "SiteDashboard";

                foreach (var item in vm.ClientSites.Sites)
                    ViewBag.Latitude  = item.Latitude;
                    ViewBag.Longitude = item.Longitude;

                return(PartialView("~/Views/Dashboard/_SiteGrid.cshtml", vm.ClientSites));
            catch (System.Exception)
Esempio n. 18
        public ActionResult Index()
                var vm = new DashboardVM();

                var companyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CompanyID"]);
                var yearID    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["FinancialYearID"]);

                vm.totalPurchases = db.PurchaseOrders
                                    .Where(x => x.CompanyId == companyID)
                                    .Where(x => x.financial_year == yearID)
                                    .ToList().Sum(x => x.NetAmount);

                vm.totalSales = db.InvoiceMasters
                                .Where(x => x.CompanyId == companyID)
                                .Where(x => x.financial_year == yearID)
                                .ToList().Sum(x => x.net_amount);

                vm.totalExpenses = 0;

                vm.topProducts    = GetTopProducts(yearID, companyID);
                vm.topCustomers   = GetTopCustomers(yearID, companyID);
                vm.topVendors     = GetTopVendors(yearID, companyID);
                vm.latestPurchase = GetLatestPurchaseOrders(yearID, companyID);
                vm.SalesAmount    = GetSalesAmount(yearID, companyID);
                vm.SalesCount     = GetSalesCount(yearID, companyID);

            catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 19
        public AppWindow(MyFlightSimulatorModel model, MainWindow main, IVM vm)

            // initializing the main wondow fields and the vm field
            this._main = main;
            this.vm    = vm;

            // creating the view model of the dashboard
            DashboardVM dashboardVM = new DashboardVM(model);

            myDashboard.DataContext = dashboardVM;

            // creating the view model of the map
            MapVM mapVM = new MapVM(model);

            myMap.DataContext = mapVM;

            // creating the view model of the joystick
            JoystickVM joystickVm = new JoystickVM(model);

            myControlPlane.DataContext            = joystickVm;
            myControlPlane.myJoystick.DataContext = joystickVm;

            // creating the view model of the dashboard errors
            myDashboardErrors.DataContext = dashboardVM;
Esempio n. 20
        public IActionResult Index()
            AutentifikacijaVM korisnik = HttpContext.GetLogiraniKorisnik();

            DashboardVM model = new DashboardVM()
                BrojKlijenata  = _db.Klijent.Count(),
                BrojIzvjestaja = _db.Izvjestaj.Count(),
                BrojOsiguranja = _db.PolicaOsiguranja.Count(),
                BrojRentacar   = _db.RentBooking.Count(),
                BrojVozila     = _db.Vozilo.Count(),
                BrojNarudzbi   = _db.Narudzba.Count(),
                BrojFaktura    = _db.Faktura.Count(),
                BrojUplata     = _db.Uplata.Count()

            if (korisnik.IsAdmin)
                return(View("AdminDashboard", model));
            else if (korisnik.IsMenadzer)
                return(View("ManagerDashboard", model));
            else if (korisnik.IsProdavac)
                return(View("ProdajaDashboard", model));
                return(View("RentDashboard", model));
Esempio n. 21
        public ActionResult Dashboard()
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            if (User.IsInRole("Guest") || !houseHelp.IsHouseholdConfigured(userId))
                return(View(new DashboardVM()));
            var user      = db.Users.Where(u => u.Id == userId).FirstOrDefault();
            var houseId   = (int)user.HouseholdId;
            var lastTrans = db.Transactions.OrderByDescending(t => t.Created).FirstOrDefault(t => t.OwnerId == userId);
            var dashboard = new DashboardVM
                BankBalance     = db.BankAccounts.Where(bA => bA.OwnerId == userId).Sum(x => x.CurrentBalance),
                BudgetTotal     = db.Budgets.Where(b => b.HouseholdId == houseId).SelectMany(b => b.BudgetItems).Sum(x => x.TargetAmount),
                LastTransaction = lastTrans != null ? lastTrans.Amount : 0,

            ViewBag.BankAccountId   = new SelectList(db.BankAccounts.Where(b => b.OwnerId == userId), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.BankAccountFrom = new SelectList(db.BankAccounts.Where(b => b.OwnerId == userId), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.BankAccountTo   = new SelectList(db.BankAccounts.Where(b => b.OwnerId == userId), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.BudgetItemId    = new SelectList(db.Budgets.Where(b => b.HouseholdId == houseId).SelectMany(b => b.BudgetItems), "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.Transactions    = db.Transactions.Where(t => t.OwnerId == userId).ToList();
        // GET: Households/Index/5
        public ActionResult Index()
            var       user      = db.Users.Find(User.Identity.GetUserId());
            Household household = db.Households.Include("Accounts").FirstOrDefault(h => h.Id == user.HouseholdId);

            if (household != null)
                var ReconciledBalance = household.Accounts.SelectMany(a => a.Transactions).Where(t => t.Reconciled == true).Select(m => m.Amount).Sum();
                var accountList       = from acc in household.Accounts
                                        let inc = (from tr in acc.Transactions
                                                   where (tr.Reconciled == true && tr.Category.Type == "Income")
                                                   select tr.Amount).Sum()
                                                  let exp = (from tr in acc.Transactions
                                                             where (tr.Reconciled == true && tr.Category.Type == "Expense")
                                                             select tr.Amount).Sum()
                                                            select new RecBalVM()
                    Account = acc,
                    RecBal  = inc - exp
                DashboardVM dashboardVM = new DashboardVM()
                    Household = household,
                    RecBalVM  = accountList.ToList()

            TempData["FirstCreateOrJoin"] = "To Get Started, You Must First Create or Join a Group.";
            return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Households"));
Esempio n. 23
        public async Task <ActionResult> DashboardAsyncA()
            var model = new DashboardVM();

            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();


            //Hasta este punto SYNC - Hasta que se encuentra con el primer await
            model.Categories = await _service.GetCategoriesAsync(); //Delay 5 seconds

            //Await --> Se bloquea 5 seconds
            //Despues de ejecutar GetCategoriesAsync continua
            Debug.WriteLine("then GetCategoriesAsync");

            model.Posts = await _service.GetPostsAsync();//Delay 5 seconds

            //Await --> Se bloquea 5 seconds
            Debug.WriteLine("then GetPostsAsync");

            model.Tags = await _service.GetTagsAsync();//Delay 5 seconds

            //Await --> Se bloquea 5 seconds
            Debug.WriteLine("then GetTagsAsync");
            ViewBag.Time = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

             * Si bien usamos async en este caso lo estamos haciendo sincronicamente dato que hacemos
             * await _service.GetCategoriesAsync(); --> Mandamos a ejecutar y esperamos al mismo tiempo.

Esempio n. 24
 public void SetUp()
     dashboard = new DashboardVM {
         Model = Utils.DashboardDummy.Default(), Mode = DashboardMode.Code
     dashboardCanvas           = new DashboardCanvas();
     dashboardCanvas.ViewModel = dashboard;
Esempio n. 25
        public IActionResult Index()
            DashboardVM dvm = new DashboardVM()

Esempio n. 26
        public IActionResult Index()
            var alias = context.Users.Find(userId).Alias;
            var model = new DashboardVM {
                Alias = alias

        public IActionResult Index()
            DashboardVM dvm = new DashboardVM()

            ViewData["ClientIdList"] = new SelectList(_context.Client.OrderBy(c => c.Denumire), "ClientId", "Denumire");
Esempio n. 28
        // Initializing the simulator model and all the view models.
        private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
            ISimulatorModel simulatorModel = new SimulatorModel(new MyTelnetClient());

            ConnectVM      = new ConnectVM(simulatorModel);
            DashboardVM    = new DashboardVM(simulatorModel);
            ControlBoardVM = new ControlBoardVM(simulatorModel);
            MapVM          = new MapVM(simulatorModel);
Esempio n. 29
        public IActionResult Index()
            var model = new DashboardVM();

            model.EmployeesCount    = context.Nalozi.Where(x => x.IsUposlenik == true).Count();
            model.ClientsCount      = context.Nalozi.Where(x => x.IsKlijent == true).Count();
            model.AppointmentsCount = context.Termini.Count();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the singleton application object.  This is the first line of authored code
        /// executed, and as such is the logical equivalent of main() or WinMain().
        /// </summary>
        public App()
            this.Suspending += OnSuspending;

            // Initializing Singletons
            Debug.WriteLine("Initializing Singleton ....");
            var dashboardVMInit = DashboardVM.Instance(nameof(TestPage1));
 void Select(DashboardVM dashboardVM)
     TreeIter iter;
     dashboardsStore.GetIterFirst (out iter);
     while (dashboardsStore.IterIsValid (iter)) {
         if ((dashboardsStore.GetValue (iter, COL_DASHBOARD) as DashboardVM).Model.Equals (dashboardVM.Model)) {
             dashboardseditortreeview.Selection.SelectIter (iter);
         dashboardsStore.IterNext (ref iter);
 void Add(DashboardVM dashboardVM)
     dashboardsStore.AppendValues (dashboardVM, dashboardVM.Editable);
 void Remove(DashboardVM dashboardVM)
     TreeIter iter;
     dashboardsStore.GetIterFirst (out iter);
     while (dashboardsStore.IterIsValid (iter)) {
         if (dashboardsStore.GetValue (iter, COL_DASHBOARD) == dashboardVM) {
             dashboardsStore.Remove (ref iter);
         dashboardsStore.IterNext (ref iter);