Esempio n. 1
        public static IList <User> GetUsers(int page, int pageSize, SortOrder sortOrder)
            // Get all users, within the paging restrictions, sorted by Name
            DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();

            // Start recordset at the begining of the page
            crit.Start = (page * pageSize) - (pageSize);

            // Number of records to include
            crit.Limit = pageSize;

            // Order it by the requested column
            if (sortOrder != null)
                // Have a default sort of Name, Asc if nothing passed in
                crit.Orders.Add(new SortOrder("Name", SortType.Asc));

            // Execute and return the query
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the resolution metadata from the geograpy metadata.
        /// NOTE: At the moment there is no way to get resolution metadata by itself
        /// since it is not stored separately from geography metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IList <NycResolution> GetResolutionMetadata()
            // First get all the geographies, sorting as we do so.
            DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();

            crit.Orders.Add(new SortOrder("Order"));
            IList <NycGeography> geographies = _geogDao.Get(crit);

            // Now sort 'em up into groups by resolution.
            IDictionary <NycResolutionType, NycResolution> foundSoFar = new Dictionary <NycResolutionType, NycResolution>();

            foreach (NycGeography geog in geographies)
                // Only construct a resolution object once per type found.
                if (!foundSoFar.ContainsKey(geog.Resolution))
                    foundSoFar[geog.Resolution] = new NycResolution(geog);
            List <NycResolution> retVal = new List <NycResolution>(foundSoFar.Values);

            // Don't need to sort the individual geographies because the DB call did that for us.
Esempio n. 3
        private static List <PdbCriteriaAttributeMetadata> SimplifyAndGetValues(IList <PdbAttribute> attrs)
            List <PdbCriteriaAttributeMetadata> retVal = new List <PdbCriteriaAttributeMetadata>();
            DaoCriteria valCrit = new DaoCriteria();

            foreach (PdbAttribute attr in attrs)
                // As a performance tweak, only get values for categorical attributes,
                // since those are the only ones (at the moment) that have values in
                // the attribute_values table.
                List <IDictionary <string, object> > legitValues = null;
                if (attr.HasValueList())
                    valCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("AttributeName", attr.Name));
                    IList <PdbAttributeValue> values = _attrValDao.Get(valCrit);
                    legitValues = new List <IDictionary <string, object> >();
                    foreach (PdbAttributeValue val in values)
                        // Since we're encoding this as json, we want a short encoding.
                        Dictionary <string, object> strippedValue = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                        strippedValue["Value"] = val.Value;
                        strippedValue["Group"] = val.Group;
                // Copy the values we want to let the client know about into an object to
                // be returned.
                retVal.Add(new PdbCriteriaAttributeMetadata(attr, legitValues));
Esempio n. 4
        public void TestGetPrimaryMetadataForEveryone()
            // Blow away excessive nychanis data.
            FastDAO <NycDatum> dataDao = new FastDAO <NycDatum>("PDP.Data", "NYCHANIS");
            DaoCriteria        crit    = new DaoCriteria();

            crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("IndicatorId", 201, false));
            crit.Expressions.Add(new GreaterExpression("IndicatorId", 10));

            // And also excessive PDB data.
            PdbTwoTableHelper helper = new PdbTwoTableHelper(Config.GetConfig("PDP.Data"), "Properties",
            DictionaryDao primaryPdbDao = new DictionaryDao(
                dataDao.ConnDesc, helper.GetClassMapForPrimaryTable(new SecurityRole[] { SecurityRole.@public }));
            FastDAO <PdbSecondaryTableProperty> secondaryPdbDao = new FastDAO <PdbSecondaryTableProperty>(
                dataDao.ConnDesc, helper.GetClassMapForSecondaryTable());

            crit.Expressions.Add(new GreaterExpression("UID", 100630));
            crit.Expressions.Add(new GreaterExpression("ForeignKey", 100630));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the metadata about the attributes that are columns on the primary
        /// table.  Does not include the allowed values for those columns that have them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Only Properties is supported.</param>
        /// <param name="userRoles">The roles the current user has.
        ///                         Only attributes they can see will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>All the attribute metadata for the specified columns.</returns>
        public static IList <PdbAttribute> GetPrimaryTableColumns(
            PdbEntityType entityType, IEnumerable <SecurityRole> userRoles)
            DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();

            crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("EntityType", entityType));
            crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("InPrimaryTable", true));
            return(GetAttribRecords(crit, userRoles));
        public static IList <T> GetRows <T>(string nlihcId, IList <SecurityRole> roles)
            where T : class, IDisplaySortable, new()
            var dao       = new FastDAO <T>(Config.GetConfig("PDP.Data"), "PDB");
            var crit      = new DaoCriteria(new EqualExpression("NlihcId", nlihcId));
            var sortField = Activator.CreateInstance <T>().GetSortField();

            crit.Orders.Add(new SortOrder(sortField, SortType.Desc));
            return(DisplayForRole(ResourceMap[typeof(T)], roles) ? dao.Get(crit) : null);
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the record of the given user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userName">The user to be deleted.</param>
 /// <returns>The number of records deleted. Should be 1 when successful.</returns>
 public static int DeleteUser(string userName)
     // If there is a user, return the record
     if (StringHelper.IsNonBlank(userName))
         DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();
         crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("UserName", userName));
Esempio n. 8
        public static IList <PdbUploadRevision> GetUploadRevisions(UploadTypes type)
            var crit = new DaoCriteria();

            crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Type", type.ToString()));
            crit.Orders.Add(new SortOrder("Date", SortType.Desc));
            crit.Limit = MaxRevisionsReturned;

            var revisions = _urDao.Get(crit);

Esempio n. 9
        public static IList <Comment> GetAuthorizedComments(string nlihcId, User user)
            var crit = new DaoCriteria();

            crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("NlihcId", nlihcId));

            // Anonymous users get only public comments
            if (user == null)
                crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("AccessLevel", CommentAccessLevel.Public));

            // This kind of query is difficult in FastDAO, so, expecting that the number
            // of comments on a given property will be reasonable, prune off unauthorized
            // comments from the entire property comment list
            var comments = _dao.Get(crit);

            // SysAdmins can see everything
            if (user.IsSysAdmin())

            var authComments = new List <Comment>();

            foreach (var comment in comments)
                switch (comment.AccessLevel)
                case CommentAccessLevel.Public:

                case CommentAccessLevel.Network:
                    if (user.IsNetworked())

                case CommentAccessLevel.SameOrg:
                    if (user.Organization == comment.AssociatedOrgId)

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the attributes, without values, as a dictionary keyed by attribute display name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Only Properties is supported.</param>
        /// <param name="userRoles">The roles the current user has.
        ///                         Only attributes they can see will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>All the attributes visible to someone with these roles.</returns>
        public static IDictionary <string, PdbAttribute> GetAttributesDictionary(PdbEntityType entityType,
                                                                                 IEnumerable <SecurityRole> userRoles)
            DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();

            crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("EntityType", entityType));
            IList <PdbAttribute> attrList             = GetAttribRecords(crit, userRoles, true);
            IDictionary <string, PdbAttribute> retVal = new CheckedDictionary <string, PdbAttribute>();

            foreach (PdbAttribute attr in attrList)
                retVal[attr.UID] = attr;
Esempio n. 11
        private static IList <PdbAttribute> GetAttribRecords(
            DaoCriteria crit, IEnumerable <SecurityRole> userRoles, bool addExtraCols)
            IList <PdbAttribute> retVal = new List <PdbAttribute>();
            // We have to post-process the roles because the required role could be anything
            // but the user role could just be "SysAdmin" so there's no easy way to have the DB
            // filter that for us.
            IList <PdbAttribute> colsForAllRoles = _attrDao.Get(crit);

            foreach (PdbAttribute col in colsForAllRoles)
                // null required role is never shown to anyone.
                if (col.RequiredRole != null)
                    foreach (SecurityRole role in userRoles)
                        if ((role & col.RequiredRole) != 0 || role == SecurityRole.SysAdmin)
                            // User can see this one, no need to check the other roles.

            // Lat/Long/Id should not be in attribute metadata - you cannot search on it.
            if (addExtraCols)
                // Lat, Long and ID need to be in every search, no matter the role.  We are using their
                // ColMapped name, not their table name
                PdbAttribute extra = new PdbAttribute();
                extra.Name = "Lat";

                extra      = new PdbAttribute();
                extra.Name = "Lon";

                extra      = new PdbAttribute();
                extra.Name = "UID";
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a query for the data for a particular indicator/resolution/time,
        /// and generates an SLD to color the geographies correctly based on the values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indicatorId"></param>
        /// <param name="resolutionType"></param>
        /// <param name="timeId"></param>
        /// <param name="scopeBorough"></param>
        /// <param name="scopeSubborough"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GenerateSld(object indicatorId, NycResolutionType resolutionType,
                                         object timeId, object scopeBorough, object scopeSubborough)
            // First load the indicator metadata, both because we need the info, and because
            // if the query is for data that doesn't exist, we can skip a lot of work.
            NycIndicator indicator = GetIndicator(indicatorId);
            // Don't validate time, since there's no easy way to do it other than querying and seeing
            // if we get anything.

            // Now load the configs that tell us what color to render everything as.
            Config cfg = Config.GetConfig("NYC.SLD");

            // Acceptable values are 0 to 100.  So we need a 101 length array.
            string[] colors = new string[101];
            string   color  = null;
            IDictionary <string, IList <object> > geogIdsByColor = new CheckedDictionary <string, IList <object> >();

            for (int x = 0; x < colors.Length; x++)
                // If the value isn't in the config, use the same as the last value.
                color = cfg.GetParameter(indicator.UseAlternateColors ? "AlternateBreakpoints" : "BreakPoints",
                                         x.ToString(), color);
                // Make sure we have a list created for the geogs that will be this color.
                if ((color != null) && (!geogIdsByColor.ContainsKey(color)))
                    geogIdsByColor[color] = new List <object>();
                colors[x] = color;

            string mapLayerName          = cfg.GetParameter("LayerNames", resolutionType.ToString(), null);
            string layerGeogIdField      = cfg.GetParameter("LayerGeographyIdFields", resolutionType.ToString(), null);
            string layerDisplayNameField = cfg.GetParameter("LayerDisplayNameFields", resolutionType.ToString(), null);

            // This includes any labeling and outlines, default background color, etc.
            StringBuilder sldRules = new StringBuilder(cfg.GetConfigInnerXml("DefaultSLD"));

            // Replace any tokens with the appropriate values for this layer.
            sldRules.Replace("{LayerName}", mapLayerName);
            sldRules.Replace("{LayerGeographyIdField}", layerGeogIdField);
            sldRules.Replace("{LayerDisplayNameField}", layerDisplayNameField);

            // If no map layer is defined (I.E. "City"), or the request is invalid in some way,
            // use just the default SLD.
            if (mapLayerName != null)
                // Now query for all the data.
                DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();
                crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("IndicatorId", indicatorId));
                crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Resolution", resolutionType));
                crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("TimeId", timeId));
                DaoCriteria geogCrit = null;
                if (scopeBorough != null)
                    geogCrit = new DaoCriteria();
                    geogCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Borough", scopeBorough));
                    if (scopeSubborough != null)
                        geogCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("SubBorough", scopeSubborough));
                if (geogCrit != null)
                    // Scope and/or subscope was defined.
                    geogCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Resolution", resolutionType));
                    IList <object> geogIdsInScope = new List <object>();
                    foreach (NycGeography geog in _geogDao.Get(geogCrit))
                    crit.Expressions.Add(new PropertyInListExpression("GeographyId", geogIdsInScope));
                IList <NycDatum> data = _dataDao.Get(crit);

                // If there's no data, don't make any SLD rules.
                if ((data != null) && (data.Count > 0))
                    foreach (NycDatum datum in data)
                        int val;
                        switch (indicator.Breakpoint)
                        case NycBreakpointType.HistoricalBreakpoint:
                            val = datum.HistoricalBreakpoint;

                        case NycBreakpointType.ContemporaryBreakpoint:
                            val = datum.ContemporaryBreakpoint;

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Indicator " + indicator +
                                                                  " has invalid breakpoint: " + indicator.Breakpoint);
                        if ((val < 0) || (val > 100))
                            _log.Warn("'Normalized' value " + datum + " was outside 0-100 range.");

                        // Figure out, based on the value, which color group it belongs to.
                        string thisColor = colors[val];
                        if (thisColor != null)
                            // Put it in that group.

                    // Now append the rules for those color groups.
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <object> > kvp in geogIdsByColor)
                        // Only add rules for colors that actually have values.
                        if (kvp.Value.Count > 0)

                            // The part that says what geography IDs get this color.
                            foreach (object geogId in kvp.Value)

                            // The part that says what color to fill with.
                            sldRules.Append("<CssParameter name=\"fill\">").Append(kvp.Key).Append("</CssParameter>");
                            sldRules.Append("<CssParameter name=\"fill-opacity\">").Append(
                                cfg.GetParameter("Polygons", "Opacity")).Append("</CssParameter>");

            // Now wrap all the rendering rules in the SLD outer tags.
            StringBuilder sld = new StringBuilder();

            sld.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n")
            .Append("<StyledLayerDescriptor version=\"1.0.0\"")
            .Append(" xsi:schemaLocation=\" StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd\"")
            .Append(" xmlns=\"\"")
            .Append(" xmlns:ogc=\"\"")
            .Append(" xmlns:xlink=\"\"")
            .Append(" xmlns:xsi=\"\">")

Esempio n. 13
        private static NycTableResults QueryNychanisData(object indicatorId,
                                                         NycResolutionType resolutionType,
                                                         object scopeBorough, object scopeSubborough, IDictionary <object, int> colsByTimeId)
            // Query both the geography and data tables in a join so we can get the
            // nice display name of the geography rather than just the ID.  NOTE: This could
            // be done by obtaining the geographies in a single query then the data in a second
            // query.  At the moment this seems better.
            DaoJoinCriteria joinCrit = new DaoJoinCriteria();

            joinCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualJoinExpression("GeographyId", "UID"));
            // Add filters to the data (left) side of the join.
            DaoCriteria dataCrit = new DaoCriteria();

            joinCrit.LeftCriteria = dataCrit;
            // Only the indicator that was requested.
            dataCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("IndicatorId", indicatorId));
            // Only the resolution that was requested.
            dataCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Resolution", resolutionType));
            // Only the time span that was requested.
            dataCrit.Expressions.Add(new PropertyInListExpression("TimeId", colsByTimeId.Keys));

            // Add support for querying for a single borough or subborough, "scope"
            DaoCriteria scopeCrit = new DaoCriteria();

            if (scopeBorough != null)
                scopeCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Borough", scopeBorough));
                if (scopeSubborough != null)
                    scopeCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("SubBorough", scopeSubborough));

            // If we added any expressions, add the criteria to the geography side of the join
            if (scopeCrit.Expressions.Count > 0)
                joinCrit.RightCriteria = scopeCrit;

            // Sort the results by geography then by time (descending).  This allows us to populate
            // the results structure easily, even if we later resort based on the user's choice.
            // We sort first by geography name, which "should" be unique, but just in case we also
            // sort by geography ID.
            joinCrit.Orders.Add(new JoinSortOrder("Name", false));
            joinCrit.Orders.Add(new JoinSortOrder("GeographyId", true));
            joinCrit.Orders.Add(new JoinSortOrder("TimeId", SortType.Desc, true));

            IList <JoinResult <NycDatum, NycGeography> > dataAndGeogs = _dataDao.Get(joinCrit, _geogDao);

            NycTableResults        results = new NycTableResults();
            List <IList <object> > values  = new List <IList <object> >();

            // Now, for each geography ID, add all its year values to a list and add to the values collection.
            if (dataAndGeogs.Count > 0)
                object         lastGeogId          = null;
                IList <object> resultArray         = null;
                IList <bool>   dataAvailableByTime = new bool[colsByTimeId.Count];

                foreach (JoinResult <NycDatum, NycGeography> result in dataAndGeogs)
                    if ((lastGeogId == null) || (!lastGeogId.Equals(result.Left.GeographyId)))
                        // Create a new array, at the correct length already in case there
                        // are holes in the data.
                        resultArray    = new object[colsByTimeId.Count + 1];
                        resultArray[0] = result.Right.Name;
                        lastGeogId     = result.Left.GeographyId;
                        // Add it to the list to be returned.
                    // Always populate this value in the array.
                    resultArray[colsByTimeId[result.Left.TimeId]]             = result.Left.Value;
                    dataAvailableByTime[colsByTimeId[result.Left.TimeId] - 1] = true;

                results.DataAvailableByTime = dataAvailableByTime;
            results.Values = values;

Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all columns (visible to the user anyway) and includes the allowed
        /// values for columns that have entries in the Attribute_Values table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Only Properties is supported.</param>
        /// <param name="userRoles">The roles the current user has.
        ///                         Only attributes they can see will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>All the attribute metadata for the specified columns.</returns>
        public static IList <PdbCategory> GetAttributesForClient(
            PdbEntityType entityType, IEnumerable <SecurityRole> userRoles)
            IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > > attrsByCatAndSub =
                new CheckedDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > >();
            IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > attrsByCat =
                new CheckedDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> >();

            DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();

            crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("EntityType", entityType));
            IList <PdbAttribute> attrs = GetAttribRecords(crit, userRoles);

            // Get all the attributes and split 'em up.  Put them either into the single
            // or double-nested dictionary depending on if they have subcategories.
            foreach (PdbAttribute attr in attrs)
                IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > catSubCats;
                IList <PdbAttribute> catAttrs;
                if (attrsByCatAndSub.ContainsKey(attr.Category))
                    catSubCats = attrsByCatAndSub[attr.Category];
                    catAttrs   = attrsByCat[attr.Category];
                    catSubCats = new CheckedDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> >();
                    catAttrs   = new List <PdbAttribute>();
                    attrsByCatAndSub[attr.Category] = catSubCats;
                    attrsByCat[attr.Category]       = catAttrs;
                // Now either it has a subcategory, in which case it's filed there, or
                // it doesn't, and it's filed under the category directly.
                if (StringHelper.IsNonBlank(attr.SubCategory))
                    IList <PdbAttribute> subcatList;
                    if (catSubCats.ContainsKey(attr.SubCategory))
                        subcatList = catSubCats[attr.SubCategory];
                        subcatList = new List <PdbAttribute>();
                        catSubCats[attr.SubCategory] = subcatList;
            // Now they're all split up, create the returnable object types.
            // Remember it is impossible for any of the collections to be empty, since we created
            // them all based on records we had.
            List <PdbCategory> retVal = new List <PdbCategory>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > > kvp in attrsByCatAndSub)
                IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > subCatLists = kvp.Value;
                List <PdbSubCategory> subCats = new List <PdbSubCategory>();
                PdbAttribute          anAttr  = null;
                foreach (IList <PdbAttribute> subCatList in subCatLists.Values)
                    subCats.Add(new PdbSubCategory(subCatList[0].SubCategory,
                                                   subCatList[0].FilterAttrOrder, SimplifyAndGetValues(subCatList)));
                    // save one indicator for the category info.
                    if (anAttr == null)
                        anAttr = subCatList[0];
                if (anAttr == null)
                    // subCatList and attrsByCat can't BOTH be empty or we wouldn't have this category.
                    anAttr = attrsByCat[kvp.Key][0];
                retVal.Add(new PdbCategory(anAttr.Category, anAttr.FilterCatOrder,
                                           SimplifyAndGetValues(attrsByCat[kvp.Key]), subCats));
Esempio n. 15
 private static IList <PdbAttribute> GetAttribRecords(
     DaoCriteria crit, IEnumerable <SecurityRole> userRoles)
     return(GetAttribRecords(crit, userRoles, false));