void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)//i will need to add this code to a common class for all damage dealing things. possibly damagaeType?
        GameObject topLevel = damageType.HitCollider(other, ownerName, team, damage);

        if (topLevel.name != ownerName)
            var blast = (GameObject)Instantiate(blastHit, transform.position, transform.rotation);

            Destroy(blast, 01f);
Esempio n. 2
    protected void LineCheck(Vector3 startPosition, float Length, Vector3 dir)
        // do a line check, damage everything with health in the line.
        startPosition += transform.position;
        Vector3 endPosition = startPosition + (dir * Length);

        RaycastHit[] Hits;
        Hits = Physics.RaycastAll(startPosition, endPosition);

        foreach (RaycastHit rH in Hits)
            damageType.HitCollider(rH.collider, name, team, damage);