Esempio n. 1
        // Use regular expressions to determine the type of the metric
        public void DetermineMetricType()
            // Parse the objective
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DVHObjective))
                var testMatch = objectiveDictionary.Where(x => x.Key.IsMatch(DVHObjective));
                if (testMatch.Count() == 1)
                    // Found a match for a known objective type.
                    var match = testMatch.First().Key.Matches(DVHObjective)[0];
                    DVHType     = testMatch.First().Value;
                    DVHEvalUnit = match.Groups["evalunit"].Value;
                    DVHEvalPt   = match.Groups["evalpt"].Value;
                    DVHUnit     = match.Groups["unit"].Value;
                    Console.WriteLine("expression {0} => type = {1}, evalPoint = {2}, unit = {3}, evalUnit = {4}", DVHObjective, DVHType, DVHEvalPt, DVHUnit, DVHEvalUnit);

                    // Fix case if needed.
                    List <string> fixcase = new List <string> {
                        "cGy", "Gy", "cc", "%"
                    DVHEvalUnit = fixcase.Where(x => x.ToUpper().CompareTo(DVHEvalUnit.ToUpper()) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
                    DVHUnit     = fixcase.Where(x => x.ToUpper().CompareTo(DVHUnit.ToUpper()) == 0).FirstOrDefault();

            // Parse the Evaluator
            string eval_pattern = @"^(?<type><|<=|=|>=|>)(?<goal>\d+\p{P}\d+|\d+)$";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Evaluator)) //Variables remain null if empty
                var matches = Regex.Matches(Evaluator, eval_pattern);
                if (matches.Count == 1)
                    DVHEvalValue = matches[0].Groups["goal"].ToString();
                    DVHEvalType  = matches[0].Groups["type"].ToString();
                else //If no match, set to not recognized
                    DVHEvalValue = "Not recognized";
                    DVHEvalType  = "Not recognized";

            // Parse the Variation
            string variation_pattern = @"^(\d+\p{P}\d+|\d+)$";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Variation)) //Variables remain null if empty or no match
                var matches = Regex.Matches(Variation, variation_pattern);
                if (matches.Count == 1)
                    DVHVariation = matches[0].Value;
                    DVHVariation = "Not recognized";
Esempio n. 2
        // Evaluate covered dose at Volume.
        private string EvaluateCoveredDoseAtVolume(Structure evalStructure, PlanningItem plan, ref List <string> warnings)
            // Covered Dose at Volume DCxcc is equivalent to D(V_tot - x)cc
            double             Vtot       = evalStructure.Volume;
            double             doseEvalPt = (DVHUnit.CompareTo("cc") == 0) ? Vtot - double.Parse(DVHEvalPt) : 100 - double.Parse(DVHEvalPt);
            StructureObjective tmp        = new StructureObjective()
                DVHUnit     = DVHUnit,
                DVHEvalPt   = string.Format("{0:0.00}", doseEvalPt),
                DVHEvalUnit = DVHEvalUnit

            return(tmp.EvaluateDoseAtVolume(evalStructure, plan, ref warnings));
Esempio n. 3
        // Calculate Volume at Dose
        private string EvaluateVolumeAtDose(Structure evalStructure, PlanningItem plan, ref List <string> warnings)
            string achieved;

            // Plan sums don't support relative dose.
            if (plan is PlanSum && DVHUnit.CompareTo("%") == 0)
                warnings.Add("Relative dose not supported for plan sums.");

            // Determine Units
            DoseValue.DoseUnit du = (DVHUnit.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent :
                                    (DVHUnit.CompareTo("Gy") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy :
                                    (DVHUnit.CompareTo("cGy") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy : DoseValue.DoseUnit.Unknown;
            string doseunit = (plan is PlanSum) ? (plan as PlanSum).PlanSetups.First().DosePerFraction.UnitAsString :
                              (plan as PlanSetup).DosePerFraction.UnitAsString;

            // If plan sum and relative dose then convert to Gy
            if (plan is PlanSum && DVHUnit.CompareTo("%") == 0)
                du = DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy;

            // For version 15, we must handle all doses in the unit they are supposed to be presented in.
            double dose_value = double.Parse(DVHEvalPt);

            if (du.ToString() == "Gy" && doseunit == "cGy")
                dose_value = dose_value * 100;
                du         = DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy;
            else if (du.ToString() == "cGy" && doseunit == "Gy")
                dose_value = dose_value / 100;
                du         = DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy;

            // Calculate results
            DoseValue          dv             = new DoseValue(dose_value, du);
            VolumePresentation vpFinal        = (DVHEvalUnit.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? VolumePresentation.Relative : VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
            double             volumeAchieved = plan.GetVolumeAtDose(evalStructure, dv, vpFinal);

            // Check if dose is undefined
            if (double.IsNaN(volumeAchieved))
                // Check for sufficient sampling and dose coverage
                DVHData dvh = plan.GetDVHCumulativeData(evalStructure, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);
                if (dvh.SamplingCoverage < 0.9)
                    warnings.Add("Insufficient sampling coverage.");

                if (dvh.Coverage < 1.0)
                    warnings.Add("Insufficient dose coverage.");

                if (warnings.Count == 0)
                    warnings.Add("Dose value undefined.");


            achieved = string.Format("{0:0.00} {1}", volumeAchieved, DVHEvalUnit);