Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// The event is triggered when the insert button is clicked. It will instantiate a new DVDCopy and add
 /// it to the list corresponding to the DVD object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Checks whether the barcode is not empty, and has a valid barcode.
     if (this.txtBarcode.Text != String.Empty && this.validateBarcode(this.txtBarcode.Text))
         // Fetches the current DVD object.
         DVD dvd = DVD.Fetch(Convert.ToInt32(this.dvdID.Value));
         if (dvd != null)   // If the DVD object exists.
         // It will instantiate a new DVDCopy object based on the insert record fields. It will
         // then add the object into the copies list contained inside the DVD object.
         //dvd.copies.Add(new DVDCopy(dvd, this.txtBarcode.Text, this.chkAvailability.Checked));
             if (dvd.AddCopy(this.txtBarcode.Text, ((this.chkAvailability.Checked) ? DVDCopy.Status.AVAILABLE : DVDCopy.Status.UNAVAILABLE)))
                 // Shows a friendly message letting them know it has been added.
                 this.lblMessage.Text      = "A new copy has been added.";
                 this.lblMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                 this.lblMessage.Visible   = true;
                 // Reloads the DVDCopy DataGridView to reflect the changes.
                 // Shows a message stating the barcode is invalid.
                 this.lblMessage.Text      = "Barcode already exists.";
                 this.lblMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                 this.lblMessage.Visible   = true;
     // Sets the input barcode textbox to empty.
     this.txtBarcode.Text = String.Empty;
     // Sets the input availability checkbox back to true.
     this.chkAvailability.Checked = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// The addCopy method is used to add a DVDCopy object that was selected in the DVDCopy dropdown box to
 /// either the rentals or purchases dictionary (depending on the received boolean). It will then reload
 /// the copies dropdown box to reflect the changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="isRental"></param>
 private void addCopy(Boolean isRental)
     // If a copy is selected.
     if (this.copies.SelectedValue != String.Empty)
         // It will fetch the DVD that the copy belongs to.
         DVD dvd = DVD.Fetch(Convert.ToInt32(this.dvds.SelectedValue.ToString()));
         // It will then fetch the copy from the DVD (by passing in the barcode).
         DVDCopy copy = DVDCopy.FetchCopy(Convert.ToInt32(this.copies.SelectedItem.Value));
         // If the copy doesn't already exist in both dictionaries
         if (!(this.lstRentals.ContainsKey(this.copies.SelectedItem.Text) ||
             // Then it will add it to either the rentals or purchases
             if (isRental)
                 this.lstRentals.Add(copy.barcode, copy);
                 this.lstPurchases.Add(copy.barcode, copy);
         // Reloads the copies.
     // Reshows the creditcard payment option.
     // Loads the list boxes (with the new copy included).
 /// <summary>
 /// The loadCopies method is used to show another dropdown box containing the DVDCopy objects that belong to the selected DVD.
 /// It will check whether a DVD is selected, and if so; it will add available copies into the dropdown box.
 /// </summary>
 private void loadCopies()
     // Clears the copies dropdown list.
     // If a DVD is selected
     if (this.dvds.SelectedValue != String.Empty)
         this.dvdCopies.Visible = true; // shows the dropdown box
         // Fetches the DVD object relating to the selected item
         DVD dvd = DVD.Fetch(Convert.ToInt32(this.dvds.SelectedValue.ToString()));
         // Grabs the DVD copies belonging to that object
         List <DVDCopy> list = dvd.copies;
         foreach (DVDCopy copy in list)   // Iterates for each copy
         // If the copy is available & doesn't already exist on the form
             if (copy.isAvailable && (!this.copyExists(copy)))
                 // Adds the copy to the dropdown box.
                 this.copies.Items.Add(new ListItem(copy.barcode, copy.copyID.ToString()));
         // If the copies dropdown list has no items it will
         // reload the DVDs, which will hide the copies.
         if (this.copies.Items.Count == 0)
         // Otherwise, if no DVD is selected it will hide the copies.
         this.dvdCopies.Visible = false;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// The page load event will Fetch the object which corresponds to the unqiue key received,
 /// and invoke the ShowRecord method on the form usercontrol passing the object as an argument.
 /// It will then set the visibility of the form to true.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     try {
         DVD dvd = DVD.Fetch(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["view"]));
         if (dvd != null)
             dvdForm.Visible = true;
     } catch (Exception ex) {}
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// The RefreshCards method initialises the datasource of the DataGridView to point to the copies list contained
        /// in the viewed DVD object. It binds it to the object list.
        /// </summary>
        private void RefreshCopies()
            // Fetches the DVD object
            DVD dvd = DVD.Fetch(Convert.ToInt32(this.dvdID.Value));

            if (dvd != null)
                // Sets the source & binds it to the list.
                this.gridCopies.DataSource = dvd.copies;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// The event is triggered when the save button is pressed. It will either fetch the DVD (in view mode) or create a new one (add mode).
        /// It will set the properties of the object to the contents of the form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Fetches or creates a new DVD object.
            DVD dvd = ((this.dvdID.Value != String.Empty) ?
                       DVD.Fetch(Convert.ToInt32(this.dvdID.Value)) : new DVD());

            // Sets the properties to the contents of the form.
            dvd.title        = this.title.Text;
            dvd.director     = this.director.Text;
            dvd.yearReleased = Convert.ToInt32(this.yearReleased.Text.ToString());
            dvd.salePrice    = Convert.ToDouble(this.salePrice.Text.ToString());
            dvd.rentalPrice  = Convert.ToDouble(this.rentalPrice.Text.ToString());
            dvd.Save(); // Saves the object. It will ensure it has been added to the list.
            this.dvdID.Value = dvd.dvdID.ToString();
            // Shows a friendly message stating it has been saved.
            this.lblMessage.Text      = "The record has been saved.";
            this.lblMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
            this.lblMessage.Visible   = true;
            // Refreshes the DVDCopy DataGridView.
            this.chkAvailability.Checked = true;