Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes all eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix A.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">The real symmetric matrix A.</param>
        /// <returns>The eigenvalues.</returns>
        public Matrix GetEigenvalues(SymmetricMatrix A)
            if (this._dsyev == null)
                this._dsyev = new DSYEV();


            Matrix EigenVects = new Matrix(A.RowCount, A.ColumnCount, A.Data);

            double[] EigenVectsData = EigenVects.Data;
            Matrix   EigenVals      = new Matrix(A.RowCount, 1);

            double[] EigenValsData = EigenVals.Data;
            int      Info          = 0;

            double[] Work = new double[1];

            int LWork = -1;

            //Calculamos LWORK ideal

            _dsyev.Run("N", "U", A.RowCount, ref EigenVectsData, 0, A.RowCount, ref EigenValsData, 0, ref Work, 0, LWork, ref Info);

            LWork = Convert.ToInt32(Work[0]);
            if (LWork > 0)
                Work = new double[LWork];
                _dsyev.Run("N", "U", A.RowCount, ref EigenVectsData, 0, A.RowCount, ref EigenValsData, 0, ref Work, 0, LWork, ref Info);

            #region Error
            /// = 0:  successful exit
            /// .LT. 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
            /// .GT. 0:  if INFO = i, the algorithm failed to converge; i
            /// off-diagonal elements of an intermediate tridiagonal
            /// form did not converge to zero.

            if (Info < 0)
                string infoSTg = Math.Abs(Info).ToString();
                throw new ArgumentException("the " + infoSTg + " -th argument had an illegal value");
            else if (Info > 0)
                string infoSTg = Math.Abs(Info).ToString();
                throw new Exception("The algorithm failed to converge.");


 /// <summary>
 /// See
 /// </summary>
 public void Dsyev(string jobz, string uplo, int n, ref double[] a, int offsetA, int ldA, ref double[] w, int offsetW,
                   ref double[] work, int offsetWork, int lWork, ref int info)
 => dsyev.Run(jobz, uplo, n, ref a, offsetA, ldA, ref w, offsetW, ref work, offsetWork, lWork, ref info);