Esempio n. 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                                .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true)

            var csvFlightFiles = configuration.GetSection("Files").Get <string[]>();

            // Initialize the Client Settings (Connection String, ...):
            var settings = new DGraphClientSettings(configuration);

            // Create the Client:
            var client = new DGraphClient(settings);

            // Initialize the Schema:

            // Import all hourly weather data from 2014:
            foreach (var csvFlightStatisticsFile in csvFlightFiles)
                ProcessFlights(client, csvFlightStatisticsFile);
Esempio n. 2
        private static void ProcessFlights(DGraphClient client, string csvFilePath)
            // Create the Converter:
            var converter = new FlightConverter();

            // Access to the List of Parsers:
            // Use the Flights Parser:
            // Read the File:
            .ReadFromFile(csvFilePath, Encoding.UTF8)
            // As an Observable:
            // Batch Entities by Time / Count:
            .Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 1000)
            // And subscribe to the Batch synchronously (we don't want to handle too much backpressure here):
            .Subscribe(records =>
                var validRecords = records
                                   // Get the Valid Results:
                                   .Where(x => x.IsValid)
                                   // And get the populated Entities:
                                   .Select(x => x.Result)
                                   // Group by WBAN, Date and Time to avoid duplicates for this batch:
                                   .GroupBy(x => new { x.UniqueCarrier, x.FlightNumber, x.FlightDate })
                                   // If there are duplicates then make a guess and select the first one:
                                   .Select(x => x.First())
                                   // Convert into the DGraph Data Model:
                                   .Select(x => converter.Convert(x))
                                   // Evaluate:

                // Finally write them with the Batch Writer: