Esempio n. 1
        public static Texture FromFile(string path)
            // Set up the texture fire
            Texture tex = new Texture();

            // Just trust the file extension for now
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(path);

            // DDS files are a special case, as there's no built in support for loading them
            // Because of this, we'll need to parse the file manually
            if (ext.Equals(".dds"))
                DDSHelper dds = DDSHelper.FromFile(path);

                tex.Width  = (ushort)dds.ddsFile.Header.Width;
                tex.Height = (ushort)dds.ddsFile.Header.Height;
                tex.Depth  = (ushort)dds.ddsFile.Header.Width;

                // FIX THIS WHEN NOT LAZY
                tex.Flags       = (ushort)Descriptor.DXT1;
                tex.MipMapCount = (byte)dds.ddsFile.Header.MipMapCount;

                // Not finished...

            // Otherwise just let GDI+ handle it and the conversion
            // We'll ultimately just pull RGBA format out of it
                // Read the file and convert it to RGBX
                using (Bitmap temp = new Bitmap(path))
                    tex.originalBitmap = temp.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, temp.Width, temp.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
                    tex.combinedBitmap = tex.originalBitmap;

                // Just use the size of the main surface
                tex.Width  = (ushort)tex.originalBitmap.Width;
                tex.Height = (ushort)tex.originalBitmap.Height;

                tex.DataSize = (uint)(tex.Width * tex.Height) * 4;
