/// <summary>
        /// Loads a cleansed file that was generated from the PatronsIngestion user control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btn_LoadCleansedFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //use an OpenFileDialog object to get the new file
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();      //create a new open file dialog for getting the new file

            //open up the dialog for the user to choose a new file
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                //then a file was chosen, this is the file that will be loaded
                DB_Storage.LoadCleansedFile(ofd.FileName);        //load the cleansed file into the local DB
                //setup the new interface to have a representation of all the inhabitants of the graveyard
                List <Plot> lpl_Plots = DB_Storage.GetAllPlots(); //get all of the plots that were just loaded
                foreach (Plot pl in lpl_Plots)                    //go through each plot that was just loaded
                    //sa_Line contains the line of text that will be displayed to the user
                    string[] sa_Line = { pl.pers.s_FirstName, pl.pers.s_MiddleName, pl.pers.s_LastName,
                                         pl.s_Section,        pl.s_Id,              pl.pers.s_DODDate,
                                         pl.sl_Notes.ElementAt(0) };
                    lstv_Patrons.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(sa_Line));      //add the patron to the UI
Esempio n. 2
        private new void Update()
            DB_Storage = new DB_Storage();
            comboxEngineCapacity.DataSource = DB_Storage.GetCapacity();
            comboxDoors.DataSource          = DB_Storage.GetDoors();
            comboxSeats.DataSource          = DB_Storage.GetSeats();
            comboxModel.DataSource          = DB_Storage.Models;
            comboxCarcase.DataSource        = DB_Storage.Carcases;
            comboxCountry.DataSource        = DB_Storage.Countries;
            comboxBrand.DataSource          = DB_Storage.Brands;
            comboxTypeEngine.DataSource     = DB_Storage.Engine_types;
            comBoxPlace.DataSource          = DB_Storage.Engine_places;
            addModelBrand.DataSource        = DB_Storage.Brands;
            comboxPayType.DataSource        = DB_Storage.Payment_types;
            comBoxCities.DataSource         = DB_Storage.Cities;
            comBoxClients.DataSource        = DB_Storage.Clients;

            //BrandSaleSelect.DataSource = DB_Storage.Brands;
            TotalSumGridView.DataSource = DB_Sale_Query.GetTotalSum("");
            productsView.DataSource     = DB_Product_Query.GetAllProducts();
Esempio n. 3
        private int i_MaxHeight;                       //the maximum height of the window
        #endregion frm_GraveyardManager Variables

        #region public frm_GraveyardManager()
        /// <summary>
        /// frm_GraveyardManager()
        /// The constructor for the main form
        /// </summary>
        public frm_GraveyardManager()
            LogManager.Init(Properties.Settings.Default.s_LoggingPath); //intialize the LogManager for logging
            LogManager.WriteLine("");                                   //write a line
            LogManager.WriteLine("Boot -- GraveyardManager application is now starting");
            this.Resize              += Frm_GraveyardManager_Resize;
            fws_LastState             = this.WindowState;                                        //set the window state
            rect_InitialState         = new Rectangle(this.Location, this.Size);                 //create a new rectangle which indicates the default size of the form
            rect_PnlInitialState      = new Rectangle(pnl_MainView.Location, pnl_MainView.Size); //create a new rectangle which indicates the default size of the panel
            i_MaxWidth                = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width;                  //get the width of the main screen
            i_MaxHeight               = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height;                 //get the height of the main screen
            this.MaximumSize          = new Size(i_MaxWidth, i_MaxHeight);                       //set the maximum size of this form
            this.pnl_MainView.Size    = this.uC_Display1.Size;                                   //set the size of the panel
            this.pnl_MainView.Resize += Pnl_MainView_Resize;
            DB_Storage.Init();                                                                   //initialize the database
            Point po_DebugLoc = this.Location;                                                   //set the location for the new debug window
            po_DebugLoc.Y = po_DebugLoc.Y + this.Size.Height;                                    //adjust the width to be right beside the MainForm window
            DebuggingUI dui = new DebuggingUI();                                                 //create the new form
            dui.Location = po_DebugLoc;                                                          //set the new location of the debug window