private void UpdateTable() { dgvFaculties.Rows.Clear(); foreach (object[] v in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.FACULTIES)) { dgvFaculties.Rows.Add(v); } }
private void UpdateTable() { dgvTargetOrganizations.Rows.Clear(); foreach (object[] v in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.TARGET_ORGANIZATIONS, "id", "name")) { dgvTargetOrganizations.Rows.Add(v); } dgvTargetOrganizations.Sort(dgvTargetOrganizations_Name, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending); }
private void UpdateTable() { dgvAchievements.Rows.Clear(); foreach (var record in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.INSTITUTION_ACHIEVEMENTS, new string[] { "id", "name", "category_dict_id", "category_id", "value" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("campaign_id", Relation.EQUAL, _LoadedCampaign) })) { dgvAchievements.Rows.Add(record[0], record[1], record[4], _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemName((FIS_Dictionary)record[2], (uint)record[3]), record[3]); } }
public MADIOlymps(DB_Connector connection, Forms.ApplicationEdit.MODoc olympData) { InitializeComponent(); _DB_Connection = connection; _DB_Helper = new DB_Helper(_DB_Connection); List <string> olympsNames = new List <string>(); foreach (object[] olymp in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.DICTIONARY_19_ITEMS, new string[] { "olympic_name" }, new System.Collections.Generic.List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("year", Relation.GREATER_EQUAL, DateTime.Now.Year - 1) })) { olympsNames.Add(olymp[0].ToString()); } foreach (string name in olympsNames.Distinct()) { cbOlympName.Items.Add(name); } if (olympData.olympName != null && olympData.olympName != "") { cbOlympName.Text = olympData.olympName; OlympName = olympData.olympName; tbOrganization.Text = olympData.olypmOrg; OlympOrg = olympData.olypmOrg; dtpDate.Value = olympData.olympDate; OlympDate = olympData.olympDate; } }
public Olymps(DB_Connector connection, ApplicationEdit parent) { InitializeComponent(); _DB_Connection = connection; _DB_Helper = new DB_Helper(_DB_Connection); _Parent = parent; cbDiplomaType.Items.AddRange(_DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItems(FIS_Dictionary.DIPLOMA_TYPE).Values.ToArray()); cbClass.SelectedItem = "10"; cbDiscipline.Items.AddRange(_DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItems(FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS).Values.ToArray()); cbCountry.Items.AddRange(_DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItems(FIS_Dictionary.COUNTRY).Values.ToArray()); Forms.ApplicationEdit.ODoc loadedDocument = _Parent.OlympicDoc; if ((loadedDocument.olympType != null) && (loadedDocument.olympType != "")) { cbOlympType.SelectedItem = loadedDocument.olympType; tbDocNumber.Text = loadedDocument.olympDocNumber.ToString(); if ((loadedDocument.diplomaType != null) && (loadedDocument.diplomaType != "")) { cbDiplomaType.SelectedItem = loadedDocument.diplomaType; } if (loadedDocument.olympID != 0) { tbOlympID.Text = loadedDocument.olympID.ToString(); cbOlympName.SelectedIndex = cbOlympName.FindString(_DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.DICTIONARY_19_ITEMS, new string[] { "olympic_name" }, new System.Collections.Generic.List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("olympic_id", Relation.EQUAL, loadedDocument.olympID) })[0][0].ToString()); cbOlympProfile.SelectedIndex = cbOlympProfile.FindString(loadedDocument.olympProfile); } else { if (loadedDocument.olympName != null) { cbOlympName.Text = loadedDocument.olympName; } cbOlympProfile.SelectedItem = loadedDocument.olympProfile; } if (loadedDocument.olympClass != 0) { cbClass.SelectedItem = loadedDocument.olympClass.ToString(); } if ((loadedDocument.olympDist != null) && (loadedDocument.olympDist != "")) { cbDiscipline.SelectedItem = loadedDocument.olympDist; } if (( != null) && ( != "")) { cbCountry.SelectedItem =; } } }
private void btSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] fields = { "min_math_mark", "min_russian_mark", "min_physics_mark", "min_social_mark", "min_foreign_mark" }; object[] buf = _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.CONSTANTS, fields)[0]; Dictionary <string, object> values = new Dictionary <string, object>(fields.Length); Dictionary <string, object> where = new Dictionary <string, object>(fields.Length); for (byte i = 0; i < fields.Length; ++i) { values.Add(fields[i], dgvConstants[dgvConstants_Value.Index, i].Value); where.Add(fields[i], buf[i]); } _DB_Connection.Update(DB_Table.CONSTANTS, values, where); Close(); }
private void toolStrip_Register_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OrderRegistration form = new OrderRegistration(_DB_Connection, SelectedOrderNumber); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[dataGridView_ProtNumber.Index].Value = _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.ORDERS, new string[] { "protocol_number" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("number", Relation.EQUAL, SelectedOrderNumber) } )[0][0]; ToggleButtons(); } }
private void UpdateTableAndCombobox() { dgvCampaigns.Rows.Clear(); List <object[]> campaigns = _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.CAMPAIGNS, new string[] { "id", "name", "start_year", "end_year", "status_dict_id", "status_id" }); foreach (object[] v in campaigns) { dgvCampaigns.Rows.Add(v[0], v[1], v[2].ToString() + " - " + v[3].ToString(), "", _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemName((FIS_Dictionary)v[4], (uint)v[5])); foreach (object[] r in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table._CAMPAIGNS_HAS_DICTIONARIES_ITEMS, new string[] { "dictionaries_items_item_id" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("dictionaries_items_dictionary_id", Relation.EQUAL, (uint)FIS_Dictionary.EDU_LEVEL), new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("campaigns_id", Relation.EQUAL, dgvCampaigns.Rows[dgvCampaigns.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[0].Value) })) { string levelName = _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemName(FIS_Dictionary.EDU_LEVEL, (uint)r[0]); if (dgvCampaigns.Rows[dgvCampaigns.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[3].Value.ToString() == "") { dgvCampaigns.Rows[dgvCampaigns.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[3].Value = levelName; } else { dgvCampaigns.Rows[dgvCampaigns.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[3].Value = dgvCampaigns.Rows[dgvCampaigns.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[3].Value.ToString() + " - " + levelName; } } } cbCurrentCampaign.ValueMember = "Value"; cbCurrentCampaign.DisplayMember = "Display"; cbCurrentCampaign.DataSource = campaigns.Select(s => new { Value = (uint)s[0], Display = s[1].ToString() }).ToArray(); if (Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID != 0) { cbCurrentCampaign.SelectedValue = Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID; } else { cbCurrentCampaign.SelectedIndex = -1; } }
private void CreateApplication_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Не выбрана текущая кампания. Перейдите в Главное меню -> Приемная кампания -> Приемные кампании."); } else { StopTableAutoUpdating(); Form form; if (_MasterCampaign) { form = new ApplicationMagEdit(_DB_Connection, Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID, _UserLogin, null); } else { List <object[]> campaidnEduLevels = _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table._CAMPAIGNS_HAS_DICTIONARIES_ITEMS, new string[] { "dictionaries_items_item_id" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("campaigns_id", Relation.EQUAL, Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID), new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("dictionaries_items_dictionary_id", Relation.EQUAL, (uint)FIS_Dictionary.EDU_LEVEL) }); bool spo = false; foreach (object[] eduLevel in campaidnEduLevels) { if (DB_Helper.EduLevelSPO == _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemName(FIS_Dictionary.EDU_LEVEL, (uint)eduLevel[0])) { spo = true; } } if (spo) { form = new ApplicationSPOEdit(_DB_Connection, Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID, _UserLogin, null); } else { form = new ApplicationEdit(_DB_Connection, Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID, _UserLogin, null); } } form.ShowDialog(); UpdateApplicationsTable(); timer.Start(); } }
/// <summary> /// Selects all projects. /// </summary> /// <param name="conn">The database connection.</param> /// <returns>The Riviera project</returns> public static IEnumerable <RivieraProject> SelectProjects(DB_Connector conn) { QueryBuilder qB = new QueryBuilder(TABLENAME, conn); qB.AddSelectionColumn(); String query = qB.GetQuery(); return(conn.Select <RivieraProject>(query)); }
private static string SelectByPlaceholder(DB_Connector connection, uint id, string placeholder) { string[] placeholderAndFunction = placeholder.Split('|'); string[] placeholderValue = _PH_Single[placeholderAndFunction[0]].Split('.', ':'); List <System.Tuple <string, Relation, object> > whereClause; if (placeholderValue.Length == 2) { whereClause = new List <System.Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new System.Tuple <string, Relation, object>("id", Relation.EQUAL, id) } } ; else { whereClause = new List <System.Tuple <string, Relation, object> >(); string[] equalities = placeholderValue[2].Split(','); foreach (string equality in equalities) { string[] parts = equality.Split('='); string rightValue; if (parts[1][0] == '@') { rightValue = SelectByPlaceholder(connection, id, parts[1].Substring(1)); //TODO group? } else { rightValue = parts[1]; } whereClause.Add(new System.Tuple <string, Relation, object>(parts[0], Relation.EQUAL, rightValue)); } } var selectRes = connection.Select( (DB_Table)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(DB_Table), placeholderValue[0], true), new string[] { placeholderValue[1] }, whereClause ); if (selectRes.Count != 1) { throw new System.Exception("По условию Placeholder возвращена не одна строка. Значение: " + placeholder); } if (placeholderAndFunction.Length == 1) { return(selectRes[0][0].ToString()); } else { return(_PH_Functions[placeholderAndFunction[1]](selectRes[0][0])); } }
/// <summary> /// Selects the project. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param> /// <param name="projectName">Name of the project.</param> /// <param name="conn">The database connection.</param> /// <returns>The Riviera project</returns> public static RivieraProject SelectProject(int userId, String projectName, DB_Connector conn) { QueryBuilder qB = new QueryBuilder(TABLENAME, conn); qB.AddSelectionColumn(); qB.AddEqualCondition(FIELD_USERID, userId, "AND"); qB.AddEqualCondition(FIELD_NAME, projectName); String query = qB.GetQuery(); return(conn.Select <RivieraProject>(query).FirstOrDefault()); }
public FaculityDirectionsSelect(DB_Connector connection, string shortName) { InitializeComponent(); _DB_Connection = connection; _FacultyShortName = shortName; foreach (object[] v in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.DICTIONARY_10_ITEMS, "id", "name", "code")) { if (v[2].ToString().Substring(3, 2) == "03") { dgvDirections_.Rows.Add(v[0], false, v[1], v[2], "Бакалавриат"); } else if (v[2].ToString().Substring(3, 2) == "04") { dgvDirections_.Rows.Add(v[0], false, v[1], v[2], "Магистратура"); } else if (v[2].ToString().Substring(3, 2) == "05") { dgvDirections_.Rows.Add(v[0], false, v[1], v[2], "Специалитет"); } else if (v[2].ToString().Substring(3, 2) == "02") { dgvDirections_.Rows.Add(v[0], false, v[1], v[2], "СПО"); } } foreach (object[] v in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.DIRECTIONS, "faculty_short_name", "direction_id", "short_name")) { foreach (DataGridViewRow r in dgvDirections_.Rows) { if ((r.Cells[0].Value.ToString() == v[1].ToString()) && (v[0].ToString() == _FacultyShortName)) { r.Cells[1].Value = true; r.Cells[5].Value = v[2].ToString(); } } } dgvDirections_.Sort(dgvDirections_.Columns[dgvDirections_Code.Index], System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending); }
public TargetOrganizationEdit(DB_Connector connection, uint organizationCode) { InitializeComponent(); _DB_Connection = connection; _UpdatingCode = organizationCode; rtbOrganizationName.Text = _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.TARGET_ORGANIZATIONS, new string[] { "name" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("id", Relation.EQUAL, _UpdatingCode) })[0][0].ToString(); }
public OrderRegistration(DB_Connector connection, string number) { _DB_Connection = connection; #region Components InitializeComponent(); tbNumber.Text = (_DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.ORDERS, "protocol_number").Max(s => s[0] as ushort? != null ? (ushort)s[0] : 1)).ToString(); #endregion _Number = number; }
public TargetOrganizationSelect(DB_Connector connection, uint?orgID) { InitializeComponent(); _DB_Connection = connection; OrganizationID = orgID; foreach (object[] v in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.TARGET_ORGANIZATIONS, "id", "name")) { _All_Items.Add((uint)v[0], v[1].ToString()); lbSelection.Items.Add(v[1]); } if (OrganizationID != null) { tbSearchString.Text = _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.TARGET_ORGANIZATIONS, new string[] { "name" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("id", Relation.EQUAL, OrganizationID) })[0][0].ToString(); } tbSearchString.Select(); }
public Constants(DB_Connector connection, uint campaignID) { InitializeComponent(); _DB_Connection = connection; _DB_Helper = new DB_Helper(_DB_Connection); _CurrCampaignID = campaignID; lbCurrentCampaign.Text = _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.CAMPAIGNS, new string[] { "name" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("id", Relation.EQUAL, _CurrCampaignID) })[0][0].ToString(); UpdateTable(); }
private void btSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbDirections.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Не выбрано направление."); } else if (cbFaculties.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Не выбран факультет."); } else if (tbName.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Не указано название профиля."); } else if (tbShortName.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Не указано сокращенное название профиля."); } else if (rbMag.Checked && tbKafedra.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Не указана кафедра."); } else if (_DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.PROFILES, new string[] { "direction_id" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("short_name", Relation.EQUAL, tbShortName.Text) }).Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Профиль/программа с таким сокращением уже существует."); } else { if (rbMag.Checked) { _DB_Connection.Insert(DB_Table.PROFILES, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "faculty_short_name", cbFaculties.SelectedItem.ToString() }, { "direction_id", (cbDirections.SelectedValue as Tuple <uint, string>).Item1 }, { "name", tbName.Text + "|" + tbKafedra.Text }, { "short_name", tbShortName.Text } }); } else { _DB_Connection.Insert(DB_Table.PROFILES, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "faculty_short_name", cbFaculties.SelectedItem.ToString() }, { "direction_id", (cbDirections.SelectedValue as Tuple <uint, string>).Item1 }, { "name", tbName.Text }, { "short_name", tbShortName.Text } }); } tbKafedra.Text = ""; tbName.Text = ""; tbShortName.Text = ""; btAddProfile.Enabled = true; EnableDisableControls(false); UpdateTable(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the ejecutivo. /// </summary> /// <param name="credential">The user credential.</param> /// <returns>The selected excutive</returns> public static int GetEjecutivoId(UserCredential credential, DB_Connector conn) { QueryBuilder qB = new QueryBuilder(TABLENAME, conn); qB.AddSelectionColumn(); qB.AddEqualCondition(FIELD_ID, credential.Username, "AND"); qB.AddEqualCondition(FIELD_PASS, credential.Password, "AND"); qB.AddEqualCondition(FIELD_COMPANY, (int)credential.Company); String query = qB.GetQuery(); Ejecutivo e = conn.Select <Ejecutivo>(query).FirstOrDefault(); return(e != null ? e.Id : -1); }
public Authorization() { #region Components InitializeComponent(); cbLogin.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.Login; if (cbLogin.Text != "") { tbPassword.Select(); } #endregion while (true) { try { _DB_Connection = new DB_Connector(Properties.Settings.Default.pk_db_CS, "initial", "1234"); } catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex) { if (ex.Number == 1042 && !SharedClasses.Utility.ShowChoiceMessageBox("Подключён ли кабель локальной сети к компьютеру?", "Ошибка подключения")) { MessageBox.Show("Выполните подключение.", "Ошибка подключения", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); continue; //TODO } MessageBox.Show("Обратитесь к администратору. Не закрывайте это сообщение.", "Ошибка подключения", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); MessageBox.Show("Информация об ошибке:\n" + ex.Message, "Ошибка подключения", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (SharedClasses.Utility.ShowChoiceMessageBox("Закрыть приложение?", "Действие")) { Load += (s, e) => DialogResult = DialogResult.Abort; break; } continue; } foreach (var v in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.USERS, "login")) { cbLogin.Items.Add(v[0]); } AssureConstants(); break; } }
private void bAuth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbLogin.Text == "" || tbPassword.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Поля не могут быть пустыми.", "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <object[]> results = _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.USERS, new string[] { "password", "role" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("login", Relation.EQUAL, cbLogin.Text) } ); if (results.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Логин не найден.", "Ошибка авторизации", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else if (results[0][0].ToString() == tbPassword.Text) { UsersRole = results[0][1].ToString(); UsersLogin = cbLogin.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Login = cbLogin.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { MessageBox.Show("Неверный пароль.", "Ошибка авторизации", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); tbPassword.Clear(); } }
public Users(DB_Connector connection) { #region Components InitializeComponent(); dataGridView_Phone.ValueType = typeof(ulong); #endregion _DB_Connection = connection; foreach (object[] row in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.USERS)) { dataGridView.Rows.Add(row); } }
public ApplicationDocsPrint(DB_Connector connection, uint id) { InitializeComponent(); _DB_Connection = connection; _ID = id; cbAdmAgreement.Enabled = _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.APPLICATIONS_ENTRANCES, new string[] { "is_agreed_date", "is_disagreed_date" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("application_id", Relation.EQUAL, _ID) } ).Any(s => s[0] as DateTime? != null && s[1] as DateTime? == null); cbAdmAgreement.Checked = cbAdmAgreement.Enabled; }
public InstitutionAchievementsEdit(DB_Connector connection) { InitializeComponent(); _DB_Connection = connection; _DB_Helper = new DB_Helper(_DB_Connection); foreach (var campaign in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.CAMPAIGNS, "name")) { cbCampaign.Items.Add(campaign[0]); } cbAchievementType.DataSource = new BindingSource(_DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItems(FIS_Dictionary.IND_ACH_CATEGORIES), null); cbAchievementType.DisplayMember = "Value"; cbAchievementType.ValueMember = "Value"; }
public DirectionSelect(DB_Connector connection, List <string> filters) { InitializeComponent(); _DB_Connection = connection; _DB_Helper = new DB_Helper(_DB_Connection); foreach (object[] item in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.DIRECTIONS, "direction_id", "faculty_short_name")) { Tuple <string, string> dirData = _DB_Helper.GetDirectionNameAndCode((uint)item[0]); foreach (string v in filters) { if (dirData.Item2.Split('.')[1] == v) { dgvDirectionSelection.Rows.Add(item[0], dirData.Item2, dirData.Item1, item[1]); } } } }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); //_DB_Connection = new DB_Connector("server = localhost; port = 3306; database = pk_db;"/*Properties.Settings.Default.pk_db_CS*/, "administrator", "adm1234"); _DB_Connection = new DB_Connector("server = serv-priem; port = 3306; database = pk_db;" /*Properties.Settings.Default.pk_db_CS*/, "administrator", "adm1234"); _DB_Helper = new DB_Helper(_DB_Connection); Dictionary <uint, string> campaigns = new Dictionary <uint, string>(); foreach (object[] campaign in _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.CAMPAIGNS, new string[] { "id", "name" })) { if (_DB_Helper.GetCampaignType((uint)campaign[0]) == DB_Helper.CampaignType.BACHELOR_SPECIALIST) { campaigns.Add((uint)campaign[0], campaign[1].ToString()); } } cbCampaigns.DataSource = campaigns.ToList(); cbCampaigns.ValueMember = "Key"; cbCampaigns.DisplayMember = "Value"; cbAdress.SelectedIndex = 0; cbAdress.Enabled = cbPost.Checked; cbUnits.SelectedIndex = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= 60; i++) { cbInterval.Items.Add(i); } cbInterval.SelectedItem = 15; _SubjectsCodes = new Dictionary <uint, string> { { _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemID(FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS, DB_Helper.SubjectMath), "Math" }, { _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemID(FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS, DB_Helper.SubjectPhis), "Phis" }, { _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemID(FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS, DB_Helper.SubjectRus), "Rus" }, { _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemID(FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS, DB_Helper.SubjectObsh), "Obsh" }, { _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemID(FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS, DB_Helper.SubjectForen), "Foren" } }; }
private void bExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; var identities = DB_Queries.GetDocuments( _DB_Connection, _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.APPLICATIONS, new string[] { "id" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("campaign_id", Relation.EQUAL, Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID) } ).Select(s => (uint)s[0])).Where(s => s.Type == "identity").Join( _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.IDENTITY_DOCS_ADDITIONAL_DATA, new string[] { "document_id", "last_name" /*, "first_name", "middle_name"*/ }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("type_id", Relation.EQUAL, _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemID(FIS_Dictionary.IDENTITY_DOC_TYPE, DB_Helper.PassportName)) }), k1 => k1.ID, k2 => k2[0], (s1, s2) => Tuple.Create(s2[1].ToString(), /* s2[2].ToString(), s2[3] as string,*/ s1.Series, s1.Number)); using (System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(saveFileDialog.FileName, false, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1251))) { foreach (var appl in GetEgeResults().Select(s => Tuple.Create(s.LastName /*, s.FirstName, s.MiddleName*/, s.Series, s.Number) ).Concat(identities).Distinct()) { //writer.WriteLine(appl.Item1 + "%" + appl.Item2 + "%" + appl.Item3 + "%" + appl.Item4 + "%" + appl.Item5); writer.WriteLine(appl.Item1 + "%%%" + appl.Item2 + "%" + appl.Item3); } } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } }
private void bSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!AssureSave()) { return; } Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "subject_dict_id", (uint)FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS }, { "subject_id", _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemID(FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS, cbSubject.Text) }, { "date", dtpDate.Value }, { "reg_start_date", dtpRegStartDate.Value }, { "reg_end_date", dtpRegEndDate.Value } }; using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlTransaction transaction = _DB_Connection.BeginTransaction()) { uint id; if (_ID.HasValue) { _DB_Connection.Update(DB_Table.EXAMINATIONS, data, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "id", _ID } }, transaction); id = _ID.Value; } else { id = _DB_Connection.Insert(DB_Table.EXAMINATIONS, data, transaction); } string[] fields = { "examination_id", "number", "capacity", "priority" }; List <object[]> oldList = _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.EXAMINATIONS_AUDIENCES, fields, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("examination_id", Relation.EQUAL, id) } ); List <object[]> newList = new List <object[]>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView.Rows) { if (!row.IsNewRow) { newList.Add(new object[] { id, row.Cells[0].Value, row.Cells[1].Value, row.Index }); } } _DB_Helper.UpdateData(DB_Table.EXAMINATIONS_AUDIENCES, oldList, newList, fields, new string[] { "examination_id", "number" }, transaction); transaction.Commit(); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; SharedClasses.Utility.ShowChangesSavedMessage(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void toolStrip_Distribute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DB_Queries.ExaminationHasMarks(_DB_Connection, SelectedExamID)) { MessageBox.Show("В экзамен уже включены абитуриенты. При повторном распределении они не будут удалены."); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; var applications = _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.APPLICATIONS, new string[] { "id", "registration_time", "entrant_id" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("passing_examinations", Relation.EQUAL, true), new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("status", Relation.EQUAL, "new") }).Where(a => (DateTime)a[1] >= (DateTime)dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[dataGridView_RegStartDate.Index].Value && (DateTime)a[1] < (DateTime)dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[dataGridView_RegEndDate.Index].Value + new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0) ).Select(s => new { ApplID = (uint)s[0], EntrID = (uint)s[2] }); uint subjectID = _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItemID(FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS, dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[dataGridView_Subject.Index].Value.ToString()); IEnumerable <uint> excludedAppls = DB_Queries.GetMarks( _DB_Connection, applications.Select(s => s.ApplID), Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID ).Where(s => s.FromExamDate.HasValue && (s.SubjID == subjectID || s.Value < _DB_Helper.GetMinMark(s.SubjID) )).Select(s => s.ApplID); applications = applications.Where(s => !excludedAppls.Contains(s.ApplID)); var applsDirections = _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.APPLICATIONS_ENTRANCES, "application_id", "faculty_short_name", "direction_id" ); var subjectDirections = _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.ENTRANCE_TESTS, new string[] { "direction_faculty", "direction_id" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("campaign_id", Relation.EQUAL, Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID), new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("subject_id", Relation.EQUAL, subjectID) }); var applsSubjects = applsDirections.Join( subjectDirections, k1 => Tuple.Create(k1[1], k1[2]), k2 => Tuple.Create(k2[0], k2[1]), (s1, s2) => (uint)s1[0] ).Distinct(); applications = applications.Join( applsSubjects, k1 => k1.ApplID, k2 => k2, (s1, s2) => s1 ); if (applications.Count() == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Ни один абитуриент не попал в экзамен по условиям фильтрации.", "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } var entrantsIDs = _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.ENTRANTS, "id").Join( applications, en => en[0], a => a.EntrID, (s1, s2) => s2.EntrID ).Distinct();//TODO Нужно? foreach (object entrID in entrantsIDs) { _DB_Connection.InsertOnDuplicateUpdate( DB_Table.ENTRANTS_EXAMINATIONS_MARKS, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "entrant_id", entrID }, { "examination_id", SelectedExamID } } ); } ToggleButtons(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
public ExaminationEdit(DB_Connector connection, uint?id) { _DB_Connection = connection; _ID = id; #region Components InitializeComponent(); dataGridView_Capacity.ValueType = typeof(ushort); Tuple <uint, uint> curCampStartEnd = DB_Queries.GetCampaignStartEnd(_DB_Connection, Classes.Settings.CurrentCampaignID); dtpDate.MinDate = new DateTime((int)curCampStartEnd.Item1, 1, 1); dtpDate.MaxDate = new DateTime((int)curCampStartEnd.Item2, 12, 31); dtpRegStartDate.MinDate = dtpDate.MinDate; dtpRegStartDate.MaxDate = dtpDate.MaxDate; dtpRegEndDate.MinDate = dtpDate.MinDate; dtpRegEndDate.MaxDate = dtpDate.MaxDate; foreach (DateTimePicker dtp in Controls.OfType <DateTimePicker>()) { dtp.Tag = _ID.HasValue; } if (_ID.HasValue) { dtpRegStartDate.Enabled = !DB_Queries.ExaminationHasMarks(_DB_Connection, _ID.Value); dtpRegEndDate.Enabled = !DB_Queries.ExaminationHasMarks(_DB_Connection, _ID.Value); } #endregion _DB_Helper = new DB_Helper(_DB_Connection); Dictionary <uint, string> subjects = _DB_Helper.GetDictionaryItems(FIS_Dictionary.SUBJECTS); cbSubject.Items.AddRange(subjects.Values.ToArray()); if (_ID.HasValue) { object[] exam = _DB_Connection.Select(DB_Table.EXAMINATIONS, new string[] { "subject_id", "date", "reg_start_date", "reg_end_date" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("id", Relation.EQUAL, _ID) })[0]; cbSubject.SelectedItem = subjects[(uint)exam[0]]; dtpDate.Value = (DateTime)exam[1]; dtpRegStartDate.Value = (DateTime)exam[2]; dtpRegEndDate.Value = (DateTime)exam[3]; foreach (object[] row in _DB_Connection.Select( DB_Table.EXAMINATIONS_AUDIENCES, new string[] { "number", "capacity", "priority" }, new List <Tuple <string, Relation, object> > { new Tuple <string, Relation, object>("examination_id", Relation.EQUAL, _ID) }).OrderBy(s => s[2])) { dataGridView.Rows.Add(row[0], row[1]); } } }