private Boolean SetUrl() { txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Configurando url do sistema no banco de dados..."; const String executionFail = "Falha ao configurar url do sistema no BD. "; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUrl.Text)) { txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + executionFail + "Favor informar a url de acesso externo. "; return(false); } try { DBQuery dbQuery = new DBQuery(sqlConnection); // dbQuery.Query = "USE AppCommon"; // dbQuery.Execute(false); // Atualiza a url de acesso ao sistema no banco dbQuery.Query = "UPDATE tb_applicationParam SET value = '" + txtUrl.Text + "' WHERE name = 'url' AND ownerTask='webAccounting'"; dbQuery.Execute(false); } catch (Exception exc) { txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + executionFail + Environment.NewLine + exc.Message; return(false); } // Se não houve nenhuma falha retorna status de sucesso return(true); }
private Boolean CreateSysUser() { const String sysUser = "******"; const String sysPass = "******"; txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Criando usuário para uso do sistema..."; const String creationFail = "Falha ao criar usuário para o sistema. "; try { // Cria o usuário que será utilizado pelo sistema para execução de procedures String creationQuery; if (sqlVersion > 8) // SQL Server 2005 ou superior { creationQuery = "CREATE LOGIN " + sysUser + " WITH PASSWORD = '******'"; } else { creationQuery = "sp_addlogin '" + sysUser + "', '" + sysPass + "'"; } DBQuery dbQuery = new DBQuery(creationQuery, sqlConnection); dbQuery.Execute(false); } catch (Exception exc) { txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + creationFail + Environment.NewLine + exc.Message; return(false); } // Se não houve nenhuma falha armazena o usuário e retorna status de sucesso sysLogin = new DBLogin(sysUser, sysPass); return(true); }
private int GetSQLServerVersion() { String query = "SELECT CONVERT(INTEGER, CONVERT(FLOAT, CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')))) majorVersion"; DBQuery dbQuery = new DBQuery(query, sqlConnection); dbQuery.Execute(true); List <Object> resultSet = dbQuery.ExtractFromResultset(typeof(SQLServerVersion)); SQLServerVersion productVersion = (SQLServerVersion)resultSet[0]; return(productVersion.majorVersion); }
private void DisplayAvailableTenants() { DBQuery dbQuery = new DBQuery(sqlConnection); // dbQuery.Query = "USE AppCommon"; // dbQuery.Execute(false); // Busca todos os tenants cadastrados no banco dbQuery.Query = "SELECT * FROM tb_tenant"; dbQuery.Execute(true); DataTable tenantTable = dbQuery.ExtractFromResultset(typeof(TenantInfo), "tenantTable"); tenantGridView.DataSource = tenantTable; tenantGridView.Columns[2].MinimumWidth = tenantGridView.Width; }
// Function from file: public static dynamic IsBanned(string key = null, dynamic address = null, string computer_id = null) { dynamic _default = null; bool admin = false; string ckey = null; string ckeytext = null; string ipquery = null; string cidquery = null; DBQuery query = null; string pckey = null; dynamic ackey = null; dynamic reason = null; dynamic expiration = null; string duration = null; dynamic bantime = null; string bantype = null; string expires = null; string desc = null; if (!Lang13.Bool(key) || !Lang13.Bool(address) || !Lang13.Bool(computer_id)) { GlobalFuncs.log_access("Failed Login (invalid data): " + key + " " + address + "-" + computer_id); return(new ByTable() .Set("reason", "invalid login data") .Set("desc", "Error: Could not check ban status, Please try again. Error message: Your computer provided invalid or blank information to the server on connection (byond username, IP, and Computer ID.) Provided information for reference: Username:'******' IP:'" + address + "' Computer ID:'" + computer_id + "'. (If you continue to get this error, please restart byond or contact byond support.)") ); } if (String13.ParseNumber(computer_id) == 2147483648) { GlobalFuncs.log_access("Failed Login (invalid cid): " + key + " " + address + "-" + computer_id); return(new ByTable().Set("reason", "invalid login data").Set("desc", "Error: Could not check ban status, Please try again. Error message: Your computer provided an invalid Computer ID.)")); } admin = false; ckey = String13.CKey(key); if (GlobalVars.admin_datums.Contains(ckey) || GlobalVars.deadmins.Contains(ckey)) { admin = true; } if (GlobalFuncs.IsGuestKey(key)) { if (!GlobalVars.guests_allowed) { GlobalFuncs.log_access("Failed Login: "******" - Guests not allowed"); return(new ByTable().Set("reason", "guest").Set("desc", "\nReason: Guests not allowed. Please sign in with a byond account.")); } if (GlobalVars.config.panic_bunker && GlobalVars.dbcon != null && GlobalVars.dbcon.IsConnected()) { GlobalFuncs.log_access("Failed Login: "******" - Guests not allowed during panic bunker"); return(new ByTable() .Set("reason", "guest") .Set("desc", "\nReason: Sorry but the server is currently not accepting connections from never before seen players or guests. If you have played on this server with a byond account before, please log in to the byond account you have played from.") ); } } if (Lang13.Bool(GlobalVars.config.extreme_popcap) && GlobalFuncs.living_player_count() >= (GlobalVars.config.extreme_popcap ?? 0) && !admin) { GlobalFuncs.log_access("Failed Login: "******" - Population cap reached"); return(new ByTable().Set("reason", "popcap").Set("desc", "\nReason: " + GlobalVars.config.extreme_popcap_message)); } if (GlobalVars.config.ban_legacy_system) { _default = GlobalFuncs.CheckBan(String13.CKey(key), computer_id, address); if (Lang13.Bool(_default)) { if (admin) { GlobalFuncs.log_admin("The admin " + key + " has been allowed to bypass a matching ban on " + _default["key"]); GlobalFuncs.message_admins("<span class='adminnotice'>The admin " + key + " has been allowed to bypass a matching ban on " + _default["key"] + "</span>"); GlobalFuncs.addclientmessage(ckey, "<span class='adminnotice'>You have been allowed to bypass a matching ban on " + _default["key"] + "</span>"); } else { GlobalFuncs.log_access("Failed Login: "******" " + computer_id + " " + address + " - Banned " + _default["reason"]); return(_default); } } } else { ckeytext = String13.CKey(key); if (!GlobalFuncs.establish_db_connection()) { Game13.log.WriteMsg("Ban database connection failure. Key " + ckeytext + " not checked"); GlobalVars.diary.WriteMsg("Ban database connection failure. Key " + ckeytext + " not checked"); return(_default); } ipquery = ""; cidquery = ""; if (Lang13.Bool(address)) { ipquery = " OR ip = '" + address + "' "; } if (Lang13.Bool(computer_id)) { cidquery = " OR computerid = '" + computer_id + "' "; } query = GlobalVars.dbcon.NewQuery("SELECT ckey, ip, computerid, a_ckey, reason, expiration_time, duration, bantime, bantype FROM " + GlobalFuncs.format_table_name("ban") + " WHERE (ckey = '" + ckeytext + "' " + ipquery + " " + cidquery + ") AND (bantype = 'PERMABAN' OR bantype = 'ADMIN_PERMABAN' OR ((bantype = 'TEMPBAN' OR bantype = 'ADMIN_TEMPBAN') AND expiration_time > Now())) AND isnull(unbanned)"); query.Execute(); while (query.NextRow()) { pckey = query.item[1]; ackey = query.item[4]; reason = query.item[5]; expiration = query.item[6]; duration = query.item[7]; bantime = query.item[8]; bantype = query.item[9]; if (bantype == "ADMIN_PERMABAN" || bantype == "ADMIN_TEMPBAN") { if (pckey != ckey) { continue; } } if (admin) { if (bantype == "ADMIN_PERMABAN" || bantype == "ADMIN_TEMPBAN") { GlobalFuncs.log_admin("The admin " + key + " is admin banned, and has been disallowed access"); GlobalFuncs.message_admins("<span class='adminnotice'>The admin " + key + " is admin banned, and has been disallowed access</span>"); } else { GlobalFuncs.log_admin("The admin " + key + " has been allowed to bypass a matching ban on " + pckey); GlobalFuncs.message_admins("<span class='adminnotice'>The admin " + key + " has been allowed to bypass a matching ban on " + pckey + "</span>"); GlobalFuncs.addclientmessage(ckey, "<span class='adminnotice'>You have been allowed to bypass a matching ban on " + pckey + "</span>"); continue; } } expires = ""; if ((String13.ParseNumber(duration) ?? 0) > 0) { expires = " The ban is for " + duration + " minutes and expires on " + expiration + " (server time)."; } else { expires = " The is a permanent ban."; } desc = "\nReason: You, or another user of this computer or connection (" + pckey + ") is banned from playing here. The ban reason is:\n" + reason + "\nThis ban was applied by " + ackey + " on " + bantime + ", " + expires; _default = new ByTable().Set("reason", "" + bantype).Set("desc", "" + desc); GlobalFuncs.log_access("Failed Login: "******" " + computer_id + " " + address + " - Banned " + _default["reason"]); return(_default); } } _default = Game13._internal_IsBanned(key, address, computer_id); if (Lang13.Bool(_default)) { if (admin) { GlobalFuncs.log_admin("The admin " + key + " has been allowed to bypass a matching host/sticky ban"); GlobalFuncs.message_admins("<span class='adminnotice'>The admin " + key + " has been allowed to bypass a matching host/sticky ban</span>"); GlobalFuncs.addclientmessage(ckey, "<span class='adminnotice'>You have been allowed to bypass a matching host/sticky ban</span>"); return(null); } else { GlobalFuncs.log_access("Failed Login: "******" " + computer_id + " " + address + " - Banned " + _default["message"]); } } return(_default); }
private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!OpenConnection()) { return; } DateTime?fileDate = PrintLogFile.GetDate(txtFileToImport.Text); if (fileDate == null) { MessageBox.Show("Arquivo inválido"); return; } DateTime startDate = fileDate.Value; DateTime endDate = startDate.Add(new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59)); DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(true); dateRange.SetRange(startDate, endDate); DBQuery query = new DBQuery(sqlConnection); query.Query = "use Accounting"; query.Execute(false); query.Query = "SELECT" + Environment.NewLine + " jobId," + Environment.NewLine + " PRN_LOG.tenantId," + Environment.NewLine + " PRN_LOG.jobTime," + Environment.NewLine + " USR.alias userName," + Environment.NewLine + " PRN.alias printerName," + Environment.NewLine + " PRN_LOG.documentName name," + Environment.NewLine + " PRN_LOG.pageCount," + Environment.NewLine + " PRN_LOG.copyCount," + Environment.NewLine + " PRN_LOG.duplex," + Environment.NewLine + " PRN_LOG.color" + Environment.NewLine + "FROM" + Environment.NewLine + " tb_printLog PRN_LOG" + Environment.NewLine + " INNER JOIN tb_printer PRN WITH (NOLOCK)" + Environment.NewLine + " ON PRN_LOG.printerId =" + Environment.NewLine + " INNER JOIN tb_user USR WITH (NOLOCK)" + Environment.NewLine + " ON PRN_LOG.userId ="; query.Execute(true); DataTable printLog = query.ExtractFromResultset(typeof(PrintedDocument), "tb_ptintLog"); //dataGridView1.DataSource = printLog.DefaultView; if (printLog.Rows.Count > 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Erro. Já existem registros correspondentes a data do arquivo!"); //return; } Boolean imported = ImportFile(txtFileToImport.Text); CloseConnection(); if (imported) { MessageBox.Show("Arquivo importado com sucesso."); } }
/// <summary> /// Importa os registros do arquivo de log(.CSV) e insere no banco de dados /// </summary> public Boolean ImportFile(String fileName) { CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(fileName, null); DataTable printedDocumentTable = reader.Read(); int rowCount = printedDocumentTable.Rows.Count; // Verifica se existem registros no CSV if (rowCount < 1) { MessageBox.Show("CSV inválido. Nenhum registro encontrado."); return(false); } PrintedDocument printedDocument; foreach (DataRow row in printedDocumentTable.Rows) { printedDocument = new PrintedDocument(); printedDocument.tenantId = 1; printedDocument.jobTime = DateTime.Parse(row["Time"].ToString()); printedDocument.userName = row["User"].ToString(); printedDocument.printerName = row["Printer"].ToString(); = row["Document Name"].ToString(); printedDocument.pageCount = int.Parse(row["Pages"].ToString()); printedDocument.copyCount = int.Parse(row["Copies"].ToString()); printedDocument.duplex = ConvertToBool(row["Duplex"].ToString()); printedDocument.color = !ConvertToBool(row["Grayscale"].ToString()); DBQuery query = new DBQuery(sqlConnection); query.Query = "DECLARE @pageCount INT" + Environment.NewLine + "SET @pageCount = " + printedDocument.pageCount + Environment.NewLine + "DECLARE @copyCount INT" + Environment.NewLine + "SET @copyCount = " + printedDocument.copyCount + Environment.NewLine + "DECLARE @duplex BIT" + Environment.NewLine + "SET @duplex = " + ConvertToBit(printedDocument.duplex) + Environment.NewLine + "DECLARE @color BIT" + Environment.NewLine + "SET @color = " + ConvertToBit(printedDocument.color) + Environment.NewLine + "-- Executa procedimento para garantir a existência do usuário no banco" + Environment.NewLine + "IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tb_user WHERE name = '" + printedDocument.userName + "')" + Environment.NewLine + "BEGIN" + Environment.NewLine + " INSERT INTO tb_user(tenantId, name, alias) VALUES (1, '" + printedDocument.userName + "', '" + printedDocument.userName + "')" + Environment.NewLine + "END" + Environment.NewLine + "-- Recupera os dados do usuário" + Environment.NewLine + "DECLARE @userId INT" + Environment.NewLine + "SELECT @userId = id" + Environment.NewLine + "FROM tb_user" + Environment.NewLine + "WHERE name = '" + printedDocument.userName + "'" + Environment.NewLine + "-- Executa procedimento para garantir a existência da impresora no banco" + Environment.NewLine + "IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tb_printer WHERE name = '" + printedDocument.printerName + "')" + Environment.NewLine + "BEGIN" + Environment.NewLine + " INSERT INTO tb_printer(tenantId, name, alias) VALUES (1, '" + printedDocument.printerName + "', '" + printedDocument.printerName + "')" + Environment.NewLine + "END" + Environment.NewLine + "-- Recupera os dados da impressora" + Environment.NewLine + "DECLARE @printerId INT" + Environment.NewLine + "DECLARE @pageCost MONEY" + Environment.NewLine + "DECLARE @colorCostDiff MONEY" + Environment.NewLine + "DECLARE @bwPrinter BIT" + Environment.NewLine + "SELECT @printerId = id, @pageCost = pageCost, @colorCostDiff = colorCostDiff, @bwPrinter = bwPrinter" + Environment.NewLine + "FROM tb_printer" + Environment.NewLine + "WHERE name = '" + printedDocument.printerName + "'" + Environment.NewLine + "IF (@bwPrinter = 1) -- caso a impressora esteja definida como Monocromática define a impressão como Pb" + Environment.NewLine + "BEGIN" + Environment.NewLine + " SET @color = 0" + Environment.NewLine + "END" + Environment.NewLine + "DECLARE @jobCost MONEY" + Environment.NewLine + "SET @jobCost = (@pageCost + (@colorCostDiff * @color) ) * @pageCount * @copyCount" + Environment.NewLine + "INSERT INTO" + Environment.NewLine + " tb_printLog(tenantId, jobTime, userId, printerId, documentName, pageCount, copyCount, duplex, color, jobCost)" + Environment.NewLine + "VALUES" + Environment.NewLine + " (1, '" + printedDocument.jobTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "', @userId, @printerId, '" + + "', @pageCount, @copyCount, @duplex, @color, @jobCost)"; query.Execute(false); } return(true); }
private Boolean CreateTenant() { txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Criando empresa no sistema..."; const String creationFail = "Falha ao criar a empresa no sistema. "; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTenantName.Text)) { txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + creationFail + "Favor informar um identificador para a empresa. "; return(false); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTenantAlias.Text)) { txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + creationFail + "Favor informar um nome amigável para a empresa. "; return(false); } TenantInfo tenantInfo = null; try { DBQuery dbQuery = new DBQuery(sqlConnection); // dbQuery.Query = "USE AppCommon"; // dbQuery.Execute(false); // Insere a empresa no banco de dados (guarda o id da empresa inserida no banco) txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Inserindo a empresa no BD..."; dbQuery.Query = "INSERT INTO tb_tenant VALUES ('" + txtTenantName.Text + "', '" + txtTenantAlias.Text + "')" + Environment.NewLine + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() tenantId"; dbQuery.Execute(true); int?tenantId = dbQuery.ExtractFromResultset(); // Cria o tenantInfo, o tenantId foi o id atribuido pelo BD na operação INSERT // e obtido através do SCOPE_IDENTITY() tenantInfo = new TenantInfo(tenantId.Value, txtTenantName.Text, txtTenantAlias.Text); // Insere as preferências para empresa no banco de dados txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Inserindo preferências para a empresa no BD..."; dbQuery.Query = "INSERT INTO tb_tenantPreference VALUES (" + + ", 'sysSender', '*****@*****.**', 'System.String')"; dbQuery.Execute(false); // Insere os logins de acesso para a empresa no banco de dados txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Inserindo logins de acesso para a empresa no BD..."; dbQuery.Query = "INSERT INTO tb_login VALUES (" + + ", 'admin', '1E588BE3A984524C7F2C278686F44E72', 0, 0)" + Environment.NewLine + "INSERT INTO tb_login VALUES (" + + ", 'guest', '1E588BE3A984524C7F2C278686F44E72', 1, 0)"; dbQuery.Execute(false); // Insere o servidor de smtp default para a empresa no banco de dados txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Inserindo servidor de smtp(default) para a empresa no BD..."; dbQuery.Query = "INSERT INTO tb_smtpServer VALUES (" + + ", 'Servidor Default', '', 587, '*****@*****.**', 'datacopy123', 0)"; dbQuery.Execute(false); // Altera o database para "Accounting" dbQuery.Query = "USE Accounting"; dbQuery.Execute(false); // Insere o centro de custo raiz para a empresa no banco de dados txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Inserindo centro de custo (raiz) para a empresa no BD..."; dbQuery.Query = "INSERT INTO tb_costCenter VALUES (" + + ", '" + tenantInfo.alias + "', NULL)"; dbQuery.Execute(false); } catch (Exception exc) { txtProcessInfo.Text += Environment.NewLine + creationFail + Environment.NewLine + exc.Message; return(false); } // Se não houve nenhuma falha insere a empresa na lista retorna status de sucesso if (tenantList == null) { tenantList = new List <TenantInfo>(); } tenantList.Add(tenantInfo); return(true); }