Esempio n. 1
        public static Common.Models.Tasks.Task Create(
            Common.Models.Tasks.Task model,
            Common.Models.Account.Users creator,
            IDbConnection conn   = null,
            bool closeConnection = true)
            model.CreatedBy = model.ModifiedBy = creator;
            model.Created   = model.Modified = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo = Mapper.Map <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(model);

            conn = DataHelper.OpenIfNeeded(conn);

            if (conn.Execute("INSERT INTO \"task\" (\"title\", \"description\", \"projected_start\", \"due_date\", \"projected_end\", " +
                             "\"actual_end\", \"parent_id\", \"is_grouping_task\", \"sequential_predecessor_id\", \"active\", \"utc_created\", " +
                             "\"utc_modified\", \"created_by_user_pid\", \"modified_by_user_pid\") " +
                             "VALUES (@Title, @Description, @ProjectedStart, @DueDate, @ProjectedEnd, @ActualEnd, @ParentId, @IsGroupingTask, " +
                             "@SequentialPredecessorId, @Active, @UtcCreated, @UtcModified, @CreatedByUserPId, @ModifiedByUserPId)",
                             dbo) > 0)
                model.Id = conn.Query <DBOs.Tasks.Task>("SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('task', 'id')) AS \"id\"").Single().Id;

            DataHelper.Close(conn, closeConnection);

Esempio n. 2
        public static List<Common.Models.Tasks.Task> ListChildren(
            long? parentId, 
            List<Tuple<string, string>> filter = null,
            IDbConnection conn = null, 
            bool closeConnection = true)
            List<Common.Models.Tasks.Task> list = new List<Common.Models.Tasks.Task>();
            IEnumerable<DBOs.Tasks.Task> ie = null;

            //filter = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();
            //filter.Add(new Tuple<string, string>("status", "pending"));

            if (filter != null)
                string filterStr = null;

                List<string> cats = new List<string>();
                List<string> tags = new List<string>();
                List<Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter> parms = new List<Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter>();

                filter.ForEach(x =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Item1))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Item2))

                filterStr = "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"id\" IN (SELECT \"task_id\" FROM \"task_tag\" WHERE \"tag_category_id\" " +
                    "IN (SELECT \"id\" FROM \"tag_category\" WHERE LOWER(\"name\") IN (";

                cats.ForEach(x =>
                    string parmName = parms.Count.ToString();
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter(parmName, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text) { Value = x });
                    filterStr += ":" + parmName + ",";

                filterStr = filterStr.TrimEnd(',');
                filterStr += ")) AND LOWER(\"tag\") IN (";

                tags.ForEach(x =>
                    string parmName = parms.Count.ToString();
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter(parmName, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text) { Value = x });
                    filterStr += ":" + parmName + ",";

                filterStr = filterStr.TrimEnd(',');
                filterStr += ")) AND \"parent_id\"";

                if (parentId.HasValue && parentId.Value > 0)
                    filterStr += "=:parentid ";
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("parentid", DbType.Int64) { Value = parentId.Value.ToString() });
                    filterStr += " is null ";

                filterStr += "AND \"utc_disabled\" is null";

                conn = DataHelper.OpenIfNeeded(conn);

                using (Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand cmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(filterStr, (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection)conn))
                    parms.ForEach(x => cmd.Parameters.Add(x));
                    using (Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo = new DBOs.Tasks.Task();

                            dbo.Id = Database.GetDbColumnValue<long>("id", reader);
                            dbo.Title = Database.GetDbColumnValue<string>("title", reader);
                            dbo.Description = Database.GetDbColumnValue<string>("description", reader);
                            dbo.ProjectedStart = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("projected_start", reader);
                            dbo.DueDate = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("due_date", reader);
                            dbo.ProjectedEnd = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("projected_end", reader);
                            dbo.ActualEnd = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("actual_end", reader);
                            dbo.ParentId = Database.GetDbColumnValue<long?>("parent_id", reader);
                            dbo.IsGroupingTask = Database.GetDbColumnValue<bool>("is_grouping_task", reader);
                            dbo.SequentialPredecessorId = Database.GetDbColumnValue<long?>("sequential_predecessor_id", reader);

                conn = DataHelper.OpenIfNeeded(conn);

                if (parentId.HasValue)
                    ie = conn.Query<DBOs.Tasks.Task>(
                        "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"parent_id\"=@ParentId AND \"utc_disabled\" is null",
                        new { ParentId = parentId.Value });
                    ie = conn.Query<DBOs.Tasks.Task>(
                        "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"parent_id\" is null AND \"utc_disabled\" is null");
                foreach (DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo in ie)

            DataHelper.Close(conn, closeConnection);

            return list;
Esempio n. 3
        public static List<Common.Models.Tasks.Task> GetTodoListForAll(
            DateTime? start = null, 
            DateTime? stop = null,
            IDbConnection conn = null, 
            bool closeConnection = true)
            string sql;
            List<Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter> parms = new List<Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter>();
            List<Common.Models.Tasks.Task> list = new List<Common.Models.Tasks.Task>();
            sql = "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"active\"=true AND \"utc_disabled\" is null ";

            if (start.HasValue)
                parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("Start", DbType.DateTime) { Value = start.Value });
                if (stop.HasValue)
                    sql += "AND \"due_date\" BETWEEN @Start AND @Stop ";
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("Stop", DbType.DateTime) { Value = stop.Value });
                    sql += "AND \"due_date\">=@Start ";

            sql += "ORDER BY \"due_date\" ASC";

            conn = DataHelper.OpenIfNeeded(conn);

            using (Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand cmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(sql, (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection)conn))
                parms.ForEach(x => cmd.Parameters.Add(x));
                using (Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo = new DBOs.Tasks.Task();

                        dbo.Id = Database.GetDbColumnValue<long>("id", reader);
                        dbo.Title = Database.GetDbColumnValue<string>("title", reader);
                        dbo.Description = Database.GetDbColumnValue<string>("description", reader);
                        dbo.ProjectedStart = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("projected_start", reader);
                        dbo.DueDate = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("due_date", reader);
                        dbo.ProjectedEnd = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("projected_end", reader);
                        dbo.ActualEnd = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("actual_end", reader);
                        dbo.ParentId = Database.GetDbColumnValue<long?>("parent_id", reader);
                        dbo.IsGroupingTask = Database.GetDbColumnValue<bool>("is_grouping_task", reader);
                        dbo.SequentialPredecessorId = Database.GetDbColumnValue<long?>("sequential_predecessor_id", reader);


            DataHelper.Close(conn, closeConnection);

            return list;
Esempio n. 4
        private static void UpdateGroupingTaskProperties(Common.Models.Tasks.Task groupingTask)
            bool groupingTaskChanged = false;

            using (IDbConnection conn = Database.Instance.GetConnection())
                // Projected Start
                DBOs.Tasks.Task temp = conn.Query <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(
                    "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"parent_id\"=@ParentId AND \"utc_disabled\" is null ORDER BY \"projected_start\" DESC limit 1",
                    new { ParentId = groupingTask.Id.Value }).SingleOrDefault();

                // If temp.ProjectedStart has a value then we know that there are no rows
                // with null value and so, we may update the grouping task to be the
                // earliest projected start value.  However, if null, then we need to
                // set the grouping task's projected start value to null.

                if (temp.ProjectedStart.HasValue)
                    temp = conn.Query <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(
                        "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"parent_id\"=@ParentId AND \"utc_disabled\" is null ORDER BY \"projected_start\" ASC limit 1",
                        new { ParentId = groupingTask.Id.Value }).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (groupingTask.ProjectedStart != temp.ProjectedStart)
                        groupingTask.ProjectedStart = temp.ProjectedStart;
                        groupingTaskChanged         = true;
                    if (groupingTask.ProjectedStart.HasValue)
                        groupingTask.ProjectedStart = null;
                        groupingTaskChanged         = true;

                // Due Date
                temp = conn.Query <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(
                    "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"parent_id\"=@ParentId AND \"utc_disabled\" is null ORDER BY \"due_date\" DESC limit 1",
                    new { ParentId = groupingTask.Id.Value }).SingleOrDefault();
                if (temp.DueDate != groupingTask.DueDate)
                    groupingTask.DueDate = temp.DueDate;
                    groupingTaskChanged  = true;

                // Projected End
                temp = conn.Query <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(
                    "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"parent_id\"=@ParentId AND \"utc_disabled\" is null ORDER BY \"projected_end\" DESC limit 1",
                    new { ParentId = groupingTask.Id.Value }).SingleOrDefault();
                if (temp.ProjectedEnd != groupingTask.ProjectedEnd)
                    groupingTask.ProjectedEnd = temp.ProjectedEnd;
                    groupingTaskChanged       = true;

                // Actual End
                temp = conn.Query <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(
                    "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"parent_id\"=@ParentId AND \"utc_disabled\" is null ORDER BY \"actual_end\" DESC limit 1",
                    new { ParentId = groupingTask.Id.Value }).SingleOrDefault();
                if (temp.ActualEnd != groupingTask.ActualEnd)
                    groupingTask.ActualEnd = temp.ActualEnd;
                    groupingTaskChanged    = true;

                // Update grouping task if needed
                if (groupingTaskChanged)
                    DBOs.Tasks.Task task = Mapper.Map <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(groupingTask);
                    conn.Execute("UPDATE \"task\" SET \"projected_start\"=@ProjectedStart, \"due_date\"=@DueDate, \"projected_end\"=@ProjectedEnd, " +
                                 "\"actual_end\"=@ActualEnd WHERE \"id\"=@Id",

                    if (groupingTask.Parent != null && groupingTask.Parent.Id.HasValue)
Esempio n. 5
        public static Common.Models.Tasks.Task Edit(Common.Models.Tasks.Task model,
                                                    Common.Models.Account.Users modifier)
             * We need to consider how to handle the relationship modifications
             * First, basic assumptions:
             * 1) If a task has a sequential predecessor then it cannot independently specify its parent
             * Parent - if the parent is modified
             * Sequential Predecessor
             * 1) If changed, need to cascade changes to all subsequent sequence members
             * 2) If removed from sequence, need to defer to user's parent selection
             * 3) If added to sequence, need to override user's parent selection
             * UI should be like:
             * If sequence member:
             * [Remove from Sequence]
             * If NOT sequence member:
             * This task is not currently part of a task sequence.  If you would like to make this
             * task part of a task sequence, click here.
             * -- OnClick -->
             * Please select the task you wish t

            if (model.Parent != null && model.Parent.Id.HasValue)
                // There is a proposed parent, we need to check and make sure it is not trying
                // to set itself as its parent
                if (model.Parent.Id.Value == model.Id)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Task cannot have itself as its parent.");

            model.ModifiedBy = modifier;
            model.Modified   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo = Mapper.Map <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(model);

            using (IDbConnection conn = Database.Instance.GetConnection())
                conn.Execute("UPDATE \"task\" SET " +
                             "\"title\"=@Title, \"description\"=@Description, \"projected_start\"=@ProjectedStart, " +
                             "\"due_date\"=@DueDate, \"projected_end\"=@ProjectedEnd, \"actual_end\"=@ActualEnd, \"parent_id\"=@ParentId, " +
                             "\"active\"=@Active, \"utc_modified\"=@UtcModified, \"modified_by_user_pid\"=@ModifiedByUserPId " +
                             "WHERE \"id\"=@Id", dbo);

            if (model.Parent != null && model.Parent.Id.HasValue)

Esempio n. 6
        public static List <Common.Models.Tasks.Task> ListChildren(long?parentId, List <Tuple <string, string> > filter = null)
            List <Common.Models.Tasks.Task> list = new List <Common.Models.Tasks.Task>();
            IEnumerable <DBOs.Tasks.Task>   ie   = null;

            //filter = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();
            //filter.Add(new Tuple<string, string>("status", "pending"));

            if (filter != null)
                string filterStr = null;

                List <string> cats = new List <string>();
                List <string> tags = new List <string>();
                List <Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter> parms = new List <Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter>();

                filter.ForEach(x =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Item1))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Item2))

                filterStr = "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"id\" IN (SELECT \"task_id\" FROM \"task_tag\" WHERE \"tag_category_id\" " +
                            "IN (SELECT \"id\" FROM \"tag_category\" WHERE LOWER(\"name\") IN (";

                cats.ForEach(x =>
                    string parmName = parms.Count.ToString();
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter(parmName, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text)
                        Value = x
                    filterStr += ":" + parmName + ",";

                filterStr  = filterStr.TrimEnd(',');
                filterStr += ")) AND LOWER(\"tag\") IN (";

                tags.ForEach(x =>
                    string parmName = parms.Count.ToString();
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter(parmName, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text)
                        Value = x
                    filterStr += ":" + parmName + ",";

                filterStr  = filterStr.TrimEnd(',');
                filterStr += ")) AND \"parent_id\"";

                if (parentId.HasValue && parentId.Value > 0)
                    filterStr += "=:parentid ";
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("parentid", DbType.Int64)
                        Value = parentId.Value.ToString()
                    filterStr += " is null ";

                filterStr += "AND \"utc_disabled\" is null";

                using (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection conn = (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection)Database.Instance.GetConnection())
                    using (Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand cmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(filterStr, conn))
                        parms.ForEach(x => cmd.Parameters.Add(x));
                        using (Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo = new DBOs.Tasks.Task();

                                dbo.Id                      = Database.GetDbColumnValue <long>("id", reader);
                                dbo.Title                   = Database.GetDbColumnValue <string>("title", reader);
                                dbo.Description             = Database.GetDbColumnValue <string>("description", reader);
                                dbo.ProjectedStart          = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("projected_start", reader);
                                dbo.DueDate                 = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("due_date", reader);
                                dbo.ProjectedEnd            = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("projected_end", reader);
                                dbo.ActualEnd               = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("actual_end", reader);
                                dbo.ParentId                = Database.GetDbColumnValue <long?>("parent_id", reader);
                                dbo.IsGroupingTask          = Database.GetDbColumnValue <bool>("is_grouping_task", reader);
                                dbo.SequentialPredecessorId = Database.GetDbColumnValue <long?>("sequential_predecessor_id", reader);

                                list.Add(Mapper.Map <Common.Models.Tasks.Task>(dbo));
                using (IDbConnection conn = Database.Instance.GetConnection())
                    if (parentId.HasValue)
                        ie = conn.Query <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(
                            "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"parent_id\"=@ParentId AND \"utc_disabled\" is null",
                            new { ParentId = parentId.Value });
                        ie = conn.Query <DBOs.Tasks.Task>(
                            "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"parent_id\" is null AND \"utc_disabled\" is null");

                foreach (DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo in ie)
                    list.Add(Mapper.Map <Common.Models.Tasks.Task>(dbo));

Esempio n. 7
        public static List <Common.Models.Tasks.Task> GetTodoListForAll(List <Common.Models.Settings.TagFilter> tagFilter, DateTime?start = null, DateTime?stop = null)
            string sql;

            List <string> cats = new List <string>();
            List <string> tags = new List <string>();
            List <Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter>   parms = new List <Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter>();
            List <Common.Models.Tasks.Task> list  = new List <Common.Models.Tasks.Task>();

            tagFilter.ForEach(x =>
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Category))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Tag))

            sql = "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"active\"=true AND " +
                  "\"id\" IN (SELECT \"task_id\" FROM \"task_tag\" WHERE \"tag_category_id\" " +
                  "IN (SELECT \"id\" FROM \"tag_category\" WHERE LOWER(\"name\") IN (";

            cats.ForEach(x =>
                string parmName = parms.Count.ToString();
                parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter(parmName, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text)
                    Value = x
                sql += ":" + parmName + ",";

            sql  = sql.TrimEnd(',');
            sql += ")) AND LOWER(\"tag\") IN (";

            tags.ForEach(x =>
                string parmName = parms.Count.ToString();
                parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter(parmName, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text)
                    Value = x
                sql += ":" + parmName + ",";

            sql  = sql.TrimEnd(',');
            sql += ")) AND \"utc_disabled\" is null ";

            if (start.HasValue)
                parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("Start", DbType.DateTime)
                    Value = start.Value
                if (stop.HasValue)
                    sql += "AND \"due_date\" BETWEEN @Start AND @Stop ";
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("Stop", DbType.DateTime)
                        Value = stop.Value
                    sql += "AND \"due_date\">=@Start ";

            sql += "ORDER BY \"due_date\" ASC";

            using (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection conn = (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection)Database.Instance.GetConnection())
                using (Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand cmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn))
                    parms.ForEach(x => cmd.Parameters.Add(x));
                    using (Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo = new DBOs.Tasks.Task();

                            dbo.Id                      = Database.GetDbColumnValue <long>("id", reader);
                            dbo.Title                   = Database.GetDbColumnValue <string>("title", reader);
                            dbo.Description             = Database.GetDbColumnValue <string>("description", reader);
                            dbo.ProjectedStart          = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("projected_start", reader);
                            dbo.DueDate                 = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("due_date", reader);
                            dbo.ProjectedEnd            = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("projected_end", reader);
                            dbo.ActualEnd               = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("actual_end", reader);
                            dbo.ParentId                = Database.GetDbColumnValue <long?>("parent_id", reader);
                            dbo.IsGroupingTask          = Database.GetDbColumnValue <bool>("is_grouping_task", reader);
                            dbo.SequentialPredecessorId = Database.GetDbColumnValue <long?>("sequential_predecessor_id", reader);

                            list.Add(Mapper.Map <Common.Models.Tasks.Task>(dbo));

Esempio n. 8
        public static List<Common.Models.Tasks.Task> GetTodoListForAll(List<Common.Models.Settings.TagFilter> tagFilter, DateTime? start = null, DateTime? stop = null)
            string sql;

            List<string> cats = new List<string>();
            List<string> tags = new List<string>();
            List<Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter> parms = new List<Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter>();
            List<Common.Models.Tasks.Task> list = new List<Common.Models.Tasks.Task>();

            tagFilter.ForEach(x =>
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Category))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Tag))

            sql = "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"active\"=true AND " +
                "\"id\" IN (SELECT \"task_id\" FROM \"task_tag\" WHERE \"tag_category_id\" " +
                "IN (SELECT \"id\" FROM \"tag_category\" WHERE LOWER(\"name\") IN (";

            cats.ForEach(x =>
                string parmName = parms.Count.ToString();
                parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter(parmName, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text) { Value = x });
                sql += ":" + parmName + ",";

            sql = sql.TrimEnd(',');
            sql += ")) AND LOWER(\"tag\") IN (";

            tags.ForEach(x =>
                string parmName = parms.Count.ToString();
                parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter(parmName, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Text) { Value = x });
                sql += ":" + parmName + ",";

            sql = sql.TrimEnd(',');
            sql += ")) AND \"utc_disabled\" is null ";

            if (start.HasValue)
                parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("Start", DbType.DateTime) { Value = start.Value });
                if (stop.HasValue)
                    sql += "AND \"due_date\" BETWEEN @Start AND @Stop ";
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("Stop", DbType.DateTime) { Value = stop.Value });
                    sql += "AND \"due_date\">=@Start ";

            sql += "ORDER BY \"due_date\" ASC";

            using (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection conn = (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection)Database.Instance.GetConnection())
                using (Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand cmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn))
                    parms.ForEach(x => cmd.Parameters.Add(x));
                    using (Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo = new DBOs.Tasks.Task();

                            dbo.Id = Database.GetDbColumnValue<long>("id", reader);
                            dbo.Title = Database.GetDbColumnValue<string>("title", reader);
                            dbo.Description = Database.GetDbColumnValue<string>("description", reader);
                            dbo.ProjectedStart = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("projected_start", reader);
                            dbo.DueDate = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("due_date", reader);
                            dbo.ProjectedEnd = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("projected_end", reader);
                            dbo.ActualEnd = Database.GetDbColumnValue<DateTime?>("actual_end", reader);
                            dbo.ParentId = Database.GetDbColumnValue<long?>("parent_id", reader);
                            dbo.IsGroupingTask = Database.GetDbColumnValue<bool>("is_grouping_task", reader);
                            dbo.SequentialPredecessorId = Database.GetDbColumnValue<long?>("sequential_predecessor_id", reader);


            return list;
Esempio n. 9
        public static List <Common.Models.Tasks.Task> GetTodoListForAll(
            DateTime?start       = null,
            DateTime?stop        = null,
            IDbConnection conn   = null,
            bool closeConnection = true)
            string sql;

            List <Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter>   parms = new List <Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter>();
            List <Common.Models.Tasks.Task> list  = new List <Common.Models.Tasks.Task>();

            sql = "SELECT * FROM \"task\" WHERE \"active\"=true AND \"utc_disabled\" is null ";

            if (start.HasValue)
                parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("Start", DbType.DateTime)
                    Value = start.Value
                if (stop.HasValue)
                    sql += "AND \"due_date\" BETWEEN @Start AND @Stop ";
                    parms.Add(new Npgsql.NpgsqlParameter("Stop", DbType.DateTime)
                        Value = stop.Value
                    sql += "AND \"due_date\">=@Start ";

            sql += "ORDER BY \"due_date\" ASC";

            conn = DataHelper.OpenIfNeeded(conn);

            using (Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand cmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(sql, (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection)conn))
                parms.ForEach(x => cmd.Parameters.Add(x));
                using (Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        DBOs.Tasks.Task dbo = new DBOs.Tasks.Task();

                        dbo.Id                      = Database.GetDbColumnValue <long>("id", reader);
                        dbo.Title                   = Database.GetDbColumnValue <string>("title", reader);
                        dbo.Description             = Database.GetDbColumnValue <string>("description", reader);
                        dbo.ProjectedStart          = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("projected_start", reader);
                        dbo.DueDate                 = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("due_date", reader);
                        dbo.ProjectedEnd            = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("projected_end", reader);
                        dbo.ActualEnd               = Database.GetDbColumnValue <DateTime?>("actual_end", reader);
                        dbo.ParentId                = Database.GetDbColumnValue <long?>("parent_id", reader);
                        dbo.IsGroupingTask          = Database.GetDbColumnValue <bool>("is_grouping_task", reader);
                        dbo.SequentialPredecessorId = Database.GetDbColumnValue <long?>("sequential_predecessor_id", reader);

                        list.Add(Mapper.Map <Common.Models.Tasks.Task>(dbo));

            DataHelper.Close(conn, closeConnection);
