protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { try { string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName); FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/blog/") + filename); StatusLabel.Text = "Upload status: File uploaded!"; } catch (Exception ex) { StatusLabel.Text = "Upload status: The file could not be uploaded. The following error occured: " + ex.Message; } } using (DBInteractiobDataContext context = new DBInteractiobDataContext()) { Post p = new Post(); p.posttitle = TextBox1.Text; p.writtencontent = TextBox2.Text; p.userid = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList1.Text); p.cuisineid = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList2.Text); p.headerimage = FileUpload1.FileName; p.date_added = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(); context.Posts.InsertOnSubmit(p); context.SubmitChanges(); Response.Write("<script>alert('inserted successfully!!');</script>"); } }
protected void LoadCommentsForPost() { if (p != null) { DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext(); var commentList = from n in dc.Comments where n.postsid == p.postsid select n; total.Text = commentList.Count() + " Comments"; List <Comment> comments = commentList.ToList(); foreach (Comment comment in comments) { var u = from c in dc.Users where c.userid == comment.user_id select c; if (u.Count() == 0) { CommentList.InnerHtml = CommentList.InnerHtml + $"<li class='wow fadeInUp'><img src = 'images/default-avatar.png' alt = '' /><div class='comment-details'><div class='comments'><div class='comment-meta'><div class='user-name'>Anonymous</div><div class='posted-date'>{comment.date_added}</div></div><p>{comment.comments}</p></div></div></li>"; } else { User user = (User)u.First(); CommentList.InnerHtml = CommentList.InnerHtml + $"<li class='wow fadeInUp'><img src = 'images/{user.img}' alt = '' /><div class='comment-details'><div class='comments'><div class='comment-meta'><div class='user-name'>{}</div><div class='posted-date'>{comment.date_added}</div></div><p>{comment.comments}</p></div></div></li>"; } } } else { Response.Redirect("~/BlogLoader.aspx"); } }
public void commentinsertion() { DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext(); dc.Comments.InsertOnSubmit(c); dc.SubmitChanges(); }
public static IEnumerable <User> login(string name, string pass) { DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext(); var u = from n in dc.Users where n.username == name && n.pass == pass select n; return(u); }
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (DBInteractiobDataContext Ratingcontext = new DBInteractiobDataContext()) { RatingValue rv = new RatingValue(); rv.ratingvalue1 = TextBox1.Text; Ratingcontext.RatingValues.InsertOnSubmit(rv); Ratingcontext.SubmitChanges(); Response.Write("<script>alert('inserted successfully!!');</script>"); } }
protected void RatingButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (DBInteractiobDataContext Ratingcontext1 = new DBInteractiobDataContext()) { Rating r = new Rating(); r.postsid = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListPost.Text); r.ratingvalueid = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownListRValue.Text); Ratingcontext1.Ratings.InsertOnSubmit(r); Ratingcontext1.SubmitChanges(); Response.Write("<script>alert('inserted successfully!!');</script>"); } }
protected void SubmitButton_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (DBInteractiobDataContext context1 = new DBInteractiobDataContext()) { Cuisine cu = new Cuisine(); Response.Write("In"); cu.cuisinename = CuisineNameTextBox.Text; context1.Cuisines.InsertOnSubmit(cu); context1.SubmitChanges(); Response.Write("<script>alert('inserted successfully!!');</script>"); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (DBInteractiobDataContext Newslettercontext = new DBInteractiobDataContext()) { Newsletter n = new Newsletter(); n.newstitle = TextBox1.Text; n.newssubject = TextBox2.Text; n.newscontent = TextBox3.Text; n.header = TextBox4.Text; n.footer = TextBox5.Text; Newslettercontext.Newsletters.InsertOnSubmit(n); Newslettercontext.SubmitChanges(); Response.Write("<script>alert('inserted successfully!!');</script>"); } }
protected void UpdateImage(User u) { try { DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext(); string filename = FileUpload1.FileName; FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/") + filename); u.img = filename; dc.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception exc) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Some error occurred. Please Try later.');</script>"); } }
protected void LoadCuisineList() { using (DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext()) { var list = from n in dc.Cuisines select n; List <Cuisine> cuisines = list.ToList(); foreach (Cuisine cuisine in cuisines) { CuisineList.InnerHtml = CuisineList.InnerHtml + $"<li><h3><a href='BlogLoader.aspx?cuisine={cuisine.cuisineid}'>{cuisine.cuisinename}</h3></li>"; } } }
public bool addUser() { DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext(); dc.Users.InsertOnSubmit(u); try { dc.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { List <Post> postlist = null; DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext(); var posts = from a in dc.Posts select a; //Deciding how to populate shiza if (Request.QueryString["cuisine"] != null) { postlist = posts.Where(x => x.cuisineid == Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["cuisine"])).ToList(); } else if (Request.QueryString["cuisine"] == null) { postlist = posts.ToList(); } foreach (var post in postlist) { var u = from n in dc.Users where n.userid == post.userid select n; User user = (User)u.First(); PostArea.InnerHtml = PostArea.InnerHtml + $"<div class='col-md-8'><div class='post-item wow' style='padding:10px;' data-animation='fadeInUp' data-animation-delay='300'> <br><h2 style='padding-top:20px;' class='wow fadeInUp'><a href = 'BlogPage.aspx?id={post.postsid}'>{post.posttitle}</a></h2> <div class='post wow fadeInUp'> <a href = 'BlogPage.aspx?id={post.postsid}'><img height='350px' width='745px' src='images/blog/{post.headerimage}' alt='blog /></a> <div class='post-content'><p>..{post.writtencontent.Substring(post.writtencontent.Length - 360)}</p> <div class='posted-date'>{post.date_added} / <span>by</span> <a href = '#' >{}</a> </div></div></div></div>"; } //Populating Popular Posts with Random Posts Random rnd = new Random(); List <Post> tempList = posts.OrderBy(user => rnd.Next()).Take(3).ToList(); foreach (var post in tempList) { PopularList.InnerHtml = PopularList.InnerHtml + $"<li><a href = 'BlogPage.aspx?id={post.postsid}'><img src = 'images/blog/{post.headerimage}' height = '84px' width = '82px' alt = '' /><div class='content'><h3>{post.posttitle}</h3><div class='posted-date'>{post.date_added}</div></div></a></li>"; } //Populating Most Recent Posts with Latest Posts tempList = posts.OrderByDescending(x => x.postsid).Take(3).ToList(); foreach (var post in tempList) { RecentList.InnerHtml = RecentList.InnerHtml + $"<li><a href = 'BlogPage.aspx?id={post.postsid}'><img src = 'images/blog/{post.headerimage}' height = '84px' width = '82px' alt = '' /><div class='content'><h3>{post.posttitle}</h3><div class='posted-date'>{post.date_added}</div></div></a></li>"; } //Loading Cuisines List LoadCuisineList(); } }
protected void SubmitOnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var value = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext(); Comment comm = new Comment(); var post = from pi in dc.Posts where pi.postsid == value select pi; p = post.First(); comm.comments = message.Text; comm.postsid = p.postsid; comm.date_added = DateTime.Now; u = (User)Session["user"]; if (u != null) { int id = u.userid; comm.user_id = id; } else { comm.user_id = null; } CommentPostMapper cpm = new CommentPostMapper(p, comm); //CALL INSERTION FUNCTION HERE cpm.commentinsertion(); // alert string mess = "Thank you for the comment."; string script = "window.onload = function(){ alert('"; script += mess; script += "');"; script += "window.location = '"; script += Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; script += "'; }"; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SuccessMessage", script, true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { var value = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext(); //Fetching the post var post = from a in dc.Posts where a.postsid == value select a; if (post == null) { Response.Redirect("~/BlogLoader.aspx"); } p = (Post)post.First(); //Fetching the author var userRaw = from n in dc.Users where n.userid == p.userid select n; if (userRaw == null) { u = null; } else { u = (User)userRaw.First(); } LoadBlogComponents(); LoadCommentsForPost(); LoadSideBar(); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Invalid page requested.');</script>"); Response.Redirect("~/BlogLoader.aspx"); } }
protected void LoadBlogComponents() { using (DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext()) { //Fetching post data and displaying it if (p != null && u != null) { lb1.Text = p.posttitle; lb2.Text = p.writtencontent; headimage.Src = "~/images/blog/" + p.headerimage; var cui = from a in dc.Cuisines where a.cuisineid == p.cuisineid select a; Cuisine c = (Cuisine)cui.First(); authorData.InnerHtml = $"<img class='img-responsive' height='100px' width='300px' src = '{u.img}' alt='{}'><div class='author-comment'><h3 style='padding-left:20px'>{}</h3><h5 style='padding-left:20px'>{}</h5></div><div class='clear'></div>"; detailSection.InnerHtml = $"{p.date_added} / <span>by<span> {} / {c.cuisinename}"; } } }
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (DBInteractiobDataContext Feedbackcontext = new DBInteractiobDataContext()) { Feedback f = new Feedback(); f.feedbackname = NameTextBox.Value; f.feedbackemail = EmailTextBox.Value; f.feedbackmessage = MessageTextArea.Value; f.feedbacksubject = SubjectTextBox.Value; Feedbackcontext.Feedbacks.InsertOnSubmit(f); try { Feedbackcontext.SubmitChanges(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Thank you for your feedback. We\'ll revert to you shortly.');</script>"); this.Page.Form.Dispose(); } catch (Exception err) { Response.Write("<script>alert('An error occurred. We\'re sorry. Please try later.');</script>"); } } }
protected void LoadSideBar() { using (DBInteractiobDataContext dc = new DBInteractiobDataContext()) { //Fetching post data and displaying it if (p != null && u != null) { var posts = from n in dc.Posts where n.cuisineid == p.cuisineid select n; Random rnd = new Random(); List <Post> templist = posts.OrderBy(user => rnd.Next()).Take(3).ToList(); foreach (Post post in templist) { RelatedPosts.InnerHtml = RelatedPosts.InnerHtml + $"<li><a href = 'BlogPage.aspx?id={post.postsid}'><img src = 'images/blog/{post.headerimage}' height='84px' width = '82px' alt = '' /></a><div class='content'><h3>{post.posttitle}</h3><div class='posted-date'>{post.date_added}</div></div></li>"; } templist = posts.OrderByDescending(x => x.postsid).Take(3).ToList(); foreach (var post in templist) { RecentList.InnerHtml = RecentList.InnerHtml + $"<li><a href = 'BlogPage.aspx?id={post.postsid}'><img src = 'images/blog/{post.headerimage}' height = '84px' width = '82px' alt = '' /><div class='content'><h3>{post.posttitle}</h3><div class='posted-date'>{post.date_added}</div></div></a></li>"; } var list = from n in dc.Cuisines select n; List <Cuisine> cuisines = list.ToList(); foreach (Cuisine cuisine in cuisines) { CuisineList.InnerHtml = CuisineList.InnerHtml + $"<li><h3><a href='BlogLoader.aspx?cuisine={cuisine.cuisineid}'>{cuisine.cuisinename}</h3></li>"; } } } }