public MainDBClass() { sqliteProvider = new DB_Class_SQLite.DBClassSQLite(); string conString = string.Empty; int bUseSQlServer = 0; DBClassSQLite db1 = new DBClassSQLite(); db1.OpenDB(); if (db1.isTableExist("tb_SqlServer_Info")) { db1.getSqlServerInfo(out conString, out bUseSQlServer); } db1.CloseDB(); if ((bUseSQlServer == 1) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conString))) { useDb = dbUsedType.db_SqlServer; sqlServerProvider = new DBClassSqlServer.DBSqlServer(DBClass_SQLServer.UtilSqlServer.ConvertConnectionString(conString)); try { OpenDB(); CloseDB(); } catch { useDb = dbUsedType.db_SqlLite; ErrorMessage.ExceptionMessageBox.Show("Unable to connect to SQL Server Database - Application start with local database to check configuration", "Information"); } } }
private void toolStripButtonQuit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _db.CloseDB(); if (_bChange) { MessageBox.Show(ResStrings.str_Application_will_restart_to_take_into_account_column_change, ResStrings.DbSqlForm_toolStripButtonQuit_Click__Database_Info, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); Environment.ExitCode = 2; //the surrounding AppStarter must look for this to restart the app. Application.Exit(); } else { Close(); } }