//Dashboard Socio public Int64 GetSocioInteresesCount(int idSocio) { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); var sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sociotags WHERE socio_id=" + idSocio; return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql)); }
private Int64 GetSociosCount(filterSocio filtro) { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); var sql = @"SELECT COUNT(s.id) FROM socio s {filtro_socio} and ISNULL(s.fechaBaja)"; sql = sql.Replace("{filtro_socio}", filtro.getFilterSqlSocio()); return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql)); }
public object ExecuteScalar(string consulta) { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); return(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(consulta)); }
private Int64 GetAsistenciasCount() { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM asistencia")); }
private Int64 GetEventosDetalleFinalizados() { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM detalleevento where fechaHasta < NOW() AND ISNULL(fechaBaja)")); }
private Int64 GetEspaciosCount() { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM espaciocomun where ISNULL(fechaBaja)")); }
private Int64 GetEventosNuevos() { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM evento where ISNULL(fechaBaja) AND Estado = 'Nuevo'")); }
private Int64 GetCursosEnProgresoCount() { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM evento where ISNULL(fechaBaja) AND Estado = 'Progreso'")); }
private Int64 GetSecretariosCount() { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM secretario WHERE ISNULL(fechaBaja)")); }
private Int64 GetSociosActivosCount() { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM socio where ISNULL(fechaBaja) AND Estado = 'Activo'")); }
private Int64 GetSociosSistemaCount() { var DbHelper = new DBBase(strConnection); return((Int64)DbHelper.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM socio where ISNULL(fechaBaja)")); }