public void fillcomboDB(ComboBox c, string query) { try { connect.Open(); c.Items.Clear(); DB2Command cmd = new DB2Command(query, connect); DB2DataReader reader; reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { string tName = reader.GetString(0); c.Items.Add(tName); } reader.Close(); connect.Close(); } catch (DB2Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); connect.Close(); } }
private void ModificarCheck_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1.Text = arbol.SelectedNode.Text; nombre_real = arbol.SelectedNode.Text; PantallaPrincipal pn = new PantallaPrincipal(); DB2Connection connection = pn.obtenerConexion(arbol.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Text); try { connection.Open(); DB2Command cmd = new DB2Command(@"SELECT TEXT FROM SYSIBM.SYSCHECKS WHERE TBCREATOR='DB2ADMIN' AND NAME ='" + arbol.SelectedNode.Text + "';", connection); DB2DataReader buffer = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (buffer.Read()) { var function = buffer ["TEXT"].ToString(); richTextBox1.Text = function; checkviejo = function; break; } } catch (DB2Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error al mostrar Check\n" + ex.Message); } connection.Close(); }
private void comboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBox4.Items.Clear(); PantallaPrincipal pn = new PantallaPrincipal(); DB2Connection connection = pn.obtenerConexion(arbol.SelectedNode.Parent.Text); try { connection.Open(); int posicion = comboBox3.SelectedIndex; string nombre_tabla = comboBox3.Items [posicion].ToString(); DB2Command cmd = new DB2Command(@"SELECT NAME FROM SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS WHERE TBNAME = '" + nombre_tabla + "';", connection); DB2DataReader buffer = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (buffer.Read()) { var nombre_campo = buffer ["NAME"].ToString(); comboBox4.Items.Add(nombre_campo); } buffer.Close(); } catch (DB2Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ha ocurrido un error\n" + ex.Message); } connection.Close(); }
public static List <DatosDeConsultaCondenadoProcesado> ConsultaCondenadoProcesado(decimal cuil) { log.InfoFormat("Se ejecuta el método YH_ConsultaCondenadoProcesado con el parámetro {0}", cuil); List <DatosDeConsultaCondenadoProcesado> response = new List <DatosDeConsultaCondenadoProcesado>(); DB2Command cmd = AdministradorDeConexion.ObtenerComando(); using (DB2Connection conexion = AdministradorDeConexion.ObtenerConnexion()) { try { cmd.CommandText = string.Format("{0}.YH_ConsultaCondenadoProcesado", AdministradorDeConexion.GetSchema()); cmd.Parameters.Add(new DB2Parameter("@CUIL", cuil)); cmd.Connection = conexion; conexion.Open(); var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { response.Add(Adapter.toConsultaCondenadoProcesadoResponse(reader)); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("Se produjo un error en el método YH_ConsultaCondenadoProcesado {0} - {1} - {2}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace); throw ex; } finally { if (conexion.IsOpen) { conexion.Close(); } conexion.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); } } return(response); }
protected override CustomListColumnCollection GetColumnsOverride(CustomListData data) { data.Properties.TryGetValue("SQL Statement", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, out var SQLStatement); var cols = new CustomListColumnCollection(); var con = GetConnection(data); var command = new DB2Command(SQLStatement, con); var reader = command.ExecuteReader(); var schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable(); foreach (DataRow db2col in schemaTable.Rows) { var columnName = (string)db2col["ColumnName"]; var dataType = (Type)db2col["DataType"]; var listColumnType = CustomListColumnTypes.String; // We convert the types to one of the three Peakboard types (string, number or boolean) if (dataType == typeof(string)) { listColumnType = CustomListColumnTypes.String; } else if (dataType == typeof(bool)) { listColumnType = CustomListColumnTypes.Boolean; } else { listColumnType = DataTypeHelper.IsNumericType(dataType) ? CustomListColumnTypes.Number : CustomListColumnTypes.String; } cols.Add(new CustomListColumn(columnName, listColumnType)); } con.Close(); return(cols); }
private DBReaderController ExecuteQuery(DBRequest request) { //Controllo if (!registered.Contains(request.Controller)) { throw new Exception("Il Controller non è registrato all'inizio dell'esecuzione"); } //Inizio DBReaderController result; DB2DataReader reader; DB2Transaction transaction = databaseConnection.GetTransaction(); DB2Command command = databaseConnection.GetCommand(); command.CommandText = request.Command; command.Transaction = transaction; //Esecuzione try { reader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Errore in lettura: " + e.Message); } //Controllo if (!registered.Contains(request.Controller)) { transaction.Rollback(); throw new Exception("Il Controller non è registrato alla fine dell'esecuzione"); } //Fine transaction.Commit(); return(result = new DBReaderController(reader)); }
private void eliminarCheckToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DB2Connection connection = obtenerConexion(arbol_conexiones.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Text); try { connection.Open(); DB2Command cmd = new DB2Command("SELECT TBNAME FROM SYSIBM.SYSCHECKS WHERE TBCREATOR='DB2ADMIN' AND NAME='" + arbol_conexiones.SelectedNode.Text + "'", connection); DB2DataReader buffer = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (buffer.Read()) { var nombre_tabla = buffer ["TBNAME"].ToString(); buffer.Close(); cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE " + nombre_tabla + " DROP CHECK " + arbol_conexiones.SelectedNode.Text + ";"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MessageBox.Show("Check Borrado!"); arbol_conexiones.SelectedNode.Remove(); break; } } catch (DB2Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error al borrar Check!\n" + ex.Message); } connection.Close(); }
public DB2DataReader DataReader(string sql) { DB2Command oc = new DB2Command(); try { AdministradorCarpetasRegistro.GrabarLogs(TipoRegistro.Actividad, sql, null, string.Empty); oc.CommandText = sql; DB2Connection con = OpenConnection(); connection = con; oc.Connection = con; DB2DataReader dr = oc.ExecuteReader(); CloseConnection(con); return(dr); } catch (Exception e) { exceptions = "Error ejecutando SQL." + cambioLinea + cambioLinea; exceptions += e.ToString(); AdministradorCarpetasRegistro.GrabarLogs(TipoRegistro.Error, sql, e, exceptions); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes for schema. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string.</param> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> /// <param name="categoryName">Name of the schema.</param> /// <param name="querySourceName">Name of the specific.</param> /// <param name="parameters">The parameters.</param> /// <returns> /// list of QuerySourceField /// </returns> private List <QuerySourceField> LoadFieldsFromProcedure(string connectionString, string type, string categoryName, string querySourceName, List <QuerySourceParameter> parameters = null, bool ignoreError = true, BI.Logging.ILog log = null) { var result = new List <QuerySourceField>(); var dataTypeAdaptor = new DB2SupportDataType(); if (parameters == null) { parameters = GetQuerySourceParameters(connectionString, categoryName, querySourceName); } parameters = parameters.OrderBy(x => x.Position).ToList(); using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew)) { using (var connection = new DB2Connection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); string sql = String.Format("{0}.{1}", categoryName, querySourceName); DB2Command cmd = new DB2Command(sql, connection); if (type == SQLQuerySourceType.Procedure) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; } if (parameters != null && parameters.Count() > 0) { foreach (var parameter in parameters) { var db2Parameter = cmd.Parameters.Add(parameter.Name, parameter.Value); } } try { var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DataTable schema = reader.GetSchemaTable(); if (schema != null) { var colNames = schema.Rows.OfType <DataRow>().FirstOrDefault().Table.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().Select(x => x.ColumnName).ToList(); var colStr = string.Join(", ", colNames.ToArray()); result.AddRange(schema .Rows .OfType <DataRow>() .Select ( (c, i) => new QuerySourceField { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), GroupPosition = 1, Position = i, Name = c["ColumnName"].ToString(), DataType = reader.GetDataTypeName(int.Parse(c["ColumnOrdinal"].ToString())), IzendaDataType = dataTypeAdaptor.GetIzendaDataType(reader.GetDataTypeName(int.Parse(c["ColumnOrdinal"].ToString()))), AllowDistinct = dataTypeAdaptor.GetAllowDistinct(reader.GetDataTypeName(int.Parse(c["ColumnOrdinal"].ToString()))), Type = (int)QuerySourceFieldType.Field } ) .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.IzendaDataType))); } reader.Close(); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { log?.Debug(ex); // ignore error when execute stored proc from customer connectionString if (ignoreError) { return(result); } else { throw; } } } } }
private void extract_document_locations(String fileNumber, String consolNumber, String hbNumber, String masterNumber) { String ConString = "Database = edoc; User ID = inetsoft; Password = etl5boxes; server = edoc.khi.ei:50002; Max Pool Size = 100; Persist security info = False; Pooling = True "; String masterFileType = ""; String houseFileType = ""; string docQuery = @"SELECT DISTINCT EDOC.FOLDER.KEY_, EDOC.FOLDER.DESCRIPTION, EDOC.DOCUMENT.DESCRIPTION, EDOC.DOCUMENT.CREATION_TIME, EDOC.DOCUMENT.FILE_NAME_IMAGE, EDOC.FOLDER.KEY_TYPE, EDOC.DOCUMENT.DOC_TYPE, EDOC.DOCUMENT.IMAGE_FILE_TYPE, EDOC.DOCUMENT.CREATED_BY_NAME from(EDOC.FOLDER INNER JOIN EDOC.FOLDER_DOCUMENT ON EDOC.FOLDER.G_U_I_D = EDOC.FOLDER_DOCUMENT.FOLDER__P_K) LEFT OUTER JOIN EDOC.DOCUMENT ON EDOC.DOCUMENT.G_U_I_D = EDOC.FOLDER_DOCUMENT.DOCUMENT__P_K and EDOC.DOCUMENT.DOC_TYPE IN('HOU', 'HOR', 'MOR', 'MOB') where EDOC.FOLDER.KEY_ IN('" + fileNumber + "','" + consolNumber + "','" + hbNumber + "')AND EDOC.DOCUMENT.FILE_NAME_IMAGE IS NOT NULL"; //List<String> columnData = new List<String>(); //Connecting to DB using (DB2Connection myconnection = new DB2Connection(ConString)) { myconnection.Open(); DB2Command cmd = myconnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = docQuery; //DB2DataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(); using (DB2DataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { string host = "ftp://edoc.khi.ei//"; string user = "******"; string pass = "******"; bool checkHouse = false; bool checkMaster = false; while (reader.Read()) { string rf = folder + reader.GetString(4); //MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this,reader.GetString(6)); string lf = ""; if ((reader.GetString(6) == "HOU") && ((reader.GetString(7) == "TIFF") && (!checkHouse))) { lf = downLocation + "/" + hbNumber + ".tiff"; download(rf, lf, host, user, pass); checkHouse = true; houseFileType = ".tiff"; } if ((reader.GetString(6) == "HOR") && ((reader.GetString(7) == "TIFF") && (!checkHouse))) { lf = downLocation + "/" + hbNumber + ".tiff"; download(rf, lf, host, user, pass); checkHouse = true; houseFileType = ".tiff"; } if ((reader.GetString(6) == "HOU") && ((reader.GetString(7) == "PDF") && (!checkHouse))) { lf = downLocation + "/" + hbNumber + ".pdf"; download(rf, lf, host, user, pass); checkHouse = true; houseFileType = ".pdf"; } if ((reader.GetString(6) == "HOR") && ((reader.GetString(7) == "PDF") && (!checkHouse))) { lf = downLocation + "/" + hbNumber + ".pdf"; download(rf, lf, host, user, pass); checkHouse = true; houseFileType = ".pdf"; } if ((reader.GetString(6) == "MOR") && ((reader.GetString(7) == "PDF") && (!checkMaster))) { lf = downLocation + "/" + masterNumber + ".pdf"; download(rf, lf, host, user, pass); checkMaster = true; masterFileType = ".pdf"; } if ((reader.GetString(6) == "MOR") && ((reader.GetString(7) == "TIFF") && (!checkMaster))) { lf = downLocation + "/" + masterNumber + ".tiff"; download(rf, lf, host, user, pass); checkMaster = true; masterFileType = ".tiff"; } if ((reader.GetString(6) == "MOB") && ((reader.GetString(7) == "PDF") && (!checkMaster))) { lf = downLocation + "/" + masterNumber + ".pdf"; download(rf, lf, host, user, pass); checkMaster = true; masterFileType = ".pdf"; } if ((reader.GetString(6) == "MOB") && ((reader.GetString(7) == "TIFF") && (!checkMaster))) { lf = downLocation + "/" + masterNumber + ".tiff"; download(rf, lf, host, user, pass); checkMaster = true; masterFileType = ".tiff"; } } } } create_Email_Draft(downLocation + "/" + masterNumber + ".xlsx", downLocation + "/" + masterNumber + masterFileType, downLocation + "/" + hbNumber + houseFileType); //Show }
public Task <IList <Column> > GetTableDetails(Table table, string owner) { IList <Column> columns = new List <Column>(); using (var sqlCon = new DB2Connection(_connectionStr)) { try { sqlCon.Open(); using (DB2Command tableDetailsCommand = sqlCon.CreateCommand()) { tableDetailsCommand.CommandText = $@" select c.colno, c.colname, c.coltype , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then null else c.collength end as int) collength , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength / 256 else null end as int) colprecision , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength - (cast(c.collength / 256 as int) * 256) else null end as int) colscale -- , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength / 256 else c.collength end as int) collength -- , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength / 256 else c.collength end as int) colprecision -- , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength - (cast(c.collength / 256 as int) * 256) else 0 end as int) colscale , case when pkidx.idxtype is not null then 'P' else '-' end ispk , nvl(nl.constrtype, '-') isnullable , (select nvl(min(uidx.idxtype), '-') uniq from sysindexes uidx where uidx.tabid = c.tabid and uidx.idxtype = 'U' and c.colno in (uidx.part1, uidx.part2, uidx.part3, uidx.part4, uidx.part5, uidx.part6, uidx.part7, uidx.part8, uidx.part9, uidx.part10, uidx.part11, uidx.part12, uidx.part13, uidx.part14, uidx.part15, uidx.part16) ) isunique , case when c.coltype in (6, 18, 262, 274) then 'I' else '-' end isidentity from syscolumns c inner join systables t on c.tabid = t.tabid left outer join syscoldepend d on d.tabid = c.tabid and d.colno = c.colno left outer join sysconstraints nl on nl.constrid = d.constrid and nl.constrtype = 'N' left outer join sysconstraints pk on pk.tabid = c.tabid and pk.constrtype = 'P' left outer join sysindexes pkidx on pkidx.tabid = c.tabid and pkidx.idxname = pk.idxname and c.colno in (pkidx.part1, pkidx.part2, pkidx.part3, pkidx.part4, pkidx.part5, pkidx.part6, pkidx.part7, pkidx.part8, pkidx.part9, pkidx.part10, pkidx.part11, pkidx.part12, pkidx.part13, pkidx.part14, pkidx.part15, pkidx.part16) where t.owner = '{owner}' and t.tabname = '{table.Name}' "; using (DB2DataReader reader = tableDetailsCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default)) { var m = new DataTypeMapper(); while (reader.Read()) { string dataType = GetColumnType(reader.Get <short>("coltype")); int? dataLength = reader.Get <int?>("collength"); int? dataPrecision = reader.Get <int?>("colprecision"); int? dataScale = reader.Get <int?>("colscale"); columns.Add(new Column { Name = reader.GetString("colname"), DataType = dataType, DataLength = dataLength, DataPrecision = dataPrecision, DataScale = dataScale, IsNullable = reader.GetString("isnullable") != "N", IsPrimaryKey = reader.GetString("ispk") == "P", IsUnique = reader.GetString("isunique") == "U", IsIdentity = reader.GetString("isidentity") == "I", MappedDataType = m.MapFromDBType(ServerType.Informix, dataType, dataLength, dataPrecision, dataScale), }); } } } table.Owner = owner; table.Columns = columns; } finally { sqlCon.Close(); } } table.PrimaryKey = DeterminePrimaryKeys(table); table.ForeignKeys = DetermineForeignKeyReferences(table); table.HasManyRelationships = DetermineHasManyRelationships(table); return(Task.FromResult(columns)); }
public string Read(string jsonQuery) { string selectSQL = this._sqlParser.ReadSqlParser(jsonQuery); string objName = this._sqlParser.ObjName; bool isReadToList = this._sqlParser.IsReadToList; string jsonDataSet = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectSQL)) { DB2Command dbCmd = new DB2Command(selectSQL, this._connection); this.OpenConnection(); DB2DataReader dbReader = dbCmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dbReader.Read()) { // add LIST seperator jsonDataSet if (isReadToList && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonDataSet)) { jsonDataSet += ","; } int fieldCount = dbReader.FieldCount; // open json row jsonDataSet += "{"; for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) { // GET NAME string fieldName = dbReader.GetName(fieldIndex); string JOIN_PREFIX = "JOIN_"; bool isJoinField = false; if (fieldName.ToUpper().StartsWith("JOIN_")) { isJoinField = true; fieldName = fieldName.Substring(fieldName.IndexOf(JOIN_PREFIX) + JOIN_PREFIX.Length); } fieldName = $"\"{fieldName}\""; // GET VALUE string fieldValue = dbReader.IsDBNull(fieldIndex) ? "\"\"" : dbReader.GetString(fieldIndex); if (!isJoinField) { fieldValue = $"\"{fieldValue}\""; } jsonDataSet += $"{fieldName}:{fieldValue}"; if (fieldIndex < fieldCount - 1) { jsonDataSet += ","; } } // close json row jsonDataSet += "}"; } //close dbReader.Close(); dbReader.Dispose(); this.CloseConnection(); } return(StringHelper.Simpler(string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonDataSet) ? null : ("{" + $"\"{objName}\"" + ":" + ((isReadToList) ? "[" + jsonDataSet + "]" : jsonDataSet) + "}"), Pattern.PATTERN_SPECIAL_CHARS)); }
public IList <ForeignKey> DetermineForeignKeyReferences(Table table) { var foreignKeys = new List <ForeignKey>(); using (var sqlCon = new DB2Connection(_connectionStr)) { try { sqlCon.Open(); using (DB2Command tableDetailsCommand = sqlCon.CreateCommand()) { tableDetailsCommand.CommandText = $@" select co.constrname, t.tabname, c.colno, c.colname, t2.tabname tabname2, c2.colno colno2, c2.colname colname2 from sysreferences r inner join sysconstraints co on co.constrid = r.constrid and co.constrtype = 'R' inner join systables t on t.tabid = co.tabid inner join sysindexes i on i.idxname = co.idxname inner join syscolumns c on c.tabid = co.tabid inner join sysconstraints co2 on co2.constrid = r.primary inner join systables t2 on t2.tabid = co2.tabid inner join sysindexes i2 on i2.idxname = co2.idxname inner join syscolumns c2 on c2.tabid = co2.tabid where ( (c.colno = i.part1 and c2.colno = i2.part1) or (c.colno = i.part2 and c2.colno = i2.part2) or (c.colno = i.part3 and c2.colno = i2.part3) or (c.colno = i.part4 and c2.colno = i2.part4) or (c.colno = i.part5 and c2.colno = i2.part5) or (c.colno = i.part6 and c2.colno = i2.part6) or (c.colno = i.part7 and c2.colno = i2.part7) or (c.colno = i.part8 and c2.colno = i2.part8) or (c.colno = i.part9 and c2.colno = i2.part9) or (c.colno = i.part10 and c2.colno = i2.part10) or (c.colno = i.part11 and c2.colno = i2.part11) or (c.colno = i.part12 and c2.colno = i2.part12) or (c.colno = i.part13 and c2.colno = i2.part13) or (c.colno = i.part14 and c2.colno = i2.part14) or (c.colno = i.part15 and c2.colno = i2.part15) or (c.colno = i.part16 and c2.colno = i2.part16) ) and t.owner = '{table.Owner}' and t.tabname = '{table.Name}' "; using (DB2DataReader reader = tableDetailsCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default)) { ForeignKey foreignKey = null; while (reader.Read()) { string constraintName = reader.GetString("constrname"); if (foreignKey != null && foreignKey.Name != constraintName) { foreignKeys.Add(foreignKey); foreignKey = null; } if (foreignKey == null) { foreignKey = new ForeignKey { Name = constraintName, References = reader.GetString("tabname2"), Columns = new List <Column>(), UniquePropertyName = null, IsNullable = true }; } Column column = FindTableColumn(table, reader.GetString("colname")); column.IsForeignKey = true; column.ConstraintName = foreignKey.Name; column.ForeignKeyTableName = foreignKey.References; column.ForeignKeyColumnName = reader.GetString("colname2"); foreignKey.Columns.Add(column); } if (foreignKey != null) { foreignKeys.Add(foreignKey); } } } } catch { sqlCon.Close(); throw; } } Table.SetUniqueNamesForForeignKeyProperties(foreignKeys); return(foreignKeys); }
IList <HasMany> DetermineHasManyRelationships(Table table) { var hasManys = new List <HasMany>(); using (var sqlCon = new DB2Connection(_connectionStr)) { try { sqlCon.Open(); using (DB2Command tableDetailsCommand = sqlCon.CreateCommand()) { tableDetailsCommand.CommandText = $@" select co.constrname, t.tabname, c.colno, c.colname, t2.tabname tabname2, c2.colno colno2, c2.colname colname2 from sysreferences r inner join sysconstraints co on co.constrid = r.constrid and co.constrtype = 'R' inner join systables t on t.tabid = co.tabid inner join sysindexes i on i.idxname = co.idxname inner join syscolumns c on c.tabid = co.tabid inner join sysconstraints co2 on co2.constrid = r.primary inner join systables t2 on t2.tabid = co2.tabid inner join sysindexes i2 on i2.idxname = co2.idxname inner join syscolumns c2 on c2.tabid = co2.tabid where ( (c.colno = i.part1 and c2.colno = i2.part1) or (c.colno = i.part2 and c2.colno = i2.part2) or (c.colno = i.part3 and c2.colno = i2.part3) or (c.colno = i.part4 and c2.colno = i2.part4) or (c.colno = i.part5 and c2.colno = i2.part5) or (c.colno = i.part6 and c2.colno = i2.part6) or (c.colno = i.part7 and c2.colno = i2.part7) or (c.colno = i.part8 and c2.colno = i2.part8) or (c.colno = i.part9 and c2.colno = i2.part9) or (c.colno = i.part10 and c2.colno = i2.part10) or (c.colno = i.part11 and c2.colno = i2.part11) or (c.colno = i.part12 and c2.colno = i2.part12) or (c.colno = i.part13 and c2.colno = i2.part13) or (c.colno = i.part14 and c2.colno = i2.part14) or (c.colno = i.part15 and c2.colno = i2.part15) or (c.colno = i.part16 and c2.colno = i2.part16) ) and t2.owner = '{table.Owner}' and t2.tabname = '{table.Name}' "; using (DB2DataReader reader = tableDetailsCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default)) { HasMany hasMany = null; while (reader.Read()) { string constraintName = reader.GetString("constrname"); if (hasMany != null && hasMany.ConstraintName != constraintName) { hasManys.Add(hasMany); hasMany = null; } if (hasMany == null) { hasMany = new HasMany { ConstraintName = constraintName, Reference = reader.GetString("tabname2"), PKTableName = reader.GetString("tabname") }; } hasMany.AllReferenceColumns.Add(reader.GetString("colname")); } if (hasMany != null) { hasManys.Add(hasMany); } } } } catch { sqlCon.Close(); throw; } } return(hasManys); }
protected override string GenerateSelectSql(IList <ProviderPropertyExpression> properties, ExpressionTreeToSqlCompilerBase <TOid> compiler) { _dataPageNumber = GetProviderPropertyValue <DataPageNumberExpression, int>(properties, -1); _dataPageSize = GetProviderPropertyValue <DataPageSizeExpression, int>(properties, 0); string sql = ""; //string orderByCols = String.Join(",", // Enumerable.ToArray(Processor.Select( // GetProviderPropertyValue // <OrderByCollectionExpression, // CollectionExpression<OrderByExpression>>( // properties, // new CollectionExpression<OrderByExpression>( // new OrderByExpression[] {})), // delegate(OrderByExpression o) { return o.ToString("\"{0}\""); }))); string orderByClause = string.IsNullOrEmpty(compiler.OrderByClause) ? "" : " ORDER BY " + compiler.OrderByClause; string mainQueryColumns = string.Join(",", Enumerable.ToArray( FormatColumnNames(true, true, compiler.ProjectedColumns.Count > 0 ? compiler.ProjectedColumns : SelectAllColumnNames()))); sql = String.Format("\nSELECT {0}\nFROM {1}\n{2}\n{3} {4}\n{5};", mainQueryColumns, QualifiedTableName + " AS \"" + Table + "\"", compiler.SqlJoinClauses, string.IsNullOrEmpty(compiler.SqlWhereClause) ? "" : " WHERE ", compiler.SqlWhereClause, orderByClause); //} #if DEBUG && EXPLAIN if (sql.StartsWith("SELECT")) { using (DB2Connection cn = new DB2Connection(ConnectionString)) { cn.Open(); DB2Command cm = new DB2Command(String.Format("EXPLAIN ANALYZE {0}", sql), cn); foreach (IDataParameter par in compiler.ParameterCache.Values) { cm.Parameters.Add(par); } Debug.WriteLine(""); DB2DataReader dr = cm.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { Debug.WriteLine(dr.GetString(0)); } } Debug.WriteLine(""); } } #endif return(sql); }
protected void DB2Connection() { string Text1 = TextBox1.Text; string inputPattern = @"^[\s\;]*\w+[^\;]*[\;\s]*$"; Regex input = new Regex(inputPattern); Match inputmatch = input.Match(TextBox1.Text); if (inputmatch.Success) { string s = @"Server=localhost:50000;Database=" + DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Text + ";UID=db2admin;PWD=***;CurrentSchema=db2admin"; DB2Connection myConnection = new DB2Connection(s); DB2Command cmd = new DB2Command(); DB2DataReader r = null; DB2DataAdapter adapter = new DB2DataAdapter(Text1, myConnection); //string usertype = User.Identity.Name.Substring(4); string usertype = Session["Role"].ToString().ToLower(); string pattern = ""; switch (usertype) { case "level1": pattern = @"((^|\;)\s*(?i)(\binsert\b|\bupdate\b|\bdelete\b|\bmerge\b|\bcreate\b|\balter\b|\bdrop\b)(?i))|(?i)\binto\b(?i)"; break; case "level2": pattern = @"(^|;|\*\/)\s*(?i)(\bcreate\b|\balter\b|\bdrop\b)(?i)"; break; default: pattern = @"((^|;|\*\/)\s*(?i)(\bdrop\b\s*database)(?i))"; break; } Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); Match match = rgx.Match(TextBox1.Text); if (match.Success) { msg.Text = "Permission was denied on database " + DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Text; } else { try { cmd.CommandText = TextBox1.Text; cmd.Connection = myConnection; myConnection.Open(); string firstWord = Regex.Match(TextBox1.Text, @"\w+\b").ToString().ToLower(); if (firstWord == "select") { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(dt); GridView1.DataSource = dt; r = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int rowCount = 0; if (r.HasRows) //results>0 { while (r.Read()) { rowCount++; } msg.Text = "Result: " + rowCount + " row(s) found"; } else { msg.Text = "Result: 0 row(s) found.<br /><span style='background-color:#339933; color:black; font-size: 15pt'>"; for (int i = 0; i < r.FieldCount; i++) { msg.Text += r.GetName(i) + " |"; } msg.Text += "</span><br />"; } r.Close(); } else { int numberOfRecords = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); msg.Text = "Result: " + numberOfRecords + " row(s) affected."; } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Text = ex.Message; } finally { myConnection.Close(); GridView1.DataBind(); FormatView(); } } } else { //msg.Text = "Only one statement allowed"; Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('Only one statement allowed');</script>")); } }
public void GetData() { myAggLabels = new ObservableCollection <AggregatedLabel>(); myContactLists = new ObservableCollection <ContactList>(); DB2Connection conn = null; try { conn = new DB2Connection("XXXX;"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " " + ex.InnerException); } //get all contactLists and their labels DB2Command command = new DB2Command("SQL SELECT statement"); command.Connection = conn; conn.Open(); //get all labels from database using (DB2DataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { AggregatedLabel aggLabel = new AggregatedLabel(); aggLabel.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LABEL_ID"]); aggLabel.Name = dr["LABEL_NAME"].ToString(); myAggLabels.Add(aggLabel); } } //Add unique contactLists to dictionary Dictionary <int, ContactList> myContactDictionary = new Dictionary <int, ContactList>(); using (DB2DataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CONTACT_LIST_ID"]); if (!myContactDictionary.ContainsKey(id)) { ContactList contactList = new ContactList(); contactList.ContactListID = id; contactList.ContactListName = dr["CONTACT_LIST_NAME"].ToString(); contactList.AggLabels = new ObservableCollection <AggregatedLabel>() { new AggregatedLabel() { ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LABEL_ID"]), Name = dr["LABEL_NAME"].ToString() } }; myContactDictionary.Add(id, contactList); } else { //populate existing contact lists with remaining labels ContactList contactList = myContactDictionary[id]; contactList.AggLabels.Add ( new AggregatedLabel() { ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LABEL_ID"]), Name = dr["LABEL_NAME"].ToString() } ); } } } //add to observable collection foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ContactList> contactKeyValue in myContactDictionary) { ContactList contactList = contactKeyValue.Value; myContactLists.Add(contactList); } conn.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { DB2Connection con = new DB2Connection("Server = /*IP*/; UID=/*Instanz*/; PWD=*****; DATABASE=TPCH"); con.Open(); Console.Write("Land (in Großbuchstaben angeben) ? "); String input = ""; while (input.Length == 0 || input == null) { input = Console.In.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); /*********************************************************************** ** ** Aufgabe 1.1 (a) ** ***********************************************************************/ Console.WriteLine("***************"); Console.WriteLine("Aufgabe 1.1 (a)"); Console.WriteLine("***************"); Console.WriteLine(); DB2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT c_name FROM customer, nation WHERE n_nationkey = c_nationkey AND n_name = '" + input + "' "; DB2DataReader reader1 = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader1.Read()) { Console.WriteLine("Kunde: " + reader1.GetString(0)); } reader1.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); /*********************************************************************** ** ** Aufgabe 1.1 (b) ** ***********************************************************************/ Console.WriteLine("***************"); Console.WriteLine("Aufgabe 1.1 (b)"); Console.WriteLine("***************"); Console.WriteLine(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT c_name FROM customer, nation WHERE n_nationkey = c_nationkey AND n_name = ? "; cmd.Prepare(); cmd.Parameters.Add("n_name", DB2Type.VarChar, 25); cmd.Parameters["n_name"].Value = input; DB2DataReader reader2 = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader2.Read()) { Console.WriteLine("Kunde: " + reader2.GetString(0)); } reader2.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); /*********************************************************************** ** ** Aufgabe 1.2 ** ***********************************************************************/ Console.WriteLine("***********"); Console.WriteLine("Aufgabe 1.2"); Console.WriteLine("***********"); Console.WriteLine(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT c_name, c_custkey, COUNT(o_totalprice) FROM customer, nation, orders WHERE n_nationkey = c_nationkey AND c_custkey = o_custkey AND n_name = '" + input + "' GROUP BY c_name, c_custkey"; DB2DataReader reader3 = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader3.Read()) { DB2Command SPCMD = con.CreateCommand(); SPCMD.CommandText = "orders_of"; //Geb ich den namen der SP an SPCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //Man muss noch zeigen das es SP ist SPCMD.Parameters.Add("IN_table", DB2Type.Integer).Value = reader3.GetDB2Int32(1); SPCMD.Parameters.Add("OUT_sql", DB2Type.Integer).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; DB2DataReader dr = SPCMD.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine("Kunde: " + reader3.GetString(0)); Console.WriteLine("Kundenr.: " + reader3.GetString(1)); Console.WriteLine("AnzahlBestellungen: " + SPCMD.Parameters["OUT_sql"].Value); decimal summe = 0; bool first = true; int days = 0; while (dr.Read()) { summe += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["TOTALPRICE"]); } Console.WriteLine("Gesamtumsatz: " + summe + " $ (USD)"); dr.Close(); } reader1.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); /*********************************************************************** ** ** Aufgabe 2.1 ** ***********************************************************************/ Console.WriteLine("***********"); Console.WriteLine("Aufgabe 2.1"); Console.WriteLine("***********"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("ServerType: " + con.ServerType); //Typ des Servers Console.WriteLine("ServerVersion: " + con.ServerVersion); //Version des Servers Console.WriteLine("Version: " + con.ServerMajorVersion + "." + con.ServerMinorVersion); //übergeordnete Version und untergeordnete Version des Servers Console.WriteLine("Verbindung: " + con.ConnectionString); //Ruft die Zeichenfolge ab, die zum Öffnen einer Datenbankverbindung verwendet wird Console.WriteLine("Datenbankname: " + con.Database); //Ruft den Namen der aktuellen Datenbank ab Console.WriteLine("InProperty1: " + con.InternalProperty1); Console.WriteLine("InProperty7: " + con.InternalProperty7); Console.WriteLine("BuildVersion: " + con.ServerBuildVersion); //Buildversion des Servers Console.WriteLine("RevVersion: " + con.ServerRevisionVersion); //Überarbeitungsversion des Servers Console.WriteLine("Status: " + con.State); //aktueller Status der Verbindung Console.WriteLine("UserId: " + con.UserId); //UserId Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); /*********************************************************************** ** ** Aufgabe 2.2 ** ***********************************************************************/ Console.WriteLine("***********"); Console.WriteLine("Aufgabe 2.2"); Console.WriteLine("***********"); Console.WriteLine(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT n_nationkey, n_name, n_regionkey FROM nation"; DB2DataReader reader5 = cmd.ExecuteReader(); printResult(reader5, 3); reader5.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); /*********************************************************************** ** ** Aufgabe 3 ** ***********************************************************************/ Console.WriteLine("***********"); Console.WriteLine("Aufgabe 3"); Console.WriteLine("***********"); Console.WriteLine(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DB2DataAdapter da = new DB2DataAdapter("SELECT o_orderkey, o_custkey, o_orderpriority, o_totalprice FROM orders", con); //benötigt zum Füllen des ds DB2CommandBuilder cb = new DB2CommandBuilder(da); Console.Write("Kundennummer(o_custkey) eingeben: "); String input2 = ""; while (input2.Length == 0 || input == null) { input2 = Console.In.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); con.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (DB2Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ReadKey(); } }
private void metroButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ConStr = "Database = " + metroTextBox3.Text.Trim() + ";User ID=inetsoft;Password = etl5boxes; server = " + metroTextBox3.Text.Trim().ToLower() + "." + metroTextBox3.Text.Trim().ToLower() + ".ei:50000; Max Pool Size=100;Persist security info =False;Pooling = True "; string Query = @"Select sh.SHPMNT_REF, ship.NAME, ship.ADDR_LINE1, ship.ADDR_LINE2, CONCAT(CONCAT(ship.CITY, ','), ship.COUNTRY), cons.NAME, cons.ADDR_LINE1, cons.ADDR_LINE2, CONCAT(CONCAT(cons.CITY, ','), cons.COUNTRY), hdr.ORIGIN_NAME_AWB, hdr.DESTIN_NAME_AWB, hdr.FLIGHT_TO_AWB_1, hdr.FLIGHT_BY_AWB_1, hdr.CHRG_CODE_FRGHT_1, hdr.CHRG_CODE_OTHER_1, sh.PCS_GRS, CAST(ROUND(sh.WGT_GRS_2 / 10000, 0) AS DECIMAL(18, 1)), CAST(ROUND(sh.WGT_CHRG_2 / 10000, 0) AS DECIMAL(18, 1)), hdr.FLIGHT_NUM_AWB_1, hdr.HNDL_INFO_AWB_1, hdr.HNDL_INFO_AWB_2, SUBSTR(xmlserialize(xmlagg(xmltext(CONCAT( '!',concat(concat(itm.REMARKS_AWB_PFX,' '),itm.REMARKS_AWB)))) as VARCHAR(1024)), 3), sl.MAWB_BL_NO From EXPORT.SHPMNT_HDR sh inner join IASDB.SHIP_LOG sl on sl.INVOICE_NO = sh.SHPMNT_REF inner join HELPDB.CLIENT ship on ship.CLIENT_NO = sh.SHIPPER_ID inner join HELPDB.CLIENT cons on cons.CLIENT_NO = sh.CONSIGN_ID inner join EXPORT.AIR_FRGHT_HDR hdr on hdr.INVOICE_REF = sh.SHPMNT_REF inner join EXPORT.AIR_FRGHT_ITEM itm on itm.CARRIER_REF = hdr.CARRIER_REF where sh.SHPMNT_REF = '" + metroTextBox1.Text.Trim() + @"' Group by ship.NAME, ship.ADDR_LINE1, ship.ADDR_LINE2, ship.CITY, ship.COUNTRY, sh.SHPMNT_REF, cons.NAME, cons.ADDR_LINE1, cons.ADDR_LINE2,, cons.COUNTRY, CAST(ROUND(sh.WGT_GRS_2 / 10000, 0) AS DECIMAL(18, 1)), CAST(ROUND(sh.WGT_CHRG_2 / 10000, 0) AS DECIMAL(18, 1)), hdr.ORIGIN_NAME_AWB, hdr.DESTIN_NAME_AWB, hdr.FLIGHT_TO_AWB_1, hdr.FLIGHT_BY_AWB_1, hdr.CHRG_CODE_FRGHT_1, hdr.CHRG_CODE_OTHER_1, hdr.FLIGHT_NUM_AWB_1, sh.PCS_GRS, hdr.HNDL_INFO_AWB_1, hdr.HNDL_INFO_AWB_2, sl.MAWB_BL_NO "; using (DB2Connection myconnection = new DB2Connection(ConStr)) { myconnection.Open(); DB2Command cmd = myconnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = Query; DB2DataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rd.HasRows) { while (rd.Read()) { //richTextBox1.Text = richTextBox1.Text + rd.GetValue(0).ToString() + " " + rd.GetValue(1).ToString(); Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application(); //string filepath = @"HAWBTemp.xlsx"; //Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbook workbook = app.Workbooks.Open(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/HAWBTemplate.xlsx", ReadOnly: false, Editable: true); Excel.Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Item[1]; //worksheet.Cells[5, 7].Value = rd.GetValue(1).ToString(); //Shipper Update worksheet.Range["D1"].Value = rd.GetValue(22).ToString(); worksheet.Range["N1"].Value = rd.GetValue(0).ToString(); worksheet.Range["M51"].Value = rd.GetValue(0).ToString(); worksheet.Range["B3"].Value = rd.GetValue(1).ToString(); worksheet.Range["B4"].Value = rd.GetValue(2).ToString(); worksheet.Range["B5"].Value = rd.GetValue(3).ToString(); worksheet.Range["B6"].Value = rd.GetValue(4).ToString(); //Consignee Update worksheet.Range["B8"].Value = rd.GetValue(5).ToString(); worksheet.Range["B9"].Value = rd.GetValue(6).ToString(); worksheet.Range["B10"].Value = rd.GetValue(7).ToString(); worksheet.Range["B11"].Value = rd.GetValue(8).ToString(); //Origin-Destination worksheet.Range["B18"].Value = rd.GetValue(9).ToString(); worksheet.Range["B21"].Value = rd.GetValue(10).ToString(); //Dest-First Flight worksheet.Range["B19"].Value = rd.GetValue(11).ToString(); worksheet.Range["C19"].Value = rd.GetValue(12).ToString(); //Prepaid-Collect if (rd.GetValue(13).ToString() == "P") { worksheet.Range["K19"].Value = " P"; } else { worksheet.Range["K19"].Value = " C"; } if (rd.GetValue(14).ToString() == "P") { worksheet.Range["L19"].Value = "P"; } else { worksheet.Range["L19"].Value = " C"; } //Weight-Pieces worksheet.Range["B27"].Value = rd.GetValue(15).ToString(); worksheet.Range["C27"].Value = rd.GetValue(16).ToString(); worksheet.Range["G27"].Value = rd.GetValue(17).ToString(); worksheet.Range["B37"].Value = rd.GetValue(15).ToString(); worksheet.Range["C37"].Value = rd.GetValue(16).ToString(); //Flight worksheet.Range["F21"].Value = rd.GetValue(18).ToString(); //Handling Information worksheet.Range["C23"].Value = rd.GetValue(19).ToString(); worksheet.Range["C24"].Value = rd.GetValue(20).ToString(); worksheet.Range["O46"].Value = metroTextBox2.Text; //Data DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; worksheet.Range["I49"].Value = dt.ToShortDateString(); //Description String description = rd.GetValue(21).ToString(); List <string> descResult = description.Split('!').ToList(); descResult = descResult.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Distinct().ToList(); //richTextBox1.Text = richTextBox1.Text + descResult[0] +"///////" + descResult[1]+ "//////" + descResult[2]; for (int i = descResult.Count; i <= 7; i++) { descResult.Add(""); } worksheet.Range["B28"].Value = descResult[0]; worksheet.Range["B29"].Value = descResult[1]; worksheet.Range["B30"].Value = descResult[2]; worksheet.Range["B31"].Value = descResult[3]; worksheet.Range["B32"].Value = descResult[4]; worksheet.Range["B33"].Value = descResult[5]; worksheet.Range["B34"].Value = descResult[6]; worksheet.Range["B35"].Value = descResult[7]; /*String remarks = rd.GetValue(22).ToString(); * List<string> remarksResult = remarks.Split('!').ToList(); * remarksResult = remarksResult.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Distinct().ToList(); * for (int i = remarksResult.Count; i <= 7; i++) * { * remarksResult.Add(""); * } * * MetroMessageBox.Show(this,remarksResult[1]); * MetroMessageBox.Show(this, remarksResult[2]); * MetroMessageBox.Show(this, remarksResult[3]); * MetroMessageBox.Show(this, remarksResult[4]); * MetroMessageBox.Show(this, remarksResult[5]); * * worksheet.Range["M28"].Value = remarksResult[0]; * worksheet.Range["M29"].Value = remarksResult[1]; * worksheet.Range["M30"].Value = remarksResult[2]; * worksheet.Range["M31"].Value = remarksResult[3]; * worksheet.Range["M32"].Value = remarksResult[4]; * worksheet.Range["M33"].Value = remarksResult[5]; * worksheet.Range["M34"].Value = remarksResult[6]; * worksheet.Range["M35"].Value = remarksResult[7];*/ workbook.ExportAsFixedFormat(Excel.XlFixedFormatType.xlTypePDF, System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/" + metroTextBox1.Text.Trim() + ".pdf"); app.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Save(); workbook.Close(0); app.Application.Quit(); app.Quit(); MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "House Created!"); } } } }