Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// name:         ChangeRecord
    /// description:  This method contains the front end code needed to update a POI, it uses the UpdatePOI method in the DA_POI class
    /// </summary>
    private void ChangeRecord()
        //Get ID value
        string locationID = (Request.QueryString["qrypoiID"]);

        //Declare Variables
        string  title;
        decimal latitude;
        decimal longitude;
        string  description;
        string  Address1;
        string  Address2;
        string  City;
        string  State;
        int     ZipCode;
        string  ContactName;
        string  Phone;
        string  URL;
        string  Category;
        bool    isActive;
        bool    petFriendly;

        //Get values for variables
        //If Statements for Missing Long/Lat Values
        if (txtLongitude.Text == "")
            longitude = 0;
            longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(txtLongitude.Text);
        if (txtLatitude.Text == "")
            latitude = 0;
            latitude = Convert.ToDecimal(txtLatitude.Text);
        //If Statements for Missing Address2/URL Values
        if (txtURL.Text == "")
            URL = "";
            URL = txtURL.Text;
        if (txtAddress2.Text == "")
            Address2 = "";
            Address2 = txtAddress2.Text;

        title       = Convert.ToString(txtTitle.Text);
        description = Convert.ToString(txtDescription.Text);
        Address1    = txtAddress1.Text;
        City        = txtCity.Text;
        State       = txtState.Text;
        ZipCode     = Convert.ToInt32(txtZipCode.Text);
        ContactName = txtContactName.Text;
        Phone       = txtPhone.Text;
        Category    = ddlCategory.SelectedValue;

        if (chkIsActive.Checked == true)
            isActive = true;
            isActive = false;

        if (chkPetFriendly.Checked == true)
            petFriendly = true;
            petFriendly = false;

        DA_POI inventoryObject = new DA_POI();

        inventoryObject.UpdatePOI(latitude, longitude, title,
                                  description, Address1, Address2, City, State,
                                  ZipCode, ContactName, Phone, URL,
                                  Category, isActive, locationID, petFriendly);

        lblDisplay.Text = "The POI information has been saved.";
    /// <summary>
    /// name:         ChangeRecord
    /// description:  This method contains the front end code needed to update a POI, it uses the UpdatePOI method in the DA_POI class
    /// </summary>
    private void ChangeRecord()
        //Get ID value
        string locationID = (Request.QueryString["qrypoiID"]);

        //Declare Variables
        string title;
        decimal latitude;
        decimal longitude;
        string description;
        string Address1;
        string Address2;
        string City;
        string State;
        int ZipCode;
        string ContactName;
        string Phone;
        string URL;
        string Category;
        bool isActive;
        bool petFriendly;
        string image1Desc="";
        string image2Desc="";
        string image3Desc="";

        //Get values for variables
        //If Statements for Missing Long/Lat Values
        if (txtLongitude.Text == "")
            longitude = 0;
            longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(txtLongitude.Text);
        if (txtLatitude.Text == "")
            latitude = 0;
            latitude = Convert.ToDecimal(txtLatitude.Text);
        //If Statements for Missing Address2/URL Values
        if (txtURL.Text == "")
            URL = "";
            URL = txtURL.Text;
        if (txtAddress2.Text == "")
            Address2 = "";
            Address2 = txtAddress2.Text;

        title = Convert.ToString(txtTitle.Text);
        description = Convert.ToString(txtDescription.Text);
        Address1 = txtAddress1.Text;
        City = txtCity.Text;
        State = txtState.Text;
        ZipCode = Convert.ToInt32(txtZipCode.Text);
        ContactName = txtContactName.Text;
        Phone = txtPhone.Text;
        Category = ddlCategory.SelectedValue;
        image1Desc = txtImage1Desc.Text;
        image2Desc = txtImage2Desc.Text;
        image3Desc = txtImage3Desc.Text;

        if (chkIsActive.Checked == true)
            isActive = true;
            isActive = false;

        if (chkPetFriendly.Checked == true)
            petFriendly = true;
            petFriendly = false;

        Trace.Warn("1" + image1Desc);
        Trace.Warn("2" + image2Desc);
        Trace.Warn("3" + image3Desc);
        DA_POI inventoryObject = new DA_POI();
        inventoryObject.UpdatePOI(latitude, longitude, title,
                        description, Address1, Address2, City, State,
                        ZipCode, ContactName, Phone, URL,
                        Category, isActive, locationID, petFriendly, image1Desc, image2Desc, image3Desc);

        lblDisplay.Text = "The POI information has been saved.";
    /// <summary>
    /// name:         ChangeRecord
    /// description:  This method contains the front end code needed to update a POI, it uses the UpdatePOI method in the DA_POI class
    /// </summary>
    private void ChangeRecord()
        //Get ID value
        string locationID = (Request.QueryString["qrypoiID"]);

        //Declare Variables
        string title;
        decimal latitude;
        decimal longitude;
        string url;
        string description;
        string Category;
        bool isActive  ;

        //Get values for variables
        //If Statements for Missing Long/Lat Values
        if (txtLatitude.Text == "")
            latitude = 0;
            latitude = Convert.ToDecimal(txtLatitude.Text);
        if (txtLongitude.Text == "")
            longitude = 0;
            longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(txtLongitude.Text);

        title = Convert.ToString(txtTitle.Text);
        url = Convert.ToString(txtURL.Text);
        description = Convert.ToString(txtDescription.Text);
        Category = ddlCategory.SelectedValue;

        if (chkIsActive.Checked == true)
            isActive = true;
            isActive = false;
        DA_POI inventoryObject = new DA_POI();
        inventoryObject.UpdatePOI(latitude, longitude, title, url,
                        description, Category, isActive, locationID);

        lblDisplay.Text = "The POI information has been saved.";