Esempio n. 1
        // Sends a message to the Arduino and updates ArduinoBoard member variables upon receiving the response
        public async Task Communicate(DATACATEGORY cat, SUBCATEGORY subcat, ACTION action, object data = null, double timeoutLength = -1.0)
            // Throws an ArduinoCommunicationException if unsuccessful
            Console.WriteLine("In Communicate. The current thread is {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString());

            List <byte> resp = new List <byte>();

                // Send data to Arduino and get the raw response:
                resp = await CommunicateRaw(cat, subcat, action, data, timeoutLength);
            catch (Exception)

            // Process the response received from the Arduino:
            switch (cat)
            case DATACATEGORY.NULL:
                // I'm not sure what sorts of repsonses would be in this category, if any, since I don't know anything that would be sent in this category
                throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response was of the NULL category.");

            case DATACATEGORY.PING:
                if (resp.Count == 5 && resp[0] == sotb && resp[1] == 0x01 && resp[2] == 0xF0 && resp[4] == eotb)
                    if (resp[3] == 0x00 || resp[3] == 0x01)
                        TestStarted = Convert.ToBoolean(resp[3]);
                        throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Ping failed: Response contained an invalid value.");
                    throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Ping failed: Invalid response.");

            case DATACATEGORY.CONFIG:
                if (action == ACTION.READVAR)
                    if (subcat == SUBCATEGORY.ALL)
                        // Check for sot and eot ? When should that be done ?
                        if (resp.Count > 46 || resp.Count < 9)
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response string is of the wrong length.");
                        if (resp[1] != (byte)DATACATEGORY.CONFIG && resp[2] != (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat))
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response string contains the wrong request code.");

                        int nullterm = resp.IndexOf(0x00, 3);
                        if (nullterm == -1)
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Could not parse the Package Name from the response string.");
                            // As always, use Windows-1252 encoding for chars and strings sent over serial:
                            PackageName = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetString(resp.ToArray(), 3, nullterm - 3);

                        int nullterm2 = resp.IndexOf(0x00, nullterm + 1);
                        if (nullterm2 == -1)
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Could not parse the Test Duration from the response string.");
                            TestDuration = uint.Parse(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetString(resp.GetRange(nullterm + 1, nullterm2 - nullterm - 1).ToArray()), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                        if (resp.Count < nullterm2 + 4)
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response string is of the wrong length.");

                        // The start delay in seconds as a byte (the 0x4 is to correct for avoiding sending sot or eot over serial. Arduino side adds 0x4 before sending.)
                        StartDelay = (byte)(resp[nullterm2 + 1] - 0x4);
                        // The sample period in seconds as a float
                        SamplePeriod = ((byte)(resp[nullterm2 + 2] - 0x4)) / 8.0f;

                        Console.WriteLine("Done parsing the config response.");

                        // Not implemented yet
                        throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Error, not implemented yet...");
                else if (action == ACTION.WRITEVAR || action == ACTION.SENDCOMMAND)
                    switch (subcat)
                    case SUBCATEGORY.PACKAGE_NAME:
                        if (resp.Count == 4 && resp[1] == (byte)cat && resp[2] == (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat))
                            PackageName = (string)data;         // Success. Can update this now.
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response didn't match the expected value.");

                    case SUBCATEGORY.TEST_DUR:
                        if (resp.Count == 4 && resp[1] == (byte)cat && resp[2] == (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat))
                            TestDuration = (uint)data;         // Success. Can update this now.
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response didn't match the expected value.");

                    case SUBCATEGORY.SAMPLE_PERIOD:
                        if (resp.Count == 4 && resp[1] == (byte)cat && resp[2] == (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat))
                            SamplePeriod = (float)data;         // Success. Can update this now.
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response didn't match the expected value.");

                    case SUBCATEGORY.START_DELAY:
                        if (resp.Count == 4 && resp[1] == (byte)cat && resp[2] == (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat))
                            StartDelay = Convert.ToByte((int)data);         // Success. Can update this now.
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response didn't match the expected value.");

                    // Implement the rest of the cases later
                        throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Error, not implemented yet...");
                    // invalid action type
                    throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Invalid communication action type.");

            case DATACATEGORY.OTHER:
                if (action == ACTION.SENDCOMMAND || action == ACTION.WRITEVAR)
                    switch (subcat)
                    case SUBCATEGORY.START_TEST:
                    case SUBCATEGORY.STOP_TEST:
                        if (resp.Count == 5 && resp[1] == (byte)cat && resp[2] == (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat))
                            if (resp[3] == 0x00 || resp[3] == 0x01)
                                TestStarted = Convert.ToBoolean(resp[3] & 0x01);
                                throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response didn't match the expected value.");
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response didn't match the expected value.");

                    case SUBCATEGORY.TIME_DATE:
                        if (resp.Count == 4 && resp[1] == (byte)cat && resp[2] == (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat))
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response didn't match the expected value.");

                        throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Error, not implemented yet...");
                else if (action == ACTION.READVAR)
                    if (subcat == SUBCATEGORY.TIME_DATE)
                        if (resp.Count == 11 && resp[1] == (byte)cat && resp[2] == (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat))
                            // Set local copy of Arduino's RTC time here
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Error, not implemented yet...");
                            throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response didn't match the expected value.");
                        throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Error, not implemented yet...");
                    // invalid action type
                    throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Invalid communication action type.");

                throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The response is of an invalid category.");
Esempio n. 2
 // Gets a timeout length in milliseconds
 private double _GetTimeoutLength(DATACATEGORY cat, SUBCATEGORY subcat, ACTION action, object data = null)
     // Different kinds of communication take different amounts of time, so maybe you'd want to adjust the timeout length based on that.
     // For now, this method is a placeholder
     return(600.0);   // 600 ms (placeholder)
Esempio n. 3
        // Sends a message to the Arduino and returns its response
        private async Task <List <byte> > CommunicateRaw(DATACATEGORY cat, SUBCATEGORY subcat, ACTION action, object data = null, double timeoutLength = -1.0)
            // Returns the raw response without validating it.
            // If there is no response or if some other kind of error occurs, it throws an ArduinoCommunicationException exception.
            bool gotLock = false;

                // Spin for up to 500 ms trying to enter into communication
                commLock.TryEnter(500, ref gotLock);
                if (!gotLock)  // Don't enter the critical section if the lock wasn't acquired.
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not enter critical section. Lock is held by another thread. ");
                    throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Serial port is busy. Could not enter critical section.");

                if (Port == null || !Port.IsOpen)
                    if (gotLock)
                    throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("The serial port is null or not open.");

                // The timeoutLength is the total time in milliseconds between just before the data is sent and right after the response is received.
                if (timeoutLength < 0.0) // If the user didn't specify a timeout length
                    // Use the recommended timeout length for the type of communication you're using
                    timeoutLength = _GetTimeoutLength(cat, subcat, action, data);  // Returns a placeholder value for now

                bool noResponse = true;

                if (_ExpectedResponseCancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                    _ExpectedResponseCancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();
                    Console.WriteLine("Made new cancellation token.");  // Just for debugging

                // try using the token.register thing?

                _ReceivedBytes.Clear();       // This should be ok b/c we have the commLock. But is One-Way communication data safe?

                SendData(cat, subcat, action, data);  // Send the data
                    // Wait until timeout or until response is received
                    Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutLength), _ExpectedResponseCancellation.Token).Wait();
                    Console.WriteLine("---No longer waiting for a response!!!");
                catch (TaskCanceledException)
                    noResponse = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Canceled the delay for the response.");
                catch (AggregateException ex)  // Hmmm. There could be a legit bad exception that it lets through
                    AggregateException aggregateException = ex.Flatten();
                    foreach (var inner_ex in ex.InnerExceptions)
                        if (inner_ex is TaskCanceledException)
                            noResponse = false;
                    if (noResponse)
                        throw ex;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

                // These were both uncommented before:  (2/24/2019)
                //_ExpectedResponseCancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Create new one for next time

                if (noResponse)
                    throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("No response.");

                List <byte> resp_data_bytes = new List <byte>();


                Console.WriteLine("### CommunicateRaw. Received: {0}\n......Which is the same as: {1}", BytesToString(resp_data_bytes), BitConverter.ToString(resp_data_bytes.ToArray()));

                if (gotLock)
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("In CommunicateRaw: Exception caught: " + e.Message);

                // Only give up the lock if you actually acquired it
                if (gotLock)
                    throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Exception in CommunicateRaw. ", e);
                // Only give up the lock if you actually acquired it
                //if (gotLock) commLock.Exit();

                //throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("In CommunicateRaw in finally. You should never see this exception! ");
                //Console.WriteLine("In CommunicateRaw in finally. You should never see this! ");
Esempio n. 4
        // Sends data over serial
        public void SendData(DATACATEGORY cat, SUBCATEGORY subcat, ACTION action, object data = null)
            // Need to check for invalid input in this method!!!!
            // Return a COMMERROR ?  An maybe change everything over to Exceptions (b/c some errors already begin as exceptions, and they are more detailed in description and don't require a special Response class)?

            switch (cat)
            case DATACATEGORY.NULL:      // Not used. Or maybe it could have a use later?
                // cat = 0
                SendData(new byte[] { (byte)cat, 0x00 });

            case DATACATEGORY.PING:
                // cat = 1
                SendData(new byte[] { (byte)cat, 0xF0 });

            case DATACATEGORY.CONFIG:
                // cat = 2. The first hex is F just so that the byte isn't 0x02, which is sot (start of text).
                if ((byte)subcat == (byte)SUBCATEGORY.SAMPLE_PERIOD && data != null)      // Write sample period
                    SendData(new byte[] { (byte)cat, (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat), (byte)(((float)data) * 8.0 + 4.0) });
                else if ((byte)subcat == (byte)SUBCATEGORY.TEST_DUR && data != null)                                                                                             // Write test duration
                    char[] hex = BitConverter.ToString(BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)data).Reverse().ToArray()).Replace("-", "").ToCharArray();                                    // Converts test duration to ascii-encoded char array
                    SendData(new byte[] { (byte)cat, (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat), (byte)hex[2], (byte)hex[3], (byte)hex[4], (byte)hex[5], (byte)hex[6], (byte)hex[7] }); // cat = 2
                else if ((byte)subcat == (byte)SUBCATEGORY.PACKAGE_NAME && data != null)                                                                                         // Write package name
                    List <byte> bytelist = new List <byte>();
                    bytelist.Add((byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat));
                else if ((byte)subcat == (byte)SUBCATEGORY.START_DELAY && data != null)      // Write start delay
                    // Add 4 to the start delay before sending to avoid sending 0x02 or 0x03 which are the special sotb and eotb bytes:
                    SendData(new byte[] { (byte)cat, (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat), Convert.ToByte((int)data + 4) });
                else      // Else use the default case. Used for reading and whatever else
                    SendData(new byte[] { (byte)cat, (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat) });


            case DATACATEGORY.OTHER:
                // cat = 3. The first hex is F just so that the byte isn't 0x03, which is eot (end of text).
                if (subcat == (byte)SUBCATEGORY.START_TEST || (byte)subcat == (byte)SUBCATEGORY.STOP_TEST)      // Start test or stop test
                    SendData(new byte[] { (byte)cat, (byte)((byte)ACTION.SENDCOMMAND | (byte)subcat) });
                else if ((byte)subcat == (byte)SUBCATEGORY.TIME_DATE)      // Set or read time/date
                    if ((action == ACTION.SENDCOMMAND || action == ACTION.WRITEVAR) && data != null)
                        // Set the time and date on the arduino's RTC (real-time clock)
                        DateTime    dt       = (DateTime)data;
                        List <byte> bytelist = new List <byte>();
                        bytelist.AddRange(new byte[] { (byte)cat, (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat), (byte)(dt.Hour + 4), (byte)(dt.Minute + 4), (byte)(dt.Second + 4), (byte)(dt.Month + 4), (byte)(dt.Day + 4) });
                        bytelist.AddRange(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(dt.Year.ToString()));     // array of extended ascii-encoded bytes representing the year
                    else if (action == ACTION.READVAR)
                        SendData(new byte[] { (byte)cat, (byte)((byte)action | (byte)subcat) });

                // Features not implemented yet:
                // Real-time data toggle
                // etc.
                // Don't forget the 0x02 and 0x03 bytes can't be used

            case DATACATEGORY.SENSORS:
                // Not implemented yet...

                // The two bytes are structured as: (data file # - upper 5b)(cat), (data file # - lower 6b)0(action)
                SendData(new byte[] { (byte)((((byte)subcat & 0x7C0) >> 3) | (byte)cat), (byte)((((byte)subcat & 0x3F) << 2) | (byte)action) });

                throw new ArduinoCommunicationException("Invalid transmission category.");