Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新历史安灯记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="openSftwTime">首次打开软件的时间</param>
        /// <param name="playerIndex">播放器序列号</param>
        /// <returns>受影响记录条数</returns>
        public int UpdateHistroyAdn(DateTime openSftwTime, int playerIndex)
            string where = string.Format(" call_time<='{0}' and SUBSTRING(play_record,{1},1)='1' order by call_time desc", openSftwTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), playerIndex);
            DAO.SqlServerHelper         dbEngine = DAO.SqlServerHelper.CreateInstance(SqlConStr);
            List <Model.TableModel.Adn> listAnd  = dbEngine.QueryList <Model.TableModel.Adn>(where);

            foreach (Model.TableModel.Adn item in listAnd)
                string newPlayRecord = CaclNewPlayRecord(item.play_record, playerIndex);
                item.play_record = newPlayRecord;
            return(dbEngine.QueryInt <Model.TableModel.Adn>("Update", listAnd));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取看板数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>返回序列化后的看板信息</returns>
        public string GetKanpanData()
            DAO.SqlServerHelper dbEngine = DAO.SqlServerHelper.CreateInstance(Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigValueFromXml("connectionStr", "dfsDb", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"Config\mesWebSiteConfig.xml"));

            string res    = string.Empty;
            object objTmp = null;
            int    intTmp = 0;

            string sql = "select sum(plan_qty) from mpo_plan where plan_date=@plan_date;";
            Dictionary <string, object> pms = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            pms.Add("@plan_date", DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            objTmp = dbEngine.QueryObj(sql, pms);
            res    = (objTmp ?? "0").ToString();
            decimal dTmp = 0.0M;

            dTmp   = decimal.TryParse(res, out dTmp) ? dTmp : 0.0M;
            intTmp = decimal.ToInt32(dTmp);
            string planQty = intTmp.ToString();

            sql = "select distinct count(serial_no) from mes_fb_item where quality_no='QA01' and eqm_no=(select eqm_no from pdm_eqm where eqm_index=(select max(eqm_index) from pdm_eqm)) and fb_datetime >=@start_time and fb_datetime<=@end_time";
            pms.Add("@start_time", DateTime.Now.Date);
            pms.Add("@end_time", DateTime.Now.Date + new TimeSpan(0, 23, 59, 59, 999));
            objTmp = dbEngine.QueryObj(sql, pms);
            res    = (objTmp ?? "0").ToString();
            intTmp = int.TryParse(res, out intTmp) ? intTmp : 0;
            string productQty = intTmp.ToString();

            sql    = "select sum(datediff(MINUTE,case when submit_time<=@start_time then @start_time else submit_time end,case when reply_time>=@end_time then @end_time else reply_time end))from eqm_jam_record where ((submit_time between @start_time and @end_time) or (reply_time between @start_time and @end_time) or ( submit_time <= @start_time and  reply_time>=@end_time ));";
            objTmp = dbEngine.QueryObj(sql, pms);
            res    = (objTmp ?? "0").ToString();
            intTmp = int.TryParse(res, out intTmp) ? intTmp : 0;
            string stopTime = intTmp.ToString();

            sql = @"select pdm_eqm.eqm_no,pdm_eqm.eqm_status,adn.andon_type_name,adn.status_no from adn inner join (select pdm_eqm.eqm_no,max(adn.call_time) as call_time from adn right join pdm_eqm on adn.eqm_no=pdm_eqm.eqm_no group by pdm_eqm.eqm_no) as c on adn.call_time=c.call_time and adn.eqm_no=c.eqm_no right join pdm_eqm on adn.eqm_no=pdm_eqm.eqm_no order by pdm_eqm.eqm_index asc;
            DataTable adnList = dbEngine.QueryTable(sql);
            var       data    = new { planQty = planQty, productQty = productQty, stopTime = stopTime, adnList = adnList };

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 播放安灯呼叫
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dtOpenSftwDateTime">初次打开软件的事件</param>
        /// <param name="andonEqmIndex">安灯播放器编号</param>
        internal void Play(DateTime dtOpenSftwDateTime, int andonEqmIndex)
            AndonPlayerIsRun = false;
            DAO.SqlServerHelper dbEngine = DAO.SqlServerHelper.CreateInstance(SqlConStr);
            string where = string.Format(" call_time>'{0}' and SUBSTRING(play_record,{1},1)='1' and is_finished='false' and andon_type_no in ({2}) order by call_time desc", dtOpenSftwDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), andonEqmIndex, AndonType);
            List <Model.TableModel.Adn> listAdn = dbEngine.QueryList <Model.TableModel.Adn>(where);

            if (listAdn.Count <= 0)
            string musicName = listAdn[0].andon_music_no;

            _mp3.Play(AndonFilePath + "\\" + musicName, 5);
            int tim = _mp3.GetTimeLong();
            List <Model.TableModel.Adn> newListAdn = new List <Model.TableModel.Adn>();
            string newPlayRecord = CaclNewPlayRecord(listAdn[0].play_record, andonEqmIndex);

            listAdn[0].play_record = newPlayRecord;
            dbEngine.QueryInt <Model.TableModel.Adn>("Update", newListAdn);