Esempio n. 1
        public MondeRuche()
            Dés jetDé = new Dés();

            this.InfoMond            = "Monde à la population massive, composé de cité-ruches remplies de gangs.";
            this.DesignationMonde    = "vient d'un Monde Ruche.";
            this.PtsBlessuresBase    = 8;
            this.PtsDestinBase       = 2;
            this.EmpereurBenediction = 6;
            this.Aptitude            = "PER";
            this.Bonus_MondeNatal    = "Teeming Masses in Metal Mountains";
            this.RefPage             = 38;
            this.InfoModifCarac      = "+AGI, +PER, -FM";
Esempio n. 2
        public MondeSaint()
            Dés jetDé = new Dés();

            this.InfoMond            = "Monde gouverné par l'Ecclesiarchie où la dévotion à l'Empereur est forte.";
            this.DesignationMonde    = "vient d'un Monde Saint.";
            this.PtsBlessuresBase    = 7;
            this.PtsDestinBase       = 3;
            this.EmpereurBenediction = 6;
            this.Aptitude            = "FM";
            this.Bonus_MondeNatal    = "Faith in the Creed";
            this.RefPage             = 40;
            this.InfoModifCarac      = "+SOC, +FM, -PER";
Esempio n. 3
        public MondeSauvage()
            Dés jetDé = new Dés();

            this.InfoMond            = "Un monde dépourvu de civilisation où les plus forts survivent.";
            this.DesignationMonde    = "vient d'un Monde Sauvage.";
            this.PtsBlessuresBase    = 9;
            this.PtsDestinBase       = 2;
            this.EmpereurBenediction = 3;
            this.Aptitude            = "END";
            this.Bonus_MondeNatal    = "The Old Ways";
            this.RefPage             = 32;
            this.InfoModifCarac      = "+FOR, +END, -INF";
Esempio n. 4
        public HauteNaissance()
            Dés jetDé = new Dés();

            this.InfoMond            = Traduction.HauteNaissance;
            this.DesignationMonde    = "est de Haute Naissance.";
            this.PtsBlessuresBase    = 9;
            this.PtsDestinBase       = 4;
            this.EmpereurBenediction = 10;
            this.Aptitude            = "SOC";
            this.Bonus_MondeNatal    = "Breeding Counts";
            this.RefPage             = 36;
            this.InfoModifCarac      = "+SOC, +INF, -END";
Esempio n. 5
        public EnfantDuVide()
            Dés jetDé = new Dés();

            this.InfoMond            = "Ceux qui sont nés et ont vécu dans les vaisseaux et stations spatiales.";
            this.DesignationMonde    = " est un Enfant du Vide.";
            this.PtsBlessuresBase    = 7;
            this.PtsDestinBase       = 3;
            this.EmpereurBenediction = 5;
            this.Aptitude            = "INT";
            this.Bonus_MondeNatal    = "Child of the Dark";
            this.RefPage             = 42;
            this.InfoModifCarac      = "+INT, +FM, -FOR";
Esempio n. 6
        public MondeForge()
            Dés jetDé = new Dés();

            this.InfoMond            = "Monde dirigé par le Mechanicus tourné vers la technologie.";
            this.DesignationMonde    = "vient d'un Monde Forge.";
            this.PtsBlessuresBase    = 8;
            this.PtsDestinBase       = 3;
            this.EmpereurBenediction = 8;
            this.Aptitude            = "INT";
            this.Bonus_MondeNatal    = "Omnissiah Chosen";
            this.RefPage             = 34;
            this.InfoModifCarac      = "+INT, +END, -SOC";