void makeBuildings(Vector2 v)
        Vector3    down = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.down);
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(new Vector3((v.x) * cubeSize + (position.x - 1 / 2) * 20 * cubeSize, 300f,
                                        ((v.y) * cubeSize + (position.y - 1 / 2) * 20 * cubeSize))
                            , down, out hit) && (hit.collider == cube.GetComponent <Collider>() as Collider))
            GameObject       buildingA = Instantiate(building);
            CylBuildingMaker cbm       = buildingA.GetComponent <CylBuildingMaker> () as CylBuildingMaker;
            MeshCollider     c         = buildingA.GetComponent <MeshCollider> () as MeshCollider;
            //Set each component of a tree and Instantiate here

            /*cbm.faces = new int[1];
             * cbm.radius = 1;
             * cbm.segments = 1;
             * cbm.segmentHeight = 1;
             * cbm.topChances = new float[1];
             * cbm.expandChance = 1;
             * cbm.windowChance = 1;
             * cbm.maxRad = new float[1];
             * cbm.windowHeight = 1;
             * cbm.windowInset = 1;*/
            //building.transform.parent = buildingParent.transform

            buildingA.transform.parent   = BuildingContainer.transform;
            buildingA.transform.position = hit.point;
            c.sharedMesh = buildingA.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        CylBuildingMaker cbm = gameObject.GetComponent <CylBuildingMaker> () as CylBuildingMaker;
