public static bool Prefix(ref SubRoot __instance)
            UpgradeManager upgradeMgr = CyclopsManager.GetUpgradeManager(__instance);

            if (upgradeMgr == null)

            CrushDamage crushDmg = __instance.gameObject.GetComponent <CrushDamage>();

            if (crushDmg == null)

            float orignialCrushDepth = crushDmg.crushDepth;


            if (orignialCrushDepth != crushDmg.crushDepth)
                ErrorMessage.AddMessage(Language.main.GetFormat("CrushDepthNow", crushDmg.crushDepth));

            return(false); // Completely override the method and do not continue with original execution
            // The original method execution sucked anyways :P
        public static bool Prefix(ref SubRoot __instance)
            var cyclopsLife = (LiveMixin)__instance.GetInstanceField("live");

            if (cyclopsLife == null || !cyclopsLife.IsAlive())
                return(true); // safety check
            UpgradeManager upgradeMgr = CyclopsManager.GetUpgradeManager(__instance);

            if (upgradeMgr == null)
                return(true); // safety check


            // No need to execute original method anymore
            return(false); // Completely override the method and do not continue with original execution