public int x, y, width, height;     // The position and size of the gesture in screen coordinates (x, y)

    // Constructor to create a new instance with data
    public GestureFrame(GestureType type, CvDetectedGesture gesture)
        this.type   = type;
        this.x      = gesture.x;
        this.y      = gesture.y;
        this.width  = gesture.width;
        this.height = gesture.height;
    // Try to detect gestures given a frame
    public int DetectInFrame(Color32[] rawImg, int width, int height)
        nFoundInFrame = 0;

            // Create a pointer of an array of gestures to pass them as reference
            foundInFrame = new CvDetectedGesture[maxPerFrame];
            fixed(CvDetectedGesture *_foundInFramePtr = foundInFrame)
                    // Call to the C++ library to detect gestures
                    nFoundInFrame = OpenCVInterop.DetectGesture(cascade, rawImg, width, height, _foundInFramePtr, maxPerFrame);
                catch (Exception e)
