Esempio n. 1
        // NOTE : Also seems not well written and craves optimization at places. P.A.N.A.R.G.O.
        // => frame = 8 bit greyscale CvMat
        static public void ContrastEnhancement(CvMat frame)
            //CvMat originalFrame = frame; // return this if cannot enhance
            //if (frame.ElemType != MatrixType.U8C1)
            //	frame = MatOps.Convert(frame, MatrixType.U8C1, 1 / 255.0 );

            /////original histogram
            const int HistBinSize = 256;

            int[] histSizes = new int[1];
            histSizes[0] = HistBinSize;
            CvHistogram hist = new CvHistogram(histSizes, HistogramFormat.Array);

            Cv.CalcArrHist(frame, hist, false);               // size = 256 implied

            CvHistogram newHist    = MatOps.CopyHistogram(hist);
            CvArr       newHistBin = newHist.Bins;

            //double[] origVals = new double[hist.Bins.GetDims( 0 )];
            List <double> origVals = new List <double>(HistBinSize);

            for (int i = 0; i < HistBinSize; i++)
                double elem = newHistBin.GetReal1D(i);
                if (elem != 0)

            // FIX : See no need for histL, since we have origVals
            //////histogram with only nonzero bins
            //CvMat histL = new CvMat( imageRows, imageCols, MatrixType.F32C1, new CvScalar( 0 ) );
            //for (i = 0; i < origVals.size(); i++)
            //<float>( i, 0 ) = i );

            List <double> peakValues = new List <double>(HistBinSize);             //std::vector<int> peakValues;

            //////////3 bin search window
            for (int i = 1; i < origVals.Count - 2; ++i)
                double elem = origVals[i];
                if (elem > origVals[i - 1] && elem > origVals[i + 1])

            if (peakValues.Count == 0)
                //Console.Out.WriteLine( "Cannot enhance" );
                return;                 // cannot enhance?

            //////Upper threshold
            double threshUP = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < peakValues.Count; ++i)
                threshUP += peakValues[i];
            threshUP /= peakValues.Count;

            //////Lower threshold
            double threshDOWN = Math.Min((frame.Cols * frame.Rows), threshUP * origVals.Count) / 256.0;
            //Console.Out.WriteLine( "Enhance thresholds " + threshUP + "/" + threshDOWN );

            //////histogram reconstruction
            CvArr histBins = hist.Bins;

            for (int i = 0; i < HistBinSize; ++i)
                double histElem = histBins.GetReal1D(i);
                if (histElem > threshUP)
                    histBins.SetReal1D(i, threshUP);
                else if (histElem <= threshUP && histElem >= threshDOWN)
                else if (histElem < threshDOWN && histElem > 0)
                    histBins.SetReal1D(i, threshDOWN);
                else if (histElem == 0)
            // accumulated values(?)
            double[] accVals = new double[HistBinSize];             //std::vector<int> accVals;
            accVals[0] = (histBins.GetReal1D(0));
            for (int i = 1; i < HistBinSize; ++i)
                accVals[i] = (accVals[i - 1] + histBins[i]);

            byte[] lookUpTable = new byte[HistBinSize];             //cv::Mat lookUpTable = cv::Mat::zeros( hist.size(), CV_8UC1 );
            for (int i = 0; i < HistBinSize; ++i)
                lookUpTable[i] = (byte)(255.0 * accVals[i] / accVals[255]);

            // assign computed values to input frame
            //Console.Out.Write( "Enhance-->" );
            for (int i = 0; i < frame.Cols; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < frame.Rows; ++j)
                    // there is NO mask, thus no need to check for; was: "if ("
                    byte oldValue = (byte)frame.Get2D(j, i);
                    byte newValue = lookUpTable[oldValue];
                    //if ((newValue <1 || newValue > 254) && (newValue != oldValue)) Console.Out.Write( oldValue + " " + newValue + "|");
                    frame.Set2D(j, i, newValue);
                    //frame.SetReal2D( j, i, lookUpTable[ (int)(255.0 * frame.GetReal2D( j, i )) ] / 255.0);

            //frame = MatOps.Convert( frame, MatrixType.U8C1, 255.0 );