protected void FindCorners(byte[] frame)
            var mat = Cv2.ImDecode(frame, ImreadModes.Color);

            var corners      = new Mat <Point2f>();
            var cornersFound = Cv2.FindChessboardCorners(
                mat, _boardSize, corners,
                ChessboardFlags.AdaptiveThresh |
                ChessboardFlags.FastCheck |

            if (!cornersFound)

            using (var grayFrame = new Mat())
                Cv2.CvtColor(mat, grayFrame, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

                var correctedCorners = Cv2.CornerSubPix(
                    grayFrame, corners, new Size(11, 11), new Size(-1, -1),
                    new TermCriteria(CriteriaType.Eps | CriteriaType.MaxIter, 30, 0.1));


Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Mat src  = Cv2.ImRead("dummy.jpg");
            Mat gray = new Mat();
            Mat dst  = src.Clone();

            Cv2.CvtColor(src, gray, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

            Point2f[] corners     = Cv2.GoodFeaturesToTrack(gray, 100, 0.03, 5, null, 3, false, 0);
            Point2f[] sub_corners = Cv2.CornerSubPix(gray, corners, new Size(3, 3), new Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria.Both(10, 0.03));

            for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; i++)
                Point pt = new Point((int)corners[i].X, (int)corners[i].Y);
                Cv2.Circle(dst, pt, 5, Scalar.Yellow, Cv2.FILLED);

            for (int i = 0; i < sub_corners.Length; i++)
                Point pt = new Point((int)sub_corners[i].X, (int)sub_corners[i].Y);
                Cv2.Circle(dst, pt, 5, Scalar.Red, Cv2.FILLED);

            Cv2.ImShow("dst", dst);
Esempio n. 3
    protected override void CheckIfDetectedMarkers()

        for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
            Cv2.CornerSubPix(grayedImg, corners[i], new Size(5, 5), new Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria.Both(30, 0.1));

            if (!MarkerManager.IsMarkerRegistered(ids[i]))

            MarkerBehaviour m = MarkerManager.GetMarker(ids[i]);

            if (!allDetectedMarkers.ContainsKey(ids[i]))
                allDetectedMarkers.Add(m.GetMarkerID(), m);

            // m.UpdateMarker(img.Cols, img.Rows, corners[i], rejectedImgPoints[i]);
            m.UpdateMarker(corners[i], calibrationData.GetCameraMatrix(),
                           calibrationData.GetDistortionCoefficients(), grayedImg);
    //Creates the Transformation matrix which transforms the marker from OpenCv camera space to unity world space.
    //Here "k" is the camera matrix and "d" is the distortion coefficients received from the camera calibration
    //If a grayed version of the img is passed then "CornerSubPix" algorithm from open cv will be applied which makes the
    //marker pose better.
    private Matrix4x4 CreateTransformationMatrix(double[,] k, double[] d, Mat grayMat = null)
        if (currentMarkerData.corners.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogError("Marker Is Not Updated");

        float markerSizeInMeters = sizeInMeters;

        //local space marker corner points
        Point3f[] markerPoints = new Point3f[]
            new Point3f(-markerSizeInMeters / 2f, markerSizeInMeters / 2f, 0f),
            new Point3f(markerSizeInMeters / 2f, markerSizeInMeters / 2f, 0f),
            new Point3f(markerSizeInMeters / 2f, -markerSizeInMeters / 2f, 0f),
            new Point3f(-markerSizeInMeters / 2f, -markerSizeInMeters / 2f, 0f)

        //create rotation/translating arrays
        double[] rvec = new double[3] {
            0d, 0d, 0d
        double[] tvec = new double[3] {
            0d, 0d, 0d

        //create rotation matrix
        double[,] rotMatrix = new double[3, 3] {
            { 0d, 0d, 0d }, { 0d, 0d, 0d }, { 0d, 0d, 0d }

        //apply CornerSubPix algorithm if needed
        if (grayMat != null)
            Cv2.CornerSubPix(grayMat, currentMarkerData.corners, new Size(5, 5), new Size(-1, -1),
                             TermCriteria.Both(30, 0.001));

        //Use SolvePnP algorithm to fill the above arrays with transformation data from open cv
        Cv2.SolvePnP(markerPoints, currentMarkerData.corners, k, d, out rvec, out tvec, false, SolvePnPFlags.Iterative);

        //Use Rodrigues algorithm to fill the rotation arrays with rotation data from open cv
        Cv2.Rodrigues(rvec, out rotMatrix);

        //Apply all the data to an  Unity matrix for ease of use.
        Matrix4x4 matrix = new Matrix4x4();

                      new Vector4((float)rotMatrix[0, 0], (float)rotMatrix[0, 1], (float)rotMatrix[0, 2], (float)tvec[0]));
                      new Vector4((float)rotMatrix[1, 0], (float)rotMatrix[1, 1], (float)rotMatrix[1, 2], (float)tvec[1]));
                      new Vector4((float)rotMatrix[2, 0], (float)rotMatrix[2, 1], (float)rotMatrix[2, 2], (float)tvec[2]));
        matrix.SetRow(3, new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f));
Esempio n. 5
    protected override void CheckIfDetectedMarkers()

        for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
            Cv2.CornerSubPix(grayedImg, corners[i], new Size(5, 5), new Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria.Both(30, 0.1));

            if (!MarkerManager.IsMarkerRegistered(ids[i]))

            MarkerBehaviour m = MarkerManager.GetMarker(ids[i]);

            if (!allDetectedMarkers.ContainsKey(ids[i]))
                Debug.Log("FOUND MARKER: " + m.GetMarkerID());
                allDetectedMarkers.Add(m.GetMarkerID(), m);

            float rotZ = 0;

            switch (Screen.orientation)
            case ScreenOrientation.Portrait:
                rotZ = 90;

            case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft:
                rotZ = 180;

            case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight:
                rotZ = 0;

            case ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown:
                rotZ = -90;

            if (!UseCustomCalibration)
                cameraManager.TryGetIntrinsics(out cameraIntrinsics);

                m.UpdateMarker(corners[i], cameraIntrinsics, grayedImg, Vector3.forward * rotZ);
                m.UpdateMarker(corners[i], calibrationData.GetCameraMatrix(), calibrationData.GetDistortionCoefficients(), grayedImg, Vector3.forward * rotZ);
    void CamUpdate()
        CvUtil.GetWebCamMat(webCamTexture, ref mat);

        Cv2.CvtColor(mat, gray, ColorConversionCodes.RGBA2GRAY);

        Point2f[] corners;

        bool ret = Cv2.FindChessboardCorners(gray, size, out corners);

        if (ret)
            TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria.Both(30, 0.001f);
            Point2f[]    corners2 = Cv2.CornerSubPix(gray, corners, size, new Size(-1, -1), criteria);

            Cv2.DrawChessboardCorners(mat, size, corners2, ret);

            List <Point3f> lObjectPoints = new List <Point3f>();
            for (int i = 0; i < size.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < size.Height; j++)
                    lObjectPoints.Add(new Point3f(i, j, 0) * cellSize);
            var objectPoints = new List <IEnumerable <Point3f> > {

            var imagePoints = new List <IEnumerable <Point2f> > {

            double[,] cameraMatrix = new double[3, 3];
            double[] distCoefficients = new double[5];
            Vec3d[]  rvecs, tvecs;

            Cv2.CalibrateCamera(objectPoints, imagePoints, mat.Size(), cameraMatrix, distCoefficients, out rvecs, out tvecs);

                cameraMatrix[0, 0] + ", " + cameraMatrix[0, 1] + ", " + cameraMatrix[0, 2] + "\n" +
                cameraMatrix[1, 0] + ", " + cameraMatrix[1, 1] + ", " + cameraMatrix[1, 2] + "\n" +
                cameraMatrix[2, 0] + ", " + cameraMatrix[2, 1] + ", " + cameraMatrix[2, 2]

            print(tvecs[0].Item0 + ", " + tvecs[0].Item1 + ", " + tvecs[0].Item2);

        CvConvert.MatToTexture2D(mat, ref tex);
        rawImage.texture = tex;
Esempio n. 7
    //Capture a rendered texture frame and register the checkerboard pattern data
    public void RegisterCurrentCalib()

        bool b = false;

        //find the corners and populate the data for one sqaure
        b = Cv2.FindChessboardCorners(mat, boardSize, OutputArray.Create(corners),
                                      ChessboardFlags.AdaptiveThresh | ChessboardFlags.NormalizeImage | ChessboardFlags.FastCheck);

        if (!b)

        Cv2.CornerSubPix(grayMat, corners, new Size(5, 5), new Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria.Both(30, 0.1));

        // for debug draw the found squares
        Cv2.DrawChessboardCorners(mat, boardSize, corners, b);

        for (int i = 0; i < boardSize.Height; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < boardSize.Width; j++)
                //add the space coordinates of the squares. Z = 0 since its  a flat plane.
                obj.Add(new Point3f((float)j * squareSizeMeters, (float)i * squareSizeMeters, 0));
                if (b)
                    //register the data per square
Esempio n. 8
        private void Read_Corners_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BoardSize = new OpenCvSharp.Size(Convert.ToInt16(Corners_Nx.Text), Convert.ToInt16(Corners_Ny.Text));
            WriteMessage("开始读取交点:" + Corners_Nx.Text + "," + Corners_Ny.Text + ",共:" + FileList.Length.ToString() + "个文件");
            for (int i = 0; i < FileList.Length; i++)
                String cFileName = FileList[i];
                WriteMessage("开始读取第(" + (i + 1) + ")个文件:" + cFileName);
                Mat vImage     = Cv2.ImRead(cFileName, ImreadModes.AnyColor);
                Mat vGrayImage = Cv2.ImRead(cFileName, ImreadModes.Grayscale);

                if (i == 0)
                    ImageSize = new OpenCvSharp.Size(vImage.Cols, vImage.Rows);
                    int iImageCount = FileList.Length;
                    int iPointCount = BoardSize.Width * BoardSize.Height;
                    CPointList = new Point2f[iImageCount][];
                    GPointList = new Point3f[iImageCount][];

                Boolean isOK = false;

                Point2f[] ptList = new Point2f[BoardSize.Width * BoardSize.Height];
                if (!Cv2.FindChessboardCorners(vImage, BoardSize, out ptList))
                    WriteMessage("第(" + (i + 1) + ")个文件:FindChessboardCorners..转换失败!");
                    WriteMessage("第(" + (i + 1) + ")个文件,FindChessboardCorners成功");
                Cv2.DrawChessboardCorners(vImage, BoardSize, ptList, true);

                Point2f[] ptSubPixList = new Point2f[BoardSize.Width * BoardSize.Height];

                    ptSubPixList = Cv2.CornerSubPix(vGrayImage, ptList, new OpenCvSharp.Size(ImageSize.Width / 2 - 5, ImageSize.Height / 2 - 5), new OpenCvSharp.Size(-1, -1), new TermCriteria(CriteriaType.MaxIter, 10, 0.1));
                    if (ptSubPixList.Length != BoardSize.Width * BoardSize.Height)
                        isOK = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                if (isOK)
                    WriteMessage("第(" + (i + 1) + ")个文件,CornerSubPix成功");
                    WriteMessage("第(" + (i + 1) + ")个文件:CornerSubPix..转换失败!");
                CPointList[i] = ptSubPixList;

                if (i == FileList.Length - 1)
                    Cv2.DrawChessboardCorners(vImage, BoardSize, ptSubPixList, true);
        private async void DoCalibrationButton_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)
            var objList             = new List <Point3f>();
            var objPoints           = new List <Point3f[]>();
            var imgPoints           = new List <Point2f[]>();
            var chessboardSize      = new Size(7, 5);
            var terminationCriteria = new TermCriteria(CriteriaType.Eps | CriteriaType.MaxIter, 30, 0.001);

            for (int y = 0; y < chessboardSize.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < chessboardSize.Width; x++)
                    var point = new Point3f
                        X = x,
                        Y = y,
                        Z = 0


            foreach (var ci in calibrateImages)
                var       img     = new Mat(ci.Height, ci.Width, MatType.CV_8UC4, ci.Buffer);
                Mat       grayImg = new Mat();
                Point2f[] corners;

                Cv2.CvtColor(img, grayImg, ColorConversionCodes.RGBA2GRAY);

                var result = Cv2.FindChessboardCorners(grayImg, chessboardSize, out corners, ChessboardFlags.None);

                if (result)
                    var winSize        = new Size(11, 11);
                    var zeroZone       = new Size(-1, -1);
                    var refinedCorners = Cv2.CornerSubPix(grayImg, corners, winSize, zeroZone, terminationCriteria);


                    Cv2.DrawChessboardCorners(img, chessboardSize, refinedCorners, result);
                    Cv2.ImShow("img", img);

            if (objPoints.Count > 0)
                var cameraMat    = new double[3, 3];
                var distCoeffVec = new double[14];
                var rVecs        = new Vec3d[0];
                var tVecs        = new Vec3d[0];

                var calResult = Cv2.CalibrateCamera(objPoints, imgPoints, new Size(frameWidth, frameHeight), cameraMat, distCoeffVec, out rVecs, out tVecs);


            await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                ImageCount.Text = "Calibration Image Count: " + calibrateImages.Count;
Esempio n. 10
        public static Dictionary <string, double> Find(Mat img, System.Windows.Point squares, System.Windows.Point roiCenter, System.Windows.Point roiSize, bool export)
            using var _img = img.Clone();
            int im_width  = _img.Cols / 2;
            int im_height = _img.Rows / 2;

            var clarity = VarianceOfLaplacian(img);

            var roi = new Rect(im_width - (int)roiCenter.X - (int)roiSize.X / 2, im_height - (int)roiCenter.Y - (int)roiSize.Y / 2, (int)roiSize.X, (int)roiSize.Y);

            using var _img_crop = new Mat(_img, roi);
            using var _img_gray = _img_crop.Clone();
            _img_crop.ConvertTo(_img_gray, -1, 1, 0);

            Cv2.CvtColor(_img_gray, _img_gray, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

            int chessboardCornersPerCol = (int)squares.X - 1;
            int chessboardCornersPerRow = (int)squares.Y - 1;
            var board_sz = new Size(chessboardCornersPerRow, chessboardCornersPerCol);

            bool found = Cv2.FindChessboardCorners(_img_gray, board_sz, out Point2f[] corners, ChessboardFlags.AdaptiveThresh | ChessboardFlags.NormalizeImage);

            CameraProperties cam = new CameraProperties();

            if (found)
                var       termcrit     = new TermCriteria(CriteriaTypes.Eps | CriteriaTypes.Count, 30, 0.001);
                Point2f[] cornerSubPix = Cv2.CornerSubPix(_img_gray, corners, new Size(11, 11), new Size(-1, -1), termcrit);

                var chessImg = new Mat(_img_crop.Cols, _img_crop.Rows, MatType.CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0));

                Cv2.DrawChessboardCorners(chessImg, board_sz, cornerSubPix, found);

                var matCorners = new Mat(rows: chessboardCornersPerRow, cols: chessboardCornersPerCol, type: MatType.CV_32FC2, data: cornerSubPix);

                var pointRow  = matCorners.Reduce(ReduceDimension.Row, ReduceTypes.Avg, -1);
                var pointCol  = matCorners.Reduce(ReduceDimension.Column, ReduceTypes.Avg, -1);
                var matCenter = pointCol.Reduce(ReduceDimension.Row, ReduceTypes.Avg, -1);

                if (export)
                    _ = PrintMatAsync(matCorners);

                var    vecRow = pointRow.At <Point2f>(0, pointRow.Cols - 1) - pointRow.At <Point2f>(0, 0);
                var    vecCol = pointCol.At <Point2f>(pointCol.Rows - 1, 0) - pointCol.At <Point2f>(0, 0);
                double rotationAngleRadians = Math.Abs(vecRow.X) > Math.Abs(vecCol.X) ? Math.Atan(vecRow.Y / vecRow.X) : Math.Atan(vecCol.Y / vecCol.X);

                cam.Rotation = 180 * rotationAngleRadians / Math.PI;

                float[] arrRow = { vecRow.X, vecRow.Y };
                float[] arrCol = { vecCol.X, vecCol.Y };

                var res_x = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(Cv2.Norm(InputArray.Create(arrRow)) / (chessboardCornersPerRow - 1) * Cv2.Norm(InputArray.Create(arrRow)) / (chessboardCornersPerRow - 1));
                var res_y = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(Cv2.Norm(InputArray.Create(arrCol)) / (chessboardCornersPerCol - 1) * Cv2.Norm(InputArray.Create(arrCol)) / (chessboardCornersPerCol - 1));

                cam.Resolution = new System.Windows.Point(res_x, res_y);

                var center = new Point2f(matCenter.At <Point2f>(0).X, matCenter.At <Point2f>(0).Y);

                cam.Center = new System.Windows.Point((center.X - roi.Width / 2) * cam.Resolution.X, (center.Y - roi.Height / 2) * cam.Resolution.Y);

                //CameraCalibration(_img_crop, board_sz, cornerSubPix);

                var roi_img = new Mat(img, roi);

            Cv2.Rectangle(img, roi, new Scalar(0, 0, 255));

            var dict = new Dictionary <string, double>
                { "X um / px", cam.Resolution.X * 1000 },
                { "Y um / px", cam.Resolution.Y * 1000 },
                { "Rotation [*]", cam.Rotation },
                { "Center X [um]", cam.Center.X * 1000 },
                { "Center Y [um]", cam.Center.Y * 1000 },
                { "Clarity", clarity }

    //Creates the Transformation matrix which transforms the marker from OpenCv camera space to unity world space.
    //Here XRCameraIntrinsics is an ARFoundation which contains camera calibration info done by ARFoundation
    //If a grayed version of the img is passed then "CornerSubPix" algorithm from open cv will be applied which makes the
    //marker pose better.
    private Matrix4x4 CreateTransformationMatrix(XRCameraIntrinsics cameraIntrinsics, Mat grayMat = null)
        if (currentMarkerData.corners.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogError("Marker Is Not Updated");

        float markerSizeInMeters = sizeInMeters;

        //local space marker corner points
        Point3f[] markerPoints = new Point3f[]
            new Point3f(-markerSizeInMeters / 2f, markerSizeInMeters / 2f, 0f),
            new Point3f(markerSizeInMeters / 2f, markerSizeInMeters / 2f, 0f),
            new Point3f(markerSizeInMeters / 2f, -markerSizeInMeters / 2f, 0f),
            new Point3f(-markerSizeInMeters / 2f, -markerSizeInMeters / 2f, 0f)

        double[,] rawCameraMatrix;

        float fx = 0;
        float fy = 0;

        float cx = 0;
        float cy = 0;

        //Use the Landscape left orientation for our camera camera intrinsics since
        //the picture that goes to opencv its always oriented that way so we need to edit our principal points,
        //by rotation them 270 degrees.

        fx = cameraIntrinsics.focalLength.x;
        fy = cameraIntrinsics.focalLength.y;

        cx = (float)(cameraIntrinsics.resolution.x) - cameraIntrinsics.principalPoint.x;
        cy = (float)(cameraIntrinsics.resolution.y) - cameraIntrinsics.principalPoint.y;

        rawCameraMatrix = new double[3, 3]
            { fx, 0d, cx },
            { 0d, fy, cy },
            { 0d, 0d, 1d }

        //create rotation/translating arrays
        double[] rvec = new double[3] {
            0d, 0d, 0d
        double[] tvec = new double[3] {
            0d, 0d, 0d

        //create rotation matrix
        double[,] rotMatrix = new double[3, 3] {
            { 0d, 0d, 0d }, { 0d, 0d, 0d }, { 0d, 0d, 0d }

        //apply CornerSubPix algorithm if needed
        if (grayMat != null)
            Cv2.CornerSubPix(grayMat, currentMarkerData.corners, new Size(5, 5), new Size(-1, -1),
                             TermCriteria.Both(30, 0.001));

        //Use SolvePnP algorithm to fill the above arrays with transformation data from open cv
        Cv2.SolvePnP(markerPoints, currentMarkerData.corners, rawCameraMatrix, new double[5] {
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        }, out rvec,
                     out tvec, false, SolvePnPFlags.Iterative);

        //Use Rodrigues algorithm to fill the rotation arrays with rotation data from open cv
        Cv2.Rodrigues(rvec, out rotMatrix);

        Matrix4x4 matrix = new Matrix4x4();

                      new Vector4((float)rotMatrix[0, 0], (float)rotMatrix[0, 1], (float)rotMatrix[0, 2], (float)tvec[0]));
                      new Vector4((float)rotMatrix[1, 0], (float)rotMatrix[1, 1], (float)rotMatrix[1, 2], (float)tvec[1]));
                      new Vector4((float)rotMatrix[2, 0], (float)rotMatrix[2, 1], (float)rotMatrix[2, 2], (float)tvec[2]));
        matrix.SetRow(3, new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f));