public void Respawn() { StopCoroutine(AnnualReproduction()); if (ThreadedScaleUpdater.Instance) { ThreadedScaleUpdater.Instance.RemoveAll(); } if (forestContainer) { MiscUtils.DeleteChildren(forestContainer); } for (int index = 0; index < foliageTypes.Length; index++) { foliageTypes[index].cummulativeTotalOfThisType = 0; } int seed = CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed(); if (LevelController.Instance) { seed = LevelController.Instance.seed; } InitalSpawn(seed); }
private bool IsFarEnough(Vector2 sample) { GridPos pos = new GridPos(sample, cellSize); int xmin = Mathf.Max(pos.x - 2, 0); int ymin = Mathf.Max(pos.y - 2, 0); int xmax = Mathf.Min(pos.x + 2, grid.GetLength(0) - 1); int ymax = Mathf.Min(pos.y + 2, grid.GetLength(1) - 1); //randomly modify the radius to cluster the samples float modRad2 = radius2 * CustomMathf.RemapValue(Mathf.PerlinNoise(sample.x + Random.seed, sample.y + Random.seed), clusterRange.x, clusterRange.y); for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) { Vector2 s = grid[x, y]; if (s != { Vector2 d = s - sample; if (d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y < modRad2) { return(false); } } } } return(true); // Note: we use the zero vector to denote an unfilled cell in the grid. This means that if we were // to randomly pick (0, 0) as a sample, it would be ignored for the purposes of proximity-testing // and we might end up with another sample too close from (0, 0). This is a very minor issue. }
public void DebugRotation() { float deltaTime = CustomMathf.TicksToSeconds(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - lastRotation); rotationContainer.Rotate(rotationAxis, (360f / debugRotationLength) * deltaTime); lastRotation = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks; }
public float GetValue() { if (dataType == CurveDataType.FLOAT) { return(value); } else { return(CustomMathf.GetMean(values)); } }
private void CalculateLerpValue() { if (easing) { lerpValue = CustomMathf.CalculateLerpValueClamp01(step, type, isZeroToOne); } else { lerpValue = step; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { var script = target as GradientSettings; DrawDefaultInspector(); if (script.lastPath.Length > 0) { script.autoupdate = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(script.autoupdate, "Autoupdate Texture On Gradient Change"); } else { script.autoupdate = false; } if (script.autoupdate) { script.autoupdateRate = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Autoupdate Rate: ", script.autoupdateRate); EditorGUILayout.Space(); long currentTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks; //convert the autoupdateRate from seconds to ticks (10,000,000 ticks in one second) // long updateIntervalInTicks = (long)(script.autoupdateRate * 10000000); long updateIntervalInTicks = CustomMathf.SecondsToTicks(script.autoupdateRate); if (script.lastAutoUpdate + updateIntervalInTicks < currentTime) { int checkPointCount = 6; for (int i = 0; i < checkPointCount; i++) { float checkPointPercent = (float)i / (float)(checkPointCount - 1); if (script.lastGradient.Evaluate(checkPointPercent) != script.gradient.Evaluate(checkPointPercent)) { CreateGradientTexture.SaveTexture(script.lastPath, script); script.lastAutoUpdate = currentTime; break; } } } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); script.textureSizePow = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Texture Size: " + script.textureSize.ToString() + " px", script.textureSizePow, 1, 11); script.textureSize = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, script.textureSizePow); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("Save As Texture")) { CreateGradientTexture.CreateWizard(); } }
public void GenerateInitialWalls(Transform newTerrainObject, Vector3[] newTerrainVertices, Vector2Int newGridSize, Vector3 newMapSize) { terrainObject = newTerrainObject; terrainVertices = newTerrainVertices; gridSize = newGridSize; mapSize = newMapSize; normalBumpiness.Initialize(CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed()); vertexDisplacementSettings.displacementNoise.Initialize(CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed()); CreateWallObjects(); CreateWallMeshes(); }
public void GetNoise(Vector3 newMapSize) { mapSize = newMapSize; if (!LevelController.Instance) { if (!useSeed) { seed = CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed(); } } else { seed = LevelController.Instance.seed; } heightmap = new float[heightmapResolution, heightmapResolution]; //first the main features for (int i = 0; i < largeScaleNoisePasses.Length; i++) { if (largeScaleNoisePasses[i].isActive) { largeScaleNoisePasses[i].noiseSettings.ModifyGrid(ref heightmap, mapSize.y, seed); } } //flatten any peaks for (int i = 0; i < flattenPeaksPasses.Length; i++) { if (flattenPeaksPasses[i].filterRadius > 0) { heightmap = flattenPeaksPasses[i].Flatten(heightmap, mapSize.x / (float)heightmapResolution, mapSize.z / (float)heightmapResolution); } } //do a final smoothing for (int i = 0; i < smoothingPasses.Length; i++) { if (smoothingPasses[i].filterRadius > 0) { heightmap = smoothingPasses[i].SmoothGrid(heightmap); } } //prepare the normalmap-like final pass for use when interpolating if (finalDetailPass.isActive) { finalDetailPass.noiseSettings.InstantiatePassType(seed); } }
public float InterpolateValue(Vector2 uvPosition) { if (mapSize.x > mapSize.z) { uvPosition.y *= mapSize.z / mapSize.x; } else if (mapSize.x < mapSize.z) { uvPosition.x *= mapSize.x / mapSize.z; } uvPosition *= .99f + .005f; //add just a bit of cushion Vector2 floatPixelPoint = GetPixelFromUV(uvPosition, FloatToIntMethod.NONE); Vector2Int topLeftPixelPoint = Vector2Int.ToInt(GetPixelFromUV(uvPosition, FloatToIntMethod.FLOOR)); Vector2Int bottomRightPixelPoint = Vector2Int.ToInt(GetPixelFromUV(uvPosition, FloatToIntMethod.CEIL)); Vector2Int topRightPixelPoint = new Vector2Int(bottomRightPixelPoint.x, topLeftPixelPoint.y); Vector2Int bottomLeftPixelPoint = new Vector2Int(topLeftPixelPoint.x, bottomRightPixelPoint.y); Vector2 interpolationPercents = floatPixelPoint - topLeftPixelPoint; if (cubicInterpolation) { interpolationPercents.x = CustomMathf.Hermite(interpolationPercents.x); interpolationPercents.y = CustomMathf.Hermite(interpolationPercents.y); } Vector4 interpolatedValues = new Vector4((1f - interpolationPercents.x) * (1f - interpolationPercents.y), (interpolationPercents.x) * (1f - interpolationPercents.y), (1f - interpolationPercents.x) * (interpolationPercents.y), (interpolationPercents.x) * (interpolationPercents.y)); float output = SampleArray(topLeftPixelPoint) * interpolatedValues.x; output += SampleArray(topRightPixelPoint) * interpolatedValues.y; output += SampleArray(bottomLeftPixelPoint) * interpolatedValues.z; output += SampleArray(bottomRightPixelPoint) * interpolatedValues.w; if (finalDetailPass.isActive) { output += finalDetailPass.noiseSettings.GetNoiseValue(uvPosition.x, uvPosition.y, 1f); } return(output); }
public void Awake() { if (Instance) { Destroy(gameObject); return; } Instance = this; if (!useSeed) { seed = CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed(); } CreateMap(); }
public void AttemptSpawn(Vector3 samplePoint, TerrainObjectType terrainObjectSettings, bool randomAge, bool checkSurroundings) { float viability = terrainObjectSettings.TestViability(ref samplePoint, checkSurroundings); if (viability <= terrainObjectSettings.viabilitySettings.minViability) { return; } float viabilityPercentage = CustomMathf.RemapValue(viability, terrainObjectSettings.viabilitySettings.minViability, 1f, true); float num = !randomAge ? 0.0f : initialAgeDistribution.GetValue(Random.value) * terrainObjectSettings.dna.lifetime.minOutputValue * LevelController.Instance.yearLength; var newObject = terrainObjectSettings.SpawnFoliageObject(samplePoint, Time.time - num, viabilityPercentage, reproduceAnnually); if (newObject.GetType() == typeof(FoliageObject)) { AddFoliageObject((FoliageObject)newObject); } else { AddTerrainObject(newObject); } }
void TerrainGUI() { var terrain = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TerrainGenerator>(); var levelController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LevelController>(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Generate From Seed")) { terrain.proceduralTerrainSettings.useSeed = true; terrain.GenerateMesh(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Random Terrain")) { terrain.proceduralTerrainSettings.seed = CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed(); terrain.GenerateMesh(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); terrain.proceduralTerrainSettings.seed = EditorGUILayout.IntField(terrain.proceduralTerrainSettings.seed); if (GUILayout.Button("Randomize Seed")) { terrain.proceduralTerrainSettings.seed = CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Flow Map")) { terrain.GenerateFlowMap(); terrain.ChangeTerrainShaderToRainy(); } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); }
/// <summary> /// Obtiene todos los bloques que sostienen este bloque /// </summary> /// <returns>Lista de bloques soporte</returns> protected List <Block> SupportingBlocks() { var blocks = new List <Block>(); var myPos = Position; var underBlocksPos = new IntVector3[] { CustomMathf.RoundToIntVector(myPos.x, myPos.y - 1, myPos.z - 1), CustomMathf.RoundToIntVector(myPos.x - 1, myPos.y - 1, myPos.z), CustomMathf.RoundToIntVector(myPos.x, myPos.y - 1, myPos.z), CustomMathf.RoundToIntVector(myPos.x + 1, myPos.y - 1, myPos.z), CustomMathf.RoundToIntVector(myPos.x, myPos.y - 1, myPos.z + 1) }; foreach (var pos in underBlocksPos) { var underBlock = Level.Instance.Grid[pos]; if (underBlock != null && !underBlock.isFalling) { blocks.Add(underBlock); } } return(blocks); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); var script = target as NoiseSettings; EditorGUILayout.Space(); DisplayPreview = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(DisplayPreview, "Preview Noise Result"); if (DisplayPreview) { if (!gridInitialized) { previewSeed = GetCurrentSeed(); UpdateCheck(script); gridInitialized = true; EditorCoroutine.StartEditorCoroutine(CheckForUpdates(script)); } var lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); float previewPixelSize = (float)previewSize * previewScale; previewWindowRect = new Rect(new Vector2( - previewPixelSize / 2f, lastRect.yMin + 20), new Vector2(previewPixelSize, previewPixelSize)); float previewOutputRange = 0f; if (script.passOperationType == NoiseSettings.PassOperation.ADD) { previewOutputRange = script.outputCurve.maxOutputValue - script.outputCurve.minOutputValue; } else if (script.passOperationType == NoiseSettings.PassOperation.MULTIPLY) { previewOutputRange = 1f; } NoisePreview.DrawNoise(script.debugPreviewGrid, previewWindowRect, previewOutputRange); GUILayout.Space(previewPixelSize + 5f); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; previewSeed = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Preview Seed: ", previewSeed); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Get Current Seed")) { previewSeed = GetCurrentSeed(); GeneratePreview(script); } if (GUILayout.Button("Randomize Seed")) { previewSeed = CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed(); GeneratePreview(script); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("--- Generate Terrain ---")) { GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TerrainGenerator>().GenerateMesh(); } }
private static float GetRandomRange(AnimationCurve smoothingCurve, float min, float max) { return(CustomMathf.RemapValue(smoothingCurve.Evaluate(Random.value), min, max, false)); }
/// <summary> /// Administra las acciones estando colgado /// </summary> protected void HangingManagement() { // Boton de agarre if (_input.BtnA) { // Hay bloque debajo if (Level.Instance.Grid.ExistsStillAt(Position - Vector3.up)) { Debug.Log("Accion: Descolgando"); HangDrop(); } // No hay bloque debajo else { Debug.Log("Accion: Colgando -> Caer"); HangToFall(); } } // Desplazamiento else if (_input.Direction != null) { // Transforma el input (da prioridad al input vertical) var newInput = new Vector3(0, _input.Direction.z, 0); if (newInput.y == 0 && _input.Direction.x != 0) { if (_input.Direction.x > 0) { newInput += transform.right; } else { newInput += (transform.right * -1f); } } // Determina la posicion objetivo var targetPos = Position + CustomMathf.RoundToIntVector(newInput); // Desplazamiento horizontal if (newInput.y == 0 && newInput.x != 0) { // Hay un cubo en el lugar destino? -> Dobla (Acute) if (Level.Instance.Grid.ExistsStillAt(targetPos)) { // Direccion de strafe if (_input.Direction.x > 0) { Debug.Log("Accion: Colgando -> Giro Derecha Concavo"); HangRightConcave(); } else { Debug.Log("Accion: Colgando -> Giro Izquierda Concavo"); HangLeftConcave(); } } // Hay un cubo delante del lugar destino? else if (Level.Instance.Grid.ExistsStillAt(targetPos + Direction)) { // Direccion de strafe if (_input.Direction.x > 0) { Debug.Log("Accion: Colgando -> Derecha"); HangRight(); } else { Debug.Log("Accion: Colgando -> Izquierda"); HangLeft(); } } // No hay cubo en el lugar destino y no hay cubo que impida doblar -> Dobla (Obtuse) else { if (_input.Direction.x > 0 && !Level.Instance.Grid.ExistsStillAt(targetPos + Direction + Vector3.up)) { Debug.Log("Accion: Colgando -> Giro Derecha Convexo"); HangRightConvexe(); } else if (_input.Direction.x < 0 && !Level.Instance.Grid.ExistsStillAt(targetPos + Direction + Vector3.up)) { Debug.Log("Accion: Colgando -> Giro Izquierda Convexo"); HangLeftConvexe(); } else { Hang(); } } } // Desplazamiento vertical else if (newInput.y != 0) { // Input: arriba, y no hay bloque que lo impida -> sube if (newInput.y == 1 && !Level.Instance.Grid.ExistsStillAt(targetPos + Direction)) { Debug.Log("Accion: Colgando -> Subir"); HangUp(); } // Input: abajo, y hay un bloque debajo -> descuelga else if (newInput.y == -1 && Level.Instance.Grid.ExistsStillAt(targetPos)) { Debug.Log("Accion: Descolgando"); HangDrop(); } // Queda colgado else { Hang(); } } } }
public float TestViability(ref Vector3 position, bool checkSurroundings, float viabilityModifier = 1f) { return(TestViability(position, CustomMathf.GetSlopeAtPoint(ref position, terrainLayerMask, objectLayerMask, 400f), checkSurroundings, viabilityModifier)); }
public TerrainObject SpawnFoliageObject(Vector3 position, float spawnTime, float viabilityPercentage, bool reproduceAnnually) { float rollRotation = Random.value * Random.value * dna.maxRollRotation * CustomMathf.GetRandomSign(); GameObject newTerrainObject = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, position, Quaternion.Euler(0f, Random.Range(0f, 360f), rollRotation)) as GameObject; = + " #" + cummulativeTotalOfThisType.ToString(); newTerrainObject.transform.parent = container; cummulativeTotalOfThisType++; var terrainObject = newTerrainObject.GetComponent <TerrainObject>(); terrainObject.Initialize(this, spawnTime, viabilityPercentage, reproduceAnnually); return(terrainObject); }
private void UpdateStep() { step = isZeroToOne ? step + Time.deltaTime * speed : step - Time.deltaTime * speed; step = CustomMathf.ClampMinMax(0f, 1f, step); }
public void GenerateNewMap() { LevelController.Instance.NewMap(CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed()); }
public void Initialize() { temperatureFluctuationNoise.Initialize(CustomMathf.GetRandomSeed()); }