public void OnStartCasting(IChampion owner, ISpell spell, IAttackableUnit target) { _owningSpell = spell; spell.AddProjectileTarget("KatarinaQ", target); if (!_listenerAdded) { ApiEventManager.OnHitUnit.AddListener(this, _owningChampion, OnProc); _listenerAdded = true; } foreach (var enemyTarget in GetUnitsInRange(target, 625, true)) { if (enemyTarget != null && enemyTarget.Team == CustomConvert.GetEnemyTeam(owner.Team) && enemyTarget != target && enemyTarget != owner && target.GetDistanceTo(enemyTarget) < 100 && !UnitIsTurret((AttackableUnit)enemyTarget)) { CreateTimer(3.0f, () => { if (!(enemyTarget.IsDead)) { AddParticle(owner, "katarina_bouncingBlades_mis.troy", enemyTarget.X, enemyTarget.Y); } spell.AddProjectileTarget("KatarinaQMark", enemyTarget); }); } } //WE NEED A TIMER ON THE Q TO BE FIXED }
/// <summary> /// 解包过程 /// </summary> public virtual void Unpackage() { if (package.Length < 3) { throw new MissingMemberException("Not enough members."); } index = 0; ProtocolRevisionNumber = package[index]; index += 1; var temp = new byte[2]; Buffer.BlockCopy(package, index, temp, 0, 2); temp = CustomConvert.reserve(temp); OverallMessageLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(temp, 0); index += 2; if (package.Length < OverallMessageLength + HEADER_SIZE) { throw new MissingFieldException("Not enough fields."); } content = new byte[OverallMessageLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy(package, index, content, 0, OverallMessageLength); index += OverallMessageLength; }
/// <summary> /// 手动发送一条铱星数据 /// </summary> private void IridiumManualSend() { //if (_iridium.ShowPackageInformation) { ShowHistory(Environment.NewLine + Now + "MT operation begin, try to connect Iridium server...", false); } tsbtSend.Enabled = false; SendIMEI = tscbIMEI.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tstbData.Text.Trim())) { SendContent = null; } else { SendContent = CustomConvert.GetBytes(tstbData.Text.Trim()); } SendMTMSN = mtmsn++; performSend(); Task task = new Task(() => { Thread.Sleep(5000); BeginInvoke((MyInvoker) delegate { tsbtSend.Enabled = true; }); }); task.Start(); }
public void notifySpawn(Unit u) { var m = u as Minion; if (m != null) { notifyMinionSpawned(m, CustomConvert.getEnemyTeam(m.getTeam())); } var c = u as Champion; if (c != null) { notifyChampionSpawned(c, CustomConvert.getEnemyTeam(c.getTeam())); } var monster = u as Monster; if (monster != null) { notifyMonsterSpawned(monster); } notifySetHealth(u); }
public override void Execute(Peer peer, bool hasReceivedArguments, string arguments = "") { var split = arguments.ToLower().Split(' '); if (split.Length < 2) { ChatCommandManager.SendDebugMsgFormatted(DebugMsgType.SYNTAXERROR); ShowSyntax(); return; } int team; if (!int.TryParse(split[1], out team)) { return; } var units = _game.ObjectManager.GetObjects() .Where(xx => xx.Value.Team == CustomConvert.ToTeamId(team)) .Where(xx => xx.Value is Minion || xx.Value is Monster); foreach (var unit in units) { var ping = new AttentionPingRequest(unit.Value.X, unit.Value.Y, 0, Pings.Ping_Danger); var client = _playerManager.GetPeerInfo(peer); var response = new AttentionPingResponse(client, ping); _game.PacketHandlerManager.broadcastPacketTeam(client.Team, response, Channel.CHL_S2C); } }
protected void updateProfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { User = UserService.Get(CustomConvert.ToInt32(RouteData.Values["userId"])); if (SecurityContext.User.Id == User.Id) { try { if (this.profileImageUpload.HasFile) { var profileImage = Image.FromStream(this.profileImageUpload.FileContent); UserService.SetProfilePicture(User, profileImage); } User.UpdateProfile(this.firstName.Text, this.lastName.Text); UserService.Update(User); UserService.CommitChanges(); Response.RedirectToRoute("Profile", new { userId = User.Id }); } catch (Exception exception) { //handle exception this.message.InnerText = GenericErrorMessage; this.message.Visible = true; } } else { Response.RedirectToRoute("NotFound", null); } }
public void OnFinishCasting(IObjAiBase owner, ISpell spell, IAttackableUnit target) { IGameObject m = AddParticle(owner, "Karthus_Base_Q_Explosion.troy", spell.X, spell.Y); var affectedUnits = GetUnitsInRange(m, 150, true); var ap = owner.Stats.AbilityPower.Total; var damage = 20f + spell.Level * 20f + ap * 0.3f; if (affectedUnits.Count == 0) { AddParticle(owner, "Karthus_Base_Q_Hit_Miss.troy", spell.X, spell.Y); } foreach (var unit in affectedUnits .Where(x => x.Team == CustomConvert.GetEnemyTeam(owner.Team))) { if (unit is IChampion || unit is IMinion) { if (affectedUnits.Count == 1) { damage *= 2; AddParticle(owner, "Karthus_Base_Q_Hit_Single.troy", spell.X, spell.Y); unit.TakeDamage(owner, damage, DamageType.DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL, DamageSource.DAMAGE_SOURCE_SPELL, true); } if (affectedUnits.Count > 1) { AddParticle(owner, "Karthus_Base_Q_Hit_Many.troy", spell.X, spell.Y); unit.TakeDamage(owner, damage, DamageType.DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL, DamageSource.DAMAGE_SOURCE_SPELL, false); } } } m.SetToRemove(); AddParticle(owner, "Karthus_Base_Q_Explosion_Sound.troy", spell.X, spell.Y); }
public void OnFinishCasting(IObjAiBase owner, ISpell spell, IAttackableUnit target) { var armor = owner.Stats.Armor.Total; var damage = spell.Level * 40 + armor * 0.2f; var reduce = spell.Level * 5 + armor * 0.05f; AddParticleTarget(owner, "Shatter_nova.troy", owner, 1); foreach (var enemy in GetUnitsInRange(owner, 375, true) .Where(x => x.Team == CustomConvert.GetEnemyTeam(owner.Team))) { var hasbuff = HasBuff((IObjAiBase)enemy, "TaricWDis"); if (enemy is IObjAiBase) { enemy.TakeDamage(owner, damage, DamageType.DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL, DamageSource.DAMAGE_SOURCE_SPELL, false); var p2 = AddParticleTarget(owner, "Shatter_tar.troy", enemy, 1); AddBuff("TaricWDis", 4.0f, 1, spell, (IObjAiBase)enemy, owner); if (hasbuff == true) { return; } if (hasbuff == false) { enemy.Stats.Armor.FlatBonus -= reduce; } CreateTimer(4f, () => { enemy.Stats.Armor.FlatBonus += reduce; RemoveParticle(p2); }); } } }
/// <summary> /// 解析通信申请数据包 /// </summary> public override void Unpackage() { base.Unpackage(); var index = 0; if (null == _type) { _type = new TXSQ_Type(); } _type.Type = Data[index]; index += 1; //_target = new byte[UserAddressSize]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, index, _target, 0, UserAddressSize); index += UserAddressSize; var data = new byte[2]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, index, data, 0, 2); data = CustomConvert.reserve(data); MessageSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0); index += Marshal.SizeOf(MessageSize); Reply = Data[index]; index += 1; var len = MessageSize / 8; _message = new byte[len]; Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, index, _message, 0, len); index += len; }
/// <summary> /// 解析数据包 /// </summary> public virtual void Unpackage() { if (null == _content) { throw new Exception("Cannot unpackage null data."); } var len = _content.Length; if (len < (CommandSize + UserAddressSize + Marshal.SizeOf(TotalSize))) { throw new Exception("Data length is to short."); } var index = 0; Command = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(_content, index, CommandSize); index += CommandSize; var data = new byte[2]; Buffer.BlockCopy(_content, index, data, 0, 2); data = CustomConvert.reserve(data); TotalSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0); index += Marshal.SizeOf(TotalSize); _origin = new byte[UserAddressSize]; Buffer.BlockCopy(_content, index, _origin, 0, UserAddressSize); index += UserAddressSize; // 数据长度=总长度-命令字长度-总长度size-用户地址长度-校验和长度 _data = new byte[TotalSize - CommandSize - Marshal.SizeOf(TotalSize) - UserAddressSize - 1]; Buffer.BlockCopy(_content, index, _data, 0, _data.Length); index += _data.Length; Xor = _content[index]; }
/// <summary> /// 打包数据长度 /// </summary> /// <param name="len"></param> protected void PackageTotalSize(ushort len) { var data = BitConverter.GetBytes(len); data = CustomConvert.reserve(data); Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, Content, 5, 2); }
/// <summary> /// 解包定位信息 /// </summary> public void Unpackate() { var nsew = CustomConvert.IntToDigit(latlng[0], CustomConvert.BIN, 8); //nsew = CustomConvert.reserve(nsew); report = (byte)(nsew[7] == '1' ? 1 : 0); eng = (byte)(nsew[6] == '1' ? 1 : 0); NSI = nsew[1] == '1' ? 'S' : 'N'; EWI = nsew[0] == '1' ? 'W' : 'E'; Latitude = latlng[1]; byte[] tmp = new byte[2]; Buffer.BlockCopy(latlng, 2, tmp, 0, 2); //tmp = CustomConvert.reserve(tmp); var u16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(tmp, 0); double mm = u16 / Math.Pow(10, u16.ToString().Length); // 将ddmmmm转换成dd.dddd //mm = Wbs.Protocol.TX300.Analyse.GPSInfo.DDMM2DDDD(mm); Latitude += mm; Longitude = latlng[4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(latlng, 5, tmp, 0, 2); //tmp = CustomConvert.reserve(tmp); u16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(tmp, 0); mm = u16 / Math.Pow(10, u16.ToString().Length); // 将ddmmmm转换成dd.dddd //mm = Wbs.Protocol.TX300.Analyse.GPSInfo.DDMM2DDDD(mm); Longitude += mm; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { var navigation = new List <Tuple <string, string> >(); int topicId = CustomConvert.ToInt32(RouteData.Values["topicId"]); var topic = TopicService.Get(topicId); if (topic == null) { Response.RedirectToRoute("NotFound", null); } else { navigation.Add(Tuple.Create(GetRouteUrl("Default", null), "Acasa")); navigation.Add(Tuple.Create(GetRouteUrl("SubjectTopics", new { subjectId = topic.Subject.Id }), topic.Subject.Name)); navigation.Add(Tuple.Create(GetRouteUrl("TopicPosts", new { topicId = topic.Id }), topic.Name)); Session["Navigation"] = navigation; this.topicId.Value = topicId.ToString(); this.sortByDropDownList.DataSource = new List <object> { new { Value = "0", Text = "Data descrescator" }, new { Value = "1", Text = "Data crescator" }, new { Value = "2", Text = "Autor descrescator" }, new { Value = "3", Text = "Autor crescator" } }; this.sortByDropDownList.DataValueField = "Value"; this.sortByDropDownList.DataTextField = "Text"; this.sortByDropDownList.DataBind(); DataBind(); } } }
protected void usersGridView_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { var userId = this.usersGridView.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value; var user = UserService.Get(CustomConvert.ToInt32(userId)); var roleDropDown = this.usersGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("roleDropDown") as DropDownList; if (!SecurityContext.IsAdmin) { throw new NotAuthorizedException(); } if (user != null) { try { this.usersGridView.EditIndex = -1; user.SetRole((Role)int.Parse(roleDropDown.SelectedValue)); UserService.Update(user); UserService.CommitChanges(); DataBind(); } catch (Exception execption) { //handle exception this.message.InnerText = GenericErrorMessage; this.message.Visible = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// 文字列を <see cref="HardwareInput"/> クラスのインスタンスに変換する /// 変換できない場合はNULLを返却する /// </summary> /// <param name="value"> /// <see cref="HardwareInput"/> クラスのインスタンスに変換する文字列 /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// 引数の <paramref name="value"/> がNULLの場合に発生 /// </exception> /// <returns> /// 文字列から生成した<see cref="HardwareInput"/> クラスのインスタンス /// 変換できない場合はNULLを返却する /// </returns> public HardwareInput ConvertFromString(string value) { // 引数の型チェック if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); } // カンマ区切りをSplitして各パラメータを取得する string[] param = value.Split(','); // Splitした結果、要素数3未満の配列の場合は過不足があり変換ができないためNULLを返却する if (param.Length < 3) { return(null); } // 変換処理を行う、変換に失敗した場合はNULLを返却 if (!CustomConvert.TryHexStringToInt(param[0], out int message) || !CustomConvert.TryHexStringToShort(param[1], out short lowlParam) || !CustomConvert.TryHexStringToShort(param[2], out short highlParam)) { return(null); } // HardwareInputクラスのインスタンスを生成し返却 return(new HardwareInput(message, lowlParam, highlParam)); }
private void Handle0x7030(TX300 obj, TB_Tracker tracker) { _0x7030 x7030 = new _0x7030(); x7030.Content = obj.MsgContent; x7030.Unpackage(); string provider = "gps"; var bin = "0000000000000000"; if (obj.TerminalType == TerminalTypes.TX10GAPP) { bin = CustomConvert.IntToDigit(obj.PackageID, CustomConvert.BIN, 8) + CustomConvert.IntToDigit(obj.TotalPackage, CustomConvert.BIN, 8); } int cnt = 0; foreach (var pos in x7030.Positions) { if (pos.Available) { provider = GetTrackerProvider(bin[cnt]);//bin[cnt] == '0' ? "gps" : "network"; SaveTrackerPosition(obj.TerminalID, (null == tracker ? "" : tracker.CarNumber), (null == tracker ? -1 :, provider, pos, "Tracking", tracker.LastActionAt.Value); } cnt++; } }
protected void usersGridView_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header) { e.Row.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; } if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow && (e.Row.RowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) == DataControlRowState.Edit) { var userId = this.usersGridView.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Value; var user = UserService.Get(CustomConvert.ToInt32(userId)); var roleDropDrown = e.Row.FindControl("roleDropDown") as DropDownList; roleDropDrown.DataSource = new List <object> { new { Value = (int)Role.Normal, Text = Role.Normal.ToString() }, new { Value = (int)Role.Manager, Text = Role.Manager.ToString() }, new { Value = (int)Role.Admin, Text = Role.Admin.ToString() } }; roleDropDrown.DataValueField = "Value"; roleDropDrown.DataTextField = "Text"; roleDropDrown.DataBind(); roleDropDrown.SelectedIndex = (int)user.Role; } }
/// <summary> /// See interface docs. /// </summary> /// <param name="icao24"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CodeBlock FindCodeBlock(string icao24) { CodeBlock result = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(icao24)) { int icaoValue = CustomConvert.Icao24(icao24); if (icaoValue != -1) { List <CodeBlockBitMask> codeBlockCache; lock (_CodeBlockCacheLock) { codeBlockCache = _CodeBlockCache; } foreach (var entry in codeBlockCache) { if (entry.CodeMatches(icaoValue)) { result = entry.CodeBlock; break; } } if (result == null && _FilesValid) { result = new CodeBlock(); } } } return(result); }
private void PreviousAircraftFromPostBody(AircraftListJsonBuilderArgs args) { var bodyStream = PipelineContext.Request.Body; if (bodyStream != null && bodyStream != Stream.Null) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(bodyStream)) { var content = reader.ReadToEnd()?.Trim(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { var icaosIdx = content.IndexOf("icaos=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var icaos = icaosIdx == -1 ? "" : content.Substring(icaosIdx + 6).Trim(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(icaos)) { foreach (var icao in icaos.Split('-')) { var id = CustomConvert.Icao24(icao); if (id != -1) { args.PreviousAircraft.Add(id); } } } } } } }
protected object GetTopics() { try { var result = SubjectService.Get(CustomConvert.ToInt32(this.subjectId.Value), x => x.Topics.Select(y => y.CreatedBy))?.Topics .OrderByDescending(x => x.CreatedAt) .Select(x => (object)new { Id = x.Id, CreatedAt = x.CreatedAt, CreatedBy = x.CreatedBy, Name = x.Name, NumberOfPosts = x.Posts.Count, PostsUrl = GetRouteUrl("TopicPosts", new { topicId = x.Id }), CanEdit = SecurityContext.IsAuthenticated && (x.CreatedBy == SecurityContext.User || SecurityContext.IsManager), CanDelete = SecurityContext.IsManager || SecurityContext.IsAdmin }).ToList(); return(result); } catch (Exception exception) { //handle exception return(null); } }
protected void topicsListView_ItemInserting(object sender, ListViewInsertEventArgs e) { var topicNameTextBox = this.topicsListView.InsertItem.FindControl("name") as TextBox; if (!SecurityContext.IsAuthenticated) { throw new NotAuthorizedException(); } try { var subject = SubjectService.Get(CustomConvert.ToInt32(this.subjectId.Value)); var topic = new Topic(topicNameTextBox.Text, subject, SecurityContext.User); TopicService.Create(topic); TopicService.CommitChanges(); Response.RedirectToRoute("SubjectTopics", new { subjectId = this.subjectId.Value }); } catch { //handle exception this.message.InnerText = GenericErrorMessage; this.message.Visible = true; } }
public void NotifyGameEnd(Nexus nexus) { var losingTeam = nexus.Team; foreach (var p in _playerManager.GetPlayers()) { var coords = _game.Map.GetEndGameCameraPosition(losingTeam); var cam = new MoveCamera(p.Item2.Champion, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], 2); _game.PacketHandlerManager.sendPacket(p.Item2.Peer, cam, Channel.CHL_S2C); _game.PacketHandlerManager.sendPacket(p.Item2.Peer, new HideUi(), Channel.CHL_S2C); } _game.PacketHandlerManager.broadcastPacket(new ExplodeNexus(nexus), Channel.CHL_S2C); var timer = new System.Timers.Timer(5000); timer.AutoReset = false; timer.Elapsed += (a, b) => { var win = new GameEnd(true); _game.PacketHandlerManager.broadcastPacketTeam(CustomConvert.getEnemyTeam(losingTeam), win, Channel.CHL_S2C); var lose = new GameEnd(false); _game.PacketHandlerManager.broadcastPacketTeam(losingTeam, lose, Channel.CHL_S2C); }; timer.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// 组包 /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> public void ResizeData(SocketAsyncEventArgs args) { var len = audb_buffer.Length; audb_buffer = CustomConvert.expand(audb_buffer, len + args.BytesTransferred); System.Buffer.BlockCopy(args.Buffer, args.Offset, audb_buffer, len, args.BytesTransferred); }
/// <summary> /// 扩展组包收到的UDP数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer"></param> /// <param name="len"></param> public void ResizeData(byte[] buffer, int len) { var old = audb_buffer.Length; audb_buffer = CustomConvert.expand(audb_buffer, old + len); System.Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, audb_buffer, old, len); }
public void CustomConvert_Icao24_Is_Case_Insensitive() { Assert.AreEqual(1223476, CustomConvert.Icao24("12AB34")); Assert.AreEqual(1223476, CustomConvert.Icao24("12ab34")); Assert.AreEqual(1223476, CustomConvert.Icao24("12Ab34")); Assert.AreEqual(1223476, CustomConvert.Icao24("12aB34")); }
public void CustomConvert_Icao24_Six_Digit_Hex_Codes_Are_Valid() { Assert.AreEqual(0, CustomConvert.Icao24("000000")); Assert.AreEqual(1193046, CustomConvert.Icao24("123456")); Assert.AreEqual(11259375, CustomConvert.Icao24("ABCDEF")); Assert.AreEqual(16777215, CustomConvert.Icao24("FFFFFF")); }
protected void postsView_ItemUpdating(object sender, ListViewUpdateEventArgs e) { var postTextBox = this.postsListView.EditItem.FindControl("Text") as TextBox; var postIdField = this.postsListView.EditItem.FindControl("Id") as HiddenField; var post = PostService.Get(CustomConvert.ToInt32(postIdField.Value)); if (post.CreatedBy != SecurityContext.User) { throw new NotAuthorizedException(); } try { post.Edit(postTextBox.Text); PostService.Update(post); PostService.CommitChanges(); Response.RedirectToRoute("TopicPosts", new { topicId = this.topicId.Value }); } catch { //handle exception this.message.InnerText = GenericErrorMessage; this.message.Visible = true; } }
private void Handle0x3000(TX300 obj, TB_Equipment equipment, TB_Terminal terminal) { _0x3000 x3000 = new _0x3000(); x3000.Content = obj.MsgContent; x3000.Unpackage(); if (null != equipment) { using (var bll = new EquipmentBLL()) { bll.Update(f => ==, act => { act.LockStatus = CustomConvert.GetHex(x3000.Type); // 存储锁车状态 act.LockEffected = (byte)((x3000.Type == 0x40 || x3000.Type == 0x0F || x3000.Type == 0xFF) ? 1 : 0); if (x3000.GPSInfo.Available) { act.Latitude = x3000.GPSInfo.Latitude; act.Longitude = x3000.GPSInfo.Longitude; act.GpsUpdated = false; } }); } } if (x3000.GPSInfo.Available) { SaveGpsInfo(x3000.GPSInfo, equipment, obj.TerminalID, ("Security: " + x3000.Flag + GetPackageType(obj.ProtocolType))); } }
/// <summary> /// 处理收到的数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> public void HandleData(AsyncUserDataBuffer data) { try { //if (data.PackageType == AsyncDataPackageType.UDP) { IP = data.IP; Port = data.Port; } bool handled = false; switch (data.DataType) { case AsyncUserDataType.ClientConnected: break; case AsyncUserDataType.ClientDisconnected: // 处理客户端断开连接的情况 HandleClientDisconnect(data.SocketHandle); break; case AsyncUserDataType.ReceivedData: var len = data.Buffer.Length; // 如果收到的数据长度小于TX300的包头则不用处理数据了 if (len >= Protocol.TX300.TX300Items.header_length && Protocol.ProtocolTypes.IsTX300(data.Buffer[2]) && Protocol.TerminalTypes.IsTX300(data.Buffer[3])) { handled = true; if (data.Buffer[0] != len) { HandleException("Data length(package length: " + data.Buffer[0] + ", buffer length: " + len + ") error.", CustomConvert.GetHex(data.Buffer)); } else { HandleReceivedData(data); } } else { // 增加未能处理的数据保存 2015/09/02 15:09 HandleException("Data is not TX protocol.", CustomConvert.GetHex(data.Buffer)); } break; } if (data.PackageType == AsyncDataPackageType.SAT) { if (!handled) { } data.Dispose(); data = null; } } catch (Exception e) { ShowUnhandledMessage(Now + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine + CustomConvert.GetHex(data.Buffer)); HandleException(e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace, CustomConvert.GetHex(data.Buffer)); } IP = ""; Port = 0; }
private void spPort_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { if (sender.GetType() != typeof(System.IO.Ports.SerialPort)) { return; } if (hasClosed) { return; } byte[] bReceived = null; SerialPort comp = (System.IO.Ports.SerialPort)sender; try { comp.ReceivedBytesThreshold = comp.ReadBufferSize; while (true) { int len = comp.BytesToRead; if (len > 0) { byte[] b = new byte[len]; comp.Read(b, 0, len); if (bReceived == null) { bReceived = new byte[len]; } else { bReceived = CustomConvert.expand(bReceived, bReceived.Length + len); } Buffer.BlockCopy(b, 0, bReceived, bReceived.Length - len, len); Win32.TimeDelay(50); } else { break; } } } catch (Exception readError) { ShowHistory("Cannot read data from \"" + comp.PortName + "\": " + readError.Message); } finally { comp.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1; } if (bReceived == null) { return; } HandleReceivedData(bReceived); }