public async Task AddFeatureAsync(
            [Summary("The name of the command.")] string command,
            [Summary("The name of the feature.")] string feature,
            [Summary("The arguments to pass to the feature."), Remainder] string arguments)
            if (!CustomCommands.TryGetCommand(command, out CustomCommand customCommand))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"A command with the name `{command}` does not exist.");

            var commandFeature = CustomCommands.CreateFeature(feature, arguments);

            // Ensure no duplicate features exist
            int previousFeatures = customCommand.Features.RemoveAll(f => f.GetType().Equals(commandFeature.GetType()));

            // Add the new feature


            await GetDefaultBuilder()
            .WithDescription(previousFeatures == 0
                    ? $"The feature `{feature}` was added to `{command}`!"
                    : $"The feature `{feature}` was updated in `{command}`!")