Esempio n. 1
        public Boolean UploadToDB()
                CustomCode u      = new CustomCode();
                Int64      assyID = -1;
                if (m_lstObsoleteParts.Count > 0 || m_lstUndefinedPNs.Count > 0)
                //First, we need to make an entry in table asyBOM so we can get the DB ID of the Assy
                xDB = new clsDB();
                cmd = new SqlCommand();
                List <SqlParameter> ps = new List <SqlParameter>();
                string assyDesc        = "ASSY," + m_topLevelName;
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.strNAME, m_topLevelName));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.strASSYPARTNUMBER, m_assyPN));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.strREVISION, m_assyRev));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.intBOMREV, m_bomRev));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.strDESCRIPTION, assyDesc));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@intMajor", u.getMajorRev(m_assyRev)));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@intMinor", u.getMinorRev(m_assyRev)));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.keyUPLOADEDBY, u.getUserDBID()));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.keyASSYBU, u.getUserdBUID()));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.keyREASONFORREV, 1));
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.keyASSYSTATUS, 1));
                ps[ps.Count - 1].Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
                ps.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.ID, -1));
                ps[ps.Count - 1].Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;
                using (xDB.OpenConnection())
                    xDB.ExecuteSP(DBK.SP.spUPSERTASSYBOMENTRY, ps, clsDB.SPExMode.NONQUERY, ref cmd);
                    if (int.Parse(cmd.Parameters["@" + DBK.keyASSYSTATUS].Value.ToString()) == 1)
                        assyID = Int64.Parse(cmd.Parameters["@" + DBK.ID].Value.ToString());
                        //Delete this ASSY ID From the database
                        List <SqlParameter> tmpLstP = new List <SqlParameter>();
                        tmpLstP.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + DBK.keyASSY, assyID));
                        SqlCommand tmpCmd = new SqlCommand();
                        using (xDB.OpenConnection())
                            xDB.ExecuteSP(DBK.SP.spDELETEASSYBOMPARTS, tmpLstP, clsDB.SPExMode.NONQUERY, ref tmpCmd);
                        StringBuilder sqlStr = new StringBuilder();
                        sqlStr.Append("INSERT INTO " + DBK.asyBOMPARTS + " (" + DBK.keyASSY + ", " + DBK.keyPN + ", " +
                                      DBK.strREFDES + ", " + DBK.strBOMNOTES + ", " + DBK.intQTY + ") VALUES ");
                        //The values we will insert are in m_BOM
                        foreach (string assyPNKy in m_BOM.Keys)
                            string abk = assyPNKy;
                            foreach (string PNKy in m_BOM[assyPNKy].Keys)
                                AssyBomLineItem x        = m_BOM[assyPNKy][PNKy];
                                string          bomNotes = x.BOMNotes;
                                if (bomNotes == "" || bomNotes == "-")
                                    bomNotes = "''";
                                sqlStr.Append("(" +
                                              assyID + ", " +
                                              x.PNID.ToString() + ", " +
                                              "'" + x.RefDes + "', " +
                                              bomNotes + ", " +
                                              x.Qty.ToString() + "),");

                        //Remove the last comma
                        sqlStr.Remove(sqlStr.Length - 1, 1);
                        using (xDB.OpenConnection())
                            if (xDB.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlStr.ToString()))
                                if (xDB.NAffectedRows > 0)
                                    m_errMsg.Append("Executed following query without errors:" +
                                                    sqlStr + AAAK.vbCRLF + "...but no rows were affected by the Statement.  Please report this bug.");
                                m_errMsg.Append("Method UploadToDB: Unable to execute Nonquery: " +
                                                sqlStr + AAAK.vbCRLF + xDB.ErrMsg);
                        m_errMsg.Append(m_topLevelName + " Revision " + m_assyRev + " BOM Revision " + m_bomRev +
                                        "is RELEASED.  You cannot upload a new BOM if it's status is RELEASED." + AAAK.vbCRLF +
                                        "If you want to upload a new BOM, you must change the Assembly and/or BOM revision.");
            } catch (Exception ex)
                m_errMsg.Append(ex.Message + AAAK.vbCRLF + ex.StackTrace);