/// <summary> /// 保存设备曲线数据段。 /// </summary> /// <param name="tableTypeF">96及以下点数数据表类型声明。</param> /// <param name="tableNameF">96及以下点数数据表名。</param> /// <param name="tableTypeS">96以上点数数据表类型声明。</param> /// <param name="tableNameS">96以上点数数据表名。</param> /// <param name="mergeOption">当转换后的点数小于目前曲线点数时,如何合并目前的数据。</param> /// <param name="splitOption">当转换后的点数大于目前曲线点数时,如何拆分目前的数据。</param> /// <param name="dbConnection">活动的数据库连接。</param> /// <param name="deviceId">设备编号。</param> /// <param name="date">数据起始日期及时间。使用其中的年、月、日、时、分、秒。</param> /// <param name="curvePoint">该数据的点数类型。</param> /// <param name="values">曲线数据值,该数组长度必须是 CurvePointOptions 中指定的长度之一。</param> /// <param name="save96Point">当 curvePoint 大于 96 点时是否另外计算一份96点的数据进行保存。当 curvePoint 小于等于 96 点时该参数无任何作用。</param> /// <param name="keyColumns">该数据所属数据表的额外主键字段,及这些主键字段的数值。</param> public static void Save(Type tableTypeF, string tableNameF, Type tableTypeS, string tableNameS, CurveMergeOptions mergeOption, CurveSplitOptions splitOption, Database.DbConnection dbConnection, int deviceId, DateTime date, CurvePointOptions curvePoint, decimal?[] values, CurvePartDataSave96PointOptions save96Point, params KeyValuePair <string, string>[] keyColumns) { CurvePartValue _CurvePartValue = new CurvePartValue(curvePoint, date.Hour * 10000 + date.Minute * 100 + date.Second, values); string strSql; string strTableName; bool bolSave96 = true; //是否保存96点数据 if (_CurvePartValue.CurvePoint > CurvePointOptions.Point96) { //储存分秒数据表 strTableName = Database.DbConnection.GetMonthlyName(tableNameS, date.Year, date.Month); if (dbConnection.TableIsExist(strTableName) == false) { dbConnection.CreateTable(tableTypeS, strTableName); } string strWhere = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in keyColumns) { strWhere += " AND " + kvp.Key + "=" + kvp.Value; } strSql = "Delete From " + strTableName + " Where DateNum=" + Function.ToIntDate(date) + " AND TimeNum>=" + _CurvePartValue.StartTimeNum + " AND TimeNum<=" + _CurvePartValue.EndTimeNum + " AND DeviceId=" + deviceId + strWhere; dbConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); string strValue = ""; string strColumn = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in keyColumns) { strValue += "," + kvp.Value; strColumn += "," + kvp.Key; } for (int intIndex = 0; intIndex < _CurvePartValue.Values.Length; intIndex++) { try { strSql = Function.ToIntDate(date) + "," + _CurvePartValue.GetTimeNum(intIndex) + "," + deviceId + strValue + "," + Function.SqlDecimal(values[intIndex]); strSql = "INSERT INTO " + strTableName + " (DateNum,TimeNum,DeviceId" + strColumn + ",DataValue) VALUES (" + strSql + ")"; dbConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } catch { } } if (save96Point == CurvePartDataSave96PointOptions.No) { bolSave96 = false; } else if (save96Point == CurvePartDataSave96PointOptions.Auto) { if (curvePoint == CurvePointOptions.Point144) { if (values.Length <= 3) { if (((_CurvePartValue.EndTimeNum / 100) % 100) != 20 && ((_CurvePartValue.EndTimeNum / 100) % 100) != 50) { bolSave96 = false; } } } else { if (values.Length <= (curvePoint.GetPointCount() / CurvePointOptions.Point96.GetPointCount())) { if (curvePoint.GetTimeNum(_CurvePartValue.EndTimeNum, 1) != CurvePointOptions.Point96.GetTimeNum(_CurvePartValue.EndTimeNum, 1)) { bolSave96 = false; } } } } if (bolSave96) { int intStartTimeNum96 = CurvePointOptions.Point96.FormatTimeNum(_CurvePartValue.StartTimeNum); if (curvePoint == CurvePointOptions.Point144) { if (((_CurvePartValue.StartTimeNum / 100) % 100) == 20) { intStartTimeNum96 = (intStartTimeNum96 / 10000) * 10000; } else if (((_CurvePartValue.StartTimeNum / 100) % 100) == 50) { intStartTimeNum96 = (intStartTimeNum96 / 10000) * 10000 + 3000; } } if (intStartTimeNum96 < _CurvePartValue.StartTimeNum) { //如果数据的起始时间不是每小时的00分、15分、30分、45分,则从数据库取出该一刻钟缺少的数据。 CurvePartValue _CurvePartValueTemp = new CurvePartValue(curvePoint, intStartTimeNum96, _CurvePartValue.EndTimeNum); for (int intIndex = 0; intIndex < _CurvePartValue.Values.Length; intIndex++) { _CurvePartValueTemp.SetValue(_CurvePartValue.GetTimeNum(intIndex), _CurvePartValue.Values[intIndex]); } strSql = "SELECT * FROM " + strTableName + " WHERE DateNum=" + Function.ToIntDate(date) + " AND TimeNum>=" + intStartTimeNum96 + " AND TimeNum<" + _CurvePartValue.StartTimeNum + " AND DeviceId=" + deviceId + strWhere; System.Data.IDataReader dr = dbConnection.ExecuteReader(strSql); while (dr.Read()) { _CurvePartValueTemp.SetValue(Function.ToInt(dr["TimeNum"]), Function.ToDecimal(dr["DataValue"])); } dr.Close(); //转换为96点数据 _CurvePartValueTemp.Convert(CurvePointOptions.Point96, mergeOption, splitOption); _CurvePartValue = _CurvePartValueTemp; } } } if (bolSave96) { //96点数据储存 strTableName = Database.DbConnection.GetMonthlyName(tableNameF, date.Year, date.Month); if (dbConnection.TableIsExist(strTableName) == false) { dbConnection.CreateTable(tableTypeF, strTableName); } if (_CurvePartValue.CurvePoint > CurvePointOptions.Point96) { _CurvePartValue.Convert(CurvePointOptions.Point96, mergeOption, splitOption); } try { string strValue = ""; string strColumn = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in keyColumns) { strValue += "," + kvp.Value; strColumn += "," + kvp.Key; } string strColumnValues = ""; string strColumnNames = ""; for (int intIndex = 0; intIndex < _CurvePartValue.Values.Length; intIndex++) { strColumnValues += "," + Function.SqlDecimal(_CurvePartValue.Values[intIndex]); strColumnNames += ",Value" + ((_CurvePartValue.GetPointIndex(intIndex) * (96 / _CurvePartValue.CurvePoint.GetPointCount())) + 1); } strSql = Function.ToIntDate(date) + "," + deviceId + strValue + strColumnValues; strSql = "INSERT INTO " + strTableName + " (DateNum,DeviceId" + strColumn + strColumnNames + ") VALUES (" + strSql + ")"; dbConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } catch { string strWhere = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in keyColumns) { strWhere += " AND " + kvp.Key + "=" + kvp.Value; } string strColumns = ""; for (int intIndex = 0; intIndex < _CurvePartValue.Values.Length; intIndex++) { strColumns += ",Value" + ((_CurvePartValue.GetPointIndex(intIndex) * (96 / _CurvePartValue.CurvePoint.GetPointCount())) + 1) + "=" + Function.SqlDecimal(_CurvePartValue.Values[intIndex]); } strSql = "UPDATE " + strTableName + " Set " + strColumns.Substring(1) + " Where DateNum=" + Function.ToIntDate(date) + " AND DeviceId=" + deviceId + strWhere; dbConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } } }
/// <summary> /// 设备曲线数据读取器。 /// </summary> /// <param name="device">设备集合中的第一次访问的设备对象。</param> /// <param name="startDate">访问数据的起始日期,如果未设置过 DateRange 日期范围则以该日期作为数据筛选的起始日期。</param> /// <param name="endDate">访问数据的结束日期,如果未设置过 DateRange 日期范围则以该日期作为数据筛选的结束日期。</param> /// <param name="startTimeNum">曲线数据段的起始时间。</param> /// <param name="endTimeNum">曲线数据段的结束时间。</param> /// <param name="curvePoint">是否将曲线数据强制转换为指定的点数。如果该值为 0 则表示不转换,设备曲线数据点数使用各设备的默认值。</param> /// <param name="mergeOption">当转换后的点数小于目前曲线点数时,如何合并目前的数据。</param> /// <param name="splitOption">当转换后的点数大于目前曲线点数时,如何拆分目前的数据。</param> /// <param name="tableNameF">96及以下点数数据表名。</param> /// <param name="selectColumnNameF">96及以下点数数据表需要额外输出的字段,如无额外字段可传 null。</param> /// <param name="tableNameS">96以上点数数据表名。</param> public DeviceCurvePartDataReader(Device device, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int startTimeNum, int endTimeNum, int curvePoint, CurveMergeOptions mergeOption, CurveSplitOptions splitOption, string tableNameF, string selectColumnNameF, string tableNameS) { this.m_CurvePoint = curvePoint; this.m_FirstDevice = device; this.StartTimeNum = startTimeNum; this.EndTimeNum = endTimeNum; if (device.DateRange != null && device.DateRange.ContainsDay(startDate, endDate)) { this.m_DateRange = device.DateRange; } else { this.m_DateRange = new DateRange(startDate, endDate); } string strDeviceIdWhereF = ""; string strDeviceIdWhereS = ""; if (device.Source != null && device.Source.Contains(device)) { foreach (Device device1 in device.Source) { CurvePointOptions _CurvePoint = this.GetDeviceCurvePoint(device1); if (_CurvePoint <= CurvePointOptions.Point96 || (curvePoint > 0 && curvePoint < (int)CurvePointOptions.Point96)) { strDeviceIdWhereF += "," + device1.DeviceId; } else { strDeviceIdWhereS += "," + device1.DeviceId; } if (device1.DateRange == null || device1.DateRange.UniqueId != this.m_DateRange.UniqueId) { device1.DateRange = this.m_DateRange; } this.SetReader(device1); } if (strDeviceIdWhereF.Length > 0) { strDeviceIdWhereF = " IN (" + strDeviceIdWhereF.Substring(1) + ")"; } if (strDeviceIdWhereS.Length > 0) { strDeviceIdWhereS = " IN (" + strDeviceIdWhereS.Substring(1) + ")"; } } else { CurvePointOptions _CurvePoint = this.GetDeviceCurvePoint(device); if (_CurvePoint <= CurvePointOptions.Point96 || (curvePoint > 0 && curvePoint < (int)CurvePointOptions.Point96)) { strDeviceIdWhereF = "=" + device.DeviceId; } else { strDeviceIdWhereS = "=" + device.DeviceId; } if (device.DateRange == null || device.DateRange.UniqueId != this.m_DateRange.UniqueId) { device.DateRange = this.m_DateRange; } this.SetReader(device); } AC.Base.Database.DbConnection dbConn = device.Application.GetDbConnection(); if (dbConn != null) { try { int intStartPointF = CurvePointOptions.Point96.GetPointIndex(startTimeNum) + 1; int intEndPointF = CurvePointOptions.Point96.GetPointIndex(endTimeNum) + 1; string strSelectF = "DateNum,DeviceId" + (selectColumnNameF != null && selectColumnNameF.Length > 0 ? "," + selectColumnNameF : ""); for (int intPointIndex = intStartPointF; intPointIndex <= intEndPointF; intPointIndex++) { strSelectF += ",Value" + intPointIndex; } foreach (DateRange.MonthlyForDayRange range in this.DateRange.GetMonthRanges()) { if (strDeviceIdWhereF.Length > 0) { string strTableName = Database.DbConnection.GetMonthlyName(tableNameF, range.Date.Year, range.Date.Month); if (dbConn.TableIsExist(strTableName)) { string strSqlDate = range.GetSqlWhere("DateNum"); if (strSqlDate.Length > 0) { strSqlDate = " AND " + strSqlDate; } string strSql = "SELECT " + strSelectF + " FROM " + strTableName + " WHERE DeviceId" + strDeviceIdWhereF + strSqlDate; System.Data.IDataReader dr = dbConn.ExecuteReader(strSql); while (dr.Read()) { Device deviceF = this.GetDevice(Function.ToInt(dr["DeviceId"])); CurvePointOptions _DeviceCurvePointF = this.GetDeviceCurvePoint(deviceF); if (_DeviceCurvePointF > CurvePointOptions.Point96) { _DeviceCurvePointF = CurvePointOptions.Point96; //如果设备默认的曲线数据点数大于96点,则使用96点数据。 } decimal?[] decValues = new decimal?[_DeviceCurvePointF.GetPointCount(startTimeNum, endTimeNum)]; int intPointIndex = 0; for (int intIndex = intStartPointF; intIndex <= intEndPointF; intIndex++) { if (((intIndex - 1) % (96 / _DeviceCurvePointF.GetPointCount())) == 0) { decValues[intPointIndex++] = Function.ToDecimalNull(dr["Value" + intIndex]); } } if (curvePoint != 0 && curvePoint != (int)_DeviceCurvePointF) { //需要对曲线数据进行转换 decValues = CurvePartValue.ConvertTo(_DeviceCurvePointF, this.StartTimeNum, decValues, (CurvePointOptions)curvePoint, mergeOption, splitOption); _DeviceCurvePointF = (CurvePointOptions)curvePoint; } this.DoDataReaderF(deviceF, dr, _DeviceCurvePointF, decValues); } dr.Close(); } } if (strDeviceIdWhereS.Length > 0) { string strTableName = Database.DbConnection.GetMonthlyName(tableNameS, range.Date.Year, range.Date.Month); if (dbConn.TableIsExist(strTableName)) { string strSqlDate = range.GetSqlWhere("DateNum"); if (strSqlDate.Length > 0) { strSqlDate = " AND " + strSqlDate; } strSqlDate += " AND TimeNum>=" + startTimeNum + " AND TimeNum<=" + endTimeNum; string strSql = "SELECT * FROM " + strTableName + " WHERE DeviceId" + strDeviceIdWhereS + strSqlDate; System.Data.IDataReader dr = dbConn.ExecuteReader(strSql); while (dr.Read()) { this.DoDataReaderS(this.GetDevice(Function.ToInt(dr["DeviceId"])), dr); } dr.Close(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { dbConn.Close(); } if (curvePoint > 0 && strDeviceIdWhereS.Length > 0) { //通知继承的曲线读取器转换分秒数据点数。 this.DoConvertS(); } } }