// Use this for initialization void Start() { SpriteRenderer sceneRend = scene.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); xMin = (sceneRend.bounds.extents.x * -1) - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector2.zero).x + 0.1f; xMax = (sceneRend.bounds.extents.x) + Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector2.one).x - 0.1f; transform.position = new Vector3(xMin, 0, -10); cursor = GameObject.Find("Cursor").GetComponent <CursorHandler>(); }
private void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; //DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
private void Awake() { scr = gameObject.AddComponent <Screen>(); cursorRect = cursor.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); cursorScript = cursor.GetComponent <CursorHandler>(); buttonColDef = buttonBackground.color; RefreshScreen(); RefreshTexts(); }
public override bool HitTest(Point p) { bool result = false; if (Edge != null) { var sp = Camera.ToSource(p); hitAnchor = Scene.ItemShape(Edge).IsAnchorHit(sp, HitSize); CursorHandler.SetEdgeCursor(hitAnchor); result = hitAnchor != Anchor.None; } return(result); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { myReader = GameObject.Find("MainHandler").GetComponent <Reader>(); myCursor = GameObject.Find("MainHandler").GetComponent <CursorHandler>(); foreach (string str in new List <string>() { "W" }) { resourcesButton.Add(str, GameObject.Find(str + "_res")); } }
internal ContentHandler(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Level level, Camera camera, ResourceHandler resourceHandler) { SpriteHandler = new SpriteHandler(); KeyboardHandler = new KeyboardHandler(); CursorHandler = new CursorHandler(); //EffectHandler = new EffectHandler(); ResourceHandler = resourceHandler; this.SpriteBatch = spriteBatch; this.Level = level; this.Camera = camera; this.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice; }
private void Awake() { scr = gameObject.AddComponent <Screen>(); cursorRect = cursor.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); cursorScript = cursor.GetComponent <CursorHandler>(); buttonBgImg = buttonBackground.GetComponent <Image>(); buttonBgRect = buttonBackground.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); buttonColDef = buttonBgContainerImg.color; starVisScreen = GameObject.Find("Star Visualisation Screen").GetComponent <StarVisScreen>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { controller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Controller"); CH = controller.GetComponent <CursorHandler> (); spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); particleSystems = GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); particleNumbers = new float[particleSystems.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < particleNumbers.Length; i++) { particleNumbers[i] = particleSystems[i].emissionRate; } }
protected override void EndAction() { //if (Resolved) { CursorHandler.RestoreCursor(); resizing = false; moving = false; LastMousePos = Point.Zero; MouseDownPos = Point.Zero; hitAnchor = Anchor.None; if (SelectionRenderer != null) { SelectionRenderer.UpdateSelection(); } //} base.EndAction(); }
protected virtual void Awake() { pTextMeshPro = GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); pCanvas = GetComponentInParent <Canvas>(); cursorHandler = FindObjectOfType <CursorHandler>(); // Get a reference to the camera if Canvas Render Mode is not ScreenSpace Overlay. if (pCanvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay) { pCamera = null; } else { pCamera = pCanvas.worldCamera; } }
void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); controller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Controller"); cursorHandler = controller.GetComponent <CursorHandler> (); if (lantern != null) { lantern.SetActive(false); takeComponentsFromObjects(); //valori dei bounds di default del raggio boundsRay = spRendRay.bounds; xSize = boundsRay.size.x; ySize = boundsRay.size.y; } }
void Start() { canvasPlayingUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CanvasPlayingUI"); if (canvasPlayingUI == null) { Debug.Log("ATTENZIONE!! canvasPlayingUI non trovato!! Assicurarsi che il relativo prefab sia nella scena"); } else { playingUI = canvasPlayingUI.GetComponent <PlayingUI> (); } controller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Controller"); cursorHandler = controller.GetComponent <CursorHandler> (); Sprite[] sprites = new Sprite[1]; sprites [0] = info; if (playingUI != null) { playingUI.setSprites(sprites, PlayingUI.UIPosition.UpperRight); } Sprite buttonSprite; if (cursorHandler.useController) { buttonSprite = controllerButton; } else { buttonSprite = keyboardButton; } if (playingUI != null) { playingUI.setButtonSprite(PlayingUI.UIPosition.UpperRight, buttonSprite); playingUI.setVerticalButton(PlayingUI.UIPosition.UpperRight, false); playingUI.setSpritesSize(PlayingUI.UIPosition.UpperRight, PlayingUI.UISize.Big); playingUI.updateSpritesOnScreen(PlayingUI.UIPosition.UpperRight); } }
void Start() { if (!MobileInput) { CursorHandler.LockCursor(); } //初始化LuaInputManager _luaInputManager = LuaManager.Instance.GetLuaTable("LuaInputManager"); _luaInit = (LuaFunction)_luaInputManager["Init"]; _luaOnTouchStart = (LuaFunction)_luaInputManager["OnTouchStart"]; _luaOnTouchUp = (LuaFunction)_luaInputManager["OnTouchUp"]; _luaOnSwipeStart = (LuaFunction)_luaInputManager["OnSwipeStart"]; _luaOnSwipe = (LuaFunction)_luaInputManager["OnSwipe"]; _luaOnSwipeEnd = (LuaFunction)_luaInputManager["OnSwipeEnd"]; _luaOnSimpleTap = (LuaFunction)_luaInputManager["OnSimpleTap"]; _luaOnLongTap = (LuaFunction)_luaInputManager["OnLongTap"]; _luaOnLongTapEnd = (LuaFunction)_luaInputManager["OnLongTapEnd"]; _luaInit.call(_luaInputManager, this); }
//bool mPlayCirculation = false; //float mTimer; //float mTotalTime; //MouseOpMgr.MouseOpCursor mCurState = MouseOpMgr.MouseOpCursor.Null; void Start() { mTrans = transform; if (uiCamera == null) { uiCamera = NGUITools.FindCameraForLayer(gameObject.layer); } ch = new CursorHandler(); ch.Type = CursorState.EType.None; //mTimer = 0; //mTotalTime = 0.75f; m_TipScaleTween.onFinished = TipTweenFinish; //mMouseHandBig = "mouse_hand"; //mMouseHandSmall = "mouse_hand1"; mBag = "mouse_get"; mAxe = "mouse_axe"; mNouseTalk = "mouse_talk"; mHand = "mouse_help"; mRide = "mouse_ride"; mDefault = "sighting_3"; }
protected override void OnMouseMoveNotResolved(MouseActionEventArgs e) { if (HitTest(e.Location)) { ShowGrips = true; if (_selectionRenderer != null) { this.SelectionRenderer.ShowGrips = true; } hideGrips = true; } else if (hideGrips) { ShowGrips = false; if (_selectionRenderer != null) { this.SelectionRenderer.ShowGrips = false; } hideGrips = false; CursorHandler.RestoreCursor(); } }
void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); //assignMainCameraToPlayer (); getGameOverObject(); controller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Controller"); cursorHandler = controller.GetComponent <CursorHandler> (); cameraHandler = Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <CameraHandler> (); magicLanternLogic = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MagicLanternLogic").GetComponent <MagicLantern> (); UpperLimit = cursorHandler.getUpperLimit(); BottomLimit = cursorHandler.getBottomLimit(); RightLimit = cursorHandler.getRightLimit(); LeftLimit = cursorHandler.getLeftLimit(); if (cameraHandler == null) { cameraCenter = new Vector3(Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position.x, Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position.y, player.transform.position.z); beginCamera = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, player.transform.position.z)); xDistFromBeginning = Mathf.Abs(cameraCenter.x - beginCamera.x); yDistFromBeginning = Mathf.Abs(cameraCenter.y - beginCamera.y); Debug.Log("CameraHandler non trovato nell'oggetto Camera"); } else { xDistFromBeginning = cameraHandler.getXDistFromBeginning(); yDistFromBeginning = cameraHandler.getYDistFromBeginning(); } ratioDistanceFromPlayer = standardRatioDistance; setCameraSize(defaultSize); }
public static NSCursor ToNS(this Cursor cursor) => CursorHandler.GetControl(cursor);
void Update() { CursorType cursor = CursorType.Default; if (!EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { if (CastingSkill) { cursor = CursorType.CastSkill; } Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { int x = (int)hit.point.x; int y = (int)hit.point.z; if (hit.transform.tag == "Map") { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (!MapMetrics.InsideMap(y, x)) { if (curRegion != null) { curRegion.Selected = false; } curRegion = null; if (army != null) { DeselectArmy(); } } else { RegionTap(Main.regions[regionIndex[y, x]]); } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { army?.TryMoveTo(hit.point); ship?.TryMoveTo(hit.point); if (curPort) { curPort.ShipOut(hit.point); } } } State other = null; IFightable target = null; if (hit.transform.tag == "Unit") { Army sel = hit.transform.GetComponent <Army>(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { ArmyTap(sel, Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)); } other = sel.curOwner; target = sel; if (CastingSkill) { if (CastSkill is IArmyCastable cast) { if (cast.CanCastOnArmy(sel)) { cursor = CursorType.CanCastSkill; } } } else { if (other == curPlayer && sel != army) { cursor = CursorType.Select; } } } if (hit.transform.tag == "Ship") { Ship sel = hit.transform.GetComponent <Ship>(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { ShipTap(sel, Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)); } other = sel.curOwner; if (CastingSkill) { } else { if (other == curPlayer && sel != ship) { cursor = CursorType.Select; } } } if (hit.transform.tag == "Town") { Region reg = MapMetrics.regions[int.Parse(hit.transform.name)]; highlightRegion = reg; TownTap(reg, Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0), Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)); reg.bar.Active = true; other = reg.curOwner; target = reg; if (CastingSkill) { if (CastSkill is IRegionCastable cast) { if (cast.CanCastOnRegion(reg)) { cursor = CursorType.CanCastSkill; } } } else { if (other == curPlayer && reg != curRegion) { cursor = CursorType.Select; } } } else { if (highlightRegion != null) { highlightRegion.bar.Active = false; } } if (hit.transform.GetComponent <Port>()) { Port port = hit.transform.GetComponent <Port>(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && port.curOwner == curPlayer && port.Ship) { curPort = port; DeselectShip(); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && ship && port.CanshipOn(ship)) { ship.TryMoveTo(port); } } if (!CastingSkill && target != null && army != null && army.CanAttack(target, TargetType)) { switch (TargetType) { case DamageType.Melee: case DamageType.Charge: cursor = CursorType.MeleeAttack; break; case DamageType.Range: cursor = CursorType.RangeAttack; break; case DamageType.Siege: cursor = CursorType.SiegeAttack; break; } } } } if (curRegion == null) { MenuManager.HiddenProvinceMenu(); } if (cursor != cursorType) { cursorType = cursor; CursorHandler.SetCursor(cursorType); } }
private void Start() { CursorHandler.SetCursor(cursorType); }
private void Start() { cursorHandler = FindObjectOfType <CursorHandler>(); }
// =============================================================================== // Select // ====== public Object SelectCursor(String path, PARAMETER_BEAN pmb, CursorHandler handler) { return(_outsideSqlDao.SelectCursor(path, pmb, _outsideSqlOption, handler)); }
void Start() { cursorHandler = FindObjectOfType <CursorHandler>(); panelsManager = FindObjectOfType <PanelsManager>(); phraseConverter = FindObjectOfType <PhraseConverter>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { controller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Controller"); if (controller != null) { cursorHandler = controller.GetComponent <CursorHandler>(); } player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); if (player != null) { playerMovements = player.GetComponent <PlayerMovements>(); } magicLanternLogicOBJ = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MagicLanternLogic"); if (magicLanternLogicOBJ != null) { magicLanternLogic = magicLanternLogicOBJ.GetComponent <MagicLantern>(); magicLanternGraphic = magicLanternLogicOBJ.GetComponent <GraphicLantern>(); glassesManager = magicLanternLogicOBJ.GetComponent <GlassesManager>(); } magicLantern = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Lantern"); canvasPlayingUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CanvasPlayingUI"); if (canvasPlayingUI != null) { playingUI = canvasPlayingUI.GetComponent <PlayingUI>(); playingUILateral = canvasPlayingUI.GetComponent <PlayingUILateral>(); playingUIGameOver = canvasPlayingUI.GetComponent <PlayingUIGameOver>(); } canvasMenu = UtilFinder._FindGameObjectByTag("CanvasMenu"); unlockableContentUI = UtilFinder._GetComponentOfGameObjectWithTag <UnlockableContentUI> ("Controller"); informativeManager = UtilFinder._GetComponentOfGameObjectWithTag <InformativeManager> ("MenuController"); menuManager = UtilFinder._GetComponentOfGameObjectWithTag <MenuManager> ("MenuController"); playStatusTracker = UtilFinder._GetComponentOfGameObjectWithTag <PlayStatusTracker> ("Controller"); testInformativeManager = UtilFinder._GetComponentOfGameObjectWithTag <TestInformativeManager> ("TestController"); testingController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TestController"); if (testingController != null) { hintAnalyzer = testingController.GetComponent <HintAnalyzer>(); } hubController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HubController"); if (hubController != null) { unlockedLevelControl = hubController.GetComponent <UnlockedLevelControl>(); hubLadderControl = hubController.GetComponent <HubLadderControl>(); hubLanternControl = hubController.GetComponent <HubLanternControl>(); } if (controller != null) { inputKeeper = controller.GetComponent <InputKeeper>(); } camera = Camera.main.gameObject; if (camera != null) { cameraMovements = camera.GetComponent <CameraMovements>(); cameraHandler = camera.GetComponent <CameraHandler>(); } GameObject levelChanger = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CanvasLoadLevel"); if (levelChanger != null) { levelChangerGeneral = levelChanger.GetComponent <LevelChangerGeneral> (); } GameObject buttonControllerOBJ = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ButtonControllerLink"); if (buttonControllerOBJ != null) { buttonController = buttonControllerOBJ.GetComponent <ButtonController> (); inputManager = buttonControllerOBJ.GetComponent <InputManager>(); buttonKeyboardMouse = buttonControllerOBJ.GetComponent <ButtonKeyboardMouse>(); } }
void initializeComponents() { cursorHandler = UtilFinder._GetComponentOfGameObjectWithTag <CursorHandler> ("Controller"); }
void Awake() { inst = this; activateCourser(startWithCursorActiv); }
public void Initialize(CursorHandler h) { gameboard = h.gameboard; baseTile = h.baseTile; tile = baseTile; }
public static Gdk.Cursor ToGdk(this Cursor cursor) => CursorHandler.GetControl(cursor);
public static swf.Cursor ToSwf(this Cursor cursor) => CursorHandler.GetControl(cursor);
/** * Set the default cursor handler */ private void Awake() { _handler = FindObjectOfType <CursorHandler>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { infosPanel = GameObject.Find("Description"); myReader = GameObject.Find("MainHandler").GetComponent <Reader>(); myCursor = GameObject.Find("MainHandler").GetComponent <CursorHandler>(); }
private void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); CursorHandler.ToggleCursor(false); }