/// <inheritdoc />
            public override void Do(DocumentEditorContext context)
                var caret = (TextCaret)CursorHandle.GetCaret(context);

                caret = caret.DeleteText(1);
            /// <inheritdoc />
            public override void Undo(DocumentEditorContext context)
                var caret = (TextCaret)CursorHandle.GetCaret(context);

                caret = caret.InsertText(OriginalText);
Esempio n. 3
 public void Close()
     if (handle != null)
         handle = null;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Closes cursor and frees all resources.
 /// </summary>
 public void Dispose()
     if (_cursorHandle == null)
     _cursorHandle = null;
     _cursorResult = null;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces the specified system cursor with the given cursor. The cursor will
        /// be destroyed and as such must not be loaded from a resource. Use CopyCursor
        /// on cursors loaded from resources before calling this method.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetSystemCursor(CursorHandle cursor, SystemCursor id)
            if (!Imports.SetSystemCursor(cursor, id))
                throw Errors.GetIoExceptionForLastError();

            // SetSystemCursor destroys passed in cursors
Esempio n. 6
        public static CursorHandle LoadCursor(CursorId id)
            CursorHandle handle = Imports.LoadCursorW(ModuleInstance.Null, (IntPtr)id);

            if (handle.IsInvalid)
                throw Errors.GetIoExceptionForLastError();

Esempio n. 7
        internal Cursor(MessageQueue queue)
            int status = SafeNativeMethods.MQCreateCursor(queue.MQInfo.ReadHandle, out var result);

            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(status))
                throw new MessageQueueException(status);

            this.handle = result;
Esempio n. 8
        public static CursorHandle CopyCursor(CursorHandle cursor)
            CursorHandle copy = Imports.CopyCursor(cursor);

            if (copy.IsInvalid)
                throw Errors.GetIoExceptionForLastError();

        internal Cursor(MessageQueue queue)
            CursorHandle handle;
            int          num = SafeNativeMethods.MQCreateCursor(queue.MQInfo.ReadHandle, out handle);

            if (MessageQueue.IsFatalError(num))
                throw new MessageQueueException(num);
            this.handle = handle;
Esempio n. 10
        protected override LResult WindowProcedure(WindowHandle window, MessageType message, WParam wParam, LParam lParam)
            switch (message)
            case MessageType.Size:
                cxClient = lParam.LowWord;
                cyClient = lParam.HighWord;

                CursorHandle hCursor = Windows.SetCursor(CursorId.Wait);


                Span <RegionHandle> hRgnTemp = stackalloc RegionHandle[6];

                hRgnTemp[0] = Gdi.CreateEllipticRegion(Rectangle.FromLTRB(0, cyClient / 3, cxClient / 2, 2 * cyClient / 3));
                hRgnTemp[1] = Gdi.CreateEllipticRegion(Rectangle.FromLTRB(cxClient / 2, cyClient / 3, cxClient, 2 * cyClient / 3));
                hRgnTemp[2] = Gdi.CreateEllipticRegion(Rectangle.FromLTRB(cxClient / 3, 0, 2 * cxClient / 3, cyClient / 2));
                hRgnTemp[3] = Gdi.CreateEllipticRegion(Rectangle.FromLTRB(cxClient / 3, cyClient / 2, 2 * cxClient / 3, cyClient));
                hRgnTemp[4] = Gdi.CreateRectangleRegion(Rectangle.FromLTRB(0, 0, 1, 1));
                hRgnTemp[5] = Gdi.CreateRectangleRegion(Rectangle.FromLTRB(0, 0, 1, 1));
                hRgnClip    = Gdi.CreateRectangleRegion(Rectangle.FromLTRB(0, 0, 1, 1));
                hRgnTemp[4].CombineRegion(hRgnTemp[0], hRgnTemp[1], CombineRegionMode.Or);
                hRgnTemp[5].CombineRegion(hRgnTemp[2], hRgnTemp[3], CombineRegionMode.Or);
                hRgnClip.CombineRegion(hRgnTemp[4], hRgnTemp[5], CombineRegionMode.Xor);
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)



            case MessageType.Paint:
                using (DeviceContext dc = window.BeginPaint())
                    dc.SetViewportOrigin(new Point(cxClient / 2, cyClient / 2));

                    double fRadius = Hypotenuse(cxClient / 2.0, cyClient / 2.0);

                    for (double fAngle = 0.0; fAngle < TWO_PI; fAngle += TWO_PI / 360)
                        dc.LineTo(new Point(
                                      (int)(fRadius * Math.Cos(fAngle) + 0.5),
                                      (int)(-fRadius * Math.Sin(fAngle) + 0.5)));
Esempio n. 11
 public unsafe DirectXWindowClass(
     string className = default,
     ModuleInstance moduleInstance = default,
     ClassStyle classStyle         = ClassStyle.HorizontalRedraw | ClassStyle.VerticalRedraw,
     IconHandle icon      = default,
     IconHandle smallIcon = default,
     CursorHandle cursor  = default,
     string menuName      = null,
     int menuId           = 0,
     int classExtraBytes  = 0,
     int windowExtraBytes = 0)
     : base(className, moduleInstance, classStyle, BrushHandle.NoBrush, icon, smallIcon, cursor, menuName, menuId, classExtraBytes, windowExtraBytes)
Esempio n. 12
 internal unsafe Cursor(CursorHandle cursorHandle, QueryFunctions.CursorResultDelegate cursorResult, int count, JsonSerializer serializer)
     : base(cursorHandle, cursorResult, count)
     Serializer = serializer;
Esempio n. 13
 public static CursorHandle SetCursor(CursorHandle cursor)
Esempio n. 14
 public static extern SharedCursorHandle SetCursor(
     CursorHandle hCursor);
Esempio n. 15
 internal unsafe CursorBase(CursorHandle cursorHandle, QueryFunctions.CursorResultDelegate cursorResult, int count)
     _cursorHandle = cursorHandle;
     _cursorResult = cursorResult;
     _count        = count;
Esempio n. 16
        public void test_Transactions()
            MQConnection con = null;

            try {
                con = connectToServer(address, null, null);


                QueueHandle handle = new QueueHandle();
                ErrorCode   ec     = con.OpenQueue(TEST_QUEUE[0], handle);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to open queue: " + TEST_QUEUE[0]);

                sendMessages(con, handle, 10, 0);

                ec = con.BeginTransaction();
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to BeginTransaction:" + ec);
                CursorHandle cur = new CursorHandle();

                ec = con.OpenCursor(handle, cur);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to OpenCursor:" + ec);

                ec = con.AdvanceCursor(handle, cur);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to AdvanceCursor:" + ec);
                ec = con.AdvanceCursor(handle, cur);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to AdvanceCursor:" + ec);

                QueueMessage msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec = con.RetrieveCursor(handle, true, cur, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RetrieveCursor:" + ec);
                string txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Equals("2"), "Incorrect Message: " + txt + " should be 2");

                msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec  = con.RetrieveCursor(handle, true, cur, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RetrieveCursor:" + ec);
                txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Equals("3"), "Incorrect Message: " + txt + " should be 3");

                msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec  = con.Retrieve(handle, true, 0, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RetrieveCursor:" + ec);
                txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Equals("0"), "Incorrect Message: " + txt + " should be 0");

                int[] ids = { 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
                for (int x = 0; x < ids.Length; x++)
                    msg = new QueueMessage();
                    ec  = con.Retrieve(handle, true, 0, msg);
                    Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RetrieveCursor:" + ec);
                    txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("txt: " + txt);
                    Assert.IsTrue(int.Parse(txt) == ids[x], "Incorrect Message: " + txt + " should be " + ids[x]);

                ec = con.RollbackTransaction();
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RollbackTransaction:" + ec);

                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    msg = new QueueMessage();
                    ec  = con.Retrieve(handle, true, 0, msg);
                    Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RetrieveCursor:" + ec);
                    txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                    Assert.IsTrue(int.Parse(txt) == x, "Incorrect Message: " + txt + " should be " + x);

                ec = con.CommitTransaction();
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to CommitTransaction:" + ec);

                for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                    msg = new QueueMessage();
                    ec  = con.Retrieve(handle, true, 0, msg);
                    Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RetrieveCursor:" + ec);
                    txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                    Assert.IsTrue(int.Parse(txt) == x + 8, "Incorrect Message: " + txt + " should be " + (x + 8));

                ec = con.RollbackTransaction();
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RollbackTransaction:" + ec);

                ec = con.EndTransaction();
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RollbackTransaction:" + ec);

                for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                    msg = new QueueMessage();
                    ec  = con.Retrieve(handle, true, 0, msg);
                    Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RetrieveCursor:" + ec);
                    txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                    Assert.IsTrue(int.Parse(txt) == x + 8, "Incorrect Message: " + txt + " should be " + (x + 8));

                msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec  = con.Retrieve(handle, true, 0, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOMOREMESSAGES, "Able to RetrieveCursor:" + ec);

                ec = con.CloseQueue(handle);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unble to CloseQueue:" + ec);
            } finally {
                if (con != null)
Esempio n. 17
        public void test_PeekID_PeekFront_OpenCursor_PeekCursor_SeekID_RetrieveCursor_AdvanceCursor_TestCurosr_CloseCursor_RetrieveID()
            MQConnection con = null;

            try {
                con = connectToServer(address, null, null);


                QueueHandle handle = new QueueHandle();
                ErrorCode   ec     = con.OpenQueue(TEST_QUEUE[0], handle);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to open queue: " + TEST_QUEUE[0]);

                sendMessages(con, handle, 5, 0);
                QueueMessage msg = new QueueMessage();
                StreamWriter sw  = new StreamWriter(msg.Stream);

                byte[] b    = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                UUID   uuid = new UUID(new Guid(123456789, 4321, 1234, b));
                msg.ReciptID = uuid;
                //msg.ReciptID = ((UUID)uuid.Clone());

                ec = con.Enqueue(handle, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to write special message");

                sendMessages(con, handle, 5, 5);

                msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec  = con.PeekID(handle, true, uuid, 0, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to PeekID:" + ec);

                string txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("txt:\t\t\t" + txt);
                Console.WriteLine("uuid:\t\t\t" + (Guid)uuid);
                Console.WriteLine("msg.ReceiptID:\t" + (Guid)msg.ReciptID);
                Console.WriteLine("txt.Equals(SPECIAL_MESSAGE): " + txt.Equals(SPECIAL_MESSAGE));
                Console.WriteLine("uuid.Equals(msg.ReceiptID)): " + uuid.Equals(msg.ReciptID));
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Equals(SPECIAL_MESSAGE) && uuid.Equals(msg.ReciptID), "Incorrect PeekID Message: " + (Guid)msg.ReciptID);

                msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec  = con.PeekFront(handle, true, 0, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to PeekFront");
                txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Equals("0"), "Incorrect PeekFront Message: body=" + txt);

                CursorHandle cur = new CursorHandle();

                ec = con.OpenCursor(handle, cur);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to OpenCursor");

                ec = con.SeekID(handle, uuid, 0, cur);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to SeekID");
                msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec  = con.PeekCursor(handle, true, cur, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to PeekCursor");
                txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Equals(SPECIAL_MESSAGE) && uuid.Equals(msg.ReciptID), "Incorrect PeekCursor Message: " + msg.ReciptID);

                ec = con.AdvanceCursor(handle, cur);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to AdvanceCursor");
                msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec  = con.PeekCursor(handle, true, cur, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to PeekCursor (after advance)");
                txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Equals("5"), "Incorrect PeekCursor (after advance) Message: " + msg.ReciptID);

                msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec  = con.RetrieveCursor(handle, true, cur, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RetrieveCursor");
                txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Equals("5"), "Incorrect PeekCursor (after RetrieveCursor) Message: " + msg.ReciptID);

                ec = con.TestCursor(handle, cur);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to test Cursor, ec: " + ec);

                ec = con.CloseCursor(handle, cur);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to CloseCursor, ec: " + ec);

                msg = new QueueMessage();
                ec  = con.RetrieveID(handle, true, uuid, 0, msg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to RetrieveID");
                txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Equals(SPECIAL_MESSAGE) && uuid.Equals(msg.ReciptID), "Incorrect RetrieveID Message: " + msg.ReciptID);

                int[] bodies = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; // 5 was retrieved above.
                for (int x = 0; x < bodies.Length; x++)
                    msg = new QueueMessage();
                    ec  = con.Retrieve(handle, true, 0, msg);
                    Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to retrieve message: " + x);
                    txt = (new StreamReader(msg.Stream)).ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("txt: " + txt);
                    Assert.IsTrue(int.Parse(txt) == bodies[x], "Incorrect message: " + txt);

                ec = con.CloseQueue(handle);
                Assert.IsTrue(ec == ErrorCode.EC_NOERROR, "Unable to Close queue");
            } finally {
                if (con != null)
Esempio n. 18
        static LRESULT WindowProcedure(WindowHandle window, WindowMessage message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
            switch (message)
            case WindowMessage.Size:
                cxClient = lParam.LowWord;
                cyClient = lParam.HighWord;

                CursorHandle hCursor = Windows.SetCursor(CursorId.Wait);


                RegionHandle[] hRgnTemp = new RegionHandle[6];

                hRgnTemp[0] = Windows.CreateEllipticRegion(0, cyClient / 3, cxClient / 2, 2 * cyClient / 3);
                hRgnTemp[1] = Windows.CreateEllipticRegion(cxClient / 2, cyClient / 3, cxClient, 2 * cyClient / 3);
                hRgnTemp[2] = Windows.CreateEllipticRegion(cxClient / 3, 0, 2 * cxClient / 3, cyClient / 2);
                hRgnTemp[3] = Windows.CreateEllipticRegion(cxClient / 3, cyClient / 2, 2 * cxClient / 3, cyClient);
                hRgnTemp[4] = Windows.CreateRectangleRegion(0, 0, 1, 1);
                hRgnTemp[5] = Windows.CreateRectangleRegion(0, 0, 1, 1);
                hRgnClip    = Windows.CreateRectangleRegion(0, 0, 1, 1);
                hRgnTemp[4].CombineRegion(hRgnTemp[0], hRgnTemp[1], CombineRegionMode.Or);
                hRgnTemp[5].CombineRegion(hRgnTemp[2], hRgnTemp[3], CombineRegionMode.Or);
                hRgnClip.CombineRegion(hRgnTemp[4], hRgnTemp[5], CombineRegionMode.Xor);
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)



            case WindowMessage.Paint:
                using (DeviceContext dc = window.BeginPaint())
                    dc.SetViewportOrigin(cxClient / 2, cyClient / 2);

                    double fRadius = Hypotenuse(cxClient / 2.0, cyClient / 2.0);

                    for (double fAngle = 0.0; fAngle < TWO_PI; fAngle += TWO_PI / 360)
                        dc.MoveTo(0, 0);
                            (int)(fRadius * Math.Cos(fAngle) + 0.5),
                            (int)(-fRadius * Math.Sin(fAngle) + 0.5));

            case WindowMessage.Destroy:

            return(Windows.DefaultWindowProcedure(window, message, wParam, lParam));
Esempio n. 19
 public static extern CursorHandle CopyCursor(
     CursorHandle pcur);
Esempio n. 20
 public static extern bool SetSystemCursor(
     CursorHandle hcur,
     SystemCursor id);