public void Start() { // Cursor.visible = false; firstFrame = true; //Get Erase effect boundary area ScreenRect.x = Dust.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.min.x; ScreenRect.y = Dust.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.min.y; ScreenRect.width = Dust.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x; ScreenRect.height = Dust.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y; dustDepth = Dust.transform.position.z - transform.position.z; brushRect.width = EraserMaterial.mainTexture.width / 100.0f * brushSize; brushRect.height = EraserMaterial.mainTexture.height / 100.0f * brushSize; rt = new RenderTexture(Screen.width, Screen.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.Default); GetComponent <Camera>().targetTexture = rt; Dust.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetTexture("_MaskTex", rt); GenerateRects(); audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); dirCursor = CursorDirection.None; shakeDistance = Mathf.Sqrt((Screen.width * Screen.width) + (Screen.height * Screen.height)) * 5f / 100; cursorTexture.localScale = * cursorTextureSize * brushSize; }
public void Move(CursorDirection direction, int steps) { if (steps == 0) { return; } switch (direction) { case CursorDirection.Up: _backend.Write(new ControlCode(CUU(steps))); break; case CursorDirection.Down: _backend.Write(new ControlCode(CUD(steps))); break; case CursorDirection.Right: _backend.Write(new ControlCode(CUF(steps))); break; case CursorDirection.Left: _backend.Write(new ControlCode(CUB(steps))); break; } }
private int GetNewLocation(int location, CursorDirection direction) { if (direction == CursorDirection.Down) { location++; if (location == 3) { location = m_moveWrapping ? 0 : 2; } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Up) { if (location == 0) { location = m_moveWrapping ? 2 : 0; } else { location--; } } return(location); }
public void Move(CursorDirection direction, int steps) { if (steps == 0) { return; } switch (direction) { case CursorDirection.Up: System.Console.CursorTop -= steps; break; case CursorDirection.Down: System.Console.CursorTop += steps; break; case CursorDirection.Left: System.Console.CursorLeft -= steps; break; case CursorDirection.Right: System.Console.CursorLeft += steps; break; } }
public void Move(CursorDirection direction, int steps) { if (steps == 0) { return; } switch (direction) { case CursorDirection.Up: _renderer.Write(Segment.Control($"\u001b[{steps}A")); break; case CursorDirection.Down: _renderer.Write(Segment.Control($"\u001b[{steps}B")); break; case CursorDirection.Right: _renderer.Write(Segment.Control($"\u001b[{steps}C")); break; case CursorDirection.Left: _renderer.Write(Segment.Control($"\u001b[{steps}D")); break; } }
public void MoveCursorInDirection(CursorDirection direction) { switch (direction) { case CursorDirection.Down: MapCoordinates.Y++; break; case CursorDirection.Right: MapCoordinates.X++; break; case CursorDirection.Up: MapCoordinates.Y--; break; case CursorDirection.Left: MapCoordinates.X--; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("direction", direction, null); } PreventCursorLeavingMapBounds(); }
public Boolean MoveCharacterCursor(CursorDirection direction, Point gridsize, Boolean wrapping) { Point newlocation = GetNewLocation(CurrentCell, direction, gridsize, wrapping); Boolean hasmoved = CurrentCell != newlocation; CurrentCell = newlocation; return(hasmoved); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (ShouldCalculateAngle) { Angle = GetAngle(); SwipeDirection = GetDirection(); ShouldCalculateAngle = false; } }
public bool MoveTeamModeCursor(CursorDirection direction) { var newlocation = GetNewLocation(CurrentLocation, direction); var hasmoved = CurrentLocation != newlocation; CurrentLocation = newlocation; return(hasmoved); }
public bool MoveCharacterCursor(CursorDirection direction, Point gridsize, bool wrapping) { var newlocation = GetNewLocation(CurrentCell, direction, gridsize, wrapping); var hasmoved = CurrentCell != newlocation; CurrentCell = newlocation; return(hasmoved); }
public bool MoveCharacterCursor(CursorDirection direction, Point gridsize, bool wrapping) { if (State == TeamSelectState.SelectSelf) { return(P1SelectData.MoveCharacterCursor(direction, gridsize, wrapping)); } if (State == TeamSelectState.SelectMate) { return(P2SelectData.MoveCharacterCursor(direction, gridsize, wrapping)); } return(false); }
void MoveCharacterSelection(SelectData data, CursorDirection direction) { if (data == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("data"); } if (data.MoveCharacterCursor(direction, m_gridsize, m_wrapping) == true) { data.PlayCursorMoveSound(); } }
private void MoveCharacterSelection(SelectData data, CursorDirection direction) { if (data == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data)); } if (data.MoveCharacterCursor(direction, Grid.Size, Grid.Wrapping)) { data.PlayCursorMoveSound(); } }
private void MoveTeamModeSelection(TeamSelectData data, CursorDirection direction) { if (data == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data)); } if (data.MoveTeamModeCursor(direction)) { data.PlayCursorMoveSound(); } }
private void pnImage_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int cX = this.cutRectangle.X; int cY = this.cutRectangle.Y; int cW = this.cutRectangle.Width; int cH = this.cutRectangle.Height; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (this.InCutRectangle(cX, cY, cW, cH, e)) { if (this.InCutRectangleTop(cX, cY, cW, cH, e)) { this.currentCursor = CursorDirection.eTop; } else if (this.InCutRectangleBottom(cX, cY, cW, cH, e)) { this.currentCursor = CursorDirection.eBottom; } else if (this.InCutRectangleLeft(cX, cY, cW, cH, e)) { this.currentCursor = CursorDirection.eLeft; } else if (this.InCutRectangleRight(cX, cY, cW, cH, e)) { this.currentCursor = CursorDirection.eRight; } else if (this.InCutRectangleLeftOrTop(cX, cY, cW, cH, e)) { this.currentCursor = CursorDirection.eLeftTop; } else if (this.InCutRectangleRightOrTop(cX, cY, cW, cH, e)) { this.currentCursor = CursorDirection.eRightTop; } else if (this.InCutRectangleLeftOrBottom(cX, cY, cW, cH, e)) { this.currentCursor = CursorDirection.eLeftBottom; } else if (this.InCutRectangleRightOrBottom(cX, cY, cW, cH, e)) { this.currentCursor = CursorDirection.eRightBottom; } else { this.currentCursor = CursorDirection.eMove; } this.currentPos = e.Location; this.startMove = true; } } }
public void Should_Return_Correct_Ansi_Code(CursorDirection direction, string expected) { // Given var console = new FakeAnsiConsole(ColorSystem.Standard, AnsiSupport.Yes); // When console.Write("Hello"); console.Cursor.Move(direction, 2); console.Write("World"); // Then console.Output.ShouldBe(expected); }
public void Should_Return_Correct_Ansi_Code(CursorDirection direction, string expected) { // Given var console = new TestConsole().EmitAnsiSequences(); // When console.Write("Hello"); console.Cursor.Move(direction, 2); console.Write("World"); // Then console.Output.ShouldBe(expected); }
private bool CheckShake() { if (Input.mousePosition.x >= 0 && Input.mousePosition.x <= Screen.width && Input.mousePosition.y >= 0 && Input.mousePosition.y <= Screen.height) { if (minCursor == null) { minCursor = Input.mousePosition; list_ShakePoints.Add(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(minCursor.Value.x, minCursor.Value.y, dustDepth))); return(false); } maxCursor = Input.mousePosition; Vector2 mouseDir = maxCursor - minCursor.Value; if (Vector2.Distance(minCursor.Value, maxCursor) > shakeDistance) { CursorDirection tempDirCursor; if (mouseDir.x >= 0) { tempDirCursor = mouseDir.y >= 0 ? CursorDirection.RightUp : CursorDirection.LeftUp; } else { tempDirCursor = mouseDir.y >= 0 ? CursorDirection.RightDown : CursorDirection.LeftDown; } if (dirCursor != tempDirCursor) { if (dirCursor != CursorDirection.None) { shakeIterations++; // print ("Shake Iteration From " + dirCursor + " To " + tempDirCursor + " / " + shakeIterations); list_ShakePoints.Add(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(minCursor.Value.x, minCursor.Value.y, dustDepth))); list_ShakePoints.Add(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(maxCursor.x, maxCursor.y, dustDepth))); } minCursor = Input.mousePosition; dirCursor = tempDirCursor; } if (shakeIterations == 2) { shakeIterations = 0; return(true); } } } return(false); }
private bool CheckShake() { if (Input.mousePosition.x >= 0 && Input.mousePosition.x <= Screen.width && Input.mousePosition.y >= 0 && Input.mousePosition.y <= Screen.height) { if (minCursor == null) { minCursor = Input.mousePosition; return(false); } maxCursor = Input.mousePosition; Vector2 mouseDir = maxCursor - minCursor.Value; if (Vector2.Distance(minCursor.Value, maxCursor) > shakeDistance) { CursorDirection tempDirCursor; if (mouseDir.x >= 0) { tempDirCursor = mouseDir.y >= 0 ? CursorDirection.RightUp : CursorDirection.LeftUp; } else { tempDirCursor = mouseDir.y >= 0 ? CursorDirection.RightDown : CursorDirection.LeftDown; } if (dirCursor != tempDirCursor) { if (dirCursor != CursorDirection.None) { shakeIterations++; } minCursor = Input.mousePosition; dirCursor = tempDirCursor; } if (shakeIterations == 2) { shakeIterations = 0; return(true); } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Sets cursor move direction and specifies display shift. These operations are /// performed during data write and read. /// </summary> /// <param name="displayShift">Enable or disable display shifting</param> /// <param name="cursorDirection">Cursor move direction</param> public void EntryModeSet(DisplayShift displayShift, CursorDirection cursorDirection) { // DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 // 0 0 0 0 0 1 I/D S byte entryModeCmd = ENTRY_MODE_SET; // if requested display shifting if (displayShift == DisplayShift.Yes) { entryModeCmd |= DISPLAY_SHIFT_ENABLE; } // cursor direction if display shifting enabled if (cursorDirection == CursorDirection.Increment) { entryModeCmd |= CURSOR_DIRECTION_INCREMENT; } this.SendCommand(entryModeCmd); // 37 us (datasheet) }
public Request OpenKeyCursor(object range, CursorDirection direction) { return default(Request); }
//カーソルの見た目変更 private void FlatThumb_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Point p = e.GetPosition(this); bool isNoth = false, isSouth = false, isEast = false, isWest = false; if (p.X < cMargin) { isWest = true; } if (p.X > Width - cMargin) { isEast = true; } if (p.Y < cMargin) { isNoth = true; } if (p.Y > Height - cMargin) { isSouth = true; } if (isNoth)//北 { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; MyCursorDirection = CursorDirection.Noth; if (isWest)//北西 { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; MyCursorDirection = CursorDirection.NothWest; } else if (isEast)//北東 { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; MyCursorDirection = CursorDirection.NothEast; } } else if (isSouth)//南 { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; MyCursorDirection = CursorDirection.South; if (isWest)//南西 { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; MyCursorDirection = CursorDirection.SouthWest; } else if (isEast)//南東 { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; MyCursorDirection = CursorDirection.SouthEast; } } else if (isWest)//西 { Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; MyCursorDirection = CursorDirection.West; } else if (isEast)//東 { Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; MyCursorDirection = CursorDirection.East; } else//その他 { Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; MyCursorDirection = CursorDirection.None; } }
private bool CheckShake() { if(Input.mousePosition.x >= 0 && Input.mousePosition.x <= Screen.width && Input.mousePosition.y >= 0 && Input.mousePosition.y <= Screen.height) { if(minCursor == null) { minCursor = Input.mousePosition; list_ShakePoints.Add(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(minCursor.Value.x, minCursor.Value.y, dustDepth))); return false; } maxCursor = Input.mousePosition; Vector2 mouseDir = maxCursor - minCursor.Value; if(Vector2.Distance(minCursor.Value,maxCursor) > shakeDistance) { CursorDirection tempDirCursor; if(mouseDir.x >= 0) tempDirCursor = mouseDir.y >= 0 ? CursorDirection.RightUp : CursorDirection.LeftUp; else tempDirCursor = mouseDir.y >= 0 ? CursorDirection.RightDown : CursorDirection.LeftDown; if(dirCursor != tempDirCursor) { if(dirCursor != CursorDirection.None) { shakeIterations ++; // print ("Shake Iteration From " + dirCursor + " To " + tempDirCursor + " / " + shakeIterations); list_ShakePoints.Add(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(minCursor.Value.x, minCursor.Value.y, dustDepth))); list_ShakePoints.Add(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(maxCursor.x, maxCursor.y, dustDepth))); } minCursor = Input.mousePosition; dirCursor = tempDirCursor; } if(shakeIterations == 2) { shakeIterations = 0; return true; } } } return false; }
public void Start() { // Cursor.visible = false; firstFrame = true; //Get Erase effect boundary area ScreenRect.x = Dust.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.min.x; ScreenRect.y = Dust.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.min.y; ScreenRect.width = Dust.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x; ScreenRect.height = Dust.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y; dustDepth = Dust.transform.position.z - transform.position.z; brushRect.width = EraserMaterial.mainTexture.width / 100.0f * brushSize; brushRect.height = EraserMaterial.mainTexture.height / 100.0f * brushSize; rt = new RenderTexture(Screen.width, Screen.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.Default); GetComponent<Camera>().targetTexture = rt; Dust.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetTexture("_MaskTex", rt); GenerateRects (); audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); dirCursor = CursorDirection.None; shakeDistance = Mathf.Sqrt((Screen.width * Screen.width) + (Screen.height * Screen.height)) * 5f / 100; cursorTexture.localScale = * cursorTextureSize * brushSize; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ShouldCalculateAngle = false; SwipeDirection = CursorDirection.None; }
public Boolean MoveCharacterCursor(CursorDirection direction, Point gridsize, Boolean wrapping) { Point newlocation = GetNewLocation(CurrentCell, direction, gridsize, wrapping); Boolean hasmoved = CurrentCell != newlocation; CurrentCell = newlocation; return hasmoved; }
public Request OpenKeyCursor(object range, CursorDirection direction) { return(default(Request)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets cursor move direction and specifies display shift. These operations are /// performed during data write and read. /// </summary> /// <param name="displayShift">Enable or disable display shifting</param> /// <param name="cursorDirection">Cursor move direction</param> public void EntryModeSet(DisplayShift displayShift, CursorDirection cursorDirection) { // DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 // 0 0 0 0 0 1 I/D S byte entryModeCmd = ENTRY_MODE_SET; // if requested display shifting if (displayShift == DisplayShift.Yes) entryModeCmd |= DISPLAY_SHIFT_ENABLE; // cursor direction if display shifting enabled if (cursorDirection == CursorDirection.Increment) entryModeCmd |= CURSOR_DIRECTION_INCREMENT; this.SendCommand(entryModeCmd); // 37 us (datasheet) }
Point GetNewLocation(Point location, CursorDirection direction, Point gridsize, Boolean wrapping) { if (direction == CursorDirection.Down) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(0, 1); if (newlocation.Y > gridsize.Y - 1) { if (wrapping == false) { return(location); } newlocation.Y = 0; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.Y; i < gridsize.Y; ++i) { newlocation.Y = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) { return(newlocation); } } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Up) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(0, -1); if (newlocation.Y < 0) { if (wrapping == false) { return(location); } newlocation.Y = gridsize.Y - 1; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.Y; i >= 0; --i) { newlocation.Y = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) { return(newlocation); } } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Left) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(-1, 0); if (newlocation.X < 0) { if (wrapping == false) { return(location); } newlocation.X = gridsize.X - 1; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.X; i >= 0; --i) { newlocation.X = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) { return(newlocation); } } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Right) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(1, 0); if (newlocation.X > gridsize.X - 1) { if (wrapping == false) { return(location); } newlocation.X = 0; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.X; i < gridsize.X; ++i) { newlocation.X = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) { return(newlocation); } } } return(location); }
public void Update(SceneContext c, GameTime gt) { if (c.IsFlagSetOR(GameFlagMask.CROSSHAIR_HIDE_MASK)) { pj.WorldAnchorB = this.FocusedEntity.Mesh.Body.Position; return; } float dx = 0; float dy = 0; //InputConfig ic = InputConfig.Instance; //if (ic.RIGHT_AXIS.WasMoved) //{ // dx = ic.RIGHT_AXIS.DX; // dy = ic.RIGHT_AXIS.DY; //} //else //{ // dx = ic.MOUSE.DX; // dy = ic.MOUSE.DY; //} foreach (Axis a in this.ListeningAxis) { if (a.WasMoved) { dx = a.DX; dy = a.DY; break; } } // // Ray berechnen -> das ist die richtung/bahn auf der projektiele fliegen werden -> wird vom offsetpunkt an berechnet CursorDirection = this.FocusedEntity.Mesh.Body.Position - this.Sensor.Position; //Vector2.Subtract(actorData.RightHandOffset, new Vector2(this.X, this.Y)); CursorDirection.Normalize(); CursorDirection = Vector2.Negate(CursorDirection); // player rotation setzen float bodyAngle = this.FocusedEntity.Mesh.Body.Rotation; float desiredAngle = -VectorMath.GetAngle(CursorDirection); float speed = this.FocusedEntity.GetAttribute <ActorDataAttribute>().RotationSpeed; /// source: float nextAngle = bodyAngle + this.FocusedEntity.Mesh.Body.AngularVelocity / speed; float totalRotation = desiredAngle - nextAngle; while (totalRotation < -180 * DEGTORAD) { totalRotation += 360 * DEGTORAD; } while (totalRotation > 180 * DEGTORAD) { totalRotation -= 360 * DEGTORAD; } float desiredAngularVelocity = totalRotation * speed; float torque = this.FocusedEntity.Mesh.Body.Inertia * desiredAngularVelocity / (1 / speed); this.FocusedEntity.Mesh.Body.ApplyTorque(torque); // position: this.relativePos -= ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(new Vector2(dx, dy) * CursorSensitivity); if (VectorMath.Distance(new Vector2(), this.relativePos) >= ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(this.CursorRange)) { //nicht die ray nemen, sondern vom mittelpunkt des spielers ausgehen Vector2 rangeDir = this.relativePos; rangeDir.Normalize(); this.relativePos = rangeDir * ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(this.CursorRange); } pj.WorldAnchorB = this.FocusedEntity.Mesh.Body.Position + this.relativePos; foreach (ICrosshairDrawableProcessor dp in this.drawableProcessor) { dp.Update(c, gt); } // Update Tool if (this.SelectedTool != null) { if (this.PrimaryAction.WasPressed) { this.SelectedTool.OnPrimaryDown(c); } if (this.PrimaryAction.WasReleased) { this.SelectedTool.OnPrimaryUp(c); } if (this.SecondaryAction.WasPressed) { this.SelectedTool.OnSecondaryDown(c); } if (this.SecondaryAction.WasReleased) { this.SelectedTool.OnSecondaryUp(c); } this.SelectedTool.Update(c, gt); } }
Point GetNewLocation(Point location, CursorDirection direction, Point gridsize, Boolean wrapping) { if (direction == CursorDirection.Down) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(0, 1); if (newlocation.Y > gridsize.Y - 1) { if (wrapping == false) return location; newlocation.Y = 0; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.Y; i < gridsize.Y; ++i) { newlocation.Y = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) return newlocation; } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Up) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(0, -1); if (newlocation.Y < 0) { if (wrapping == false) return location; newlocation.Y = gridsize.Y - 1; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.Y; i >= 0; --i) { newlocation.Y = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) return newlocation; } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Left) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(-1, 0); if (newlocation.X < 0) { if (wrapping == false) return location; newlocation.X = gridsize.X - 1; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.X; i >= 0; --i) { newlocation.X = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) return newlocation; } } if (direction == CursorDirection.Right) { Point newlocation = location + new Point(1, 0); if (newlocation.X > gridsize.X - 1) { if (wrapping == false) return location; newlocation.X = 0; } for (Int32 i = newlocation.X; i < gridsize.X; ++i) { newlocation.X = i; PlayerSelect selection = SelectScreen.GetSelection(newlocation, true); if (selection != null || m_moveoverempty == true) return newlocation; } } return location; }
public void Move(CursorDirection direction, int steps) { }
private void MoveCursorInDirectionNew(CursorDirection direction) { if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null && this.allClickableComponents != null && this.allClickableComponents.Count <ClickableComponent>() > 0) { this.snapToDefaultClickableComponent(); if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null) { this.currentlySnappedComponent = this.allClickableComponents.First <ClickableComponent>(); } } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null) { return; } ClickableComponent snappedComponent = this.currentlySnappedComponent; switch (direction) { case CursorDirection.Up: if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.upNeighborID == -99999) { this.snapToDefaultClickableComponent(); } else if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.upNeighborID == -7777) { this.customSnapBehavior(0, this.currentlySnappedComponent.region, this.currentlySnappedComponent.myID); } else { this.currentlySnappedComponent = this.getComponentWithID(this.currentlySnappedComponent.upNeighborID); } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent != null && (snappedComponent == null || snappedComponent.upNeighborID != -7777) && (!this.currentlySnappedComponent.downNeighborImmutable && !this.currentlySnappedComponent.fullyImmutable)) { this.currentlySnappedComponent.downNeighborID = snappedComponent.myID; } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null) { this.noSnappedComponentFound(0, snappedComponent.region, snappedComponent.myID); break; } break; case CursorDirection.Right: if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.rightNeighborID == -99999) { this.snapToDefaultClickableComponent(); } else if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.rightNeighborID == -7777) { this.customSnapBehavior(1, this.currentlySnappedComponent.region, this.currentlySnappedComponent.myID); } // Code added: Sets the correct snapped component (first lost book) when the [Lost Books] sidetab is selected // and the player presses the [Right] button to snap to a book item. Previously, the snapped component was set to // the component with ID = 0 in the collections page. The first item with ID = 0 is the first item in the [Shipped] tab // and has the wrong item offset. As a result, continous right-snapping or below snapping would fail to snap to the correct // [Lost Book]. else if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.myID >= region_sideTabShipped && this.currentlySnappedComponent.myID <= region_sideTabLostBooks && ModEntry.CommonServices.ReflectionHelper.GetField <int>(this, "currentTab").GetValue() == lostBooksTabPageIndex) { this.currentlySnappedComponent = this.getComponentWithID(LostBooksTab_ItemBaseId); } // Code added: Sets the correct snapped component (first lost book) when a sidetab other than [Lost Books] is selected // and the player presses the [Right] button to snap to an item while the [Lost Books] item is snapped. // Without this code the snapped item will be treated as a [Lost Book] (with its non-standard item offset). // Since the item offset is the same for every sidetab other than [Lost Books], we simply set the currently snapped item // to the first item with ID = 0 which is the first item for every original sidetab. else if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.myID == region_sideTabLostBooks && ModEntry.CommonServices.ReflectionHelper.GetField <int>(this, "currentTab").GetValue() != lostBooksTabPageIndex) { this.currentlySnappedComponent = this.getComponentWithID(0); } else { this.currentlySnappedComponent = this.getComponentWithID(this.currentlySnappedComponent.rightNeighborID); } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent != null && (snappedComponent == null || snappedComponent.rightNeighborID != -7777) && (!this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborImmutable && !this.currentlySnappedComponent.fullyImmutable)) { this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborID = snappedComponent.myID; } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null && snappedComponent.tryDefaultIfNoRightNeighborExists) { this.snapToDefaultClickableComponent(); break; } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null) { this.noSnappedComponentFound(1, snappedComponent.region, snappedComponent.myID); break; } break; case CursorDirection.Down: if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.downNeighborID == -99999) { this.snapToDefaultClickableComponent(); } else if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.downNeighborID == -7777) { this.customSnapBehavior(2, this.currentlySnappedComponent.region, this.currentlySnappedComponent.myID); } else { this.currentlySnappedComponent = this.getComponentWithID(this.currentlySnappedComponent.downNeighborID); } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent != null && (snappedComponent == null || snappedComponent.downNeighborID != -7777) && (!this.currentlySnappedComponent.upNeighborImmutable && !this.currentlySnappedComponent.fullyImmutable)) { this.currentlySnappedComponent.upNeighborID = snappedComponent.myID; } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null && snappedComponent.tryDefaultIfNoDownNeighborExists) { this.snapToDefaultClickableComponent(); break; } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null) { this.noSnappedComponentFound(2, snappedComponent.region, snappedComponent.myID); break; } break; case CursorDirection.Left: if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborID == -99999) { this.snapToDefaultClickableComponent(); } else if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborID == -7777) { this.customSnapBehavior(3, this.currentlySnappedComponent.region, this.currentlySnappedComponent.myID); } else { //this.currentlySnappedComponent = this.getComponentWithID(this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborID); // Addd code: This addition makes sure that the cursor will snap to the selected sidetab (and not the first tab) // when the player presses [Left] when on the leftmost column of a collections page. var currentTab = ModEntry.CommonServices.ReflectionHelper.GetField <int>(this, "currentTab").GetValue(); if (this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborID >= sideTabs_FirstIndex && this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborID <= sideTabs_FirstIndex + secretNotesTab && this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborID != sideTabs_FirstIndex + currentTab) { //var currentTab = ModEntry.CommonServices.ReflectionHelper.GetField<int>(this, "currentTab").GetValue(); this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborID = sideTabs_FirstIndex + currentTab; this.currentlySnappedComponent = this.getComponentWithID(sideTabs_FirstIndex + currentTab); } else { this.currentlySnappedComponent = this.getComponentWithID(this.currentlySnappedComponent.leftNeighborID); } } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent != null && (snappedComponent == null || snappedComponent.leftNeighborID != -7777) && (!this.currentlySnappedComponent.rightNeighborImmutable && !this.currentlySnappedComponent.fullyImmutable)) { this.currentlySnappedComponent.rightNeighborID = snappedComponent.myID; } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null) { this.noSnappedComponentFound(3, snappedComponent.region, snappedComponent.myID); break; } break; } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent != null && snappedComponent != null && this.currentlySnappedComponent.region != snappedComponent.region) { this.actionOnRegionChange(snappedComponent.region, this.currentlySnappedComponent.region); } if (this.currentlySnappedComponent == null) { this.currentlySnappedComponent = snappedComponent; } this.snapCursorToCurrentSnappedComponent(); Game1.playSound("shiny4"); }
private bool CheckShake() { if(Input.mousePosition.x >= 0 && Input.mousePosition.x <= Screen.width && Input.mousePosition.y >= 0 && Input.mousePosition.y <= Screen.height) { if(minCursor == null) { minCursor = Input.mousePosition; return false; } maxCursor = Input.mousePosition; Vector2 mouseDir = maxCursor - minCursor.Value; if(Vector2.Distance(minCursor.Value,maxCursor) > shakeDistance) { CursorDirection tempDirCursor; if(mouseDir.x >= 0) tempDirCursor = mouseDir.y >= 0 ? CursorDirection.RightUp : CursorDirection.LeftUp; else tempDirCursor = mouseDir.y >= 0 ? CursorDirection.RightDown : CursorDirection.LeftDown; if(dirCursor != tempDirCursor) { if(dirCursor != CursorDirection.None) shakeIterations ++; minCursor = Input.mousePosition; dirCursor = tempDirCursor; } if(shakeIterations == 2) { shakeIterations = 0; return true; } } } return false; }