Esempio n. 1
        private void UpdateAnims()
            if (!m_player.shouldPlayAnims)

            if (this.IsAiming)
                // player is aiming
                // play appropriate anim

                //	this.Play2Animations (new int[]{ 41, 51 }, new int[]{ 2 }, AnimGroup.MyWalkCycle,
                //		AnimGroup.MyWalkCycle, AnimIndex.IdleArmed, AnimIndex.GUN_STAND);

                if (CurrentWeapon.HasFlag(GunFlag.AIMWITHARM))
                    // aim with arm
                    // ie: pistol, tec9, sawnoff

//					var state = PlayerModel.PlayAnim (AnimGroup.Colt45, AnimIndex.colt45_fire);
//					state.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
//					if (state.normalizedTime > m_aimWithArmMaxAnimTime)
//						state.normalizedTime = m_aimWithArmMaxAnimTime;

                    var state = PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.WalkCycle, AnimIndex.Idle);
                    //state.RemoveMixingTransform (PlayerModel.Spine);

                    // rotate right upper arm to match direction of player
                    // we'll need a few adjustments, because arm's right vector is player's forward vector,
                    // and arm's forward vector is player's down vector => arm's up is player's left
                    Vector3 lookAtPos = m_player.transform.position - m_player.transform.up * 500;
                    Vector3 dir       = -m_player.transform.right;
                    PlayerModel.RightUpperArm.LookAt(lookAtPos, dir);
                    // also rotate right hand
                    PlayerModel.RightHand.LookAt(lookAtPos, dir);
                    //	PlayerModel.PlayUpperLayerAnimations (AnimGroup.Rifle, AnimGroup.WalkCycle, AnimIndex.RIFLE_fire, AnimIndex.Idle);

                    var state = PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.Rifle, AnimIndex.RIFLE_fire, true, true);
                    state.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
                    if (state.normalizedTime > m_aimWithRifleMaxAnimTime)
                        //	state.normalizedTime = m_aimWithRifleMaxAnimTime;
                        state.enabled = false;

            if (!m_player.IsInVehicle && !this.IsAiming && this.IsHoldingWeapon)
                // player is not aiming, but is holding a weapon
                // update current anim

                if (m_player.IsRunning)
                    //	Play2Animations (new int[] { 41, 51 }, new int[] { 2 }, AnimGroup.WalkCycle,
                    //		AnimGroup.MyWalkCycle, AnimIndex.Run, AnimIndex.IdleArmed);

                    if (CurrentWeapon.HasFlag(GunFlag.AIMWITHARM))
                        PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.WalkCycle, AnimIndex.Run);
                        PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.Gun, AnimIndex.run_armed);
                else if (m_player.IsWalking)
                    //	Play2Animations (new int[] { 41, 51 }, new int[] { 2 }, AnimGroup.WalkCycle,
                    //		AnimGroup.MyWalkCycle, AnimIndex.Walk, AnimIndex.IdleArmed);

                    if (CurrentWeapon.HasFlag(GunFlag.AIMWITHARM))
                        PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.WalkCycle, AnimIndex.Walk);
                        PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.Gun, AnimIndex.WALK_armed);
                else if (m_player.IsSprinting)
                    if (CurrentWeapon.HasFlag(GunFlag.AIMWITHARM))
                        PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.MyWalkCycle, AnimIndex.sprint_civi);
                        PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.MyWalkCycle, AnimIndex.IdleArmed);
                    // player is standing

                    //	Play2Animations(new int[] { 41, 51 }, new int[] { 2 }, AnimGroup.MyWalkCycle,
                    //		AnimGroup.MyWalkCycle, AnimIndex.IdleArmed, AnimIndex.IdleArmed);

                    if (CurrentWeapon.HasFlag(GunFlag.AIMWITHARM))
                        PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.WalkCycle, AnimIndex.Idle);
                        PlayerModel.PlayAnim(AnimGroup.MyWalkCycle, AnimIndex.IdleArmed);