Esempio n. 1
        internal IList <XYZ> GetEavePointsOnOverhang(XYZ currentPointOnRidge)
            IList <XYZ> ProjectedPoints = new List <XYZ>();

            //XYZ currentPointOnRidge = Curve.Evaluate(Curve.GetEndParameter(0) + distanceAlongRidge, false);
            foreach (XYZ currentPointOnEave in ProjectRidgePointOnEaves(currentPointOnRidge))
                ModelCurveArrArray sketchModels = CurrentRoof.GetProfiles();
                double             minDist      = double.MaxValue;
                ModelCurve         targetEave   = null;
                XYZ projectedPoint = null;

                double currentRoofTotalHeight = GetCurrentRoofHeight();

                foreach (ModelCurveArray currentCurveArr in sketchModels)
                    foreach (ModelCurve currentCurve in currentCurveArr)
                        Curve targetGeoCurve = currentCurve.GeometryCurve;
                        Line  targetGeoLine  = targetGeoCurve as Line;

                        if (targetGeoLine == null)
                            throw new Exception("Eave is not a straight line");

                        targetGeoLine = targetGeoLine.Flatten(currentRoofTotalHeight);

                        double currentDist = targetGeoLine.Project(currentPointOnEave).Distance;
                        if (currentDist < minDist)
                            minDist        = currentDist;
                            targetEave     = currentCurve;
                            projectedPoint = targetGeoLine.Project(currentPointOnEave).XYZPoint;

                double overHang = 0;
                try { overHang = CurrentRoof.get_Overhang(targetEave); }
                catch { }

                currentPointOnRidge = new XYZ(currentPointOnRidge.X, currentPointOnRidge.Y, currentRoofTotalHeight);
                Line l = Line.CreateBound(projectedPoint, currentPointOnRidge);

Esempio n. 2
        internal double GetCurrentRoofHeight()
            ElementId LevelId = CurrentRoof.LevelId;

            if (LevelId == null || LevelId == ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                throw new Exception("Roof level not found!");

            Level     currentRoofLevel = CurrentRoof.Document.GetElement(LevelId) as Level;
            Parameter currentRoofBaseOffsetParameter = CurrentRoof.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ROOF_BASE_LEVEL_PARAM);

            if (currentRoofBaseOffsetParameter == null)
                throw new Exception("Roof level offset not found!");

            double currentRoofBaseOffset  = currentRoofBaseOffsetParameter.AsDouble();
            double currentRoofTotalHeight = currentRoofLevel.ProjectElevation + currentRoofBaseOffset;

Esempio n. 3
        internal XYZ GetTrussTopPoint(XYZ currentPointOnRidge)
            if (RoofLineType == RoofLineType.Ridge)

            //If the is not a Ridge this MUST be a SinglePanelRidge
            if (RoofLineType == RoofLineType.RidgeSinglePanel)

            Line currentRidgeLine = Curve.Clone() as Line;

            if (currentRidgeLine == null)
                throw new Exception("The ridge is not a straight line!");

            ModelCurveArrArray sketchModels = CurrentRoof.GetProfiles();
            double             minDist      = double.MaxValue;
            ModelCurve         targetEave   = null;
            XYZ projectedPoint = null;

            double currentRoofTotalHeight = GetCurrentRoofHeight();

            foreach (ModelCurveArray currentCurveArr in sketchModels)
                foreach (ModelCurve currentCurve in currentCurveArr)
                    Curve targetGeoCurve = currentCurve.GeometryCurve;
                    Line  targetGeoLine  = targetGeoCurve as Line;

                    if (targetGeoLine == null)
                        throw new Exception("Eave is not a straight line");

                    targetGeoLine = targetGeoLine.Flatten(currentRoofTotalHeight);

                    double currentDist = targetGeoLine.Project(currentPointOnRidge).Distance;
                    if (currentDist < minDist)
                        minDist        = currentDist;
                        targetEave     = currentCurve;
                        projectedPoint = targetGeoLine.Project(currentPointOnRidge).XYZPoint;

            double overHang = 0;

            try { overHang = CurrentRoof.get_Overhang(targetEave); }
            catch { }

            XYZ ridgePointFlatten = new XYZ(currentPointOnRidge.X, currentPointOnRidge.Y, currentRoofTotalHeight);

            //We just need to get the side that the eave is to move the point to that direction
            //so we dont need to get a specific eave, lets just project the first one with infinite bounds to get the direction
            if (RelatedRidgeEaves == null || RelatedRidgeEaves.Count == 0)
                RelatedRidgeEaves = GetRelatedEaves();

            if (RelatedRidgeEaves == null || RelatedRidgeEaves.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Related eave or eaves to current singleRidge was not found");

            Curve eaveCurve = RelatedRidgeEaves[0].AsCurve();

            if (eaveCurve as Line == null)
                throw new Exception("Related eave is not a straight line!");

            Line eaveLine = eaveCurve as Line;

            XYZ lineIntersectionPoint = GeometrySupport.GetRoofIntersectionFlattenLines(currentRidgeLine, ridgePointFlatten, eaveLine, currentRoofTotalHeight);

            if (lineIntersectionPoint == null)
                throw new Exception("No Intersection between eave could be estabilished!");

            XYZ overHangdirection = Line.CreateBound(projectedPoint, lineIntersectionPoint).Direction.Normalize();
            XYZ pointOnOverhang   = projectedPoint.Add(overHangdirection.Multiply(overHang));

            //We will get the point on the overhang because if we are working with a single panel ridge it may have overhangs
            XYZ pointOnSupport = GetSupportPoint(pointOnOverhang, currentRidgeLine.Direction.Normalize());

            //Now we will shoot the point up on the Roof
            XYZ startingPoint = new XYZ(pointOnSupport.X, pointOnSupport.Y, pointOnSupport.Z - 1);
            ReferenceIntersector currentRefIntersect = new ReferenceIntersector(CurrentRoof.Id, FindReferenceTarget.Element, CurrentRoof.Document.ActiveView as View3D);
            ReferenceWithContext currenRefContext    = currentRefIntersect.FindNearest(startingPoint, XYZ.BasisZ);

            if (currenRefContext == null)

            XYZ projectedPointOnRoof = currenRefContext.GetReference().GlobalPoint;
