Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Evaluates a member view model and creates an appropriate link to that member's Profile and Account.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="html">html helper</param>
    /// <param name="currentMember">member we wish to create a profile/account link for</param>
    /// <returns>returns either an anchor tag or span tag depending on whether the member is anonymous/exists</returns>
    public static MvcHtmlString CombinedProfileAccountLink(this HtmlHelper html, CurrentMemberVM currentMember)
        MvcHtmlString returnValue = null;
            if (currentMember.IsActive)
                returnValue = MvcHtmlString.Create("<span>My " + html.ActionLink("Profile", MVC.Member.Profile(currentMember.Id.Value, null)).ToString()
                                                        + " | "
                                                        + html.ActionLink("Settings", MVC.Member.Account(currentMember.Id.Value, null)).ToString()
                                                        + "</span>");
            else if (currentMember.Id.HasValue)
                returnValue = html.ActionLink("Activate profile", MVC.Member.ChangePassword(null));
                returnValue = MvcHtmlString.Create("<span>Anonymous</span>");

            return returnValue;
Esempio n. 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Evaluates a member view model and creates an appropriate link to that member's profile.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="html">html helper</param>
    /// <param name="viewModel">member we wish to create a profile link for</param>
    /// <param name="currentMember">member we wish to create a profile/account link for</param>
    /// <returns>returns either an anchor tag or span tag depending on whether the member is anonymous/exists</returns>
    public static MvcHtmlString ProfileLink(this HtmlHelper html, MemberVM viewModel, CurrentMemberVM currentMember, int cutOff = 0)
        MvcHtmlString returnValue = null;

            string linkText;
            if (viewModel == null || viewModel.IsAnonymous)
                linkText = "Anonymous";
                if (cutOff > 0)
                    linkText = IWStringUtility.TruncateClean(linkText, cutOff);
                returnValue = MvcHtmlString.Create("<span>" + linkText + "</span>");
            else if (currentMember != null && viewModel.Id == currentMember.Id)
                if (currentMember.IsActive)
                    linkText = "You";
                    if (cutOff > 0)
                        linkText = IWStringUtility.TruncateClean(linkText, cutOff);
                    returnValue = html.ActionLink(linkText, MVC.Member.Profile(viewModel.Id.Value, null));
                    linkText = "Activate profile";
                    if (cutOff > 0)
                        linkText = IWStringUtility.TruncateClean(linkText, cutOff);
                    returnValue = html.ActionLink(linkText, MVC.Member.Profile(viewModel.Id.Value, null));
                linkText = viewModel.DisplayName;
                if (cutOff > 0)
                    linkText = IWStringUtility.TruncateClean(linkText, cutOff);
                returnValue = html.ActionLink(linkText, MVC.Member.Profile(viewModel.Id.Value, null));

            return returnValue;
Esempio n. 3
        public ProfileVM(ProviderMember aMember, ProviderCurrentMember currentMember, int page)
            string userName = null;
            CurrentMember = new CurrentMemberVM(currentMember, aMember);

            if (CurrentMember.CanEdit)
                userName = aMember.DisplayAdministrativeName;
                userName = aMember.DisplayName;

            int skip = page * BLURBS_PER_PAGE;
            if(skip > MAX_BLURBS)
                ArticleList = new List<ArticleVM>();
                bool? showPublished = true;
                if (CurrentMember.CanEdit)
                    showPublished = null;
                bool? showHidden = false;
                if (CurrentMember.CanEdit)
                    showHidden = null;
                ArticleList = ProviderArticle.LoadNewestBy(aMember, skip, BLURBS_PER_PAGE, showHidden, showPublished)
                                               .ConvertAll<ArticleVM>(anArticle => new ArticleVM(anArticle, currentMember));
            IsLastPage = ArticleList.Count < BLURBS_PER_PAGE;
            NextPage = page + 1;

            if (aMember.HasValidAltId(ProviderAlternateMemberId.AlternateType.Domain))
                ProviderDomain aDomain = aMember.Domains[0];
                HasWeb = true;
                WebUri = aDomain.Domain.AbsoluteUri;
                WebDisplay = IWStringUtility.TruncateClean(aDomain.DisplayName, ProviderMember.UserNameSize);

            PageTitle = userName + " Profile";
            HeaderTitle = IWStringUtility.TruncateClean(userName, 28);
            Birthday = String.Format("{0:MMMM d, yyyy}", aMember.CreateDate);
            MemberId = aMember.Id;
            UserName = userName;
            ProfileImage = MemberBL.GetProfileImage(aMember);
            HasBio = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aMember.Bio);
            Bio = aMember.Bio;