Esempio n. 1
        public CatalogChooser(string term, Address address)
            DisplayName  = "Выберите товар";
            WasCancelled = true;
            var env = Config.Env.Current;

            SearchBehavior = new SearchBehavior(env);
            SearchBehavior.ActiveSearchTerm.Value = term;

            .Do(_ => IsLoading.Value = true)
            .Select(_ => env.RxQuery(s => {
                var sql = @"
drop temporary table if exists StockCatalogs;
create temporary table StockCatalogs(
	CatalogId int unsigned,
	MinRetailCost decimal(12, 2),
	primary key(CatalogId)
insert into StockCatalogs
select CatalogId, min(RetailCost) as MinRetailCost
from Stocks
where AddressId = @addressId and Quantity > 0
	and Status = @stockStatus
	and RetailCost > 0
group by CatalogId;

drop temporary table if exists GroupByType;
create temporary table GroupByType (
	MnnId int unsigned,
	Type int unsigned,
	MinRetailCost decimal(12, 2),
	primary key(MnnId, Type)
select cn.MnnId, c.Type, min(MinRetailCost) as MinRetailCost
from StockCatalogs s
	join Catalogs c on c.Id = s.CatalogId
		join CatalogNames cn on cn.Id = c.NameId
where cn.MnnId is not null
	and c.Type is not null
group by cn.MnnId, c.Type;

select c.Id as CatalogId, cn.Name, c.Form, c.HaveOffers, c.VitallyImportant,
	s.MinRetailCost as MinRetailCost,
	t.MinRetailCost as MinEquivalentCost
from Catalogs c
	join CatalogNames cn on cn.Id = c.NameId
		left join StockCatalogs s on s.CatalogId = c.Id
		left join GroupByType t on t.MnnId = cn.MnnId and t.Type = c.TYpe
where (cn.Name like @term or c.Form like @term) and (s.CatalogId is not null or t.MnnId is not null)
order by cn.Name, c.Form;

drop temporary table GroupByType;
drop temporary table StockCatalogs;
                return(s.Connection.Query <CatalogLine>(sql, new {
                    term = "%" + SearchBehavior.ActiveSearchTerm.Value + "%",
                    addressId = address.Id,
                    stockStatus = StockStatus.Available
            .Do(_ => IsLoading.Value = false)

            Items.Subscribe(_ => {
                CurrentItem.Value = (Items.Value ?? Enumerable.Empty <CatalogDisplayItem>()).FirstOrDefault();

            .SelectMany(x => Env.RxQuery(s => {
                if (x == null)
                var catalogId = x.CatalogId;
                return(s.Query <Catalog>()
                       .Fetch(c => c.Name)
                       .ThenFetch(n => n.Mnn)
                       .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == catalogId));
            .Subscribe(CurrentCatalog, CloseCancellation.Token);
            CurrentCatalog.Select(x => x?.Name?.Description != null).Subscribe(CanShowDescription);