public virtual void CopyJavaFilesAndReplacePackageName(string RootSourceDir, string RootDestDir) { List <string> JavaFilesToCopy = IgorRuntimeUtils.GetListOfFilesAndDirectoriesInDirectory(RootSourceDir, true, false, true, true, true); foreach (string CurrentFile in JavaFilesToCopy) { if (CurrentFile.EndsWith(".java") || CurrentFile.EndsWith(".aidl")) { string RelativeFilePath = CurrentFile.Substring(RootSourceDir.Length + 1); string NewDestinationPath = Path.Combine(RootDestDir, RelativeFilePath); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(NewDestinationPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(NewDestinationPath)); } if (!File.Exists(NewDestinationPath)) { IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(CurrentFile, NewDestinationPath); IgorUtils.ReplaceStringsInFile(this, NewDestinationPath, "", PlayerSettings.bundleIdentifier + ".R"); IgorUtils.ReplaceStringsInFile(this, NewDestinationPath, "import*;", "import*;\nimport " + PlayerSettings.bundleIdentifier + ".R;"); IgorUtils.ReplaceStringsInFile(this, NewDestinationPath, "", PlayerSettings.bundleIdentifier + ".BuildConfig"); IgorUtils.ReplaceStringsInFile(this, NewDestinationPath, "import com.mikamikem.AndroidUnity.R;", "import " + PlayerSettings.bundleIdentifier + ".R;"); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Clears Unused Cache File /// </summary> /// <param name="fileNo">FileNo that is cleared. Set to 0 to clear non-Current Cache</param> public static void ClearUnusedCache(int fileNo = 0) { LoggingLevel log = LanguageManager.Instance.GetLoggingLevel(); // Clear Unused File if (fileNo.Equals(0)) { fileNo = CurrentFile.Equals(1) ? 2 : 1; } string path = string.Format("{0}/Cache{1}", CachePath, fileNo); try { if (!Directory.Exists(CachePath)) { LoggingLevel.Debug.Log("ResourceLoader: No Unused Cache to Clear", log); return; // Directory & Files don't exist } File.Delete(path); LoggingLevel.Info.Log(string.Format("ResourceLoader: Cleared Cache file [{0}]", path), log); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { LoggingLevel.Debug.Log("ResourceLoader: No Unused Cache to Clear", log); // Cache does not exist (yet). Do Nothing } }
private void MainWindow_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (newTagBox.IsFocused) { return; } // ReSharper disable once SwitchStatementMissingSomeCases switch (e.Key) { case Key.Left: ChangeImage(FilteredFileList.Delta.Prev); break; case Key.Right: ChangeImage(FilteredFileList.Delta.Next); break; case Key.Delete: CurrentFile.Delete(Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightShift)); ChangeImage(); break; case Key.Space: ToggleFullScreen(); break; case Key.Escape: Close(); break; } }
private async void FilePickerVM_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == nameof(CurrentKey)) { await CurrentFile.LoadFile(CurrentKey, CurrentPath); } }
public void CopyDirectory_SourceDirectoryName_DestinationDirectoryName_OverwriteFalse() { var FullPathToSourceDirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(TestDirectory, "SourceDirectory"); var FullPathToTargetDirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(TestDirectory, "TargetDirectory"); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(FullPathToSourceDirectory); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { CreateTestFile(SourceData, PathFromBase: "SourceDirectory", TestFileName: $"NewFile{i}"); } FileIO.FileSystem.CopyDirectory(FullPathToSourceDirectory, FullPathToTargetDirectory, overwrite: false); Assert.Equal(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FullPathToSourceDirectory).Length, System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FullPathToTargetDirectory).Length); foreach (var CurrentFile in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FullPathToTargetDirectory)) { // Ensure copy transferred written data Assert.True(HasExpectedData(CurrentFile, SourceData)); } System.IO.Directory.Delete(FullPathToTargetDirectory, recursive: true); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(FullPathToTargetDirectory); CreateTestFile(DestData, PathFromBase: "TargetDirectory", TestFileName: $"NewFile0"); Assert.Throws <System.IO.IOException>(() => FileIO.FileSystem.CopyDirectory(FullPathToSourceDirectory, FullPathToTargetDirectory, overwrite: false)); Assert.Equal(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FullPathToTargetDirectory).Length, System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FullPathToSourceDirectory).Length); foreach (var CurrentFile in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FullPathToTargetDirectory)) { Assert.True(HasExpectedData(CurrentFile, CurrentFile.EndsWith("0") ? DestData : SourceData)); } }
public PartialViewResult GetCurrentFiles() { CurrentFile cur = current.GetCurrentFile(); string[] list = { cur.Path1.Split('/')[cur.Path1.Split('/').Length - 1], cur.Path2.Split('/')[cur.Path2.Split('/').Length - 1], cur.Path3.Split('/')[cur.Path3.Split('/').Length - 1] }; return(PartialView(list)); }
/// <summary> /// Load a BGF from .bgf or .xml /// </summary> /// <param name="Filename">Full path and filename of BGF or XML</param> public static void Load(string Filename) { if (File.Exists(Filename)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(Filename).ToLower(); switch (extension) { case FileExtensions.BGF: CurrentFile.Load(Filename); CurrentFile.DecompressAll(); break; case FileExtensions.XML: CurrentFile.LoadXml(Filename); break; } // set input controls in 'settings' window to values from file SettingsForm.ShrinkFactor = CurrentFile.ShrinkFactor; SettingsForm.Version = CurrentFile.Version; SettingsForm.BgfName = CurrentFile.Name; // set mainoverlay resource to loaded file RoomObject.OverlayFile = CurrentFile.Filename + ".bgf"; RoomObject.Resource = CurrentFile; } }
public void UpdateFile3(string path) { CurrentFile current = Context.CurrentFiles.Find(1); current.Path3 = path; Context.SaveChanges(); }
public void UpdateFileID3(int id) { CurrentFile current = Context.CurrentFiles.Find(1); current.FileId3 = id; Context.SaveChanges(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //display confirmation message if checked if (checkBox_confirm.Checked) { MessageBox.Show(textBox_FirstName.Text + " " + textBox_LastName.Text + " - " + textBox_Position.Text + " " + "at " + textBox_CompanyName.Text + " " + " was added to the list"); } else { //do nothing } //write actual data every time we click add to list string d = textBox_FirstName.Text + "," + textBox_LastName.Text + "," + textBox_CompanyName.Text + "," + textBox_Position.Text + "," + textBox_email1.Text + "," + textBox_email2.Text + "," + textBox_City.Text + "," + textBox_State.Text + "," + URL + "," + txtbx_source.Text; List <string> data = new List <string>(); data.AddRange(d.Split(',')); CurrentFile.WriteRow(data); //clear fields and set button back to default button1.Visible = false; button_GetData.Visible = true; textBox_FirstName.Text = ""; textBox_LastName.Text = ""; textBox_Position.Text = ""; textBox_CompanyName.Text = ""; textBox_email1.Text = ""; textBox_email2.Text = ""; textBox_City.Text = ""; textBox_State.Text = ""; URL = ""; }
public Stream GetContent() { var fixedPath = CurrentFile.Replace(fileSystem.Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, fileSystem.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); return(fileSystem.File.OpenRead(fixedPath)); }
public void MoveDirectory_Source_DirectoryName_DestinationDirectoryName_UIOptionOverwriteFalse() { var FullPathToSourceDirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(TestDirectory, "SourceDirectory"); var FullPathToTargetDirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(TestDirectory, "TargetDirectory"); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(FullPathToSourceDirectory); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { CreateTestFile(SourceData, PathFromBase: "SourceDirectory", TestFileName: $"Select_Skip_this_file{i}"); } System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(FullPathToTargetDirectory); var NewFile0WithPath = CreateTestFile(DestData, PathFromBase: "TargetDirectory", TestFileName: "Select_Skip_this_file0"); FileIO.FileSystem.MoveDirectory(FullPathToSourceDirectory, FullPathToTargetDirectory, showUI: UIOption.AllDialogs, onUserCancel: UICancelOption.ThrowException); string[] RemainingSourceFilesWithPath = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FullPathToSourceDirectory); // We couldn't move one file Assert.Equal(1, RemainingSourceFilesWithPath.Length); // Ensure the file left has correct data Assert.True(HasExpectedData(RemainingSourceFilesWithPath[0], SourceData)); string[] DestinationFilesWithPath = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FullPathToTargetDirectory); Assert.Equal(6, DestinationFilesWithPath.Length); foreach (var CurrentFile in DestinationFilesWithPath) { Assert.True(HasExpectedData(CurrentFile, CurrentFile.EndsWith("0") ? DestData : SourceData)); } }
public void Save(string path, SerializationFormat format) { bool error = false; try { FileManager.CreateBackup(path); Game.BeforeSerialization(); CurrentFile.Save(path, format); FileManager.TryRegisterExternalFile(path); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); error = true; } if (error) { var box = new ExceptionBox(); box.Title = "Permissions problem"; box.Message = "TiTsEd does not have permission to write over this file or its backup."; box.Path = path; box.IsWarning = true; box.ShowDialog(ExceptionBoxButtons.Cancel); } else { VM.Instance.NotifySaveRequiredChanged(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Load a BGF from .bgf or .xml /// </summary> /// <param name="Filename">Full path and filename of BGF or XML</param> public static void Load(string Filename) { // stop animation playback Program.IsPlaying = false; MainForm.btnPlay.Image = Properties.Resources.Play; if (File.Exists(Filename)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(Filename).ToLower(); switch (extension) { case FileExtensions.BGF: CurrentFile.Load(Filename); CurrentFile.DecompressAll(); break; case FileExtensions.XML: CurrentFile.LoadXml(Filename); break; } // set input controls in 'settings' window to values from file SettingsForm.ShrinkFactor = CurrentFile.ShrinkFactor; SettingsForm.Version = CurrentFile.Version; SettingsForm.BgfName = CurrentFile.Name; } }
/// <summary> /// Points the Equalizer APO configuration file to the specified named file. /// If null, the file it points to is the name found by <see cref="File.GetEqualizerFilename"/>(). /// If <see cref="NO_FILTERS"/>, the configuration is set not to point to any file. /// </summary> /// <param name="equalizerFilename"></param> private void PointConfig(String equalizerFilename = null) { // get the equalizer file name if (CurrentFile == null && equalizerFilename == null) { return; } if (!applyEqualizer) { return; } if (equalizerFilename == null) { equalizerFilename = CurrentFile.GetEqualizerFilename(); } String configPath = File.GetEqualizerAPOPath() + "config\\config.txt"; // check for none.txt filenames if (equalizerFilename == NO_FILTERS) { File.WriteAllLines(configPath, new string[] { "" }); } // check that the config file exists and is a file, not a directory if (!System.IO.File.Exists(configPath) || (System.IO.File.GetAttributes(configPath) & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory) { throw new FileNotFoundException( String.Format("File {0} not found or is directory.", configPath), configPath); } // write the include to the config file File.WriteAllLines(configPath, new string[] { "Include: " + equalizerFilename }); }
public virtual bool BuildOculus() { List <string> BuiltDesktopFiles = new List <string>(); BuiltDesktopFiles.AddRange(IgorCore.GetModuleProducts()); string OculusDirectToRiftFilename = ""; foreach (string CurrentFile in BuiltDesktopFiles) { if (CurrentFile.EndsWith(".exe")) { OculusDirectToRiftFilename = CurrentFile.Replace(".exe", "_DirectToRift.exe"); } } if (File.Exists(OculusDirectToRiftFilename)) { BuiltDesktopFiles.Add(OculusDirectToRiftFilename); } IgorCore.SetNewModuleProducts(BuiltDesktopFiles); return(true); }
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (CurrentFile != null) { CurrentFile.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the current file as .bgf or .xml/.bmp /// </summary> /// <param name="Filename"></param> public static void Save(string Filename) { // set values in file from input controls in 'settings' window CurrentFile.ShrinkFactor = SettingsForm.ShrinkFactor; CurrentFile.Version = SettingsForm.Version; CurrentFile.Name = SettingsForm.BgfName; string extension = Path.GetExtension(Filename); switch (extension) { case FileExtensions.BGF: if (SettingsForm.IsSaveCompresed) { CurrentFile.CompressAll(); } else { CurrentFile.DecompressAll(); } CurrentFile.Save(Filename); break; case FileExtensions.XML: CurrentFile.WriteXml(Filename); break; } }
public void AddNode(INodeDataGenerator node, Point p) { if (CurrentFile.File.Exists) { TNode g = CurrentFile.MakeNode(node.Generate(Id <NodeTemp> .New(), new List <NodeDataGeneratorParameterData>(), CurrentFile), new NodeUIData(p)); Action addNode = () => { CurrentFile.Add(g.Only(), Enumerable.Empty <NodeGroup>(), m_localization); }; g.Configure(MyEdit).Do ( //Configure the node and then add it. We need to configure the node before adding so that it is in a valid state //when added. Failure to do so results in localized string parameters having a null value meaning their undo //behavior can't be set up correctly. simpleUndoPair => { simpleUndoPair.Redo(); addNode(); }, resultNotOk => { if (resultNotOk == ConfigureResult.Cancel) { //Merge the parameter into a junk source so it doesn't count towards the real source foreach (var parameter in g.Data.Parameters.OfType <IDynamicEnumParameter>()) { parameter.MergeInto(new DynamicEnumParameter.Source()); } } else { addNode(); //Add the node if the user didn't cancel (i.e. no editing was required) } } ); } }
private void drawWindow_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete) { if (m_mouseController.Selected.Nodes.Any() || m_mouseController.Selected.Groups.Any()) { //TODO: This would probably make more sense in MouseController.Delete CurrentFile.Remove(m_mouseController.Selected.Nodes.Select(CurrentFile.GetNode), m_mouseController.Selected.Groups, m_localization); } else { var delete = m_mouseController.Delete(); if (delete != null) { GenericUndoAction action = new GenericUndoAction(() => { delete.Value.Undo(); Redraw(); }, () => { delete.Value.Redo(); Redraw(); }, "Deleted"); CurrentFile.UndoableFile.Change(action); } } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Tab && e.Control) { int index = m_context.CurrentProject.Value.Localizer.LocalizationSets.IndexOf(m_context.CurrentLocalization.Value); if (index >= 0) { m_context.CurrentLocalization.Value = m_context.CurrentProject.Value.Localizer.LocalizationSets.InfiniteRepeat().ElementAt(index + 1); Redraw(); } } }
private bool SaveOrSaveAs(bool saveAs) { L3dFilePath p; if (saveAs || L3dFilePath.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentFile.OwnPath)) { p = DialogHelpers.SaveLoksimFile(CurrentFile.OwnPath, FileExtensionForSaveAs, SAVEAS_DLG_GUID); } else { p = CurrentFile.OwnPath; } try { if (p != null) { CurrentFile.SaveToFile(p); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Strings.FileSaveError, CurrentFile.OwnPath, ex.Message), Resources.Strings.AppName, System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Error); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Calcul des sommes md5 et update de la fenetre de progression /// </summary> /// <param name="images"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task Calculate_MD5(ExtImageDetails[] images, int retardateur) { ITrace.Indent++; ExtImageDetails[] extImages = new ExtImageDetails[images.Length]; int i = 1; foreach (ExtImageDetails image in images) { ITrace.WriteLine($"[Md5] {image.ImageType} | {image.Region}"); ITrace.WriteLine($"[Md5] {image.FilePath}"); //extImages[i].Md5Sum = image.Md5Sum = await GetMD5HashFromFile(image.FilePath); // Pour permettre un affichage lisible retarde le calcul await Task.Delay(retardateur); ITrace.WriteLine($"[Md5] Somme: {image.Md5Sum} \n"); CurrentFile?.Invoke(image.FilePath); CurrentPosition?.Invoke(i); i++; } ITrace.Indent--; }
/// <summary> /// Set new values for the gains for the filters on the <see cref="CurrentFile"/>. /// Adds or removes filters as necessary so that there are as many filters as there are string values. /// Calls the <see cref="EqualizerChanged"/> event handler. /// </summary> /// <param name="newFilterGains">The new gains, as string representations of decimal values</param> public void SetNewGainValues(string[] newFilterGains) { // remove unnecessary filters while (CurrentFile.ReadFilters().Count > newFilterGains.Length) { RemoveFilter(); } // go through existing filters int filterIndex = -1; foreach (KeyValuePair <double, Filter> pair in CurrentFile.ReadFilters()) { filterIndex++; Filter filter = pair.Value; double gain = Convert.ToDouble(newFilterGains[filterIndex]); // check that the gain will change if (Math.Abs(filter.Gain - gain) < GAIN_ACCURACY) { continue; } // change the gain filter.Gain = gain; } // add necessary filters for (filterIndex = CurrentFile.ReadFilters().Count; filterIndex < newFilterGains.Length; filterIndex++) { double gain = Convert.ToDouble(newFilterGains[filterIndex]); AddFilter(); CurrentFile.ReadFilters().Last().Value.Gain = gain; } }
/// <summary> /// Get a page (image) of the ComicBook. /// </summary> /// <param name="pageIndex">Index number of page from the current ComicFile.</param> /// <returns></returns> public byte[] GetPage(int pageIndex) { if (CurrentFile == null || TotalFiles == 0) { return(null); } return(CurrentFile.SetIndex(pageIndex)); }
/// <summary> /// Remove the last filter in the list of filters. /// Calls the <see cref="EqualizerChanged"/> event handler. /// </summary> public void RemoveFilter() { if (CurrentFile == null) { return; } CurrentFile.RemoveFilter(); }
/// <summary> /// Get a list of the filters for the current file. /// </summary> /// <returns>The filters, or an empty list.</returns> public SortedList <double, Filter> GetFilters() { if (CurrentFile == null) { return(new SortedList <double, Filter>()); } return(CurrentFile.ReadFilters()); }
/// <summary> /// Add a filter to the list of filters at the end, with zero gain. /// Calls the <see cref="EqualizerChanged"/> event handler. /// </summary> public void AddFilter() { if (CurrentFile == null) { return; } CurrentFile.AddFilter(); }
protected override void OnLoaded() { if (SetProperty(ref _netDiskUser, _localDiskUserRepository?.FirstOrDefault()?.CurrentNetDiskUser) && _netDiskUser != null) { CurrentFile = Container.Resolve <NetDiskFileNodeViewModel>(new DependencyOverride <INetDiskFile>(_netDiskUser.RootFile)); CurrentFile?.RefreshChildren(); } }
public void CutSelection() { //TODO: This has a lot in common with the delete operation if (m_mouseController.Selected.Nodes.Any() || m_mouseController.Selected.Groups.Any()) { m_copyPasteController.Cut(Selected.Nodes.Select(CurrentFile.GetNode), Selected.Groups); CurrentFile.Remove(m_mouseController.Selected.Nodes.Select(CurrentFile.GetNode), m_mouseController.Selected.Groups, m_localization); } }
/// <summary> /// Get a page (image) of the ComicBook. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileIndex">Index number of the ComicFile.</param> /// <param name="pageIndex">Index number of page from the ComicFile.</param> /// <returns>The requested image.</returns> public byte[] GetPage(int fileIndex, int pageIndex) { if (TotalFiles == 0 || fileIndex >= Count || fileIndex < 0) { return(null); } CurrentFile = this[fileIndex]; return(CurrentFile.SetIndex(pageIndex)); }
protected bool Equals(CurrentFile other) { return string.Equals(FileName, other.FileName) && Length == other.Length; }